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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf


    Can I ask what any of that has to do with the current version of Europa? Other than the fact that I was in BFF at the time?


    You can change the clothes, make-up or hairstyle but people never change who they truly are at the core. 


    EDIT: That said I'm going to bow out. I have no issue with you and I'm all but retired so I'll leave you to your alliance and I wish you the best of luck. 



    If you read the whole thread, you'll notice that I wasn't actually in LPH at the time and was posting on their behalf, as it states in the OP you linked. 


    If you're going to read the whole thread then you should definitely start with some background.










    Also literally none of that happened. This is the first reformation of Europa. FEAR/WP/Europa were BFF, there was no selling out of FEAR/WP by Europa. Hope this helps. 

    You tried to sell them out.. under the name BFF or europa, doesn't matter.

    Edit: mm actually it was LPH wasn't it?



    Oh yes, there was that but that was not what I was talking about.


    I was talking about when Chax was mad that NEW/FEAR/WP left BFF (the alliance) and reformed and tried to make a deal with NG/NPO that when they went to war with NEW/FEAR/WP/BFF that BFF (alliance) would peace out after 2-3 weeks of nonnuclear war and let NPO/NG destroy FEAR/WP/NEW.. and Int I think? Not sure about Int.. I forget who it was.. merged into Valhalla?


    EDIT: Oh it was TORN.

  5. What if we have admin modify the welcome message to tell people to get started on the ingame IRC applet and we each have an hour we are assigned to #cybernations during which we speak to every new person as they sign up... there's literally 100 times in the last few months where I've seen people join that channel, say something, get no response and leave.. never to be seen again.

  6. Wait. Just to clarify the number in parenthesis is the damage the nation next to it CAUSED? So in the first one: 


    kenai (3,332)

    Baby Fark McGeezax (10,411)


    Baby Fark McGeexax did 10,411 damage while receiving 3,332 damage? 


    http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=767583 is slightly different on an expired war  :psyduck:


    Therefore Kaskus has done 682,279 damage while taking 477,348 from MI6. 

  7. You can request a forum name change in the moderation subforum if you want your forum username to match your in-game ruler name or in-game nation name. This is required in the ToS (see: ban appeals).


    If you wish to change your in-game nation/ruler name you have to either delete your nation and start over or make a $30 (American) donation to the game to your nation. You can do this by going to "view my nation" and then clicking "donate" at the top (make sure you don't donate on another nation or else the donation bonuses will go to that nation). 

    You have a problem with reading don't you?
    Myth was actually giving SRA a compliment, but then you had to go and confirm Rush's arguement: "are they on my side or the other side." This, and this alone, determines right or wrong, ridicule or hail.

    I don't think one begets the other necessarily. Smurth can still believe it's ironic coming from myth but agree with the message.
  9. As fox alluded to it depends on what you want. Do you want a big strong alliance, or a small tight knit one? Do you want a loose structure so you can do whatever you want or do you want one where everyone is built to optimum efficiency? Do you want to be in the center of global affairs or away from it? Do you want occasional war or perpetual peace?

  10. Kaskus will destroy you all!!!




    Clearly we already won, they defacto overthrew their entire government.. and they said the incite government propaganda op was useless when it was first introduced.  


    This is almost like when we single-handily caused PB to disband.  :smug:



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