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Jarl Frost

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Everything posted by Jarl Frost

  1. Second Actual Match of the Tourney; Meihua Takes it in Final Minutes Meihua vs Tierra Del Fuego 4 Score 3 1 Fouls 1 38% Possession 62% 10 Fans Accidentally Married After Match 11 Summary: An exciting match as two clearly powerhouse teams faced off today. This was a game filled with thrills, shrills, and chills, and a back and forth seen only previously with the Madagascar vs Siam match. It's a real shame one of these teams had to lose, and fortunately both might still make it to the final 1st Half: Meihua started off with a nice header into the goal by Sam Sung, leading the team to an early lead. Tierra Del Fuego would answer that with a beautiful upper-90 kick by leading striker Rodriguz Miguelson. Tierra Del Fuego would make several more attempts this half, but nothing would come of it, leading to half-time. 2nd Half: The real message of the day was that although Tierrra Del Fuego was a more possessive team, Meihua was a more efficient one. Tierra took a machine gun approach to the game, maintaining possession of the ball and delivering strike after strike. This approach was moderately successful with two goals by Hernandez Montoya and Ignacious Pistole respectfully, putting Tierra up ahead 3-1 in the second half. Meihua responded, scoring 3 goals over their next 4 possessions, a relatively paltry amount of time compared to Tierra, with goals by Hue Man, Stan, and Markus Lee to put Meihua up at the end in stoppage time.
  2. Next match! Tierra Del Fuego vs Meihua! Attention all defeated! winner of the Losers Bracket moves on to next round! There is still hope!
  3. The Empress would land in the privately owned and operated Czerka Corp. International Airport, in Antananarivo. Her security detail would be joined by specially equipped Madagascar National Police, Antananarivo Division, 4th Precinct (currently the most heavily armed and best trained security forces on the island). From the landing strip they would form a convoy straight to the Capitol building. Along the way the Empress would be the first foreign dignitary to witness would could be understatedly said as "a lot of construction". The Airport was expanding, road crews were busy repairing, building, and upgrading the streets. Rail crews were busy putting track everywhere they could for street-cars and a nationwide high-speed rail system. On the shore, harbors were being dropped. In the city, skyscrapers and factories and other buildings were under way. What just a short time ago would have looked like a wasteland, a third world mess, instead looked like a busy and bustling civilization on it's way up. The convoy would lead them through town to little fanfare. People would curiously look on, but not linger. They were too busy right now. The convoy would, eventually, stop at the Presidential Palace.
  4. Athens Steamrolls Bear Islands, Moves On Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear vs Athenian Federation 0 Goals 3 1 Shots 14 50% Possession 50% 1 Fouls 2 Summary: A bit of a surprise here as the Athenian Federation commanded the match against Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear. It wasn't a bad effort by the Stormcloaks: Athens just happened to be better. 1st Half: Athens possessed the ball for much of the first half, scoring two early goals that would leave Bear Islands scrambling. Bear Islands gave a good effort in maintaining possession later on, but were unable to push into Athenian territory long enough to challenge a very tough defense. 2nd Half: A very dull second half indeed, though a more concerted effort by Bear Islands to maintain possession of the ball and attack. A lackadaisal effort however led to a third Athenian Goal, ending hopes of the Stormcloaks in this round of play.
  5. ooc: small issue taken care of in IRC. All's good in the hood, yo Missive Regarding GLR Troops on Madagascar There has been some question as to the legitimacy of the new Republik's governing body, a question emboldened given the presence of GLR military personnel on the island. To clarify: The GLR military has, in recent times, spent considerable energy and time preventing chaos and instability in Madagascar, with the formation of the Republikan government a culmination of those efforts. GLR troops will continue to operate within Madagascar for the short interim, as work they currently are engaged in will be complete. Outposts and bases will eventually be turned over to Madagascar Repulikan forces, as soon as those are developed. This is an amicable and mutually supportive arrangement. Thank you
  6. OOC: As this is a port, please look here , here , and here for nation development EDIT: Just ignore any diplomatic or development that specifically refers to CNRP 1 nations. Anytime I post something I will be sure to specifically mark 1 or 2 in the post. Thanks!
