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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf

  1. The OP is hilarious, especially when coupled with Letums response to Dajobo. You came in on an oA? Please. One SNX noob declaring a war doesn't warrant a full on declaration on them from Umb and NPO. You say that both sides wanted this war.. well that is your issue. There isn't two sides. You just declared on the part of polar sphere that wants nothing to do with yalls war.

    The OP would've made sense if directed at platysphere, but you can't declare on them because you might lose by hitting them first (without Umb on your side).

    NPO saw victory with Umb and took it because you guys are pussies to be honest. NPO, Umb, ODN, and DBDC are so scared to lose a war its hilarious. Theres only a handful of alliances I can respect on that side. NG is the only one that comes to mind honestly... and as much as I hate to say it, NSO.

    The last 5 major wars have been (clear) losses for polarsphere to anyone seriously paying attention and the rest of you laugh at them for shitty WCs and peace mode and yet you continue to roll them.

    You don't want a real war, you want to pretend to have a real war. It's no different than the curbstomps of yesteryear.

    That said I hate the rest of you too. Well most of you.

    The end.

  2. Eh you made some mistakes but it happens overall I think it is good but you should be more thorough in the future when signing treaties. You need to inform your membership (and probably get their ok even if it is a dictatorship), your allies and your friends (last one is debatable). Generally speaking I like to inform the membership before it is signed off on to see if there are any concerns, inform your allies govt. once your membership agrees, then sign off on it. After all that inform your friends/general membership of your allies 24 hours before it is announced. 


    Also it seems tedious but you should always get the other party in joint-posts to see it verbatim before it is posted. This could have helped avoid the flag issue among other things. 

  3. I really don't get all the overreaction to all these senate proposals.  It always seems to come from nations with less than 1,000 infra too (which was you Methrage until less than a week ago).  I don't know how more clearly to iterate this: the purchase of one bank would literally have more impact on your nation than any of these proposals and the relative impact these have on tiny nations versus large nations is astounding.  For every negative event that costs these tiny nations a few thousand per collection it ends up being a multimillion dollar swing in the larger ranges, sometimes over 100 million.  Again, all the financial 'damage' you insist you are taking can be negated with literally one tech deal.


    I'm also very glad that this needed to be published on the OWF, like anyone else gives a crap what is going on there.  As I've stated on pink message boards, instead of publicly complaining you'd be far better off if you were actively doing tech deals, building infra and trade swapping when possible on backcollects.  


    As a senator, I try to be as judicious as possible with regards to sphere-based proposals, but I see my efforts are being countered with irrational behavior.  I expect nothing less from pink :awesome:


    If there are 50 nations losing 1/50th as much as you then they would have a point though.


    But then again those other 50 nations have options. They could not vote for you or they could switch spheres or they could do a lot of other diplomatic things. Perhaps we will see certain alliances switch to spheres that are controlled by nations their size. 


    It's all a balance. 


    Personally I couldn't give a shit anyways.. if I really cared about my nations economy I'd be 100% efficient with my aid slots and [ooc]donate[/ooc] and stuff. 

  4. This is incomplete. You're missing all of DS's treaties, TIO's treaties with NATO and R&R, you presume Argent and LoSS will roll with NPO (which obviously happened last war), and I think there's some other stuff too.


    Oh, and I didn't see tJL or Kashmir either. ;)


    It's not exactly a treaty web (at least that was not my intention), it is more of a who rolls with whom web* .. DSs treaties are all redundant with DBDC. Kashmir has no treaties. tJL is a reactionary alliance that will roll with its allies (or Kashmir) no matter what and therefore irrelevant for these purposes. Also with TIO out of US, I don't see 'em rolling with RnR/NATO. Argent rolls with AI who most likely rolls with NPO. 


    * = Assuming no direct hit on an ally that forces them to go elsewhere. 

    More like $%&@ the people who were speculating that the money had been absconded like yourself, or those suggesting because he is outwardly appreciative to those who initiated the event he is automatically ungrateful to anyone else... right?

    I never implied anything along those lines. You should stop making things up and grow up.

    Also that is not the correct usage of absconded, if you want to use big words to sound smart, you should use them correctly.
  6. I got in before most of them, actually. LPH was he only one involved at the time, and they had nobody remotely in range of meth. That members of Kashmir and GOONS engaged LN later was coincidental.

