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Everything posted by camerontech

  1. Peace? what is this some sort of hippy fest? You know if the Coalition of Coincidence would of attacked the day after TPF got rolled no one would even be thinking about peace right now. Besides, peace would be a total admission from RoK, Athens and GOD that they were in the wrong, unless they think that's true they should fight on.
  2. Solidarity breaks up a communist bloc.... It's all so familiar!
  3. Which brings me right back to where I was 2 pages ago, either some of Hoo's last comments made Desperado roll his eyes and walk out or they didn't expect you to accept them that fast and wanted some revenge. People have already said in this thread that it would be easy to call everyone off, even in extremely short notice, but people's hearts were in it, they had been waiting six days for this, only a miracle could of stopped it at the 11th hour. Dithering on white peace terms obviously wasn't that miracle.
  4. technically speaking, none of those options are "white peace" white peace is simply walking away, maybe shaking hands first. Any sort of admission is not white peace
  5. We could go in circles. I'm not disagreeing with you, just pointing out the fact that anything, especially if they viewed themselves as having the upper hand, could make them walk out. Something as simple as him stating that the CB was valid or wanting it to be understood that they never wanted to attack others. That and there's a chance TPF never thought they would accept white peace that fast....
  6. [23:24:25] <VanHooIII[RoK]> The CB was valid to us and we attacked you, it was never intended to be a long affair [23:24:41] <Big_Z[GOD]> Fine, then white peace? [23:24:44] <VanHooIII[RoK]> We fought for awhile, like I told JBone we would ... and I am cool with that [23:25:01] <ComradeGoby> \m/ agrees with white peace [23:25:08] <EmperorMarx> Aye. [23:25:10] <VanHooIII[RoK]> And I want it understood that we were not part of some nefarious plan to attack anyone else It can be the smallest of things that can make a guy walk out of peace talks, especially when he knows the reinforcements are coming.
  7. I don't agree with that at all. The reason TPF walked out and didn't accept white peace was not because they're out for blood, it's because they are confident the CB issued wasn't sufficient for the war and were going to stick to their guns. Accepting white peace would of been an admission of guilt from TPF, if they had offered reps for the war and TPF walked out, then I would agree with you.
  8. Unless there was a ceasefire, which there wasn't, who cares? Declaring war during negotiations is just declaring war during war. Instead of complaining GOD should just realize that &%#* just got real
  9. So, are you suggesting then that there's information yet to be released that will enlighten us on this subject? If that's the case I would release it sooner rather than later, or else the opposing opinions will just get louder and more believable.
  10. Will the claws come out if she does? Or will it just be the vague threats that continue? Bully tactics are a poor way to shut up opposing opinions.
  11. True, they do exist. But they are the minority, a large one at that.
  12. Unfortunately, it'll never happen. take the word of a friend, but never take the word of his alliance. It honestly is a failed cause to keep wishing for people to selflessy honour their treaties, 95% of the people who play this game are snakes and that's just the way it is.
  13. Interesting indeed, I'd like to hear their opinion on that one as well. Furthermore I should ask if my protectorate status remains now that Freelancer has left.
  14. Goose, for you to continue to claim that USN has a PZI list with Free on it is redundant and antagonistic. They might of clumsily presented their way of saying he was on a ZI list, but they did clarify their position.
  15. fair enough, can't say I disagree with your viewpoint.
  16. If you feel treaties have been given such a terrible name, why not just name it something different. Like...an accord of not so hated alliances who'll lean on each other in tough times. You could call it a AoNsHAWLoEOiTT
  17. I thought, and still think that it is pretty clear what needs to be said and done. A wise man once told me, "Sometimes it pays to be obvious, especially when you're known for being subtle" USN, ever the artists of subletly, have been obvious.
  18. Someone had to say it, thank you. Unfortunately, we play a game where "Hey, listen to ME" is one of it's biggest attractions, I don't see it going away anytime soon.
  19. If people didn't post in these maybe he'll just go away.
  20. From what I understand kaitlink, he is not in "perma-zi" he has been put on a ZI list and will only be removed from said list if he stops commiting some sort of asshatery towards the alliance members. Something everyone involved with USN domestic affairs should understand, something you personally, should understand kaitlink as I recall you being in the same position not too long ago. I believe I am in a difficult position here, on one hand I am a former USN leader, a proud one I might add. On the other, the Brain is keeping my little alliance in protection, with Freelancer personally sticking his neck out to defend me. I do believe that in my last formal act as member of the USN AC, I made a threat to the Brain to release Freelancer to us or to shut him up, failure to do so would result in war...I wasn't that clear with the threat, it was a bit more vague than that but it was the ultimatum we gave. Freelancer, in his wisdom, decided to let go of USN and promised to stop harrassing it. Happy to have an issue resolved (for once) we moved on. Now, I don't know what's happened in the last few weeks, but all of a sudden Free is on a USN ZI list and people are appaled that the Brain would accept him into their alliance? Was it not clear weeks ago, that they and their allies were ready to defend him from USN attacks before? I don't know what Free did to renew USN's anger, and I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it (his silence here must mean something). But for people to expect the Brain to leave one of their own out in the cold, I'm afraid you don't know that alliance very well. Now with all that said, you two really aren't that different, in fact it's kind of fun having a mutual arch enemy, at least you know who the bad guy is. Instead of all this spying and plotting business we have with alliances around the world, this is one rivalry where things aren't that subtle.
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