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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf

  1. Probably not the most sought after of things these days.
    CnG has long since ran it's course.
    That's a summary of more than a few in the super tier, no doubt.

    No they went the 'honorable' route of making side agreements with each other because of the movement I've dubbed "friends>alliance"

    Awwww. I got mentioned.
    I feel................... I feel................ Not special at all.

    Really? You and Cuba posting my name in forums and threads I don't even visit makes me feel all tingly inside.

    Oh I noticed. But ghosts can be kicked off the AA now, right?  I guess the point is that either his (pending) status on ODN's AA is meaningless until he's actually accepted - in which case the continued declarations aren't provocative at all. Or his continued allowance on the AA as a pending member implies that ODN would like to accept someone who acts like this and is willing to go to bat to get him peace - which is provocative to WTF. But there's really no sense here in which WTF was the instigator with ODN.

    Pending means pending -- it doesn't mean they accepted him, just that they haven't decided to deny it yet.

    Both sides have said he's free to join ODN if he works out peace to terms WTF agrees with. So until he does that he'd pending.
  3. Since I noticed Swash Plates and Tail Rotors being mentioned here a few times already, I would like to comment on a two issues relating to our alliance.

    On the debate regarding Christian Trojans' status as the nuclear rogue: Christian Trojans attacked three members of SPATR (Untouchable, Fasser and Horizon) who were at the time of the attack under the full protection of SPATR. Christian Trojans subsequntly deployed nuclear weapons against one of the attacked nations and against one of our member who countered  (Zxcsd). Such behaviour is commonly refered to as nuclear rougery.
    Christian Trojans' attacks were countered by me, Zxcsd and later on by Untouchable. Overall, we have fought against him for about three weeks. Since SPATR is defensive alliance and we don't support dragging out wars for too long, we have decided to end the fight with CT. (Of course this doesn't change his situation that much, as there are other parties intending on attacking his nation for much more time).
    This dosen't mean that SPATR response to attacks on our alliance is always going to be attacking aggressor for three weeks. It might be more or less, depending on the circumstances.

    On the Noob Cake issue: Noob Cacke acceptance into SPATR AA was vetoed by one of the Security Council members, to which Security Council members are entitled based on the Rule of Unanimity. The veto was not absolute, but conditional. The condition for Noob Cake to be further considered as possible member was that the state of peace should exist between Noob Cacke and World Task Force. Additionaly, our Leader Sgt Gus conducted some diplomatic talks with WTF regarding Noob Cake. Talks ended without any resolution regarding this issue. (BTW, the talks were conducted using private venues, so I don't expect "This Week in Helicopter" to appear any time soon). Ultimately, Noob Cacke switched to other AA. In any case, gaining new members is not one of the goals of Swash Plates and Tail Rotors.

    TL;DR: Y u so dum, 2 dum to use private chan, O Din?

    Seriously though, well said SP&TR. Between you guys and walsh I'm not sure why you'd let someone without an ounce of diplomatic tact speak for your ally. (Before dbdc gets their panties in a bunch, I mean me not Cuba/Bones/Gator :P )
  4. Do you have any advice or guides for anyone who has never played the game before but owns it?

    Basic guide: Standard civ/sc/wc game. Collect resources, build army, tech units, micro, macro etc.

    Adv guide: You'll need to know what is strong versus what. Every civilization (race) has a special unit built at the castle (except vikings also have a special ship, but the majority of units are common.. 4 types: melee, ranged, seige and horseback.

    Good luck.

    Edit. There are also healers and ships. Healers can be used to convert enemy/neutral buildings/units to your side.
  5. I won't fault the man for defending his pals. I'm sure Bucovina is a great guy. I figured English wasn't his first language...given the fact he knows Bucovina exists :P we might have a lot in common. Back to the game, guys, it really is very plainly obvious that ODN made some veiled and some not so veiled threats to WTF, unprovoked might I add, just like this war. You came to them. can you honestly fault them for reacting the way they have? Try to see it from their perspective. All of this really shines poorly on ODN, and that's a bummer because some of us know better. Either put your money where your mouth is and make good on the threats and help your pals In DBDC on their aggressive war gone bad, or level with WTF and retract your words, and let the show move on to the next stop. ;)

    They weren't unprovoked though. A DBDC guy went to the ODN AA and WTF continued attacks I believe.

    Minor but the distinction could matter to some.

