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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Sorry Karma but going after PM nations in any punitive way makes you hypocrites, regardless of how bad it is compared to PZI. You guys are really starting to show your true colors now. Very disappointing.
  2. Hmm I think I'll be needing the specs of the way each program handles time, the ping rate of each party involved, as well as the exact time comparisons between all the PC's that were ivolved. You narrow all that down and I might give your theory a second look.
  3. I was expecting something better. Yes Pacifica is in peacemode. Yes they were pricks to force people out of peace mode and all. Can we move on now? There has to be something better (or worse depending on your perspective) that you can ridicule Pacifica for. This one has been played out since the first wek. We all know already. Yes, everyone knows it's hypocrisy. Good for you for pointing it out for the 323 time.
  4. Usually I'd PM Pansy or someone and ask what happened but it's obvious by the way the op is acting why he got banned. He's obviously a less than savory character even for Valhalla and came here as one final insult. Too bad most everyone sees right through it.
  5. RoK got too much out of the deal if you ask me. They didn't deserve all of that. Overall the reps weren't bad but RoK should not have gotten those numbers.
  6. I think I put forward somewhere that if the GRL hits 50 everyone without rad cleanup should be thrown into nuke anarchy.
  7. I see........well good show then without all the extracurricular comments.
  8. NAh CTB was right. If I hadn't done it someone else would have. Some of the credit should go to PC for seeing their mistake and working to correct it. I honestly didn't believe they had it in them. I have never been so pleased to be proven wrong in that regard.
  9. Ok but would anyone else have cared to ask about it? I guess someone from TPF would've done it if I didn't but still I beat them to it. muaahahahahahah!!! I guess the pm's and queries of thanks are to be ignored then. Who knows what weird things you can find browsing war screens out of boredom?
  10. +1 to whistle blowers everywhere. Good job PC I knew you guys would see reason and use the small portions of your hearts that aren't blackened yet. California is a good alliance that only wants to live and grow in peace. They chose not to back up TPF in the war even though they could have. TPF respected that and it would be nice if everyone else would as well.
  11. I'm a fairweather GATOan. I've never been in GATO during a war unless you count the UJP. I think my opinion was clear in the OP.
  12. Well think about it. If people aren't going to "ZI" is it really a "ZI" list?
  13. If you like. To me a Zi list implies you can't get out of it no matter what you do.
  14. There was talk of it but I don't remember any follow through. I think that was just frustration manifesting itself as idle chatter.
  15. True. I don't even remember seeing the list after you guys came. It was never active enough to even draw any attention in the first place anyway. Again that is while I was there.
  16. If the nation doesn't want to make amends then yes he will eventually be brought to ZI but that isn't the intent. The intent is to get the target to make amends. IMO that does not a ZI list make.
  17. Losing a war can do that to you. I seriously don't remember one PZI target in all my time at TPF. Before that I really can't say. There was a guy who TPF attacked for being a real $@! and the only reason he was attacked to deletion is because he didn't want to say he did wrong by attacking one of TPF's members.
  18. I'm not saying that it is their fault for the terms offered. I'm saying if the terms were acceptable enough to accept how can they be labeled "harsh"? It stands to reason. If an alliance believes the terms to be harsh they shouldn't accept. It's simple.
  19. If reps are less than the cost of war they are not "harsh". If they are more than the cost of fighting for a period of time to where you might get new terms you should keep fighting.
  20. The bold parts contradict each other imo. As Sponge said no alliance can have anything forced upon them, harsh reps included.
  21. Yeah but I was saying earlier TPF's "misdeeds" are no more and in some cases less worse than some Karma alliances.
  22. Yes, the DIAF list exists to this day as far as I know. However that is not a ZI list. People get on it for a lot of reasons but all can get off of it by making amends. No one on that list was brought to ZI while I was there. Even some who never tried to pay reps for tech raiding TPF or welching on tech deals were really pursued all that hard.
  23. I honestly don't remember people being PZI'd during the time I was there. You must've been one of the last. Even nuke rogues were let off the hook. With Slayer's fervent hatred of anything Nazi I'm not really too surprised that was the reason.
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