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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf

  1. But Josh, there IS real evidence.  You just have to join WTF and declare on me and you'll have it!


    (no, literally you'll have it at that point, because that's not cool man)


    OP is stating by joining WTF you will get the info that is not allowed to be posted here I believe. 


    Which means there is no conspiracy against Umb (or IRON etc).


    DBDC would never risk discuss hitting Umb, especially not with those that are potential security risks (as Cuba mentioned he has considered CT a potential security risk since he joined DBDC).


    Moreover they wouldn't hit Umb because Umb is their strongest ally. Why the fuck would DBDC ever plot to hit those that keep them in power?

  2. But not the big one.


    This is just me speculating but I would think that OP is just trying to stay within the rules and is posting the screenshots he can that are within the rules. 


    If someone wants the rest of them, then that someone should re-read the last line of the OP. Or at least that was the implication that I got. 

  3. Release it to everyone or I don't believe it for a second. None of this declare-on-DBDC or highest bidder bull****. I will not be swayed by baseless propaganda or snake oil.


    Alternatively, give it to the RIA because we already paid the blood price for it. >_>


    I would venture a guess that RIA would get it eventually regardless. 


    Interesting tactic, you have to admit. Personally I'm more tempted to join up with WTF just for those screenies :P 

  4. well, smurf has made contact with the logs, that pretty much says everything I need to know. I doubt I'll even respond to this masterwork of document doctoring. Pro tip: if you want validity to your claim, hire the most non-trustworthy person you can find to "proofread". I now officially have lost interest in possible validity, I'm just anticipating this work of art Smurf has probably been working on for years.

    For years? You give me too much credit. I had nothing to do with this until about an hour ago.
  5. Just be prepared for the most unimpressive and out of context chat logs you will probably ever see. I stand by any of our statements made, and will be happy to substantiate any outlandish claims.

    I.e. "Let's roll IRON" or "I heard KB uses proxies" but by all means..

    For future reference this is why you don't allow psychopaths into your private channels, but, water under the bridge.

    He posted full logs elsewhere... I can't speak for fabricated but I don't think out of context is a valid defense as all context is included.
  6. 2) I do and do not appreciate polar messaging our allies and telling them they are next along with polar telling our protectorate in this very thread why they should communicate in private to stop dealing with us.  I will keep that in my back pocket for now.  Best of luck to you guys building post war.

    I'm more appalled that Polar would think this would be effective, an insult to DBDCs diplomatic prowress.

    An insult to the ones whose help they are trying to attain, aka DBDCs allies, as well. Either Polar is right and they are telling DBDCs allies that they are too stupid to understand the world or Polar is wrong and they are telling DBDCs allies that their loyalty is questionable.

    Not the best way to make friends, though that's never been Polars strong suit.
  7. Fuck these categories:


    1. Best War Flag
      1. Best Forums
      2. best player sig
        1. Best Player Avatar
          1. Most Active Player
          2. Best Declaration of War (in-game war screen)
          1. Best OWF Topic (sanction race always wins)
          2. Most Entertaining IRC channel
            1. Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit) 
              1. Best WaterCooler Thread
                1. Worst Alliance
                Merged most annoying/worst poster
  8. Here are the nominations, and here is the python script I used. Given your initial comments in this thread, it is probably better than your macro.


    Edit: I'm working on cleaning the nominations list up, removing duplicates and invalid answers and such. This will take a while...

    Edit2: Finally done. Some cleaning left to do for someone else, such as hunting down cut-off links, and the IRC quotes nominations wound up getting cut off, so they may have to be added.


    God dammit. I was hoping noone would actually compile that shit so I wouldn't have to do it.  <_<

  9. People quit because CN is boring on the day to day and requires a long term commitment. Games that thrive are ones you can pick up, play for an hour and be done with it. FIFA, LoL, whatever...

    Blaming people quitting because others attacked them is a stupid argument.

  10. Its fairly simple, I don't see why people stress about how other people play the game, if you don't like it take action against it, not make post that they just laugh at

    A bit ironic wouldn't you say? One could argue Walford/Polar is just playing the 'game' their way.
  11. If anything I feel sorry for DBDC, a bunch of jackasses run around calling them cowards for not attacking big upper tiers, when they do attack a big upper tier nobody even fights back. There is like no challenge left for them at all at this point, and considering how much they all like casualties, that's kinda sad :(

    We're saying the same thing.
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