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The Big Bad

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Everything posted by The Big Bad

  1. That would mean that we had invited you. That is not the case. You could have stepped down, come forward, confessed your wrongs and bent the knee. At least try and save NADC from burning. Instead you tried playing e-lawyer. I’m not questioning your honor, Cenk Uygur. I’m denying its existence.
  2. And you should try posting while drunk so at least you have an excuse for the nonsense you vomit. So far their has been only a single person from NADC that has come hear and manned up. Instead of spewing poorly conceived insults and desperate attempts to change the meaning of words or even how people vote like everyone else. If only NADC was made up of more of him and less of your kind it would not have doomed itself. So please continue to tell others how stupid they are while your alliance burns.
  3. So you would wait until they had gotten into a better position diplomatically and militarily to attack them? Because you know returning to blue is going to require tackling that Polar problem and redressing those polar wrongs. And that is not going to be done by talking. At this point you are just being obtuse. Even NADC is not denying what those words mean at this point, they are just suggesting that the people who voted for that platform maybe did not mean in and the just like the candidate better.
  4. So if people were pointing at you saying we need to redress the wrongs Caladin has done against us, restore our honor and it is time to tackle the Caladin issue you would not feel the slightest threat at all? You would think those people had good intentions? If you are that naive, I have some swamp land to sell you.
  5. Everybody knows how a democracy works, you fulfill the core of your campaign promises or you do not get re-elected. And when a campaign is based on , redressing wrongs against Polaris, returning to blue and restoring honor, people expect it to get done. This is what the people NADC wanted, of course they preferred to wait do this until they had the advantage. Claiming your voters are idiots and ignore the platform people run on is not the way I would have gone here.
  6. You can depute them until you are.... wait for it.... blue in the face and it makes no difference. The old my words do not mean what those words mean trick is a defense of last resort. And of course Imminent military action or NADC poses a threat right now were not likely because you are clearly not yer prepared diplomatically or militarily. Over time would you have managed to become a threat? Who knows what the future of Bob will bring. Many have sat secure on top and then had the rug pulled out from under them do to inaction. That ain't us bub. Go plot on somebody else if you want that. As is, you have what you wanted just not in the way in envisioned.
  7. I have a confession. The war against TTK and NADC were my creations. Why you ask? Because only war brings Anu out. Hello old friend.
  8. Somebody put this guy in charge of NADC. Nice to see somebody with a pair.
  9. Please. How stupid do you think the citizens of Planet Bob are? You do not use a phrases like redressing the wrongs of Polaris against you and restoring your honour and mean negotiations. If you had spoken of restoring lost ties and letting bygones be bygones with Polaris then you could claim you wanted to talk. No, you chose your words, and NADC voted for you. Do you honestly think anybody believes the you meant talk when you pointed right at Polaris and announced you wanted to redress wrongs and restore honour. So welcome to your chance to redress those wrongs and restore your honor. The least you can do is man up and own it. Or is even that to much to expect from you?
  10. Fiji with nuclear weapons. They wanted to "redress" the "wrongs" that Polar has committed against them and regain their honor. We are just giving them that chance. Frankly, they should be thanking us for making good on the things they voted for.
  11. I suggest it is even more positive than that. We are giving them a chance of redressing the wrongs Polar had committed against them. It is what they voted for. So now they can redress away!!!
  12. While running a campaign based we are getting some payback on the USA. See he just needed our help to understand.
  13. How would one go about, redressing the wrongs somebody had committed against you? Talk? Candy and flowers?
  14. Maybe I missed it but, do you really think TTK did so well? I mean I just assumed you were saying that for the usual propaganda. I have just never heard that from anyone outside of TTK. I mean sure you are not as bad as say Sparta but, you seem to have done pretty much any alliance would have done beyond they really terrible ones.
  15. This is your chance to, redress those wrongs done to you by Polaris and restore your honour. We are just helping you get what you voted for. NADC voted for this war, they just though they would get to chose the time and place. Maybe if you had some steady and reliable leadership you would not be in this mess.
  16. It's 11:59 on Radio Free Polaris; this is Uncle Big Bad, with music, and the truth until dawn. Right now I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone: "the chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall", "john has a long mustache, john has a long mustache". It's twelve o'clock, Oculus, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on, or behind the line, this is your song.
  17. I had to check but I did find on the day Slayer and I signed on to Q it was 4132 Nations with 16,138 nukes. So just shy of the total current nation count on Planet Bob which is 4424. However, just adding TPFs Protectorates at the time would have put it over that number. Of course their was time when just NPO, GATO, Legion and ODN combined had almost that many nations.
  18. The entire League was so slow to do anything but, GATO moved at a glacial pace. I was CDS back then and when we left after GW2 to form COLD the TPF we vowed to never have a democracy. Still those were some fun times when more nations than exist on all of Planet Bob now would lumber into massive non nuclear wars. Their were probably a half dozen alliances back then that had more nations than the entire Occulus Bloc today.
  19. What the hell is going on here? All of you damn kids get off my lawn.
  20. Give it a shot. I keep one of the smallest nations in Polar. And gosh golly I am new to this war thing. I sure hope you take it easy on me.
  21. Yeah a mediums sized alliance had 300 members. Although to be honest those huge alliances were never able to operate at any level of efficiency. Getting a 1000 members to get ready and go to war was impossible. I bet GATO is more effective at war now then it was then.
  22. So you have a problem with people having no clue who you are or what you are talking about? Maybe it is because you respond with nonsense and emoji s. Maybe it is because you make what you say has no impact. Maybe it is because you have nothing to say, thus you say nothing. I am going guess it is a mix of all the above. Oddly you seem enjoy being incoherent and irrelevant so carry on.
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