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Jarl Frost

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Everything posted by Jarl Frost

  1. Election Financial Reform Bill Bill #58 will be voted on by both house of Congress this week, which will put into place financial limits to spending during future Republik elections. In question are campaign contributions from individual donors, sponorship from groups, non-profit, and business entities.
  2. Dauphin Broadcasting Company Breaking News Announcement Congress today passed an emergency resolution, signed off by the President, issuing a travel ban to Matriland to all male citizens. "This is unprecedented, to be sure, but we feel there is no choice, if only to protect the rights of our citizens" House Speaker Pierre Luc said to a hurried press room today.
  3. *Reporter from the Dauphin Broadcasting Corporation in Madagascar to whomever it concerns* "Will this new Act have any effect on the burgeoning fishing trade between Great Britain and Madagascar?"
  4. Madagascar is experimenting with and succeeding the integration of many peoples. That a neighbor has such troubles with similar problems is disheartening on a large scale. We vote Aye to Resolution #2, and will further commit using our growing economic strength to assist in stabilizing and rebuilding Rhodesia
  5. Madagascar votes aye; nuclear weapons should be removed from this world.
  6. Congress Issues Open Invitation To World's Business Community Citing the massive upsurge in the Madagascar Economy, the Congressional Economic Advisory Board issued an open invitation for global companies to do business in the country. Referencing a rapidly growing skilled labor force, thanks to newly opened and re-administered schools, the CEAB said that Madagascar is in prime position for business expansion. "Right now, we have several large, home-grown companies that need a little competition in order to propel to better and further success" Howard Gantz, a spokesperson for CEAB Chairman Antony Jafalis. "Our economy is currently expanding at an unexpected rate and we're looking for some outside influence to bring in some better technology and needed competition"
  7. Madagascar would like to put forward a confirmation vote on the make up the Security Council, with goals to immediately address the first two points put up by Tianxia, followed by a resolution to address problems in Rhodesia.
  8. Madagascar would like to reiterate it's previous request, and in addition ask that fellow African states support our Republik's bid to do so.
  9. The Republic of Madagascar will represent Africa upon the council, if it allows. - George Hantana, Official Madagascar Representative to the U.N
  10. Congressional Public Record Congress will begin voting on a national Constitution. IT will be a several months long process of receiving input from the citizenry. Congressional leaders will work in conjuction with leading members of the nation's judiciary and the Office of the President in order to establish a functioning governmental system.
  11. "Whoa there, hold on, slow up there" cried Nividy leaning forward and shaking his hands "Take is easy, child, I just asked the one question. How did you get through the campaign?" he asked, absolutely baffled by this woman who seemed so unsure around other people. "You want to get votes, you gotta start putting in the work. Now, I may have missed somethings on the plane..."he said, reaching for his glasses in his pocket. His hands shook a little as he tried to open them. He looked for a file in his briefcase, finding a folder and opening it up. "Just a small briefing on Great Britain. I haven't heard to much about this place before. What kind of policy are you trying to establish right now?"
  12. "Oh, well then, I am proud to sit in it. It is a very nice chair, make sure to send my compliments," Nividy answered, settling in even more comfortably. "What did you do before winning the election, eh?"
  13. "You'll get used to it. Everybody is gonna want their five minutes, so you just have to manage. Now, you should probably answer that; if you got someone on a cell phone it's probably important. Mmmmhmmm, if not they got that nice phone right over there on the desk," he said, nodding to the land-line. "Or have a secretary take care of it" he added
  14. "It is very nice to meet you as well, Madame Prime Minister" he replied. His voice was deep, and though his english was great, he was just enough accented to let everyone know it wasn't his first language. He wore a purple, stitched turtleneck under his suitjacket, and it complimented his lean frame. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to just sit," he said, giving a satisfied sigh as he sat down in one of the big armchairs in the room "right here. This cold weather is hard on the joints" he finished, rubbing his left knee a little.
  15. Cardiff, Wales The motorcade was, by most standards, small. Though Madagascar was experiencing an economic boom due to more organized trade with the continent and Bolivia, the President felt the finances were still a little too unstable yet for such luxuries as the latest limousines for government functions. As such, the 3 car group pulled up to the Prime Ministers office building in 4 door sedans, modestly modified to provide some small protection to it's occupants. From the first and last car emerged several guards, 3 from each car (the drivers staying in), and from the center car emerged President Nividy himself, slowly as getting up and sitting down ain't what it used to be. From the other side of the car came Hubert Ford, Madagascar's Secretary of State. From the passenger door, another guard. Together, the group slowly headed up the steps towards the front doors.