    That's not true. Kashmir was already engaged when you did as you acknowledge here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/123686-recognition-of-attention-seeking/#entry3300412


    Sometimes you have to know when to call it quits; none of the nations in AE had the right set of wonders to deal with prolonged nuclear warfare, especially given overall inexperience. I was willing to put my reputation through the cleaners to give them an opportunity to move on. The future well-being of AE's members was more important to me than the 'honour' of being rolled, let alone AE's existence. Make of that what you will.


    AE can rebuild. We have a number of dear friends which we can count upon to stand by us once this war is over. In fact, they're standing by us right now. The question is whether you will spend the rest of your CN existence a friendless and dignity-free husk, or not.




    Some Clarification, since some people seem to think that they know everything.

    1. The Alternian Empire was going to disband regardless of the conflict. Myself, along with the majority of the senior members no longer had the passion/time for running the alliance. We had a number of other problems to attend to well before this, and while it was not planned to be this rapid, there has been discussion of this well in advance.






    AE's downfall was on multiple levels. First, while we continued to have an inflow of new members from parts unknown (while y'all recruit people already in CN, we actively introduced people to cn), retention of these people was terrible partially due to lack of investment and partially due to people not finding the game an attractive proposition. Second, Our focus was singularly on economics, due to our lack of anyone with current military experience, which limited us to the most boring aspects of the game. Third, I forgot to leave the AA before hitting methrage. I haven't rogued before, ok? First-timer mistake there.



    People play cn at first because they're interested in the game. They stay for the community. We already had a community before infiltrating cybernations and despite its own problems, it's a hell of a lot more vibrant overall than this one.



  7. In fact, not only did Chimaera hear from me, I have also returned to this glorious game.


    I cannot express how much help Chimaera and everyone from MI6 were during this hard time in my life. I do infact have my own place, and a good job now, things have definitely gotten a lot better.


    cuz fuck everyone outide of MI6 who sent ou money.


    Yes, the sanction race, which I recommended as a list of major alliances. I did not suggest it as anything more than that. Are you so stupid that you can't comprehend the most basic sentence? Or is it that when you read something, you like to pretend that the author has said what you wished they said in order that you might score a few imaginary points?


    Just trying to figure out whether to blame your educators or some pre-existent mental disorder.


    Eh, the sanction race has barely anything to do with politics. There's a reason its in the OOC forum. 


    Here's what I think of the web in my mind:

    thicker lines mean stronger bond and a circle is a sphere/bloc means most likely they will all roll together


  9. The politics here are fluid. There is a web of treaties that bind alliances to one another. Take a step back and you'll see that these webs divide CN into two roughly-defined 'sides', with a small (third) group of alliances tied to both sides. There are also neutral alliances. (Ignore them. They are a waste of space and not worthy of consideration.)


    That's about as deep as one can go without getting into specifics, and has been said before there are multiple interpretations of who is 'good', 'bad' or what have you.


    If you find the latest update in this thread, you will see some of the larger alliances in the game, their relative strength, number of members and so on.


    As far as who is allied to whom, on the CN Wiki there is a list of active blocs that is as good a place as any to start.


    Finally, as to which alliance you should join, I would recommend Nordreich, since one of their founders (*waves*) was helpful toward you instead of acting like a dick for their own amusement.


    The sanction race? Really. Lol.


    I'm going to take a shot at this at explaining the world from my perspective at some point today. 

  10. So is this a LN Goonies peace thread or is it a [potential] goonies DoW on Kashmir thread now? :facepalm:


    Considering the earlier warning I just want to say:


    Any mods skimming this should know that these two topics are one in the same because the nations that were members of LN during the conflict are now in Kashmir now and the same nations are part of a greater network of nations who call themselves War Jesus. 


    Which brings me to my other point, would this be considered an act of war upon War Jesus or Kashmir? If the former then I would imagine the rest of War Jesus would have a valid CB to go to war (A thousand nations of the Persian empire will descend upon you), and if the latter then alliances who have War Jesus-esq nations in their ranks may be facing a potential threat (First they came for the moralists.. and I did not speak out— Because I was not a moralist...)

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