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Everything posted by oinkoink12

  1. Am I glad that im not in sparta. My nation couldn't handle another blow.
  2. Why did you guys accept Blacky?
  3. well for the time being, you can always ask for a nationsitter for a week or two in the nationsit thread. until your problems are fixed. If you cant find any1, just PM me, and i'll do it (if permission is given)
  4. With a treatyweb this big, you can bring EVERY alliance on the planet in within 3 chains.
  5. You give your own answer here. You never see the 100% odds, thats why you never have 95%+ odds , thats why you never kill all his tanks.
  6. You were mistaken, 2 people accepted after you bought 100 tech. Closed.
  7. Ok people from valhalla, we need to take a look at this. If we wanna keep up with our evil image, we need to have something way worse than "terms before the possibility of terms" I say we give them Terms for every infra WE take of our opponents. /me takes notes.
  8. Cause you have the ability to make him collect in nuclear anarchy now thats way worse
  9. Yay for IRON getting peace. Now its time for a race who's back to their original NS the fastest. Good luck IRON. Ow before I forget, I need to do the evil valhalla thing. You are all gonna pay for this, EBIL KARMA, next time the reps will be ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
  10. You are all forgetting the fact that moo is able to timetravel to wherever he wants.
  11. And do all the work? Never! If thats the way you think about valhalla, its obvious you werent suited to begin with I wish you good luck on where you go too. And I wish RIA good luck aswell.
  12. Step 1 in making Valhalla the cool alliance we've always wanted it to be. Get rid of the trolls.
  13. Ok where is the real lineup. Where is mikethefirst? tl;dr Congratz fok
  14. Crimes when you havent even been founded yet? its like 4 dimensional Karma
  15. I have been reading your codex. And after a few discussions about the meaning of a few points your codex is meaningless in coordinated efforts. Allthought Gramlins dont want reps themselves, they dont care what others ask. Cause the codex only applies to Gramlins.
  16. The following things have been ruled out
  17. yeah I talked to admin about this, he was on IRC when that happend. He would look into the code, but didnt find anything
  18. nice gov but Tryp? We need to ditch that guy with his broken SDI
  19. Signed for Poison Clan, Chinatownbus - The Toad TwistedRebelDB47 - Master Killer Pooksland - The Centipede Syrik - The Snake here!
  20. The sarcasm is because of people like you repeating the same old for the last 50 pages. Specially when your alliance made up these terms aswell, if you dont agree, talk to your leadership.
  21. Poison Clan? I'll put them on my techdeal list aswell
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