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Everything posted by chefjoe

  1. [quote name='Aimee Mann' date='10 June 2010 - 05:10 PM' timestamp='1276214982' post='2332380'] Why would you need to argue about semantics when the initial challenge was expressly clear as to the terms of engagement? "I would like to propose a small-scale engagement between an alliance that apparently has a lot of hatred to work through and a portion of UPN. ... A one-on-one interaction with even numbers that just might help create a different relation than the one that exists." Maybe you could try to understand those simple words before giving your take on the situation. Peggy's challenge and this challenge are totally different. BAPS rejected UPN's challenge and presented their own, which UPN have also chosen to reject. Two challenges... two rejections. So, it's pretty odd (who am I kidding, it's not odd, this partisan nonsense was entirely predictable) to try and label one side as cowardly when BOTH sides have shied away from the challenge of the opposition thus far. [/quote] Though how do you explain the fact that I warned Peggy Sue that BAPS doesnt 'play' war that way and the fact that she not only acknowledged that point, but accepted it? She didnt think BAPS would take up her gauntlet but she certainly knew the conditions being outlined... edit-spelling
  2. [quote name='shahenshah' date='10 June 2010 - 04:07 PM' timestamp='1276211214' post='2332288'] I'll take it you wont be spending pixels against BAPS? Fits right with minimizing the whole pixel damage philosophy. CJ my freind, you got played! or not. [/quote] Thing is shah, I dont feel UPN will accept BAPS agreement. So in light of that, im taking w/e shot I have in order to do something ive wanted to do for quite awhile now.
  3. [quote name='Altheus' date='10 June 2010 - 03:40 PM' timestamp='1276209592' post='2332232'] Naturally, what day is good for you? [/quote] [15:46:59] <+chefjoe> I accept the proposal Altheus|UPN|. We can discuss time frame and start via PM. From your IRC channel^ so notice I accept is made and we shall chat in PM.
  4. [quote name='Altheus' date='10 June 2010 - 02:47 PM' timestamp='1276206425' post='2332136'] You're invited too. Attack me [/quote] Really? you and I 1v1? Per your request? no outside hassles? I just want to understand your offer here
  5. [quote name='Altheus' date='10 June 2010 - 02:33 PM' timestamp='1276205606' post='2332115'] I agree. That'll presumeably be put down to "realpolitik" , [b]but if we all sit back for a moment the only real loser in all of this will be Purple.[/b] So...BAPS, how about the Altheus vs. BAPS extravaganza instead? I'm serious, check out my zero navy, it'll be fun [/quote] Not really. UPN lost long ago...
  6. [quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='10 June 2010 - 02:00 PM' timestamp='1276203636' post='2332047'] Interesting, and thank you for the response, Lukemos. 1. 100% of both alliances member nations must be in war mode for the entire duration of the exercise. [color="#ff0000"]This will never happen for UPN. But it could happen for a given number of UPN nations.[/color] 2. All of BAPS v All of UPN [color="#ff0000"]No. I have no desire to smash all of BAPS. I do, however want to set a specific number of nations. UPN will not engage in a duel with an alliance with about 1/8 the members.[/color] [color="#ff0000"]How about 20 vs 20?[/color] 3. Full Nuclear Apocalypse 4. No outside aid or intervention 5. No treaties triggered 6. No Ghosts 7. War to last 30 days or can be curtailed with mutual agreement prior to the 30 days being up. [color="#ff0000"]A war cycle is plenty.[/color] 8. Commence 1st July 9. The terms of this are fair and not up for negotiation, take it or leave it. UPN has a policy of protecting caspers (friendly ghosts) ... while we protect them we do not give them orders that they must be in war or peace mode. It is not possible for 100% of UPN to be in war mode and I think you knew that when you proposed that term. It is not my desire to send even 1/4th of UPN into a duel with BAPS. The entire alliance participating does not equal a duel. A duel is typically a gentlemen's agreement wherein both parties use the same weapon(s). A duel would also have the same numbers on each side. [/quote] Typical UPN. !@#$% out again. Thats freaking sad, you made the challenge and are now trying to weasel out and E-lawyer rules to a war. Pathetic....