    I do agree with the gist of your post though.
  6. Probably because that's my ally you're talking about and the whole Rota talk in general got old as $%&@ months back.
    It's like every persona giving off a female impression gets accused of being Rota. It's ridiculous and stupid as $%&@.

    Why do you assume I'm calling people rota because they are girls? Edit: Girly*

    Maybe I'm calling them rota because they know wayyyy more about CN than the new nation they are should?

    It's that, posting style and a million othee things that betray him. Every new poster is scrutinized because he's a known proxy user so identifying him by ip is useless.
  7. I do know Sindorin. I also know Rota, GM and Peggy, as well as how to trace IP's. We're talking about IP's that are oceans apart, so you lose. If you have better evidence than me, by all means, go report it.
    I would have to say the only reason you !@#$* are accusing everyone left and right of being Rota is because you actually want Rota back.
    Get over it, and stop harassing people.

    Why so defensive? :v
  8. So how is denouncing DBDC and others who tech deal during war, and then you do it, any different then them doing it and them denouncing you for it? Absolutely nothing. The only difference is you were the first to do the opposite of what you believe in to use it against them, and once you did they turned around and did the same thing to you. You merely want to turn their belief around on them, but call someone out for when they pull the same move on you. You look stupid to call them out that they flip flopped on their view when you were the one to originally do so, and they returned the favor.

    Besides a simple Sanction, they could easily used your opinion it's an act of war and that RIA as a whole broke their NAP agreement. So far, all I see is penalizing you for pulling a stunt


    If he's tech dealing in order to prove a point it's not exactly flipflopping. 


    It's just stupidity. 


    Mogar I like you but: http://imgur.com/r/reactionpics/bF6Cp


    Knowing our membership they wouldn't have to sell us. If they declared and invoked CnG we would ride to war as the treaty demands. A lot of us may not like it and our continued membership in CnG after would likely be in question but we wouldn't break the treaty.



    Essentially, he's saying you would be kissing ass so DBDC leaves the tiny smattering of nations it can reach in CnG alone for the now but in the process sending a majority of our nations through the meatgrinder........ Seems counter-intuitive.


    Breaking C&G up is probably for the best anyways, it's not like your FA paths are cohesive at this point. Why wait until you are forced into a position you won't agree with but will have to fight for? 



  10. I think DBDCs just lookign for an excuse to raid RIA post-WTF war. 


    If this wasn't true, DBDC would've probably approached RIA before canceling a NAP over 4k soldiers sent to a sub25k NS nation.


    I also think Mogars intentionally obtuse posting is hurting RIA. 


    I'll just leave this here and :popcorn: though



  11. Maybe now you can actually go to Maroon where you should already be and Cuba is just helping you on your way?

    Edit: You sent troops to an alliance that DBDC are at war with, so yes you violated the NAP.

    Mogar wasn't on pink. This sanction didn't effect anything ingame.
    Played it smart.  Don't be all butthurt that I played my way and you played your way.  They call this a game for a reason.  I will voluntarily say that when I was in college I was much more invested in RL and partying then this game hence never really actively looking for an AA that warred plus I love my pixels.  Then again you are defending and cheering on a person who did much worse than me.  CT left weeks hell even nights before wars in other AA's but now he is some martyr that you all look up too? He claims that he only raided alliances that he didn't like what he fails to mention are the raids he didn't go on because he wasn't given the right targets or the targets with more land.  
    Oh how I LoL at your wanna be jab at me being a late starter.  Could care less if anyone in here has more war experience at the mid tier than me.  Doesn't take a genius to look at my nation page and see how little my casualties are and again that in no way hurts my feelings one bit.  Now go back to your ranting about DBDC and licking the dingleberries out of CT's dark atrium and let's get back to having some fun.

    Tldr- Everyone who has casualties is a loser.

    I wonder what alliance has the majority of the top casualty nations?
  13. Well dick what do you think of this move Dick?

    Well Elysium signing MI6 from free agency has huge upside potential. You know, MI6 showed a lot of promise coming into the league but they are on free agency for a reason. One may even call it a bold move cotton.



    Depends on how much of their WC's WTF uses to build back into Cuba's range only to be beaten right back out of it.


    They are fully wondered nations that do tech deals and are isolationist so probably won't be in too many wars. To continue the trend of quoting bad movies: They'll be back. 


    At the rate this is going they'll all be out of DBDC range so DBDC cannot continue attacks on them, thus achieving a lasting peace.




    Once war is done both sides will rebuild. That is to say WTF will have people in the top 250 eventually no matter how badly they are beaten down this war. 

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