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Everything posted by Jason8

  1. So turning the Grand Global Alliance into something besides a puppet alliance (Which this action proves is the case) is a bad thing? The GGA has not been successful under the wing of the NPO. I do not see a problem with exploring the options that the alliance has. You mentioned war. With who? The NPO? They would attack you if you decided to change things up a bit? I wouldn't put it past them, but really, would you expect war if you decided to put your alliance ahead of your allies? You're not abandoning them in war or anything. You're just going to go do your own thing. Individualism is dead within One Vision.
  2. Some guys already said who it was, but in my opinion, if they wanted to go looking outside the alliance, they should've went to Jonathan Brookbank. I'm appalled at seeing this many people supporting the GGA. IMHO that alliance just made one of the biggest mistakes in it's recent history... Throwing out a damn fine leader because he's looking out for the best interests of the alliance is... nothing short of total and complete failure. How could anyone support that? I know I can't. I don't think anyone with a level head could support this atrocity.
  3. Woot! I love excuses to get drunk! *grabs SinOfNemesis and a bottle of vodka*
  4. If this stuff is irrelevant and Schattenmann is wasting his time on useless stuff... why are you replying? Why are you reading? I love TWiP. Not because of the OP, but because of the content that appears in the rest of the thread.
  5. It's good to see protectorates get big and become equal allies. Good luck to Iunctus. I know a few of you guys, and for the most part, you're not too bad. Good luck TCB and -I-! MAIM KILL BURN So Teh Chad, when are you guys moving to pink team?
  6. Brown sphere is a logical choice for a new alliance looking to gain a foothold within the world. That or he wants to spite GATO.
  7. I must say, the simplicity of the charter is very impressive. I like it. With a man of your stature at the helm, Moldavi, I have no doubts that this alliance will be destroyed within the next two weeks or move on to greatness. Planet Bob's eyes are locked onto you, Ivan. And I think I can speak for the world when I say "Good luck."
  8. Ivan! Lets get together and play some Scorch, just like we did during the First Great War! I think there are a few of those LUEsers still around as well. At least Bros and Trace are. EDIT: Damn, the site has gone down. I'll look for a mirror. EDIT2: http://i1.dk/scorch/1024x768.html Found it!
  9. Why would he? It's the game moderation's job to catch banned members, not alliances. Being able to log into the game is the only check you need to do. Granted, as members of the community, it's our job to report banned members if we find out they're playing. 98% of the time, they don't tell you.
  10. No, WarriorConcept, I do not sleep with my sister. Just no. I couldn't agree more. However, the "OOC" card is only used when things become advantageous to the offending party. IP tracing, OOC attacks, the list goes on.
  11. What I'm getting at is that IRON pretty much has the world in their hands. But they took something that happened OOC that most likely has NOTHING to do with CyberNations and made it into something IC so people can feel sorry for them. Sounds like an emo kid, doesn't it? Emo chicks don't steal cookies. They don't think they're good enough for the cookie, so they leave the cookie lying where it is. However, I might have to start linking OOC events that affect my life to my alliance and make announcements about it. (The cookie would be stale after a day, and that would be laaaaaaame)
  12. ...I love emo chicks. It's true. But a coffee shop? Hell no! I was in a Starbucks once, and to this day, I can't figure out why someone would spend $8.99 on a cup of coffee. I prefer hanging out at the race track. There's always a better breed of woman wandering the pits.
  13. I guess in this situation, IRON is that emo kid that lives in the suburb with his parents. And they bought him a new Volvo to drive. But someone stole his iPod. So his life is horrrrrrible and he's a victim to society. In Demeanor's situation, he's the kid that lives on a farm, gets up at 3 AM every morning to milk the cows, drives a rusted out 82 Chevy pickup, and has been saving money since he was six so he could go to college and improve his life. Both are "victims," I guess.
  14. Having your forums attacked makes you proud to be an IRON member? Please explain your logic here. Yes, they should. But it tends to be EXTREMELY hard to trace a botnet since they utilize thousands of compromised systems across the globe. Just write a simple script, drop it in a web page, email, maybe some forums via a software vulnerability, and you instantly have thousands of computers awaiting your orders. All from the comfort of your home. How do you even know that the person who attacked your forums is a member of CyberNations? I'm 99% positive that you're using shared hosting. Which means there are hundreds, if not thousands of web sites hosted on the server you're on. Any one of those could have pissed someone off, causing the dDoS attack. Or hell, maybe the entire data-center's connection was clogged via the dDoS. Only the hosting provider knows. IRON is just as guilty for blurring the IC/OOC line by making this announcement within a roleplay forum.
  15. * Jason8 waves his e-peen around If you don't want your boards to be attacked, don't give people a reason to attack them!
  16. I'm Jason8. Oh, and congratulations! I hate to say it, but it needs a better title. :X
  17. I thoroughly enjoy reading these issues, Schattenmann. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see what other people have to say.
  18. Sorry, your DoW is not acknowledged. :P LOL, however. :)

  19. Cult of Bacon? I like. Jason8 gives two thumbs up and does the mash; he did the monster mash.
  20. Congratulations, GGA, on three years of existence. Here's to three more! Because, as the OP states, we're former members that have moved on to bigger and better things.
  21. You need a REASON to do this, though. Some rude people apparently pissed him off, and he's telling them to go $%&@ themselves. It is expected. He should get peace for this action. PEACE, I SAY! This is needed for the sake of CyberNations.
  22. I like this guy. He play's the same style I enjoy playing. GO GET 'EM, COWBOY!
  23. I suggest visiting #RAD on irc.coldfront.net for proof.
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