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Vladimir Stukov II

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Everything posted by Vladimir Stukov II

  1. No, your military would cost 50% more than it does now, not 50 times as much.
  2. Wiedergeburt votes Yes on Nova Imperium's admission.
  3. Signed for Wiedergeburt, Premier Vladimir Stukov
  4. Land might be more profitable than infra once you reach 15k infra, but it is still a horrible value. I only have 5,479.748 purchased land and it would cost me a little over 1bil to buy 3000 more. It is much smarter to save that money.
  5. I believe you are making less money now with the more infra you buy. As for max infra, it's different for everyone depending on wonders and trade sets. It's usually anywhere between 15k and 20k infra.
  6. Wiedergeburt wishes to apply to the Bermuda Triangle Pact.
  7. Which is funny considering we probably still had less ghosts than most sanctioned alliances.
  8. So we are sanctioned now, but has anything really changed? TOP hasn't got any stronger or any weaker because of it. Only important thing that may come out of it is we will get our flag in-game. That is up to admin though.
  9. Any alliance that is completely composed of ZId members would do the same.
  10. They can only give and take away TOP's sanction and that is only because we are 6th in NS but under 200 members. We have for a long time been sanction worthy, but have not had 200 members required. Just because Vox can ghost an AA doesn't mean they have power, it just means the current sanction system is flawed. EDIT: Also by your logic any 30 member alliance has just as much power as Vox. If any alliance would have ghosted our AA we would have gained a sanction. The ability to ghost is not some unique power possessed by Vox.
  11. I am glad many Vox members have seen the light and are finally joining us.
  12. How about alliances are sanctioned by strength only? Seems like the most logical way.
  13. If you care that much about reaching the top you can always join a neutral alliance and wait for everyone to kill themselves in the next Great War.
  14. I'd probably quit CN and many others that spent a lot of time on their nations would also. Lots of people are sticking around because of the time they have put into this game. Though a reset would be cool to try and become #1.
  15. Those guys spent too much of their money on infra for it to be them.
  16. I'd imagine there are a few people that have over 2bil. As for 5bil, it is possible that one or two have that much, but I've never heard of it.
  17. What happens when you swap guerilla camps?
  18. I've been using actual troops. What does everyone else use?
  19. Well this is CN RP. There are a lot of other RPs on the internet that have nothing to do with any game stats, only thing that matters is how you RP your nation.
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