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Everything posted by choop

  1. Syzygy, I'm surprised to see you disparage Border Walls as you do. They were much more than useful to any nation between certain levels of competing factors; had you not checked your math on them lately? This change has angered MANY people. I suppose I shouldn't even post this, considering unbiased mod wants to completely quash discussion on this change except between yourself and admin. That's going to prove helpful, isn't it.
  2. That ain't how it works. If you start without the team bonus, that doesn't change. Drop and re-offer the trade and you'll get the +1.
  3. NS is updated with any nation transaction: paying bills, collecting taxes, or making any purchase. edit: tense
  4. Since your nation was created after twelve(noon) game time, your anniversaries are always a day late. Surely you noticed day 91 and 181 instead of day 90 and 180.
  5. Rupert speaks truth, there is no infra cliff between 5k and 8k. You're past 5800, which is the jump without wonders. Just buy infra regularly till you're at 8k.
  6. choop

    Login Screen

    Remind me to call somebody else on the rare occasion I need help with my computer.
  7. Easily the greatest alliance I ever joined. TORN provides ample opportunity for growth, experience, promotion, and combat. Plus we're friends with all the other cool kids, so our lunch table is obviously the best one to sit at.
  8. choop

    Login Screen

    The symptoms described in the OP happen to me if I fail to restart Firefox daily; this is due to the world-renowned memory leaks inherent in Firefox 2. If that's your browser, don't leave it running nonstop for 2 days in a row.
  9. Zeke, I'm surprised at that. I'd call it a bit of overreaction on your part, in fact. He's a noob, he deserves a fair shake. This thread is a rookie mistake, nothing more, nothing less. I was hoping that the recruitment spam wouldn't clog up this thread and it would die a quick, merciful death; hence my first post linking Jonas right to the Player-Created Alliances forum; most alliances worth anything have a public notification thread there. So, Zeke, why the snap reaction? The only thing of substance he's even said is that he knows FAN is a big loser in CN; this is veritable fact at today's state of Planet Bob. Does that have anything to do with it? I mean, DOOM appears to be multicolored, but you are on yellow, aren't you, Zeke?
  10. Anarchy in battle is only triggered via Defeat Alert. You have to have an attack left with greater than 95% odds to trigger anarchy. I don't know that it makes complete sense, but that's how it works now. Admin posted such in a bug report last week or last month or something.
  11. If you're using Safari, try first pasting into TextEdit and copying from there into the CC field.
  12. Walford, such spammy recruitment messages are obviously not directed specifically at you, and are meant only to fish for potential applications. These applicants would then be screened, vetted, and filtered (possibly tested) in order to protect said alliances from potential bob-wide controversy. You know how this works. Stop pretending you don't. I'd actually enjoy being proven wrong by any member of government of the alliances who sent those PMs: Ragnarok, IAA, RnR, MCXA. Would you actively recruit or accept Walford into your alliance?
  13. Trace, you took the words out of my mouth.
  14. The nations in italics do not fulfill the membership requirements to actually be sanctioned in-game.
  15. Try BAPS. You might have to move to black, though.
  16. Why the heck have you lost millions? Have you gone and collected ahead of your anniversary? Surely if you had a seven-day backcollect in the works, you could have turned it into an eight-day backcollection.
  17. When I click the Logout link in the left navigation from the Alliance Rankings page, an error is returned and I am not logged out. This is the URL of the logout link: http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_dis...ALUE=9FDE4FF540 The error returned is: Thanks.
  18. The true fix, and the least obtrusive one, would have been to extend the search string length limit. It is not as though the value is stored anywhere to populate a table, so one need not worry about overpopulating a database with very long values. The fix you have put in place has broken an otherwise normally operating feature, and should be reversed in favor of a fix that does not.
  19. Since when can sub-integer units of tech be aided?
  20. That spy op does not change the religion, it changes the population's religion preference, so that the player needs to change the religion in order to prevent a loss of happiness when collecting taxes.
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