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Jarl Frost

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Everything posted by Jarl Frost

  1. To: Prime Minister Aderyn Gryffin of Great Britain From: Republic Foreign Office, President Jean Nividy Hello there! Madame Prime Minister, it is with the greatest respect and sincerity that I personally congratulate you on your victory in what I can only assume was a fair and free election. As you move towards taking your post, I wish to propose a meeting. Our two nations face very similar challenges in the coming years; rebuilding a functioning government, establishing an economy that serves the people, and guarding our people against the terrors of the world. If it is amenable to you, I would like to personally come and visit so that we might work toward an agreement both our governments, and our people, can find agreeable. I hope to hear from you soon, Sincerest Wishes, Jean Nividy, President of the Republic of Madagascar
  2. "Madagascar recognizes Great Britain, and hopes a government will be formed soon so that we may discuss many economic opportunities for both our countries" -President Jean Nividy on behalf of Madagascar.
  3. Transitional Council Public Record Further industry growth is fuelling infrastructure development at a rapid pace. A recent surge in funds has allowed the council to set about updating, and in many cases building, a nationwide road and rail system to facilitate transportation of both goods and people. Construction is expected to boost the short term domestic economy with immediate investment of jobs and income, and supplement long-term growth.
  4. House Canmore The Canmore's did not start high on the chain of nobility. Indeed, there is speculation that the family is not Highborn at all, given that records of the family's history do not extend very far in history. The first recorded instance of the Canmore clan starts with Edward Canmore, a hedge knight from the North. Claiming to be born in Karstark lands, Edward Canmore served various Northern lords for most of his career, amassing a small amount of wealth which provided a humble but livable means for his family. His son, Alexander Canmore, also became a knight and traveled south to earn his fortune. It is in the lands of House Dracon that Alexander Canmore earned the family great honors, when House Lefford of Golden Tooth foolishly thought they had the capital to usurp House Dracon for control of the Westerlands. For his role in putting down the the rebellion, Alexander Canmore was given House Lefford's previous lands, including Golden Tooth itself. Golden Tooth is now ruled by Conner Canmore, Alexander's son, whom he had late in his life. Conner has a mixed reputation; known for both his generosity with his wealth, and also too much generosity with his wealth (as well as a penchant for alcohol). For a time, it was expected that House Canmore would run itself into poverty, fueling the speculation of it's low birth and impropriety of Lord Conner. But in recent years the wealth of the House has begun to rebound, and rumors from the towns in the region suggest that the management of the House has fallen to Conner's son, Duncan...
  5. Edit: after consulting for my role in all this, I'll claim the lands of Golden Tooth, for House Canmore
  6. Nation's First Travel Warning Issued Today President Jean Nividy signed off on Madagascar's first official travel warning to Madagascar citizens, advising all citizens to reconsider travel to The Norse Kingdom. The travel comes in the wake of a recent N.K government decision to decriminalize all drugs, produce narcotics themselves, and sell them in special drug-use zones. New National Transitional Council guidelines mandate that we here at Madagascar International clarify that a travel warning is not a ban, but only a warning. Madagascar faces a large drug problem due to mass poverty, a problem even now being alleviated as National Transitional Council efforts, in conjunction with the Island Business Council, to start Madagascar's economy have been remarkably successful.
  7. To: Port Authority of Rejkyavik From: Donald Fordshire, Senior Member of the Island Business Council, Madagascar Hello and sincerest greetings, As a leading member of the Island Business Council here in Madagascar, I have been given the permission to speak on behalf of Madagascar's now booming private enterprises. In the short time we've been in operation, Madagascar has developed several industrial sectors, producing a wide variety of goods for export, and providing a growing number of jobs, building a middle class in Madagascar, which in itself drives a continued economic boom with consumer demand. We, the leading councilmen on this congress of business leaders, as well the National Transitional Council, our lawful government, seek to improve Madagascar's lot in life anyway we can, and we believe Iceland is a potential, prosperous trading partner. Several of our businesses offer several services and products your country needs; coal, petroleum, textile production, and raw minerals ready for refinement. We feel a business relationship betters our two nations, as we can provide the textile and energy needs of your people, and you can provide refined metals and minerals for us. Eagerly awaiting your reply! Donald Fordshire, Senior Member of the Island Business Council, Madagascar
