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519 Nigras

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Everything posted by 519 Nigras

  1. Pink aside, I'm glad not to be a part of something you are. But pink really is the final nail in the coffin for you. I'd retire my nation before moving to pink. On a more positive note, I'm very happy with this announcement and I'm looking forward to my future move to the brown team. Edit: Sup CD?
  2. Bumping this thread. I still need 3 more nations.
  3. I'm looking for 6 nations to sell me 100 tech each for 3 million over 30 days. On day 1 I will send you 3 million dollars and then on days 10 and 20 you send me back 50 tech respectively. I will keep this thread updated with who's selling me tech and ask that it be closed once I have 6 nations in line. The deal will not start until I have all nations in place. You can PM me here or ingame at this link.
  4. But can you send a defeat alert when a nation is at 19% troops? I thought defeat alerts came when they have a less then 10% odds in battle? In my war right now I anarchy'd my guy without sending him a defeat alert. I'm not sure how many troops he had to start with but after the attacks he was at 500(2000) troops. He however did not anarchy me last night when pushing me down below 20%.
  5. I can do this on the 14th. Your nation has been messaged.
  6. I think it has something to do with the time of day you created your nation.
  7. In the past 1.5 months I've sent out well over 60 million to my alliance. Since I started playing I'd say I'm close to 100 million given out.
  8. Rage Company Recruitment Video -- Watch it! Greetings and welcome to Cybernations. We are a new and very small alliance here and looking for mostly active players. Smart players with a good level head on their shoulders. Any new nations added to our ranks will receive 1 million dongs from us for free. We have many guides to help you grow up big and strong. Our community is very old and approaching it's 10th year. We all started out playing Half-Life online against each other and back then we talk a lot of smack but these days we find ourselves bored and decided to embark on a journey within the cyberverse together. We offer what many other alliances cannot. That is solidarity. with us you'll know that whatever internal drama there may be we have been working out things internally for 10 years and things never get out of hand. In our short time here on Planet Bob we have handled all our situations with diplomacy and will continue to do so as we strive for peace and growth rather then war and destruction. If you're interested in joining please check out our forums at: www.rage-board.com Signed, 519 Nigras - Emperor of [r]age Fockizuma - Minister of Internal Affairs StOAKEd - Minister of War Rul0r - Minister of Foreign Affairs Happy Halloween!
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