  16. Congress Officially Decided Senate: 40 Seats Pacific Democratic Party - 14 seats (35% of votes) United Madagascar - 14 seats (35% of votes) The Communist Party - 5 seats (11% of the votes) Island Dawn - 5 seats (11% of votes) The Greens - 2 seats (5% of the votes) House: 152 Seats United Madagascar - 62 seats Pacific Democratic Party - 36 seats The Communist Party - 18 seats Island Dawn - 18 seats The Greens - 18 seats
  17. To: Office of Ortan Cassio; United Bolivia From: Antanico Yalifeh, Senior Staff Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Cassio, we appreciate your country's commitment to friendship with Madagascar even in the difficult times you currently face, and I am fully confident in saying that the diplomatic feeling is mutual. You can rest assured that Madagascar will, in all likely hood, renew a trade ties with the United Bolivar government, whom ever they be. At the present, however, such an action cannot be taken. No, do not worry, it is neither an unwillingness or inability on our part or yours. At the moment we are establishing our First Congress, and the election has just finished. Once Congress has been sworn in, the first thing on the agenda, of course, will undoubtedly be to renew economic ties. Looking forward to sending you good news - Antanico Yalifeh
  18. With the sudden lack of activity from the South African Union, many in Madagascar had grown panicked. The Island nation, though now bustling with economic activity and actively building and growing stronger everyday, was still under S.A protection, until when the New Congress was sworn in and the Republic could fields it's own large defensive force. But the Union soldiers had left, and word was spreading that the Athenian Federation was taking over protection duties as well as annexing every island the Union controlled; some of which were dangerously close to Madagascar. In what will no doubt be regarded in future history books as his quickest reaction to a situation, President Nividy ordered the small Madagascar Army to take over South African Union stations across the island. It was a quick take over; in just over an hour, the Army had closed off and secured former Union locations. Madagascar now found itself in possession of a significant amount of advanced equipment, which many of the military's top leaders, including President Nividy, had plans for. Unfortunately, the Athenian summons to the remaining African Nations couldn't have come at a worse time for the President, who was preparing for a scheduled trip to Great Britain for economic and peace talks. After a lively debate with the National Transitional Council (who were already packing their things as their authority began to wind down), the President agreed to the meeting of nations in Athens, only on the condition that it would be a first stop on the way to Great Britain. ========================================================== President Nividy, along with a small staff, would arrive to the Imperial Palace by Motorcade, which in reality was an elaborate term for "3 cars".
  19. Isaac Gholonan, P.D Party President (newly elected from it's current membership) - "We take our name from the principles that this government is operating on, to demonstrate our commitment to these, and further, fair and free elections, and idea that all citizens have a voice. We hope our presence one day expands beyond our borders, and that all the free people of the world take up the ideals democracy"
  20. Polls to close at Midnight, Votes to be Counted beginning 1 A.M Local Time
  21. On the field report The first voters have come and gone and the voting continues. What has shocked many people, including members of the National Transition council, has been the lack of interest from outside powers, as well as a distinct lack of outside observers. A minor scuffle broke out in Nosy Be as members of both a christian church group and a local mosque each tried to prevent each other from voting. Police, with support from the army, were able to break up the skirmish, and both groups were informed that future election mishaps would not be tolerated.
  22. Madagascar Congressional Elections! By order of the President, with full faith and backing of the National Transition Council, Madagascar officially opens the polls for the 1st Congress. There are many voices and many people running, and all are out at the polls. Police are out in full force (after, of course, casting their own votes) to ensure that no party or organization is either A.) influencing the vote of the People. By decree from the N.A.T and Presidential Office, elections shall be free and a person's vote private B.) engaging in violence or intimidation at polling stations The Army has been deployed in a supporting role to the Police, and there is a great expectation that the Republic's first congressional election will be both fair and free. Several Parties have mustered the financial backing and popular support to make it to the final ballot, and will be shown all 6 provincial ballots. Island Dawn (I): Island Dawn is a party created by Malagasy nationalists and ethno-supremacists, who want to keep Madagascar solidly for and only Malagasy people. A largely rural party, Island Dawn has fanatically argued against the continued existence of European, North American, and Central African peoples on the Island, with a party platform largely consistent of said Immigration policy. The party advocates the government target the Malagasy with preferential treatment towards jobs, education, and financing. Pacific Democratic Party (PD): The Pacific Democratic Party has been very successful as a "big tent" kind of party, with a large focus on Social Issues as the party's primary platform. During the campaign season, the P.D hounded on a range of issues such as social equality, living wages, worker's rights, and education support/reform as a pillar. While the PD lacks a central economic strategy, many party members have voiced support for President Nividy's Free Enterprise model, while others have argued that a more directed approach is needed. United Madagascar (UM): United Madagascar is second very successful "big tent" party currently operating in the country. Like the P.D, United Madagascar has found great success with many of the citizens, especially amongst the relatively wealthier immigrant population, by standing on the issues of individual responsibility and smaller government. UM advocates less power for the forming government, a free enterprise economic model with little to no regulation including as little taxes as can feasibly be had, and a strong national defense to protect Madagascar's growing success. The Greens (G): The Greens have not made as much headway in the cities as the larger parties during the campaign season, but they have found some sufficient success in Rural areas, certainly enough to be put on the ballot. The Greens have made protecting Madagascar's biodiversity the primary, if not only, issue in the Party platform. The Greens argue that Madagascar's efforts to industrialize and improve the lot of humankind on the island is killing the nation's ecosystem. The Communist Party (CCP): It is something of a surprise that the Communist Party survived early election vetting to make it to the final ballots. There has been some speculation by electoral scholars that the Communist Party's successful foray into the scene has more to do with ties to the continent than any actual attachment to the Party. The Communist Party, drawing it's support mainly from poor areas in the Cities, has been advocating that all economic production be nationalized.
  23. We appreciate this opportunity to expand our diplomatic service and our reputation around the glove, and we happily welcome President Ian Smith to our country. However, his meeting with President Nividy will have to be postponed until mid-October, as President Nividy is currently prepping for a trip to Great Britain for a similar meeting with the Prime Minister. We look forward to furthering diplomatic and economic relations between our two nations From, Foreign Office of The President Republic of Madagascar
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