  8. Republic of Madagascar Here in this forum the foreign diplomacy of the Republic will be enacted. That is all.
  9. The National Transition Council, in support with the President, of the Republic of Madagascar, declares it's recognition of the Kingdom of Iceland
  10. From: Republic of Madagascar Embassy To: United Bolivia Foreign Office Subject: Official Notice and Request of Information To whom it may concern, Greetings! By official appointment by President Jean Nividy of Madagascar, I, Marc Mahafaly, would like to announce my arrival as Ambassador. It is my solemn privelage to represent the newly formed Republic of Madagascar here in United Bolivia, to advance my people's national interest, and of course be advisor to United Bolivia's government. As per request during initial High Level Inter-Governmental talks between our respective countries, I present our inventory roster for your records and approval: 1 Ambassador - Marc Mahafaly (hello there!) 3 Embassy Staffers (diplomatic personnel) 6 Security Staffers Non-Security Equipment: 11 cars for personal travel and official travel purpose. Armaments for Security: MAB PA-15 Pistol - 8 MAS-49 Service Rifle - 8 Ammunition There you go! If there are any further requirements, please feel free to call upon myself and I will endeavor to answer your questions and concerns. I also look forward to presenting my credentials officially. To begin my duties as Ambassador, I would like to ask if your government would clarify one of the recent bill signings by your government. Specifically, law 4i. Binding Church and State. If United Bolivia would clarify just what that implies, it would go a very long way in allowing me to properly, and respectfully, handle my duties as liason between our countries. With all the best wishes and hope for the future, Marc Mahafaly - appointed Ambassador
  11. Official Acts Of Government and Nation-Building Documents available for free at the National Archive and online at www.LibraryofCongress.mg. Please remember that all documents are published after passage into law and policy. Questions or concerns may be addressed in person or at emails provided on the website. Transitional Council Act #001: Future Politics In accordance with the wishes of the people of Madagascar, this council will undertake efforts to begin the process of creating an electoral process in which to elect the first Congress of this republic. There is no timetable for finishing, but a plan must be put together with all deliberate speed. Transitional Council Act #002: Industry In accordance with discussions with the Island Business Council, this Transitional authority authorizes the opening of 5 major industrial areas across Madagascar, to be built along major business areas in the nation. This authorization repeals previous bans on construction, as well as overrides any city bans on industrial expansion. A rough outline of regulations regarding Madagascar business will also be put into place to comply with any international human rights standards as well as ensure business goals align with this governments goal of employing Madagascar citizens and engaging the economy. This act allows for the private sale of Oil. Transitional Council Act #003: Education and Health Surplus cash from recent trade with United Bolivia and South Africa under the current organized economic structure has allowed for social development. With this act, the National Transitional Council authorizes the construction of, remodeling and refurbishing of, and reopening of educational facilities in all major cities in Madagascar. As the economy improves, so shall more facilities be opened, where needed. To address the health needs of the citizenry, a significant portion of the official budget will be devoted to Healthcare, with funds being directed towards the contruction of, reopening of, refurbishment of medical facilities in Madagascar. 3 major centers have opened of their own accord so far, however this council seeks to unify medical policy and open more centers to maximize citizen outreach. Transitional Council Act #004: Politics Elections may begin
  12. Madagascar International News for Around the World Economy Today the Madagascar Business Council, representing elite business leaders across the nation, have announced the opening of 5 industrial and factory areas across Madagascar. These new industrial parks are expected to support the growing economy under the new National Government, and to provide jobs that are expected with the signing of new trade agreements. Already the National Transitional Government is in discussion with United Bolivia on trade agreements and oil sales, which is expected to add many jobs to the Madagascar Economy. Politics President Jean Nividy and the National Transitional Council begin discussions with United Bolivia over what could be Madagascar's first Trade agreement, one that is expected to add an uncalculated number of jobs to Madagascar's economy. In further political news, the National Transitional Council has created an "Electoral Process Committee" to begin drafting an electoral process for Madagascar's future Congress. Sports 3 major sports venues in Madagascar have begun renovations to their stadiums in response to growing ticket sales and consumer spending, a result in the growing confidence in the Madagascar economy. Air Light Stadium in Antananarivo, Rupert Ward Arena in Toamasina, and Charlevoix Stadium in Antsiranana are expecting to add thousands of more seats for their multi-venue stadiums. 2 more sports stadiums located in southern Madagascar are under construction.
  13. To: Mr. Omar Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Secretary of State From: Jean Nividy, President of Madagascar Madagascar has an abundance of resources and at present little coordinated commerce. Your people share similar resources and industry, and face the same challenge of nation building as we do. That is why I am personally recommending a Free Trade Agreement between our two countries, so that our cooperative resources may be put to bettering our peoples, our industry, our economies, and our nations. On a second note, I would like to open Madagascar's first embassy to the world in your newly established nation. A strong diplomatic service between us will serve our interests better in the short and long term. Thank you, Jean Nividy
  14. The National Transition Council in charge of the Republic of Madagascar acknowledges United Bolivia
  15. Update from the National Transitional Council The National Transitional Council, with approval from the President, have decided upon the city of Antananarivo as the official capital of Madagascar. There the future Republican Government will sit, as well as the embassy staff of nations throughout the world. It is on that point that Madagascar is now open to official diplomacy.
