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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf

    No, let me help you out.
    DBDC surrendering? I don't think there's a person with an IQ over 75 who expects that to *snip*

    The surrender part was probably a joke considering how DBDC 'surrendered' to RIA.

    I agree with most everything else you said though, just not the way you said it.

    If Polar wanted to keep 20 or so sellers down they probably have the organization to do so. At significant cost though, especially when you have NPO/C&G/IRON keeping Polar&Co at war to protect DBDCs upper tier (&their own by extention).

    When you go to the long term (3, 6+ monthes) Polar definitely will suffer. Their nations keeping the DBDC sellers down will have been in perpetual war while NPO/Doomsphere can cycle nations.

    But I think Polar argues that the coalition arrayed against them won't stick together to accomplish this in the long term. To take it one step further though, I think Polar underestimates DBDCs diplomatic ability if they think this is feasible.
  2. Well i like IRON alot, but I respect Mi6 for helping it's ally (unlike other AA's tied to Polar/Sparta)

    So have a good fight!

    O/ IRON
    O/ Mi6

    Agreed. Major respect for MI6 having balls.

    We can take that respect away from Umbrella.. between the backstabbing of platysphereTOP and now hitting MI6 to fuck over four other mutual allies we can see they have no respect for allies other than a means to an end.

    Though I would argue there is nothing wrong with that. Those that are concerned with morality (beyond its potential diplomatic value) will never amount to anything in this world.

    Nevertheless to all my allies and friends I beg you heed my warning to be wary of Umbrella because, at the end of the day, no matter what assurances you've been told or blood you've spilt, they have shown time and time again they will throw you away as soon as they see an advantage in doing so.
  3. Oh no, not 9400 tech.  How will our new recruit ever survive this?
    It would have carried a lot more weight/respect if you hadn't paired it with the most ridiculous of downdeclares on uninvolved GLOF nations.  

    People will take this as hipocrasy because Cuba talks about downdeclares but they are missing the point.

    Cuba doesn't attack uninvolved nations.

    Everyone knows trying to do that won't work in the case of  a few alliances.




    I wouldn't consider sitting out all that smart, adds more bad PR in a time they can't really afford more. TOP is only delaying the inevitable as those that want their pound of flesh will get it now or later. At least that is my perspective from an outsiders view.


    I'd disagree. The bad PR goes to Umbrella for completely backstabbing TOP in the back and signing that NPO treaty that was designed to get TOP rolled. TOP not going in is a positive because if they enter TOP/GOONS(who is strong now)/MI6/VE would be wrecked by everyone and their mother, but by not entering now we see both sides of the current 'destined to win' coalition fragmenting because neither side wants to do the heavy lifting against irrelevant alliances because it'll make them weaker for the inevitable postwar dick measuring contest. 

  5. The idea to name the war the "Slowpoke War" was suggested. I was inspired to make this. I know its not original, but you guys really don't want to see the comic I tried to draw.




    You didn't even use the meme right. This is not brilliant. The people above are the equivalent of your mom telling you you're special and going to amount to something. 


    The meme is supposed to be when you realized something that happened a long time ago. 


    It would be brilliant if you made the slowpoke the theme of an alliance that should have entered immediately but didn't and the caption being 'hey guys our ally was attacked.' Or something. I don't know I'm not funny. I do know you're wrong though.


    Also, shahenshah's sig is sexy.

  6. i read all of the logs and it still doesn't look like a joke to me


    Though tbf Os doesn't say he said it as a joke, but that he was saying it to make a point... which I can see.

    Schattenmanns point, however, is that Os said this when Os said he did not. At the end of the day neither is wrong but, as proven many times over elsewhere, Os is a liar.

    I would agree with that analysis totally.  If that is what Schatt was saying all along and I was too dense to see it, I am in fact an insensate lump.



    That was my reading of it, though if that is not what he was saying, one could argue that makes me an "insensate lump." Either way, I'm glad we're on the same page (as usual). 

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