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Everything posted by oinkoink12

  1. So whats the summary of the last 20 pages? Also my sig is killing me
  2. FINALLY, I CAN USE IT!!!! TPF IS GOING DOWN!!! tl;dr This all shows Karma's true idea's and values. The NEW WORLD my $@!. I'm glad I can use terms as "noCB war" and "Coalition of Cowards" to show you how I feel about this utter failure 6 month to late half assed CB. Regards Piggy
  3. i do 5x 3m50 tech. so that saves you 3m50 tech
  4. I was just making a random comment like everybody did in the last 28 pages :lol1:
  5. /me puts NSO in a corner with alliances like Invicta and ODN
  6. This is almost impossible, i would love admin to look in to this.
  7. Current Lands: 22,681.533 mile diameter. 15,606.781 in purchases 6,641.010 in modifiers 433.742 in growth Population Per Mile: 9.03 Population Per Mile. Land Costs Per Mile To Buy: $1,141,202.53
  8. NOOOOOO, I go away for one day and THIS happens tl;dr YAY FOK and iFOK
  9. Next time just attack kronos will you, I allready had the failure karma quotes like Ready
  10. BURN! http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73864 Go on with your not knowing what your talking about.
  11. Lol people always ask why i want to have less treaty's.
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