  7. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' date='10 June 2010 - 01:39 PM' timestamp='1276202359' post='2332010'] ^ that's not you, it's "nobody expects" or something Valhallan literacy rates are at an all time low I see. [/quote] Cant get if ya dont ask I see that your blood pressure went up regarding this message, little tense? Maybe you see the writing on the wall and dont want to lose face when the people you support cry like babies? We shall see
  8. I approve 100% of this message from our purple compadres... also, you dont mind if I ghost you guys awhile do ya BAPS?
  9. [quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='10 June 2010 - 12:32 PM' timestamp='1276198325' post='2331937'] Um, well, I received some over-the-line interactions from BAPS on that forum. It looked like you expected me to [s]sit[/s] lay there, take it, and walk away limping without a word. I have hopes for better interactions than that but if your government doesn't want it, I'll let it be for now. [/quote] I think the bottom line is purple as a whole found UPNs actions disgusting and self serving and wont be looking to forget about it anytime soon. Just my .02
  10. [quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='09 June 2010 - 10:46 PM' timestamp='1276148752' post='2331381'] Ah, slow down on the speculation. I am talking a dual here ... not a full scale war. Nobody else involved. Even numbers. Shoot, it could even be 3 nations each side. or 10. whatever would be agreed upon. My main reasons? The barbed posts on OWF are getting a bit old. This would give BAPS a new experience to have with UPN ... and new experiences are needed now. Purple! There is no need to wring your hands over the thought of purples at war with one another. A dual is not a war. A gentlemen's agreement would not be a purple sphere war ... it would be a beginning to having some kind of different relation than the one that exists now. Let's think outside of the box a bit, eh? [/quote] So a purple cleansing of the air thru nuke power? I like it. Does this offer extend to me/us as well?
  11. [quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='09 June 2010 - 08:49 PM' timestamp='1276141740' post='2331187'] Yes, Buds the Man, there's been one !@#$storm after another. I do not blame anyone for their feelings for the past. The bring it wasn't meant to be subtle really; I would like to propose a small-scale engagement between an alliance that apparently has a lot of hatred to work through and a portion of UPN. ... A one-on-one interaction with even numbers that just might help create a different relation than the one that exists. Yes, the bed was too cold for my taste and I chose to not put up with one more rude ice cube -- I left. Likely a good thing for both sides of the situation. It sure doesn't have to be permanent, but for the time being I'm just not going to put up with the kinds of ice cubes that were being dealt. So, what say you, BAPS? [/quote] You do understand that BAPS doesnt play nice(ie: they dont raid they just go balls out) when it comes to war, right Peggy? This wont end well methinks....
  12. [quote name='Atlashill' date='09 June 2010 - 10:58 AM' timestamp='1276106269' post='2330360'] I believe he was referring to Stickmen, not ODN. And let's not forget that two weeks before Stickmen plowed through the treaty web to pound half the sphere, one week before TOP & crew attacked C&G, that Polaris called on UPN's support when they (being Polaris) went on their aborted crusade against \m/. Guess how UPN declared war? Alongside Invicta. [/quote] Im sure that the dozen or so wars that UPN fought for a few days in that debacle turned the tide too
  13. [quote name='Becks For Dinner' date='08 June 2010 - 12:10 PM' timestamp='1276024218' post='2329038'] I pushed to get rid of that treaty because I didn't agree with Invicta, and I didn't want to hold an MADP with an alliance I didn't agree with, but it didn't get cancelled or downgraded did it? Why didn't it happen? Because Altheus said we would never break our treaty with Invicta, he wouldn't do that, we were too close to Invicta and we would go down swinging with them. [b]Then they go to war and UPN whistles it's own tune saying they don't want any of that. So what changed?[/b] [/quote] Altheus's application of Realpolitiks of course
  14. [quote name='Jorost' date='05 June 2010 - 08:58 AM' timestamp='1275753465' post='2324580'] Look, I know some of you don't like me or my alliance. But whatever you think of us, please believe me when I say that this has not been an easy time. We were closer to UPN than to just about any other alliance. Someone upthread described it in terms of a marriage, and I think that's a pretty accurate assessment. But unfortunately not all marriages last. We wish they would, but they don't. Sometimes people grow apart, and, in CN terms, that is what has happened between UPN and Invicta. We are not angry, we are not bitter. I really regret the name-calling and posturing on the part of friends and supporters on both sides. But I guess that's the way it is with a divorce -- each party's friends try to vilify the other. That's a shame, because I don't believe that either of us involved feels that way towards the other. I know I don't. Choices were made, not all of them good, by BOTH of us that have led us to where we are now. No one is the villain in this. It's a divorce, yes, but it's an amicable one. [/quote] So if you say this was a marriage, and now a divorce, that leaves me with only one question.....Whom was the female in this relationship? My guess is Invicta(sorry guys), reason being, that to me it looks like UPN $%&@ed you hard.