  7. OOC: Required, required for map space. Original DoE for CNRP1 here. Jean sat in his chair, idly napping in the noon-day sun. The old man, a resident in the city of Toamisina, napped a lot these days, having retired after 35 years working for a fishing company that operated out of the busy and prosperous port town. His small house on the shore was ideal; a private dock, his own boat, and few tourists. He even had a special rocking chair he kept on the end of his dock so that he might do his own fishing or, as was the case today, relaxing and enjoying good weather. Snoozing with a book resting on his chest, he didn't notice the considerably younger man approaching him from behind, nor did he stir when the younger man sat in the extra chair beside him. "Jean...hey, hey Jean," the new guy said quietly, trying not to startle the old man. Jean stirred only but a little, shifting his feet for comfort, but still snoozing. This time the young man called his name while gently pushing his shoulder, and Jean gave a huge snort as he awoke. "Ayahhh, who, what?" he said, adjusting himself higher into his chair. He rubbed his eyes before putting his glasses back on, which had slipped down his nose. He immediately looked around and noticed the younger man sitting next to him with a small grin on his face. "Did I disturb you?" the younger man asked jokingly. "Could have let an old man sleep, Mr. Holsting," Jean grunted, carefully marking the page he was on in his book before closing it and setting it down next to his now-warm tea on the dock. "So," Jean said, looking up now at Mr. Holsting "what brings you down to my little piece of paradise...finally I might add, Dean," he finished, giving Dean Holsting a stern look, to which Dean kept smiling disarmingly. "Jean, old man, you know I would have visited sooner, but you know how it is; running a business on this island is a damned hard job..." Dean began to answer but he was cut off by Jean. "You don't get to lecture me about running a business in Madagascar young man. I just spent 35 years turning a small fishing boat into a multi-million franc company. It should be noted I found the time to raise a son who now runs that same company, so I think you could have found the time to at least attend an old friend's retirement party!" Jean said in a raised voice, and Dean's smile faltered some. There was silence for a moment, and then two broke into laughter. Dean Holsting was the son of an North American immigrant to the island, just one of and incredible many fleeing from the region and Europe as the result of war and instability over the decades. As a result, the natives of Madagascar had to adjust to a significantly less homogenous society, an adjustment that threatened civil war. But Dean's Father, Jimmy Holsting, and Business leader and Local leader Jean Nividy, came together and through business ties, personal freindship, and a little luck, managed to diffuse the situation. "Really though, Dean, it's not like you to just drop in so suddenly," Jean said, again sternly looking at his young friend. Dean rubbed his hands together, gazing out into the open seas. In the distance, he could see some South African naval ships lazily trolling the ocean, looking out for pirates and illegal activity. "There's been a lot of talk in the upper levels," he replied, taking his time. His purpose visiting his old friend was important, and he didn't want to rush things. "City leaders, business leaders, the whole lot of us. We think it's time the Madagascar be a little...more, than what it is," he finally said, trying to lay the news down lightly. Jean leaned forward in his chair, the wood creaking. "Dean, you're talking a national government, aren't you?" the old man asked seriously. Dean nodded, opening his suit jacket and pulling out a pamphlet from the inside pocket. "We're working on an election system, and a lot of money is going into it. Not all the regions are on board, mind you, but we think we have enough supporters in the upper crust to make this move forward," Dean answered as Jean took the pamphlet. It was one of soon to be many mass copied ones, written in malagasy, that explained the electoral process. "Well, that's all very nice," Jean said, adjusting his glasses as he read the pamphlet "Yes, very nice indeed. Well that's good, things might improve in the other cities. Must say, though, can't imagine why you came to tell me about it personally," he added, closing the pamphlet. "That's the thing, Jean. The business leaders and city leaders and myself...well, we want you to be