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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf

  1. last week we were DBDC puppets, this week it's NPO...next week who knows?


    Kaskus for sure.  :ph34r:



    98% of WTF turtled.  He only got GA wins off the initial assault.  Again, 14k tech compared to 70k+ he dished out is of no comparison.  WTF is almost out of people to stagger him and when that happens he goes back to gaining tech while WTF has to constantly worry about nations that go above the top 250 line.  I think they have far exceeded in losing than Cuba has but again each person is going to see a win and loss differently.  


    I do applaud WTF for their consistency and tenacity in throwing every able and willing body at Cuba and DBDC but it will all be in vain.


    If their endgoal is to defend their isolationism, then I would argue they have succeeded therefore this is a victory. The only thing they need to do is make this war hard enough for DBDC so that DBDC/opportunists won't hit them. 


    I'd argue that is the goal of any alliance. 

  2. There has been one other organized attack against an independent or neutral alliance in the entire 9 years CN's been around that was not committed by DBDC or its precursor AAs.

    Oh I can think of more than 1. GOONS raids. DBDC hitting Pax. DBDC on FAN. MQ on TDO. That other one on TDO. Woodstock.

    At the end of the day you're wasting your time Mogar. You believe that alliances shouldn't be attacked without a 'crime' but the majority either disagrees with you or is too apathetic to do anything about it so no matter how hard you blow you'll never get the piggies in the brick house.
    What makes you think DBDC didn't take into account WTF's options?
    WTF has taken significant damage and simply are not dishing out significant damage in return.  The damage totals are all the more lopsided.  By all means fight as long as you want but there comes a point when you just are not being effective.


    Obviously they feel that point has not been crossed.

    Surely you aren't naive enough to believe that the stat page matters at all (NS damage). The 'effective damage' is WCs (and tech to a lesser extent), we all know that.

  4. I've never seen a war where individual nations that wanted to surrender weren't allowed to.  Or at least not allowed to without wrecking and destroying themselves with crazy reps and terms.
    I've never seen a war where people who mess up aren't given reasonable outs.  A couple of rounds of war say and then peace. A trip to ZI and then they move on.  A publicly posted surrender on the owf then they sit on a pow AA for the duraiton.  WTF seems to find these things not acceptable.  They need huge tech repreations and etenral war.  Again on individual nations, not the AA they have a beef with.

    Do you forget Karma? High (tech) reps on individual high NS nations in NPO that were not allowed to surrender?

    As far as im concerned, WTF are free to war with DBDC till they surrender, DBDC surrenders, or one of them disbands.  But I don't think they are poor victims.

    If you believe this then you should not protect DBDC nations that are looking for a safe haven to rebuild. If you/noob cake actually mean what you have been saying then I suggest this:

    1) Noob Cake fully demilitarizes and joins the WTF PoW AA.
    2) If noob cake buys a single nuke/whatever then WTF is free to attack him.

    Ohh and for the record im not threatening WTF DBDC/ODN.  They are free to ignore my feelings on them being asses.  I'll just sit on the sidelines and point out their hypocricy.

    Since when is "need to remove their ability to fight/be competent" accepted as a justifcation for harsh reps?
    Seriously ridiculous.  If I had suggested last war that Polar needed to do xyz to remove their ability to fight me in the future can you imagine the outrage?

    Uhh since Karma. DH-NPO.

    As for point two, there's been plenty of wars against polarsphere/xx/etc aimed at just keeping them in line.

    If DBDC decided they needed to remove WTF's threat and demand they destroy THEIR nations... are you ok with that too?  Somehow I doubt it if you are being honest.

    Well for 1 those terms weren't serious. Don't worry you don't have to bake cupcakes and 2 DBDC can refuse those terms and so can WTF. I don't see how it effects ODN.
    What you are REALLY saying OsRavan, is "I don't like DBDC, so its OK [for them] to do to them what I would not be ok with any other alliance doing to me."

    Nobody is 100% a dick.  But you do have 1 point, acting rude is entirely subjective.  As is the case of most politics, if someone wants to spin something they can.  Look at Mogar and the other anti DBDC squad, they eat up anything that can be used to justify their anti DBDC views even if it behavior they have spoken out against in the past, but it is all ok just because it is against DBDC.
    Use your pixels in whatever way you deem fit, you are your own AA and can make those decisions for yourself.  But all decisions have consequences.  DBDC's raids have consequences, as does dragging out a war that is all but won by the other side.  There comes a point when a defiant act against an agressor becomes a pathetic excuse to continue a conflict that you have been soundly defeated in.  While you could continue the fight for months, is that really what you want to do?  Lay low for 7 years, never fight a war, then fight a long multi month war?  Multi month wars are boring.  If you really want to make up for missing every war by a marathon war now, go for it, but that decision could have consequences too.

    DBDC should've known the consequences when they hit WTF and have to accept them.. Pax showed them neutrals will not just roll over and they said that is what they want.

    If WTF is "soundly defeated" why do you demand they surrender? WTF must still be doing damage, therefore should still be allowed to fight if they so choose.

