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Count Rupert

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Everything posted by Count Rupert

  1. You missed the point; it wasn't an example or anology to JB's situation. It was to point out the hypocrisy. In both situations; JB and an unaligned nation, both players are subject to actions by other players that do not allow them to play as they want. The community accepts the premise that it's okay to prevent a player from playing as they want. It's the whole foundation of the game; the unfettered freedom of players to react to other players' actions whether one likes the reaction or not. Yet the same people that accept it's okay to not let people play the game like they want if they're unaligned, want to make some sort of exception when it involves EZI because it involves not letting a player play the game as they want. That's hypocritic. Granted, most of those on EZI lists are colorful characters and the drama is always a little better when it involves colorful characters which is why many want to see them kept around. It's usually doing something colorful that got them on the list in the first place. But there are many who have been or still are EZI lists playing the game. They've either worked to get themselves off the lists (Kaiser Martens is a recent good example) or have rerolled and truly been a new character and hence have gone undiscovered. JB in fact went a time as a re-roll undiscovered but wanted to be JB again or he could still be playing and this drama wouldn't exist. What JB seems to want is to continue playing as JB, but have everyone forget who he was and what he did when he was JB, leader of nation X now that he's JB leader of nation Z. But JB is JB and it's hard to discern that there is any material difference in his being JB regards of what nation he leads. And that's where it gets murky. Some will make a distinction and some won't. Personally, I don't support the practice of EZI, I see a player having paid a pretty high price in the deleting on his nation and starting over. To extend punishment over to a new nation seems to be harsh and unnecssary; at least until such time as one does something to warrant it with the new nation. But I understand how some would still see JB as JB. It still comes down to the game being players reacting to other players. Right now that's an unfettered freedom limited only by what players agree to or can enforce. In otherwords, we in the game control that freedom. What seems to be wanted is for the game to dictate how other players react to JB and others on EZI lists. That's not in keeping with the way admin setup the game. JB if he had a nation is certainly free to join an alliance. It's just given his status alliances are equally free to not accept him. And as I understand it, JB would be free to join the New Sith Order even with his EZI status.
  2. How is he banned from the game? He's free to start a new nation anytime he wishes. The whole premise of the game is players reactions to other players actions. His action of starting a new nation may certainly provoke a reaction he may not like, but it certainly doesn't prevent him from playing. You're being somewhat hypocritic to suggest that this is somehow wrong while at the same time being in an alliance that tech raids. You're preventing unaligns and those in small alliances from playing the game as they would like. How is the situation with JB so different? Yet tech raiding is accepted by the CN community or at least condoned. So the community at large accepts that it's okay to prevent players from playing the game as they want. ZI/EZI lists may take this to a further extreme, but it's still the same concept already accepted by the community; it's okay to prevent players from playing as they want. It's only when not being allowed to play as one wants is a colorful character that is this hue and cry about how unfair it is.
  3. Clearly then he had no idea how politics on Planet Bob works if he thought wars on NATO would be declared on the basis of what he sent.
  4. Speaking as someone who did receive one of his messages. They're probably the reason his nation was deleted.
  5. Nope. No nation with the ruler tubbers in the game.
  6. Why? All the top nations in infrastructure are already well past the point.
  7. This is in the wrong forum. It belongs HERE.
  8. Actually they have nothing to gain by pretending to have solved the spy problem...it's too easily disproved if it hasn't. All Vox has to do is post a new screenshot with today's date. So they firmly believe the problem has been solved. And they have put some evidence before you, the lack of new screenshots being posted. I have a hen house and some fox has been stealing eggs. I don't know what fox has been doing the stealing and haven't been able to track him, but each morning, I'm minus a few eggs. So I initiate some security precautions; better secure the screening, etc. Now since I've made the changes, I haven't lost anymore eggs. So I have to conclude that while I still don't know the fox who had been stealing the eggs, that the problem has been solved. At least until such time that I start losing eggs again. tC's in the same spot, they may or may not know who the spy was. If they don't, they can hardly provide you proof that they've caught him. But they've taken measures they feel will not allow him the freedom to operate as he was. They're confident that has solved the problem as there hasn't been any new screenshots. And thus far, they haven't been proved wrong.
  9. If you look, it is based off of last activity. And that's been a part of the debate swirling around deletions for inactivity. Paying bills isn't currently defined as an activity. Right now the only thing that affects activity is collecting.
  10. This isn't possible. Intelligence agencies have nothing to do with income per happiness point since they don't affect income itself. They give a +1 happiness bonus to those with tax rates set higher than 23%. Only improvements increasing the percent of income affect how much a happiness point is worth. Banks increase income by 7% per bank or 35% for all 5 banks Harbors increase income by 1% Foreign Ministries increase income by 5% Schools increase income by 5% per school or 25% for all 5 schools Universities increase income by 8% per university or 16% for having both universities - Having the SDC improves the yield for universities to 10% per unversity or 20% for having both Those without the SDC: Base income of a point of happiness = $2.00 Modified total possible is $2.00*1.35*1.01*1.05*1.25*1.16 = 4.1518575 or $4.15 which is generally used Those with the SDC Modified total possible is $2.00*1.35*1.01*1.05*1.25*1.20 = 4.295025 or $4.30 That's it, that's all the affects what a happiness point is worth in terms of income per happiness. There are a lot of factors that affect income, like tax rate or the number of happiness points for example that change your income but having nothing to do with what a happiness point is worth. Not sure how you're translating the possible loss of 5 happiness points with their value per point dropping from $4.15 to $2 while you retain all the improvements that actually impact on the worth of a happiness point unless you're confused about something.
