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Everything posted by Craven

  1. That usually has something to do with it.. I believe this is well said. People complained when the NPO ruled, they're complaining now when the world is one big open playground, and they'll probably be doing the same after next big war and so on. This game is more than a war game (though I admit war is fun..). There are many other fun and interesting things you can do. The OP is leading an alliance, but is bored.. I find that hard to understand. You want a war, make your alliance someone worth fighting. We've already seen you don't need much more than that (if any of that at all) to start a war. Every year we have at least one "Great" war whether classified as such or not. The rest of the year is often the war's political prerequisite. By that I mean things that need to be done in order for that war to happen. I have no doubt more wars will come.. people always find something to fight over... from lets kill the commies, to lets kills the nationalists, to lets kill the evil overlord etc. If you are truly bored, create some ideals and stand by them. Defend the ideals when they are attacked and learn how to keep yourself entertained. If you're bored you're just not trying hard enough to create a world that fits your description of entertaining. Heck, a week ago you were complaining about being attacked and now you're bored. Oy vey Honestly, some people will always be bored and complain. If war was always happening, people would complain that there wasn't enough time to build their nations.
  2. Congratulations Hamaden, this honor is well deserved and I am proud to work by your side.
  3. Thank you all for your Congratulations and let me personally Congratulate Squire Stella who is most deserving of her new title. o/OBR o/Stella
  4. Will be great to have you Onward indeed Thank you very much old friend
  5. Thank you very much and we definitely look forward to chatting with you I have a feeling you won't be disappointed
  6. It is truly great to see this announced. Not only will this increase the overall bond that exists between each of our AAs, but it will allow diplomats the ability to meet other members of the Kingdom that are not a part of the OBR itself. “Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow” Ralph Waldo Emerson
  7. I didn't really care for the first and the second seems to be more of a joke. I look forward to the third and hope that it is as revolutionary as the first.
  8. We decided to be fashionably late It is a pleasure to have officially joined the majority of Digiterra on Coldfront.
  9. Not like you? You don't know me very well. That mess is in the past and I took full responsibility for it so holding grudges against you would be below me. Nevertheless, we're off topic and the original topic is settled. I hope all is well with you and will have to find you on IRC someday and greet you appropriately.
  10. You seem somewhat familiar.. was there a name change in your past?
  11. My apologies on behalf of our new Cadet. This matter is being handled and requires no outside assistance. We thank those who have contributed to this thread with their replies.
  12. I haven't had the time to sit down an look at these closely, but what you're saying seems valid. Did the Admin post a Game Update about these? I don't recall seeing one and wouldn't have even knew if it were not for this thread. I suppose the addition isn't complete as it isn't showing up where you purchase wonders.
  13. Were I any less busy at this moment, I might accept that challenge for the entertainment factor of course I will take your words as truth and hope that we can someday have a discussion under less dramatic circumstances.
  14. Thank you very much Randalla, No Page can deny free baked goods
  15. I believe that there was evidence to suggest as Dame Hime Themis mentioned whether it is the truth or not. Shortly after you posted about him, he appeared and even recreated his nation. My personal belief on this entire matter is that it has no place in the public. A personal vendetta between two Knights has no place on these forums. I know both of you enough to know that you keep the Order at heart and there is no good that can come to the Order or yourselves from doing this here.
  16. Page Craven, of the Noble Land of Lightning sends a personal letter to the Leader of the Aether Empire I am going to have to point out that by conventional Turbo-Propeller Aircraft, the Maximum speed ever attained was at Mach 0.73, 541 mph, on a Tu-117, which has Four Engines. Our leading Aeronautical Engineer, someone who is well respected all around Digiterra, the Illustrious "Old Drunken Greg" has also looked at your design, and wondered why it is so Wasteful, and using Turbo-Propeller Engines on an Inferior design. It would be better off using SuperMarine Spitfires, or P-51D Mustangs. If you so wished, you could easily ask Old Drunken Greg to design a fighter for your nation, utilizing technology of your level. Sincerely, Page Craven of the Noble Land of Lightning.
  17. When those above me feel it is time old friend We promise to take good care of him He has certainly proved himself an asset to the Order of The Black Rose
  18. Very nice Airme, I am sure this will do well. I will ensure someone from the OBR visits
  19. Open Letter from The Order of The Black Rose To all members of Digiterra and to those who prefer to call our home Planet Bob, We come before you today to announce several membership changes and additions to our humble alliance. Such events are worthy of note as they come so rarely in our alliance. The Order of The Black Rose values hard work and there are many rigorous trials one must face to achieve the higher ranks and privileges. Sadly, many who try do not make it to the top, but we are here today to proclaim with joy those who did. Last week we had the pleasure of promoting two very hard working people. Their names have become synonymous with our alliance, the Order of The Black Rose. It is with great satisfaction that I announce that their dedication and hard work has brought them the recognition they deserve. Hime Themis of Dulra has ascended from the rank of Squire to become the very first Dame of the Order of The Black Rose. It is with great honor that she has ascended to the rank of Knight and joined the Council. Hence forth, she shall be known as Dame Hime Themis, Knight XXII of the Order of The Black Rose. Her work in the Chamber of Diplomacy has lead to the start and continuation of many long lasting friendships. W_A_R of Vijar has ascended from the rank of Squire to become a Knight of the Order of The Black Rose. It is with great dignity that he has ascended to the rank of Knight and joined the Council. Hence forth, he shall be known as Sir W_A_R, Knight XXI of the Order of The Black Rose. His work in the Chamber of the Armory and leadership skill has brought many scared Pages home safely and kept our Keep well defended. One might wonder why I've announced these two in the order that I did. I did so because several months ago we knighted our very own Winslow of Zanidoo. He has never known any alliance save The Order of The Black Rose, and his hard work, dedication, and overall loyalty to the Order since the beginning of Zanidoo is worth commending. In actuality, since his ascension to Knight, he has never ceased working towards a better Order and has proved himself numerous times as the Noble Knight XX of the Order of The Black Rose. Sir Winslow's work in the Chamber of the Court and overall activity in promoting the well being of the Order has lead to much progress and it is with the utmost of pleasure that I am able to finally acknowledge his ascension and hard work before you all today. We have also accepted a new Squire by the name of Floyd. He hails from the Kingdom of Floyd and I am sure many of you are quite familiar with him. It takes quite a bit of work and ability to supplicate to the Order of The Black Rose as a Squire. For those who are not familiar with our ways, one must usually start as a Page and endure our harsh training before they ascend to the rank of Squire. Not only did Floyd come before us and receive the acknowledgment and sponsorship of several of our Knights, he persevered through a very long and arduous supplication. May his hard work and diligent nature pay off and bring him ever closer to Knighthood. Let us all come together and celebrate those whose words and deeds have earned them great respect within our Keep and across Digiterra. /S/ Page Craven Loyal Page The Order of The Black Rose On behalf of Queen AterAtra, and Sir Neboe, Knight Protector of the Order of The Black Rose
  20. If there was an Admin of the Year Award I'd give it to you right now. I suppose a simple handshake will have to do? *Craven reaches out his hand toward the Admin in hopes that he may shake it
  21. Give it all you got. You've got my respect.
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