  15. [quote name='darkfox' date='04 June 2010 - 11:46 PM' timestamp='1275720384' post='2324295'] I could have sworn several CDT alliances came in to defend Invicta. I am sure you are correct. These links are just clever lies placed in the past to make you seem incorrect. WP DoW on iFok http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80458 USN DoW on iFOK and FCO http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80536 Edit: Oops I said several didn't I? Nearly forgot Menotah Menotah DoW on Stickmen http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80877 [/quote] I believe bud meant UPN as an individual alliance left people out to dry not that CDT as a whole did, at least that is what I get out of reading Bud's post. You seem rather defensive though...
  16. [quote name='Chickenzilla' date='31 May 2010 - 12:13 PM' timestamp='1275333205' post='2318024'] Oh my, still bitter towards Pez? How cute. [/quote] Not at all, you are confusing disdain for bitterness. 2 completely different things. Still cute though
  17. [quote name='Byron Orpheus' date='31 May 2010 - 08:46 AM' timestamp='1275320770' post='2317812'] Who are you, again? [/quote] No one....ignore her for your own good, trust me
  18. My condolences NSO... Though I cant wait to see some log dumps of those 'heated' exchanges from any private channels that you happen to let JB in
  19. Hmmm, I was just sitting here wondering how many 'heated' discussions of the same caliber this topic has generated for JB
  20. [quote name='Wilhelm Fuehring' date='29 May 2010 - 06:12 AM' timestamp='1275138736' post='2315500'] Maybe we ought to something really negative sometime and earn back our street cred. [/quote] So basicly you mean that you and TGE will basicly just do the same ol stuff. FYI, the street cred you guys will earn is only good for redemption at the LULZ store
  21. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='29 May 2010 - 11:31 AM' timestamp='1275157872' post='2315732'] Do you really think I am so obsessed with IRON that I would push friends out of my alliance just to attack them? [/quote] Think??? No think about it, we are all sitting around watching you guys DO it. See once someone does something it goes from the realm of thought to the realm of action......Gre's actions are clearly shown as being too obsessed with another alliance for your own good. Here is a good question for you Mathew- Would you rather be right or be alive? (though you are far from right but the point remains the same lol)
  22. Holy !@#$ you must have been bored in order to put time into this lol I give you props for the attempt, must have been like trying to explain why nukes are good to Ghandi
  23. You said boot camp ya? With your distaste of authority? Should be interesting.... Anyhow have fun Starfox, I wont say goodbye, though I will say Cya
  24. [quote name='pezstar' date='28 May 2010 - 10:17 AM' timestamp='1275067036' post='2314694'] The stuff here is pretty tame compared to some of the things STA said about Valhalla in the months after the noCB war. You can definitely tell the difference between [b]RAWR RAGE [/b]and "Ok, so here's what we're going to do about this pesky alliance we hate." [/quote] Im heartbroken ;_; after all of our good times too
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