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Status Updates posted by Carrick

  1. Well, I only log in every 5 days or so to collect, pay bills and find my last trade so i'm not really playing :P. I'm doing pretty well though, how are you? How's TOP?

  2. I must congratulate you on having the funniest avatar I have seen in some time.

  3. Ever finish LotF?

    Also new picture of Darth Caedus/Jacen Solo came out in a sourcebook so its my new avatar. Looks pretty cool but the haircut is a little too "college frat boy"

  4. You'll have to scream a lot into the camera so that people will never be able to forget your product :P

  5. Louisa my friend how you you?

  6. What Louisa said :P

  7. Mind if I use your sig?

  8. Hey you share a birthday with my brother. Happy belated!

  9. Sort of... I don't do the politics much anymore, just log in every week or so and do the general things

  10. you're....back?

  11. A guy from the Star Wars board was able to give me his cd key. Thanks though. I changed my avatar to a fan art of Jacen which frankly looks awesome and changed my personal photo thigy to my old avatar. How does it look?

  12. Ah I see it now. Yeah it'd look cool if he was just turning his head and glaring at you like that. Tell me when you get to Revelation (7th book in the series). I 'll have to give you some background on an important new character who appears

  13. I tried to see if I could see a back too, but I couldn't. How did you manage to do that ? :P It's an odd perspective for a book cover though

  14. eh, just did some skiing. Nothing really special, although next year will be great.

  15. Apparently we share the same birthday. Happy b day fellow Jan 13er!

  16. How can you put the pencil trick in your sig and not have the shot of the chechen guy being impressed???


    last time I use an old meme ;)

  18. you can't destroy me now!

  19. oh god...your avatar is screwing with my eyes

  20. the guy in front with the armor is Darth Krayt of the Star Wars: Legacy comics. The rest are members of the One Sith under him.

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