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Everything posted by Jason8

  1. First off, the goal was to break the ice in the CyberNations community. That happened. No unaligneds were harmed in the making of this thread, no "injustice" rained upon the lands. We had some fun, tons of people laughed about it, others are crying about it. It has opened a debate about tech raiding, and people are voicing their opinions. Honestly, isn't this what these forums are about? Second off, this thread won't be locked unless it goes off topic. Locking is for derailed topics, and this is nine pages of amazing on-track debate.
  2. Ah, I love an amazing post in the morning... Oh wait, it's 8:20 PM. I seem to have slept in! ...crap.
  3. Qualifications? You have no qualifications! You know who I really liked? That Bob guy from the Greenland Republic... Now he was cool. And he had QUALIFICATIONS!
  4. Yeah, we all <3 Hakai OOC: By the way, the CN forums need :HAKAI:
  5. Good sir, this is not an area for this kind of talk. Please keep it PG-13 or below. There are children observing this!
  6. I don't really see the point of you posting in this thread...
  7. Thanks for the support, man. *points to Irisheyes' signature*
  8. I just hate it when people hate it that we remake game shows.
  9. I wouldn't say poor taste. Either way, he would've been raided.
  10. The Tech Raid Lottery Show a RAD presentation *taps microphone* Evening ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present a brand new show for the citizens of Planet Bob. This entertaining lottery show extends to two different extremes, the first being brutality with the other other being kindness. So basically we draw 2 nations randomly that resides in the alliance known as "None", one of them shall receive a $3m prize courtesy of Waldo! *Audience clapping* The other nation will get the unlucky prize of a tech raid, which will be carried out by one of our finest experts in the art of tech raiding. *Audience cheers* Don't worry however, they are free to escape from our brutal tech raiders provided they accept peace at the first opportunity. *Audience boos* Please welcome our special guest Mr. Bill of Kingdom of Bill who will be doing the draw. *Cheering and Applause* So please draw the first nation Mr. Bill! *Audience cheers* Draw the prize for eagle2040. *Audience cheers* Moving onwards, lets draw the second who will win the $3m prize. *Audience cheers* Well that's the Tech Raid Lottery Show's debut episode, hope you enjoyed the show! Please stay tuned for the brand new RAD ZI Show which is coming once someone pisses us off! See you next week!
  11. ... Good luck with that one. Haha. Good luck with the new government, Triumvirates work pretty well. Off to awesomeness!
  12. Yes, only 75 million. He said that in the first part of his speech! Way to listen.
  13. I have been following your war efforts closely, and I was very impressed. He lasted over a month with only 75 million dollars at the beginning. Amazing.
  14. But that goes against socialism and all the &#33;@#&#036;% insanity that the NPO believes in! Logic has finally come to the New Pacific Order... Could this be a new dawn?
  15. It does make you much less legit, Marx. However, it doesn't make your point any less legit.
  16. Sexy! Go Ragnablok! Go Ragnarok! Go Assassin Order! Welcome, my new allies! EDIT: THIRD!
  17. Jason8

    Hello Fark

    I see a pair of female body parts that men like to look at... But that's just me. EDIT: But hey, I could be wrong >_>
  18. Loss? TPF didn't lose in the UJW. The Orders won GWI, and they received surrender terms! How can TPF be considered a losing party in the UJW?
  19. Um. It's sad when the most relevant thing I can say is "I lol'd."
  20. You know... I had my answer typed up for... what, three hours, now? I just got sidetracked and never hit the post button... My post should be up there with Hakai's. EDIT: Actually, two hours...
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