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Everything posted by cheezy

  1. [quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1295962030' post='2599989'] Congratulation on 2m NS LSF, I do how ever look forward to posting the screen shot of, LST drops below 2m ns [/quote] He said from near ZI [quote]Death to communist garbage and their cronies! o/ MCXA! [/quote] lol, just lol...Victory to lolcommies
  2. Its not up to NEAT, SC or UBD to determain the legitemecy of the war further down the chain, our quarms are all in our imidiate local of the chain (NEATs obligations to INT, UBDs to MCXA ect). The rest of the chain is its own problem, go take it up with them. SC, youre sandwiches are brining yet more spice to CN o/ SC o/ NEAT
  3. Waw, so let me get this straight, you see NPO getting d**ked on, bandwagon, screw up everybodys stagers, kick the emperor out, and surrender all within 11 hours. All in a good days work hey?
  4. [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1295885470' post='2596655'] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=70&showentry=2546"]Okay[/url]. And really, that many alliances for MCXA? Seems like someone's a bit bored. [/quote] I think youll find that most of the alliances are rather small. Between DICE, GRUE and NEAT we dont even have 100 nations, put LSF on top and we still arnt the same size as MCXA. So yea, really.
  5. I dont see what youre complaining about. They bought MCXA a full extra [s]day[/s] [i]16 hours[/i] of not getting nuked. It was the best plan ever right, they get in, confuse everybody, then back out before they take any damage. In the mean time MCXA gets another [s]day[/s] [i]16 hours[/i] to deal with Int, and they get to know what alliances are comming for them next. tHL is the best scouting allaince in CN . You must all just be to slow to see the master plan that it was.
  6. Right, im going to bed. And when I get up in like 12 hours, if Q-collective is knocking on my diplo door being all like "what took you so long, we need somebody from NEAT to approve peace", ill be like *RAGE*. I expect this war to go on atleast 24 hours, I have exams to revise for and dont have time to sign peace contracts. Good luck all the alliances that went in tonight and good luck to MCXA
  7. Signed: the NEAT General Assebly Good fight THL, hopefully next time we will be on the same side. "The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities" - Sun-Tzu.
  8. [quote=Schattenmann]I think it's pretty funny that NEAT was rolled by GOD and Andromeda as a result of VE's stooge Ephriam Grey creating fabricated evidence as a CB along with Lord Boris spying on them, and now they're fighting on VE and GOD's side in a war that VE staged. [/quote] I think WC pritty much got this perfect. On a personal note, I think the CB sucks and wish the NpO the best of luck, but only as second place in commparison to our friends at Int. [quote=Bordiga]Once again I find myself regretting that you are tied by friendship to the International, people who would apparently ask you to fight alongside the criminals responsible for destroying your original community, when the International themselves did nothing to honour the treaty of optional defence that they held with you when Xiphosis and Ephriam Grey embarked on their bloody purge.[/quote] There was no point them getting rolled by activating their ODP with NEAT.1, it would not have stoped us getting rolled. What doing that would have done is put Int in a weeker position when we reformed, and thus less efficient protectors (and latter allies), they made their reasons clear and we cant blame them for their decision but we can honour them for their transparency. For the same reason I dont hold a grudge against OBR for not activating our protectorate, however, OBR was by no means as transparent about its reasons, so I recognise their lack of honour for doing so and their reputation in my eyes has diminished considrably. WC and walrus's points are also correct, Int have been fantastic allies. May the citys burn and the nukes fly. Good luck THL o/ NEAT o/ Int BTW: Disclaimer in sig.
  9. LSF on top again. I should really bump NEATs thread after our allies
  10. [quote] Article IV. We will inform each other if we hear of impending doom for the other.[/quote] Lol I like! If only all treaties were as black and white, digeria would be a better place. Probaly with more treaties too.
  11. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1294655461' post='2570971'] > Wants power So you join a large alliance. You have power through your membership of a larger alliance [power by proxy, say], but you don't have the position to exert this power. Works to get promoted/elected. > Wants power now Decides work isn't really for them, they just want a government position. > Creates Micro alliance with lots of government positions and swish titles. Has the title, but no power. [/quote] Thats funny because all the smaller allainces I've been in have no possitions of power or swish titles. Power comes from the dedication and loyalty of members, not from the ranks of inactives that linger under big AAs.
