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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf

  1. (OOC: If I haven't put OOC in front of it and it's in this thread... it is a joke. I get it OOCly. This is all a joke. Thank you for making a mixed reply that I can't properly respond to ICly though. :v)



    What of the people who profit off the advantages passed on to them by those who committed the atrocities? They are not blameless in taking what was wrongfully pillaged in the first place.


    What advantages does the average Pacifican have due to the atrocities commited 7 years ago?

  2. Ask yourself this: Is there one alliance affiliation which enjoys the benefits of global influence and prosperity beyond others? Now ask yourself: How did this come to be? Did they reach this lofty position through honest sweat and toil, or did they reach this privileged position atop a mountain of the dead? Throughout the history of Planet Bob, violence has always been a means of seizing power at the expense of the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised. But while many alliances have been content to war only for survival, one has conspicuously used war as a means of subjugation. Whether it was for hearsay or for falsified charges or simply for having the misfortune of holding something they coveted, this alliance has consistently sought to consolidate power for its own sake. It is a fact known beyond dispute on Planet Bob that this power has been universally abused at the hands of the Order to every conceivable extent it could manage. What, then, is Pacifican Privilege?
    Pacifican Privilege is being able to exile citizens from Bob permanently and visit genocide upon any people group who violates that exile.

    Pacifican Privilege is not having to worry about having your culture and way of life stripped away at the whim of a bigoted and power hungry foreign official.

    Pacifican Privilege is not having to worry that your nationality will be "revoked" over the neurotic fears of a group of jackbooted warmongers.
    We live in a world where the entire population can rise up and denounce the tyranny of the New Pacific Order only for them to turn around and smugly try to play the victim, crying crocodile tears into the ocean of blood at their feet. Blood of citizens of Planet Bob spilled only due to their misfortune of not being Pacifican.


    It is time the New Pacific Order recognized and acknowledged their institutionally racist position of power and privilege within Planet Bob, educated their members on the crimes committed in the name of Pacifican "patriotism" - itself a thinly veiled moniker of Pacifican supremacism - and sought to further equality for all citizens of Planet Bob regardless of their alliance affiliation.


    # of links: 17

    # of links after 2008: 1

    # of links after 2011: 0



  3. There's alot of opinions in this thread. Hime has chosen the highest road she could find....chosen to honor her word. RP and Hime are still friends through this...so perhaps instead of throwing pointless negative opinions out...how about a little respect.

    On a different note....polar talks about being a morally superior alliance....tell me....would Dajobo make a promise...then at a later date, break his word AND put his entire AA at risk in one swift stroke? Or would he man up....honor his word...and protect those who have faith in him to do so?


    Polar likely wouldn't make this deal in the first place, they'd probably assume its some sort of plot to get them rolled in the future. 

  4. Hats off to DaBears for fighting 3 of the top 7 nations in the game (pathetic on Hime's part imo) is not going to be healthy for your nation but it is going to be the most NS and tech ever arrayed against one nation.

    I'm not taking my hat off. I'm balding :(

    But seriously it looks like he switched AAs and then decided not to fight because none of his opponents have taken damage.
  5. Triimm'


     NO we had not even confirmed his application and flipping the bird to a group of nations who would have pounded anyway instead of reaching an honest agreement would have been stupid not courageous. How exactly would that have helped RP at the time? So we put up a big show, get into a war and his nation still gets pounded. Stick your ego. We prefer not to wave our e-penis instead work for a solution for a nation. YOUR kind of courageous gets the victim dead congrats.


    Dame HIme Themis


    Hime, don't worry about all the haters.


    We all know that you are doing what is best for your alliance, by doing what DBDC tells you to do ensures you don't paint a target on your back. An alliance leaders primary goal is protection for his or her alliance. 


    Sometimes the correct choice is not the (morally) right one, but the one that best protects your interests. 


    And I don't have anything against Invicta, and I love to war, but I'd rather pick a target I didn't like rather than to sacrifice my infra to some big-wig over at another AA who I've never even talked to before, so that you feel important in the back channels with other alliances rather than being a leader and actually supporting your own members.

    A mindset that many would do well to heed.
  7. You claim you don't have it out for DBDC yet a number of AA's have told us you came to them looking for anti-DBDC sentiment.

    Really? Which one? I have done no such thing, I have been approached by others however, multiple times. 

    Literally just saw Yerushalayim talking about how you approached Sparta for exactly the same thing.
    It doesn't add up and it all points to you being a lying sack of !@#$.

    I have never spoken to Yeru. A long long time ago Pearl from Sparta approached me about DBDC (we're talking 1.5 years ago at this point) and I approached Deathadder shortly afterwards. That is the only instance you could be referring to, and at that point it was exploring potential threats rather than anything else. 

    Bones explained to us how you coerced him into thinking DBDC was after him.

    It only follows then, that Bones is lying. 
  8. I wish I saw you had posted all those logs before I took the time to screen capture them so I could post them.  I copied some more (all the public and private convo from 5 December) and will post them elsewhere for them to be circulated, but it is amazing to me that you can sit here and admit you know we aren't planning on attacking our friends right here in this forum, yet go to those same friends and tell them we are planning on hitting them while building your little coalition.


    There is no DBDC spy in your midst.  We were confronted by one of your allies and asked if it was true if we were plotting to hit you guys and they provided that screen shot.  I told them it was not true and it seemed to be resolved.  Yet here we are today and you are still trying to convince Bones we are plotting against him.   This is tiring.  I don't mind if you hate us and build a coalition to come get us, but at least don't lie or twist the truth to do it.



