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Everything posted by Krashnaia

  1. My nation still has 367,937 more casualties than your nation. :popcorn: Protip: Before attemping to disrespect how battle hardened is someone, take a look at his casualties. It's public information. That way you'll look less like an idiot. Wait, I forgot you are GOONS. Looking like idiots is your raison d'ĂȘtre.
  2. Yeah, we all can read again and again how much you don't care. You should make more posts about it.
  3. Now you are just flattering me. My reading comprehension is only 100%
  4. So you think that posting in the OWF makes you relevant? Looks like I've finally found out why you and your pals are spamming so much around here. :popcorn:
  5. It's only aproppiate, since they have become a running gag. I'm afraid EQ shot down your air force long ago.
  6. So your obsession is about caste, instead? Sorry for having thought your mindset had advanced since the medieval era.
  7. Yeah. What I've never understood is why (in)competence thinks we have any interest in sitting on a table with kids. They shouldn't worry, we have no interest in stealing their table. :popcorn:
  8. Creating a new alliance from scratch is truly a difficult endeavour. Best of luck. If you want some advice: 1) Spam newbies like yourself with in-game messages, as newbs aren't likely to roam the Forums. Do it only with people with no Alliance Affiliation (AA), as attempting to recruit people with an AA will likely result in war. 2) Look for a protectorate as soon as you have the AA running with some members. 3) Avoid purchasing technology until you have fulfilled step #2. Otherwise you'll get tech-raiders in your arse sooner than you expect (specially now that you have informed about your existence in the public Forums). And... 4) Do not mind about resoruces. You can change them at "edit my nation" once a month. So, first get people, then change resources as needed to stablish trade circles.
  9. That's false. Your side still attemps to "politically justify" things. It's just they lack the skill of the leaders of former Hegemony, and have to end up with the "yee haw deal with it", which is the total loser's way of saying "you are right but I'm not going to acknowledge it". For example, take this war. Umbrella invoked some silly internal tradition nobody cares about to attemp to claim that they weren't slot-filling puppets... and keep doing so even after admin deleted the wars for slot-filling. Talk about hypocrisy. Then we have GOONS saying that tech-raids aren't wars one week, and saying that tech-raids are wars the next one. Or MK, the masters of "if we do it, it's legit, if anyone else does it, it's the most barbaric thing in the world". If we are gonna discuss hypocrisy, then tell me... if you can't stand someone, what's more hypocrital? to tell him you want him out of the game and sanction him to EZI, or to send the Troll Squad to perform character assasination in the OWF and roll his bloc each couple of months with no CB whatsoever? In the end, the comparation between pre-Karma and post-Karma isn't a matter of "civilization vs anarchy". It's a matter of competence. Only the truly incompetent attempt to rule through naked force - because they are incapable of doing anything else. What comes next will depend on whose leaders of whose alliances make it to the top. Some have an inmature desire to dominate others, and that leads us to this filth. Others just want to be left alone. Most are driven by deep resentment and hatred at this point. In the end, the best way to promote a better Bob is promoting that no side has the power to unilaterally do his bidding: Equilibrium.
  10. I dunno that eliminating newbies is in the best interest of the game. But that's the world that has been crafted in the latter years and that you are helping to defend. I don't find many differences between the old regime and what Bob has become after Karma. Through Hegemony at least had the deference of rolepaying. If I have to get curbstomped, I prefer that at least the current bully of the moment makes a thousand words essay attemping to justify it, instead of just "Yee Haw! we are bored and jumping you just because, deal with it". A matter of tastes. Anyway, I respect your decission to deal with the jungle. But that makes the OP pointless. If we live now in a Jungle were there are no rules and anything is legit if you can get away with it, then don't expect others to honor rules that your side has never honored. I dunno how will things be after this war, but I don't think they will get worse.
  11. First you attack them, then you threaten to nuke them if they fight back. Not sure how long it has been a legit means of tech-raiding. Anyway you shouldn't be surprised. After all, MK doctrine on Tech-Raiding states now that AA's of 60 people are legit to ghost and raid. The more your friends stay at the top, the more Bob becomes a jungle.
  12. It's so heartwarming to know that Sardonic has SF's best interests at heart. I just wonder where were those good feelings a few months ago.
  13. These people are your allies, actually. We all know who are the alliances most fond on tech-raiding around here.
  14. The obsession of TOP with racial supremacy is... disturbing. :popcorn:
  15. Yet here you are, burning for those that have turned the practice into one of their brand marks.
  16. So, tech-raiding newbies is legit, but attacking the applicant AA of an alliance you are at Global War with is not? Interesting.
  17. Too bad your advice will fall in deaf ears. Maybe for the next war...
  18. EQ did not chose a name that was purposely offensive for the other side.
  19. Congratz on peace, you all.
  20. Not everyone is like you. Some of us actually believe which we write. UCoN fought well, come to the war at the request of it's ally and got out of the war when their ally agreed to it. Their duty was to honor their treaties, and they did. Their duty was not to play to the interests of your alliance.
  21. Congratz on peace. So it has begun...
  22. I know how to write "posession". I also know when a videogame company has grow stale selling the same game again and again, and stop throwing away my time and money. Try better.
  23. IM IN UR CASSEL, DEZIMATIN' YOU'RE IDIOM BWAHAHAHAHAH ... .. . Couldn't help it, sorry. :popcorn:
  24. Everything, actually. I'd bother explaining, but it's funnier to keep watching you being taught it the hard way. So me using the popcorn smiley annoys you? Grow up. :popcorn:
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