  16. Ill take orange and Republic of Madagascar. If that's too long you can just do RoM
  17. Shammy said I could have madagascar, so I am claiming it please :3
  18. Jean sat in his chair, idly napping in the noon-day sun. The old man, a resident in the city of Toamisina, napped a lot these days, having retired after 35 years working for a fishing company that operated out of the busy and prosperous port town. His small house on the shore was ideal; a private dock, his own boat, and few tourists. He had even a special rocking chair he kept on the end of his dock so that he might do his own fishing or, as was the case today, relaxing and enjoying good weather. Snoozing with a book resting on his chest, he didn't notice the considerably younger man approaching him from behind, nor did he stir when the younger man sat in the extra chair beside him. "Jean...hey, hey Jean," the new guy said quietly, trying not to startle the old man. Jean stirred only but a little, shifting his feet for comfort, but still snoozing. This time the young man called his name while gently pushing his shoulder, and Jean gave a huge snort as he awoke. "Ayahhh, who, what?" he said, adjusting himself higher into his chair. He rubbed his eyes before putting his glasses back on, which had slipped down his nose. He immediately looked around and noticed the younger man sitting next to him with a small grin on his face. "Did I disturb you?" the younger man asked jokingly. "Could have let an old man sleep, Mr. Holsting," Jean grunted, carefully marking the page he was on in his book before closing it and setting it down next to his now-warm tea on dock. "So," Jean said, looking up now at Mr. Holsting "what brings you down to my little piece of paradise...finally I might add, Dean," he finished, giving Dean Holsting a stern look, to which Dean kept smiling disarmingly. "Jean, old man, you know I would have visited sooner, but you know how it is; running a business on this island is a damned hard job..." Dean began to answer but he was cut off by Jean. "You don't get to lecture me about running a business in Madagascar young man. I just spent 35 years turning a small fishing boat into a multi-million franc company. It should be noted I found the time to raise a son who now runs that same company, so I think you could have found the time to at least attend an old friend's retirement party!" Jean said in a raised voice, and Dean's smile faltered some. There was silence for a moment, and then two broke into laughter. Dean Holsting was the son of an North American immigrant to the island, just one of and incredible many fleeing from the region and Europe as the result of war and instability over the decades. As a result, the natives of Madagascar had to adjust to a significantly less homogenous society, an adjustment that threatened civil war. But Dean's Father, Jimmy Holsting, and Business leader and Local leader Jean Nividy, came together and through business ties, personal freindship, and a little luck, managed to diffuse the situation. "Really though, Dean, it's not like you to just drop in so suddenly," Jean said, again sternly looking at his young friend. Dean rubbed his hands together, gazing out into the open seas. In the distance, he could see some South African naval ships lazily trolling the ocean, looking out for pirates and illegal activity. "There's been a lot of talk in the upper levels," he replied, taking his time. His purpose visiting his old friend was important, and he didn't want to rush things. "City leaders, business leaders, the whole lot of us. We think it's time the Madagascar be a little...more, than what it is," he finally said, trying to lay the news down lightly. Jean leaned forward in his chair, the wood creaking. "Dean, you're talking a national government, aren't?" the old man asked seriously. Dean nodded, opening his suit jacket and pulling out a pamphlet from the inside pocket. "We're working on an election system, and a lot of money is going into it. Not all the regions are on board, mind you, but we think we have enough supporters in the upper crust to make this move forward," Dean answered as Jean took the pamphlet. It was one of soon to be many mass copied ones, written in malagasy, that explained the electoral process. "Well, that's all very nice," Jean said, adjusting his glasses as he read the pamphlet "Yes, very nice indeed. Well that's good, things might improve in the other cities. Must say, though, can't imagine why you came to tell me about it personally," he added, closing the pamphlet. "That's the thing, Jean. The business leaders and city leaders and myself...well, we want you to be President." =================================================================================== Declaration of Existence: The Republic of Madagascar We, the people of Madagascar, do on this day declare ourselves an independent and sovereign Republic. In these trying times, have brought together our best and brightest to lead our diverse people into a brand new future; one of prosperity, one of strength, and one of peace. By unanimous decision of our nation's collective business and regional governmental leaders, Jean Nividy is hereby appointed to the office of President, to lead the newly formed National Transitional Government as it seeks to establish a constitution and an election to form the 1st Congress of Madagascar. President Nividy will be joined by two representatives from each of the 6 provinces to form the National Transitional Council. who will aid our President in forming a more permanent government. Newly Appointed President Jean Nividy
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