President." =================================================================================== Declaration of Existence: The Republic of Madagascar We, the people of Madagascar, do on this day declare ourselves an independent and sovereign Republic. In these trying times, have brought together our best and brightest to lead our diverse people into a brand new future; one of prosperity, one of strength, and one of peace. By unanimous decision of our nation's collective business and regional governmental leaders, Jean Nividy is hereby appointed to the office of President, to lead the newly formed National Transitional Government as it seeks to establish a constitution and an election to form the 1st Congress of Madagascar. President Nividy will be joined by two representatives from each of the 6 provinces to form the National Transitional Council. who will aid our President in forming a more permanent government. Newly Appointed President Jean Nividy
  8. The Republik, having successfully stabilized it's internal economy, now enters it's formal foreign relations push. The Madagascar Republik, in that stance, thus formally requests recognition as a sovereign nation, and submits, for the judgement of this council, and application to join the Greater African Community. - President Jean Nividy
  9. So, if you could, I'd like to port Madagascar in. Ty :)
  10. If it's cool with everyone, I'd Like to just port Madagascar into CNRP2. That way I can just keep rping what I have been, and it'll count for both, and the rp for one won't have to matter for the other.
  11. Next Match!!! Athenian Federation vs Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear
  12. Madagascar Moves On, Siam to play in losers rounds!!! Madagascar 3 Goals 2 Siam 18 Shots 12 56% Possession 44% 1 Injuries 0 Summary: It could be said that this was the first real "match" of the tournament, a back and forth that proved absolutely entertaining as the folks from Siam outright refused to give in until the very last minutes. Mighty Madagascar proved resilient, and will move on to challenge for the Cup. 1st Half: The first half ended in a tie, one in the 22nd minute by forward Jose Franco for Madagascar and one in the 29nth as an answer from Agent 12 for Siam. Madagascar held a pressing attack, keeping possession for most of the half. 2nd Half: This half proved to be much more interesting, indeed more exciting. An early injury into the half by Alasan Galafy for Madagascar would dim hopes, but those hopes would quickly return as as 55th minute goal put the team into the lead. Siam answered, however, just 10 minutes later, leaving the game tied Madagascar looking for answers. An 87th minute goal by substitute Pierre Scongas put Madagascar in the lead (and popped the ear drums of everyone in the stadium from the noise of the crowd) would permanently put Madagascar ahead. and now a word from our sponsors....
  13. AFIS Cup News Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear Men's National Team of the Bear Chad Bearingson was given an organization imposed fine of $30,000 for "frivolous use of Organization resources". All players participating in AFIS participating nations are represented by the AFIS Players Union. Chad Bearingson had attempted to sue, with Union Lawyers, the AFIS Organization for discrimination. Chad alleged that the Organizations' refusal to declare him "King Bear, official bear of the World Cup" was racist against Bear Islanders.
  14. Major Upset! America Defeats Tianxia!! 4 Goals 0 14 Shots 9 53% Posession 47% 1 Injuries 0 Injured: J. Jones - American Commonwealth Short Summary: It was a game that many assumed was over before it had begun. Tianxia, with its world famous program, were expected to control this game from the onset. Instead, the Americans showed that their growing program was a threat to be taken seriously, leaving Tianxia stunned and surprised in their wake. 1st Half: The first half had the Americans coming out swinging, with goals by Dempsey, Bradley, Johnathan, and Captain Stan all within the half. Tianxia seemed out of sorts, incapable of hanging on to the ball and unable to prevent the Americans from penetrating their end of the pitch. Half time was a welcome relief from what was essentially an American practice half. 2nd Half: The second half showed a Tianxia squad much regrouped, entering the second half with a much solidified defense and a more pressing attack. A 63rd minute injury to J. Jones did little, however, to help Tianxia in any way, and the Commonwealth holds on to their lead. America moves on, while Tianxia's hope lies with the Loser's bracket.