    DBDC's still got a solid hold of the top 10, they are probably just mad that there isn't much land left in WTF and they want their allies to take a share of the nukes now that its no longer profitable.

    Also beware WTF! 1000 nations of the Persian ODN empire swarm upon you.
  5. That's epic, man. I thought that was a DBDC thing, though. Lending us you and Artigo to speed things along. I don't ask NPO to thank me for fighting SNX. That was an NG thing. I just tagged along. But it's obvious that you're a legend in your own mind who did everything himself. No need to thank the AA that arranged it, not when you can keep posting ancient grievances against them.

    As for WTF not being a neutral, a single NAP with Farkistan, though valuable, does not mean they're a part of the treaty web. They're neutral to any conflict between other AAs. Ducks and quacking, etc.

    PIAT and they used to have an MDP with OIN back in the day.
  6. So, you are confirming that these logs are true?


    I don't think the validity of them was ever questioned, DBDC has been consistent in their stance that those logs are outdated/out of context.


    That is all irrelevant though. 


    Even if these plans were true at one point, DBDC is too smart to carry them out now that they've been "exposed" by CT; it would only validate what CT/Tywin (+smurf if you're Cuba :rolleyes: ) has said which is the last thing they want to do. Obviously they have to flip the script and attack someone CT has not called out.


    In b4 DBDC raids DS.  :P


    It's time to choose our own wars. Damn the Doomed birds and mushrooms, and franco's politics. The powindah herd may mock  say  "lolcommies", but that is like the Buffalo calling you stupid while being driven off a cliff by Native Americans. We are independent warriors of like mind. Fighting wars  and struggles that WE care about. Curse the Down syndrom herd and the powindah beasts



  8. Why hasn't NEW posted in here if they are protecting you?

    I can verify NEWs protection. Not sure why vibi hasn't posted himself.. Vibi and CPCNs current govt have a long relationship from the first iteration of BFF and the NEW/Int treaty that accompanied that.

    If someone does have a legitimate issue with CPCN I highly suggest they go speak to NEW as its possible they were not aware of potential tensions.
  9. Each sphere caters to certain type of nations. Super actives should be on pink while the incompetent masses should swarm to brown.

    I, for one, applaud brown for being a haven for nations whose rulers have better things to do than worry about aid slot efficiency. Like their secretaries. And blow.

  10. Targets are few and far between up here. Give me some.


    Well lets see. Your NS range is 74k to 131k NS range.  [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search.asp?Page=13&searchstring=All&search=%20%20%20&anyallexact=all&Strength1=73000&Strength2=131000]Your search for returned over 500 results.[/url] 


    AWw !@#$. 



    Lets narrow it down to nations that have attacked your MDP+ allies shall we?


    Theres 10 in Guru order. 

    6 in AO.

    7 in TSC. 

    11 in SNX.

    39 in IRON

    9 in NEW

    7 in Sengoku

    12 in FTW

    12 in NpO

    18 in DT

    4 in AB


    I think I'm starting to understand why GOONS is so terrible at war.

  11. Leadership roles have nothing to do with the size of one's nation.  I, for instance, am not even in the top 100 and I'm government.  Nation strength only matters initially in order to be considered for membership.  After that it makes no difference. 
    There is no reason now compared to any other time to change anything in terms of leadership.  DBDC is a military based alliance.  The LAST thing we want any member or leader to have to be concerned about is would he or she lose membership and/or position if taken down in war.  No.  If anything, war increases one's standing.  The more challenging, the more one gains respect for the accomplishment.

    Most casualties is defacto leader in Kaskus. You tryna steal our thunder?
  12. How is that a remotely meaningful argument? Last war I put my just barely 2 million casualty nation up against about 60 million worth of Kaskus casualties and dealt 2:1 damage. Is that how you calculated that you might stand a chance against MI6?




    I'm not saying more casualties directly correlate with winning a war, but to just reinforce my point directly above that, namely that myth fights wars, while KenM doesn't. 

  13. I'm going to raid Myth I think... Any objections from MI6?


    You can't. 


    He's too small.


    Because he actually fights. 


    Oh hey look. He's younger than you and half your NS and has almost double the casualties. I wonder why. He must raid be better at raiding unaligned micros.

  14. And if you think you can shut us up, make your move Smurfy,

    You sure you want that? Friendly reminder: You have no allies to save you this time considering they all just went to war while yall sat on the sidelines busy licking your wounds from raiding 2 man AAs.
  15. Go be irrelevant somewhere else. How MI6 chooses to inform people that their embassy is being deleted is not a reason for you to spout off as usual.

    Edit: and for YOU of all people to bring up due diligence is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. You tried to start a world war over nothing and got your alliance stomped as a result. I'm surprised you are even allowed in it, but Kaskus has never had much in the realm of brain power. They did let you lead them for some unknown reason.

    Keep spouting this bullshit and maybe someone will believe the sky is green.

    I did mine. You/GOONS took MI6s word for "handling" Kaskus while you raided our protectorate.

    MI6 spoke to doom squad, not me. We did nothing wrong. Except maybe not shutting you up. Again.
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