  11. I understand the premise and if it were true, we should see more 21 day inactive nations than we do. I myself was subject to being deleted a while back due to computer problems and based on the believed times that the script is automatically run, I shouldn't be here. At the time I had last collected right after update so based on this theory on day 20, the 3am running of the script should have deleted my nation and it didn't. Nor did the listed runtimes of 8am, 1pm, or 6pm before I managed to get logged in and collect. This has come up many times before. And there have been a number of threads started by those who thought the inactivity deletion was based on the collection time similar as is being suggested here to be found incorrect when their nation was deleted prior to the time they expected. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=14492 http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=9945
  12. Then why on occasion do we have 21 day inactive nations if it's not run manually?
  13. You would have to supply details to prove that. The Resource Calculator seems to come up with the expected numbers. Population modifying resources: Wheat: 8% Fish: 8% Cattle: 5% Pigs: 3.5% Sugar: 3% A standard 3BR: Aluminum, Iron, Lumber, Marble, Water, Wheat, Spices, Sugar, Cattle, Pigs, Fish, plus a wildcard gives bonus resources of Fastfood, Construction, Beer The Resource calculator indicates a population modifier of 30.6%, doing the math; 1.08*1.08*1.05*1.035*1.03 = 1.305612756 or 30.6% same as the calculator A standard 5BR: Aluminum, Iron, Lumber, Marble, Water, Wheat, Coal, Rubber, Cattle, Oil, Fish, Sugar gives bonus resources of Asphalt, Automobiles, Construction, Beer, Steel The Resource calculator indicates a population modifier of 26.1%, doing the math; 1.08*1.08*1.05**1.03 = 1.2614616 or 26.1% same as the calculator Not sure where you are having a problem.
  14. It does not have to be the first attack of the day. It's possible to GA - Defeat Alert, adjust your deployment to GA a second time. You are correct, you cannot do a GA-GA-Defeat Alert as you need the capability to conduct a ground attack even though the defeat alert doesn't count as a ground attack against your usable ground attacks. And in conjunction with others attacking (a 3 on 1), it's possible for the defeat alert to occur as late 6th ground attack attempted against the nation in a given day. Nation 1 is first: goes GA - GA Nation 2 then goes GA - GA Nation 3 is last: goes GA - Defeat Alert If the nation being attacked is attacking other nations, the defeat alert can occur even later as each defender could conduct 2 ground attacks.
  15. The point being made though is that the Military Advisor Tool is showing him to have a single F-22 when his nation detail screen is showing no aircraft. When you first activate the tool, you get the first screenshot he displayed. The shot shows his current forces as 2000 soldiers which is correct and it shows 1 aircraft which is incorrect. Going to the aircraft screen shows the aircraft the Tool is crediting him with as the single F-22, aircraft his nation does not have the ability to build (his nation is 9 days old, so it's not left over). This definitely appears to be some sort of bug.
  16. Are you sure you actually bought a border wall and not a guerrilla camp by accident? Because you have a guerrilla camp and the 8% it lowers your income would account for the drop from $103 to $95.
  17. Yes, your signature is too large. Each quote tag counts as a line as does each line of text as referenced: You're not accounting for the quote tags in your line count it would seem.
  18. Same resources do nothing beyond what the first gives you as duplicates provide no additional benefit. All resources multiply. So for example Wheat and Fish provide a population benefit of 1.08*1.08 = 1.1664 or 16.64% not 8%+8% = 16%. All different improvements multiply, like improvements stack (add together). All wonders multiply.
  19. The date of the update though was 2/21, four days after you received the second duplicate event. I don't think admin corrected anyone who already had two duplicates, simply changed the code so it wouldn't happen in the future.
  20. It can be plenty damaging in thr higher ranks as well. THIS nation has been at war for 13 days. In that time he's gone from 75,656.953 NS to his current 29,327.877. Before the war: Tech: 2,823.69 Infrastructure: 12,280.00 Land: 7,421.588 mile diameter. 5,044.922 in purchases Current Status: Tech: 1,641.34 Infrastructure: 6,466.99 Land: 1,939.729 mile diameter. 1,146.802 in purchases That means he's lost 1,182.35 tech, 5,813.01 infrastructure, and 5481.859 miles of land (diameter, 3898.12 miles of purchases) in 13 days of fighting so far. That seems to be pretty damaging to have at least six months of nation building disappear in least than two weeks.
  21. Well, I think the problem is changing to allow it doesn't necessarily advance the game in a direction admin wants it to go. Every time this has come up, and it comes up often; the focus on making the change is to make life easier for those improvement swapping since obviously the extra clinics and schools are cheaper to swap than banks, factories or stadiums (the other improvements one generally has when the practice of swapping is started). And admin has been rather cool to the concept of swapping. Improvements underwent a price change in an effort to reduce the practice. So considering his stand on the practice of swapping and the reason to make this change is largely only to improve swapping efficiency; there's no real incentive for admin to make the change. Afterall the coding already exists. Satellites/Missile Defenses in conjunction with the SDI allow one to delete excess satellites or missile defenses not needed to support the SDI which is the same as is being sought here for schools and clinics.
  22. This subject was covered HERE once before.
  23. Well, his nation is 9 days inactive so collecting doesn't seem to be it. Not sure what he meant by being fixed, he doesn't currently have any labor camps.
  24. Count Rupert


    The nation you were trying to declare on isn't in peace mode is it?
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