  15. This is how many Black-Briar's it takes to get slightly buzzed And this is how many of Honningbrew's World Famous, Best Tasting Mead it takes to get you laid
  16. Russia Defeats Faraway Union, Moves on to Next Round Russia 3 – 0 Faraway Union 3 – Goals – 0 18 – Shots – 3 12 – On Target – 1 48% - Possession – 52% 50 – Tackles – 54 1 – Fouls – 1 No cards Russia showed up to the 1st of the renewed AFIS World Cup in a big way with a 3 - nil rout of the Faraway Union. The match started off in Faraway's favor, with an early press into Russian territory, however, as would be for the rest of the match, the Russian defense proved to be far too solid for Faraway to meaningfully break. 1st half: Faraway presses an early attack, having won the toss and using it to their advantage. While nothing came of this 1st dash, it would not be the only opportunity Faraway would get. Early Russian attempts to bring the ball down field into Faraway territory would prove difficult, as Faraway defenders kept the ball away from the keeper. However, even though Faraway held the ball a little longer, Russian breaks towards their side of the pitch began to be more and frequent, with Faraway proving less and less able to hang onto the ball. This resulted in a 33' goal by Igor Melech, and leading to halftime at 1-0. 2nd Half: Once again, Faraway seemingly starts the half with a renewed energy, pressing early in an attempt to make up for early mistakes. Russian defenders, on the other hand, had a different idea in mind, and it was only into the 4th minute of the second half when Russia regained their momentum. An early 57' goal put Russia squarely in the lead, with Faraway seemingly unable to get a decent break into opposition territory. A 63' goal would put Russia up 3-0, from which Faraway never recovered. Analysis: Both Russia and Faraway played phenomenal defense, however the relentless Russian attack wore down the Faraway much faster. Faraway held onto the ball just a little bit longer, but their attack lacked positioning and time consumption, often losing the ball as soon as they neared the opposition goal. In the end, Russia simply wore down the unprepared Faraway squad. Russia moves on into the next round.
  17. This AFIS World Cup is proudly sponsored by Czerka Corporation Czerka Corporation Our Business is just about Everything Do you feel...unused? Do you feel...underemployed? Do you feel...that everyone around you is inferior in some way? If so, Czerka Corporation is looking for folks like you! Industrial and Enterprise-level go-getters with a sense of superiority, shadowed only by their ambition. Czerka Corp. is a company that values those will do anything, and I mean everything to get ahead. So come on down to your local Czerka Corporation Kiosk and apply today, because boy-o-boy, are we hiring!
  18. Match Order Given the small amount of participants this year, the normal group and knockout stages have been eliminated in favor of a simple knockout format. Random draw selection process has revealed these upcoming matches! The Upcoming Matches, here at the AFIS World Cup: Our Home Crowd, the Madagascar Men's National Team vs Siam Faraway Union vs Russia Tierra Del Fuego vs Meihua American Commonwealth vs Tianxia Athenian Federation vs Bear Islands' Nation of The Bear
  19. The A.F.I.S World Cup!!!! Greetings!!! And welcome to Madagascar for the 1st of the reknewed AFIS World Cup!! This is just the preliminary announcement! The order of matches will be announced shortly. Over the course of the next few weeks, 10 participating teams, representing nations from all over the world, will vie for the right to be declared the best club in the world, and the glory of taking home the AFIS World Cup. Participating For this Cup: Madagascar Athenian Federation Russia Meihua Tierra Del Fuego American Commonwealth Siam Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear Faraway Union and Tianxia! More in a bit!
  20. "Add 10 more tom-cats, 20 more 105 Arrows, and another 10 YF-12's to the order then, and we'll sweeten our part by including tickets to the up-coming World Cup, tony the fearless turtle, and the promise to engage in a thoroughly entertaining trade war"
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