    You've been exposed smurf. 


    This won't be forgotten.



    You are accusing us of spying in a screenshot. Making it sound to NEW and Kaskus that we are out to get SPATR. While in reality you are trying to rally something against DBDC. Bones has told me this myself.  

    Also you made two topics were you call for action against DBDC. You sure you are not out to get us?  


    No worries, we won't bite. We are content with you doing your thing, in the end you will self destruct anyway. 



    For the record, he's referring to a fabricated Facebook conversation with an impersonating entity named "TB" making a comment about how DBDC should go to war with SPATR.  Even used an image from Skype to make it look legit.   This image was then passed along to BONES to manipulate him into questioning loyalties.


    Smurf is not to be trusted.  Ever.



    Still waiting on this fabricated facebook conversation. Obviously you have it if you are posting about it, whats the hold up? Photoshop freeze up on you? 

  9. I wish I saw you had posted all those logs before I took the time to screen capture them so I could post them.  I copied some more (all the public and private convo from 5 December) and will post them elsewhere for them to be circulated, but it is amazing to me that you can sit here and admit you know we aren't planning on attacking our friends right here in this forum, yet go to those same friends and tell them we are planning on hitting them while building your little coalition.



    Who are you talking about? I have went to literally nobody


    You keep talking about these logs/screenshots you have, but I don't see you pasting any of them. 



    There is no DBDC spy in your midst.  We were confronted by one of your allies and asked if it was true if we were plotting to hit you guys and they provided that screen shot.  I told them it was not true and it seemed to be resolved.  Yet here we are today and you are still trying to convince Bones we are plotting against him.   This is tiring.  I don't mind if you hate us and build a coalition to come get us, but at least don't lie or twist the truth to do it.


    Still waiting for you to point out a lie/show some of these alleged fabricated logs. 


    You are accusing us of spying in a screenshot. Making it sound to NEW and Kaskus that we are out to get SPATR. While in reality you are trying to rally something against DBDC. Bones has told me this myself.  

    Also you made two topics were you call for action against DBDC. You sure you are not out to get us?  


    No worries, we won't bite. We are content with you doing your thing, in the end you will self destruct anyway. 


    I never stated you were out to get SP&TR other than the incident that started this topic. I never rallied support, I simply created contingency plans incase the murt incident did result in war. 


    As for the topic to call for action against DBDC? Maybe you should re-read it. I was stating that if there is someone out there that believes they have a claim to the throne than they should come and try and get it now. I was just looking for a war for Kaskus.





    [ooc] you linked to the same topic twice, which other one do you mean? [/ooc]

  10. Oh wow you are either totally out of your mind or you are trying to turn NEW, Kaskus SPATR against us. We have literally no reason to fight SPATR, NEW. They are fellow raiding alliances. 


    I am not turning anyone against you.


    I literally only made contingency plans when Bones told me that DBDC was going to hit SP&TR. 

  11. Smurf, you should have stuck with fake Skype and IRC logs. Fake Facebook logs don't work too well when you don't have the right user name. That, and who talks about cn on facebook, especially when their entire AA is on skype? I wasn't going to stoop to log dumping but I think it's time I start sharing some logs with your allies. You are truly pathetic.


    Share the logs here. You are full of shit.


    For the record, he's referring to a fabricated Facebook conversation with an impersonating entity named "TB" making a comment about how DBDC should go to war with SPATR.  Even used an image from Skype to make it look legit.   This image was then passed along to BONES to manipulate him into questioning loyalties.


    Smurf is not to be trusted.  Ever.


    Show me this fabricated facebook conversation. You are full of shit. I'm not even friends with Bones on Facebook/never messaged him there. 







    Here TBR quotes a post from our FB group which shows DBDC is spying on us. 


    This is probably what is causing the confusion. I told Bones its from Facebook meaning that it was a message on SKYPE from TBR that is quoting a post from our facebook group.



    The following is the facebook post in question.



    The following is the reason I made the above post:




    DBDC if you are intent on making me an enemy we can make that happen. I have not been one until this point. 

  12. I thought it was a good idea, that of course needs tweaking like any new idea....what i really find odd is the fact that the GOD KING.....the EATER OF WORLDS.....the NECRO MONGER of cn would come up with such a good idea to actually HELP the neutral alliance's. Kinda goes against the grain a little bit, from what everyone perceived as his ultimate end game....right?

    His suggestion basically amounts to peace mode with the ability to send aid. One could argue he suggested this so that smaller nations could be protected while still providing technology.

    The flaws in the suggestion are numerous, anyone who doesn't see that is blind.

    Imagine if NEW was neutral and just aid bombing Kaskus while we fought and there was nothing you guys could do about it except gather intel ops? I'm sure you'd be singing a different tune then.

    Well seeing as the 90 day buffer zone is only meant for nations and not AAs makes your reading abilities impeccable.  



    Obviously you would have an AA for wartime and an AA for peace time. Just keep a small tech seller on each AA. 


    Speaking of which, it would be nice to have a tech seller alliance set up as neutral, wouldn't it? 


    Yeah because the 90 day buffer zone is going to stop me from my alliance going to war? We will just sit in neutral mode for the majority of the year. We will only enter offensive wars and plan them 90 days in advance and not worry about being attacked and then go war for 90 days and then back to neutral mode to rebuild. 

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