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Everything posted by Homura

  1. We have very few nations in the top 5% at this time, considering many of us had to give up in excess of two thousand tech, so I doubt there will be nuke purchases en masse.
  2. We've finally chosen our forum tag, after a long bloody civil war, and it is awesome. Expect it soon.
  3. I'd love to see you fry! :awesome: :awesome:
  4. Well somebody mustard got a kick out of this.
  5. you kind of look like the person in your sig, but with shorter hair

  6. GPA was #2 when they got attacked. But their situation was different than that of IRON.
  7. The original Great War wasn't semi-even either, even though I agree that there wasn't a GW5.
  8. What? People who didn't read and understand? In my CN?! It's more likely than you think.
  9. Just for lulz, let's go with Soviet Sindorin. Because the world needs more "NPO are evil" threads.
  10. Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 19.38 --> 7.42 (-11.96) There. Might as well do FAN, as well. Federation of Armed Nations: 6.86 --> 3.28 (-3.58) Happy nao?
  11. Actually almost all of the current sanctioned alliances grew faster than NPO percentage wise, with the exceptions of TPF and NpO.
  12. I don't think they ever had one.
  13. Der Schmetterling has been brought forth! Achtung!

  14. Now where would you have heard nasty rumours like that?
  15. must ... fix ... comments

  16. Yes we must punish him indeed. Which horrific device will I use? I wonder...

  17. I remember the days when TOOL was notorious for having a huge member count which was heavily ghosts, but it seems you guys have moved towards a more quality membership.
  18. You just said something that sounds like something Mastab would say! :o


  20. What is this menace that has taken the Number Zero spot on my sanction race?
  21. Even weirder, 23.66 - 23.55 now equals 0.13 rather than 0.11.
  22. Polaris advances again, onward towards a brighter future. And having one of those alliance images here on the forum.
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