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Everything posted by Knights111

  1. Look. Can we end whatever war is going on right now? Really, there is no reason for war. GGA is gone, BOK is gone, CIAB is gone, the bounty is gone. Why are we still arguing?
  2. Morgar, please update with me. Thanks
  3. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/121691-doe-greater-russiacnrp2/ now you can add me to the east russia. What i mean is the whole penninsula part that sticks out towards Alaska.
  4. Through World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, Russia has survived. So much has happened to Russia, and they survive. Today, Greater Russia is formed. Greater Russia is located to the far east of Russia, but quickly expanding. Russia fights, and always stands with their allies. Wars, we survive, and on occasion we even thrive. We never give up, and we never will. "To be or not to be, for that is the question" -William Shakespeare ...And we are "to be", as we are here and existing. Thank You CNRP2.
  5. Ok, if you are serious, then form the aliance in-game and join it within the next 3 hours :) Yeah, thats what i thought.
  6. I want the far east section of Russia, labeled "Greater Russia"
  7. CIAB Does not exist. Anyone who claims it is theirs must have direct permission from knights111 of Antarctica.
  8. ... And kicking for no apparent reason! Join Today!
  9. that courtesy bump tho! :)
  10. CITY is fake. Just stop as any situation in this has been dealt with.
  11. One more question: Was the GGA a hoax too, or is that a real, out-game grouping of nations?
  12. Sorry, but it was nazi propaganda. It was proven, and this issue got the international attention it needed.
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