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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf

  1. I'm delusional? Mr. Global War himself says I'm delusional? Well, I'll be damned, I'm delusional.

    I think you'll find I know my exact niche in this here !@#$fest, and I know that your alliance will never amount to anything more than a punching bag for whoever's an easy bad PR magnet in the mind of your superiors.

    My superiors? Please enlighten me on your theory of how Kaskus works.
  2. You're already a self-described ass. And since you guys think reality is constructed by words and I know it's determined by actions, we were in agreement.

    So lets say alliance A is attacked by alliance B because alliance A spied on alliance B.

    If alliance C declares on B due to the fact that they have a MDoAP with alliance A. Does that mean alliance C condones alliance As spying?
  3. Yes and Leonidas was a coward for using his shield to block Persian arrows before striking down more of the God King's slaves :facepalm:

    Your analogy only fits if there is some swordplay involved. For our purposes it would make sense if he went in to restock nukes with the intention of coming out to slay some of the "god kings slaves." Instead he cowers the way the senators did.

    Edit: Before your feeble mind jumps on the point that he did fight before going into peacemode, that is irrelevant. My point is that he sits on 25 nukes and is currently able to exit PM yet sits in it.
  4. I've built a nation. It's pretty easy. The fact that I choose to not be !@#$% for 8 months of the year and instead spend my time beating people up is not exactly a fault.

    Now, as I said: maybe something relevant to your bad alliance?

    You havent beaten anything up in recent memory. You spend less time at war than I do.

    The only thing you have said about my alliance is something about 5k NS. Something so far off the mark that the only thing remotely true about it is the fact that it confirms your delusions about the world at large.

    You may be capable of building a nation in theory but the point is that you are incapable of keeping your mouth shut long enough to actually amount to any sort of significant NS. 5k or otherwise.
  5. Global Stability is represented by cultural institutions like the civilized treaty web, not no casus belli DoWs on Invicta.

    It is the actions and policies of alliances that define them as civilized or uncivilized. One of the tenets of global stability is white peace for those that enter to only honor treaties. By advocating eternal war or no white peace on those alliances all you do is confirm that either Polar is uncivilized or that you are full of shit. Perhaps both.
  6. I think I was around for two weeks this year and did precisely one thing in that period but that is more than sufficient for "Best Villain" given the rest of you cowards

    Oh I dunno, I can think of a couple others who also deserve to be nominated at the very least.

    Click here first. Play in background.




    I know what you came here to see
    If you're legion, then ya gettin' nuked by me
    And you know what we came here to do
    Gon' bust it open -- watch your NS get low
    It's going down for real
                                                                                    It's going down for real
                                           It's going down for real...
    Pursuant to our treaties with War Jesus and Screamin' Red Asses,
    Kaskus hereby recognizes a state of hostilities with the Legion.
    /s/ Kaskus
    GantanX - President
    Lord Bitburg - Vice President
    Previous declarations on the Legion have implied that its not personal. Honorable, respectable alliances like PPO and SRA have stated that they are not here to support the initial CB and that they don't hold any ill will towards the Legion. 
    Well I have never been known for my tact so I won't try and be something I am not. So $%&@ that. I do hold ill will towards the Legion.
    I have ill will towards the Legion for not having balls to be all that they can be. The Legion has the potential to be one of the better alliances on Bob. You have a reformed military that has twice now shown it is not a pushover (Tetris war and this war) yet you seem complacent on being a pawn. The furthest ambition of the Legions foreign policy has been to either ally NPO or NpO. Why? Because they have been there for a long time? Or they are nice to you? Look at history, the Legion has always entered for its allies, but when have they entered for you? They didn't in the Tetris war because escalation would have been a loss? Well escalation in this war was known to be a loss prior to the war even starting and yet you entered. I'd say you deserve better allies.
    Maybe you don't agree with the 'lulizm' side of things.
    Maybe you don't agree with NPOs side of things either.
    That doesn't mean you have to be with those fighting against them.
    You can be your own side. 
    There is no reason the Legion needs to continue to put itself in a sphere just for the sake of protection. The Legion has the military to stand alone (though I doubt you would ever be truly alone -- lead and others will follow). Alliances in your greater sphere do not need to be in that sphere just for the sake of protection, because there is no real protection. All that happens is that you and other passive alliances get rolled because those that are holding your strings aren't particularly good at managing those strings.
    Let the schemers scheme. 
    Introduce a little anarchy.
    Upset the established order. 
    Break free of your chains.
    I look forward to seeing you guys on the battlefield. 


  8. I don't ever really see PM used as a strategy. I see it used as a way to hide in a hole till the end of a war so you can pretend to have higher NS after the war. Then the next war that NS goes and hides again. Some nations enter PM during a war to refit and come out slugging. This isn't as common though. And I can't actually remember anyone effectively using it as a strategy for counters and such. Although I hear ALOT of people that use it as a hole claim to.
    Maybe I am wrong here, I don't follow these things as closely as others do


    I've seen it used very effectively (and used it too). Usually best for longer drawn out wars. We had the most success with it when facing much larger alliances, we can come out in waves and focus fire on the most active nations in the NS range we want people to escape into PM. That is to say if we have a 50k NS guy we want to get into peace mode and his wars are expiring soon, we will try to use people coming out of peace mode on our side to put every (or at least the most active) enemy 38-66k NS range in anarchy so they can't stagger the nation(s) we're trying to get into PM. 

  9. This is precious. I hope you enjoy the consequences of this.

    As well Kaskus was never the issue for us, it was NEW. And it gets old after a few months beating on people with no infra but billions of dongs in their warchest. Forcing an end to the conflict was the best move.

    Also it wasn't MK, it was all of Pandoras Box thank you very much.


    NEW only sent like 5 guys who were all too big to do much after the first month or so.  


    Just like when you got the crap kicked out of you by Kaskus and you cried to MK for help. Eat a dick.


    Ehh I don't think you guys are hurting that bad, are you? :P 

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