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Everything posted by wasso

  1. THIS! Peace was offered to all those un built as we didnt want to eliminate you from the game but to punish you. Remember that for that coming days, Bajor.
  2. It is a suggestion from a ten year old CN veteran Never leave your members behind 😉
  3. Bajor instead of wasting your time writing !@#$%^&* here could you just build up and defend your alliance like your members are doing for your sake 😄
  4. If i was on the yellow team i'd vote for you just because of this!
  5. The power of Defcon 1 o/ Defcon 1 o/ TE
  6. Defcon 1 agrees to cease fire on the same date. We are not ready take a picture yet, we need to gather first..
  7. It is a war game, it had to happen sooner or later. We have always had newbies who didnt do much more than spying others, attacking an enemy alliance member etc.. But if i was in Bundy's boots, i would have just spied back, reported this to IRoN and end of the story. Why? IRoN are currently stronger than WotN, means that instead of trying to *bravely* defend your nations, you are putting them on risk(which later happened) leading to a war. But i believe that Bundy has preferred to take advantage of this target inorder to gain XP and he acted fast, not smart, in a selfish way. Anyway, I'm liking this aggressive start of this round
  8. Join Defcon 1 you'll get to know us more, LH. And, you will enjoy the game!
  9. Congratulations McD. Well deserved as usual! Congrats to Defcon 1 for the casualties race, stronger than ever! It was a Defcon 1 plan and precisely my decison not to hit any of you, pegasus. I thought you were smart enough to figure out the reason Cheers
  10. Tutorial number 2: Score Award What to do to win the * Top 2 nations( the flag runners) in the most strongest alliance* award. I think the image says it all ( Create nation, 10 seconds later join UN, im not accusing UN as a gov but you know the story) @Mithrandir @admin
  11. We need a nation to fill the gap in a 7 BR trade circle. Please confirm and send a pm ingame: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=125086 The resources needed are: -Lumber -Coal Color: -Pink Thank you
  12. Brilliant Samwise! InDefcon 1 we love the stats and the numbers! Thank you! This war was absolutely devstating and everyone enjoyed the fight. We managed to race for the most destructive wars for more action and fun! Cheers
  13. Thanks man, i did this. It is indeed a hard job to make this spreadsheet. I dont usually make them this nice but this time i managed to work more to get the job done! Every war has its own taste and this one had to be done in the excellent way! To be honest with you i didnt' want to miss anyone of you haha. But we're only 20 nations in D1 and 3 targets each, i couldnt add everyone to the target list. And sinxe you're came late to the game i left you behind:(
  14. If you like numbers, we have something to show. What you see is D1s offensive wars, targets. Day 0- Day 4.
  15. Bump! So people don't mix things together and change the point of this thread.
  16. Flag runners updates Seems there is an agreement going on between some of the rebels and UN-flag runners- nations, NOT to nuke any of the flag runners. Who seem to be fighting the same nations( if you know what i mean..) They are barely fighting, slightly damaged, in 4 days of wars and yet not nuked. Makes me wonder, is this game we all want to play? http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000104 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000109 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000117
  17. Better than nothing, right? Good luck Bajor!
  18. Lets calm down and enjoy the fight. I still prefer this 'surprise' factor more than any other 'prearranged' wars.
  19. What's with the prearranged wars recently? Too much diplomacy and politics in this game... Ah..
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