  12. UCR has been around for a while now I think. And yes ROMA is protected by NEAT thanks WC, the announcment is here somewhere. The thing is small allainces dont tend to make big announcments all the time and when they do they dont get bumped with pages of "0/ Alliiance x", so what they do say gets burried pritty quick. Short of if they find themselves at the start of a big treatie chain reaction or make a big point of spaming the boards with every little update they tend not to get noticed. And I guess, so what if they dont? No news is good news right? [quote=Michael von Prussia]Why do you feel that way? I'm curious, if only because I believe the exact opposite. Perhaps it's from being in a lot of smaller alliances, but I feel that the game would be better off if there were more small alliances and far fewer large ones. This allows people to form communities which are directly related to their interests, rather than being absorbed into a large body of faceless members in an alliance which probably doesn't represent them as individuals. Smaller alliances also seem to encourage people to be a lot friendlier, as they can't just be idiots and then hide behind the shield of a huge alliance to protect them. [/quote] I agree. I've tryed joining bigger allainces in the past but I always get lost in the membership somewhere, suddenly CN is boaring and anything that the allaince needs doing, already has somebody else to do it where as when im in smaller allaicnes I find I have a roll to fill, information to give and more direct contact with other players, where what I say is actually valued and discussed; In a bigger allaince i'd have to work to get to that point. I guess its like having a job, you can join a big comany and it will all go fine but youre jsut another worker, or you can join a smaller comany where you can have an active roll in its development and a direct impact, except you dont have to work 9-5 and can walk away when youve had enough.
  13. Join LSF if youre not neat enough to join NEAT, have a say in youre allaince and its decisions.
  14. Cheers trick and WF, its an animated version of our old banner, cant claim the credit for the design work myself unfortunetly...Not sure who made all the patterns. And Bump.
  15. Congrats LSF on this...Wait a min, what the heck is this? Dual membership, a temp portectorate, a possible merger or sharades?
  16. Made my day. Looking forward to progressing with our new allies
  17. [img]http://a.imageshack.us/img823/7892/worldneat.gif[/img]
  18. Come visit [url="http://z8.invisionfree.com/NEAT/"]Us[/url]. We may be able to get along in the crazzy world of bob. And bump for like minded allainces.
  19. [center][img]http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/1759/neatflagaquaflower.jpg[/img] [size="4"][url="http://z8.invisionfree.com/NEAT/"][b][u]Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism[/u][/b][/url][/size] [/center] [center] The NEAT Idea [QUOTE][left]"Civilization can only revive when there shall come into being in a number of individuals a new tone of mind, independent from the prevalent one among the crowds and in opposition to it; a tone of mind which will gradually win influence over the collective one, and in the end determine it's character. Only an ethical movement can rescue us from barbarism, and the ethical comes only into existence in individuals." - Albert Schweitzer Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism (NEAT) is a collection of independent nations brought together for the purpose of peace, progress and the pursuit of a more just and ethical Digiterra. We in NEAT recognize the sovereign rights of every nation to be able to move freely and grow their nation in peace so long as they are causing no harm around them. Within our own alliance we recognize the equality of all our members. We secure this equality through the practice of direct-democracy. Each nation has a equal vote and is allowed to rise and fall on it's own merits. No nation will be found insignificant to another while participating in our community. In our pursuit of a more ethical Digiterra we will provide a new way of thinking, demonstrate a new example of economic growth and security, and we will reach out to those who are abused in order to provide a safe haven for all nations who wish to peacefully enjoy Digiterra. Lastly, we in NEAT value these three principles among our members: Honesty, Understanding, and Passion. With those traits we will grow strong as one and if or when we are faced with danger, we will prevail as one and in the light of justice.[/left][/QUOTE][/center] We are an aqua alliance that hold the above idea as our core foundation. We accept any applicants that wish to uphold the NEAT idea and welcome diplomats from any alliance, especially those who uphold similar ideas of liberty and equality. Our boards can be found [URL=http://z8.invisionfree.com/NEAT/index.php?act=idx]here[/URL] Information on how we work can be found [URL=http://z8.invisionfree.com/NEAT/index.php?showforum=17]here[/URL], this includes a description of the application process, our war policy and voting process. Applicants should follow [URL=http://z8.invisionfree.com/NEAT/index.php?showtopic=3]these instructions[/URL] and post their application [URL=http://z8.invisionfree.com/NEAT/index.php?showforum=2]here[/URL]. Diplomats should read [URL=http://z8.invisionfree.com/NEAT/index.php?showtopic=24]these instructions[/URL] and post their application [URL=http://z8.invisionfree.com/NEAT/index.php?showforum=4]here[/URL] [center] Love and Peace, The NEAT General Assemby[/center]
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