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Everything posted by Homura

  1. boon shaka boon shaka unhhhh!! so there!

  2. You have an interesting avatar. >_>

  3. Well it looks like you have 1,008 infrastructure now, so unless you're selling it or being attacked, I'd say it's unusual and probably a bug. Unless in the remote possibility your nation has summoned spirits and devils, but in that case, I think you have a lot more to worry about. You should note, however, that 1,008 infra will cost you a lot more in bills compared to 999.99, without much extra in collections, so I would actually recommend selling off a few until you can buy a whole bunch at once to surpass the extra costs, which is referred to as an "infra jump".
  4. Well all I can say to that is >___

  5. You're such an evil troll baby eater! XD

  6. Meh...my IC alliance/persona means nothing to where I lurk. :P

  7. Building good improvements is an important part of nation building because it allows you to make much better use of any aid you receive. Factories and a harbor should generally always come first.
  8. I do think that resources are somewhat unfair in the sense that the ones for "affluent population" just aren't as good as for other combinations, but more strikingly is the fact that it's become common knowledge in this game that you should be trading for a certain set, and some people will not accept resources outside of that set. Some alliances have trade programs which will match you up with others for maybe not the most perfect resource set, but one that will be stable and with somewhat decent bonuses, however, the free market is brutal.
  9. and then we're going to Washington DC to take back the White House! Yeeaaaaaaa!!!

  10. i'm in your comments box, leaving a message

  11. Well then, I'll have to stay my missiles. Thx for visiting. ^.^

  12. Well um...that's very..."omoshiroi" of you. o.O

  13. Yes, I suppose I did mean NO U

  14. Who me? I've never been in FCC. The only alliances I've ever been in are EC, ICP and NPO.

  15. lol I love your avatar :)

  16. Did you just use the word "kawaii" in an English sentence? o.O

  17. If you were really Yuki, would I therefore be Kyon? =P

  18. I wonder who these others are, because I clearly remember stating the contrary. There's absolutely no reason to buy this one because once you have the income to start buying wonders, you've already figured out that there's better options than this. Buying a wonder that costs as much as paying over a month worth of bills is not worth it for me, especially since anyone who does banking is also saving up and building their economy and won't have it either. If it cost significantly less (around $5-10 million would be the point where it would serve a useful purpose) or added an additional aid slot on top of the other effects it would actually be useful.
  19. You have the most awesome avatar ever.

  20. I dislike it. It takes away the element of surprise, and isn't realistic consider after a real nation is attacked they would automatically go into a "DEFCON 1".
  21. Im in ur comments box, postin sum nonsense

  22. and that reason would be...what?

  23. i liek modkips.

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