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Everything posted by Belisarius

  1. Green Protection Agency - LastoftheRomans - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/116875-an-announcement-from-the-green-keep/ As our President, Kurdanak, is busy with RL commitment, I (serving as Veep and acting President) will form the GPA in-game once the changes are made.
  2. Hey, now. Why don't we all just calm down and wreck more havoc on flag runners? :) Also to Caladin: If there's a next round, we're gonna get ya! :D
  3. ಠ_ಠ Alas, I wish the crew of the Frying Dehlia much luck in their plundering across the seas.
  4. If you have an IRC client, plug in these IP Addresses in lieu of the address. Here are a few below. (snow.coldfront.net) - London, UK (frozen.coldfront.net) - Dallas, TX - (stark.coldfront.net) - Fremont, CA - (polar.coldfront.net) - Newark, NJ
  5. ヽ( 。 ヮ゚)ノ We had a good run but now I shall live the life of a hobo, moving from one alliance to another counting beans.
  6. And you challenged me to fight you and called me a coward (while not giving me your, you know, nation link or TE name) when all my offensive slots were full, poindexter :v: But sure, why not?
  7. Your war slots were full, as were mine when you began your trash talking :v: So I had to fight Patton, who has a higher NS than you (10K when I declared on him). You would've been far too easy to be honest. But it took you long enough to actually respond to his question, almost as if you wanted to wait to announce who you were once your slots were all full. Oh well, maybe next round :ehm: PS: My TE name is in my description below my avatar, so you had more than enough time to declare on me? What gives? I wasn't good enough for your nukes? :'(
  8. So I got this again not that long ago: I'll just let that speak for itself. :ehm:
  9. I got this message from one of the NAO nations I attacked: And his PM: I mean, I'm fighting against 3 NAO nations against little ol' me. And yet one of them is asking for peace after one day. This is my response:
  10. Don't flatter yourself. You are simply in the way of the Iron Lady's killer hips ;)
  11. Here are my nominations: probablamenteno Jerdge AwesomeDog Blitzkerig0 nik718 Glad to see the title got some attention :D - LastoftheRomans President of the GPA
  12. I will just make a few clarifications. While VE dissolved their membership in the UJA (as is perfectly within their right to do so), the GPA is still a neutral signatory to the accords. The UJA still lives on. The GPA has no intention of leaving the UJA. However, on the aggregate we agree that the UJA is effectively meaningless (from its former role) as there are no other signatories to it. The GPA - as the sole remaining signatory - will not admit any new members to the UJA, as doing so is inherently not neutral. We will also not withdraw from the accords. As neutral signatories, the UJA's provisions for neutral alliances goes well with our own beliefs and values. There's no reason to end our association with that. And there is no reason to end our practice of electing only one GPA senator for the Green sphere and to keep all other UJA practices intact. The withdrawal of VE from the UJA is an end to an era. And I wish the best of luck to both VE and the GOP on their future endeavors - LastoftheRomans Vice-President of the GPA
  13. I've just donated some spare cash for Lanore's surgery. I wish you the best of luck and hope you make a speedy recovery
  14. [center][b]Presenting the latest lineup of dedicated and uber-neutral GPA Government Officials:[/b][/center] [center][b][color=green][size=3]Current Government of the Green Protection Agency[/b][/color][/size] [center][img]http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv276/dyCazaril/gpa2-by-astarle.gif[/img][/center][/center] [center] [b][color=green][u]Office of the Executive[/u]: President - LastoftheRomans[/color][/b] (Outgoing - dy Cazaril) [b][color=green]Vice President - probablamenteno[/color][/b] ([i]Incumbent[/i]) [b][color=green][u]G.P.A. Cabinet[/color][/b][/u][/center] [center]([i]Includes Office of the Executive[/i]): [b][color=green]Minister of Internal Affairs - Taurvi[/color][/b] (Outgoing - LastoftheRomans) [b][color=green]Minister of Defense - jerdge[/color][/b] ([i]Incumbent[/i]) [b][color=green]Minister of Foreign Affairs - Lord Rav[/color][/b] ([i]Incumbent[/i]) [b][color=green]Minister of Economics - Mark8240[/color][/b] (Outgoing - nik718) [b][color=green]Minister of Membership Compliance - Blitzkerig0[/color][/b] (Outgoing - Fodell) [b][color=green][u]Board of Directors[/u][/color][/b] [i]Non-Cabinet, Elected Officials[/i]: [color=green][b]Director of the Academy - MagicFriend[/color][/b] (Outgoing - Blitzkerig0) [b][color=green]Director of Communications - bladegolem47[/color][/b] ([i]Incumbent[/i]) [b][color=green]Director of Recruiting - Georg Khan[/color][/b] (Outgoing - Destane) [b][color=green]Director of Trade - Kurdanak[/color][/b] (Outgoing- Mark8240) [b]Come by and visit our forums http://forums.cn-gpa.com/ or drop by our IRC channel, #GPA on Coldfront! [/b][/center]
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