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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf

  1. Problem is retention. We need new types of alliances.. if we recruited I'd probably promise people nukes in 100 days or whatever the math works out to.. I'd probably have to make a new guide.

    Actually this is a good idea, someone use it and start a terrorist themed alliance. Is that wampler/wappas or whatever his name was guy still around?

  2. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.. as proven earlier in this thread with screenshots of posts prior to the DoW in which I asked others to not expand this.

    My allies/friends support me in whatever decisions I make as they know the opposite is always true. Obviously you know nothing about that considering how your friends kicked you to the curb... As the great Wiz Khalifa said, "I built this family on loyalty."

    Call in some allies and you'll see what the alliances I "was counting on" think about your pathetic excuse for a "game changing" alliance.


    I know what we have mate. Don't you worry your pretty little head over that. Just tire of little piss-ant nations like Hitchcock talking as if his contribution means !@#$ in this war. It really doesn't. Not when you look at the stats. Now, I simply gave up the "winning" Kaskus formula. Never said that it would work this time around Smurf. 


    As stated from the beginning. Kaskus bit off far more than they can chew and hopefully, we keep y'all at war until sometime next summer at the earliest. The ghosts, well, we should keep them until they reach ZWC. I mean Kaskus/ghosts should have absolutely no issue with those terms considering y'all so "pro-war".



    Sounds like a blast. ;)

  4. You have 63 nations above 20k NS and 49 WRCs.. you don't have very many 'new' nations. The majority of the people we're fighting are the same as us.. almost fully wondered. And we're outnumbered 2:1, at the end of the day MI6 has every advantage in-game stat wise.. Plus you said you're "elite" right? :) 

  5. We got attacked for what Smurf has already admitted to being no reason. 


    What? No. Never said anything close to that.. the war was not for no reason. That is just a blatant lie. All I said is maybe I jumped the gun a little bit -- but I did try to contact MI6. At this point the GOONS shit had been going on for a month+ and my patience was wearing thin. You should probably be happy I gave you 72 hours tbh. 


    He wanted to attempt to instigate a global conflict (with evidence in this thread of him attempting to do so since about July,) and we told him we'd be fine taking them one on one -- 




    The stuff in July was about you guys spamming SRA (our allies). Instigate means to 'start' something, which we never did. Y'all were being reckless in July and Abbas shut it down so we moved on from it... 


    and so Smurf called in ghosts.


    I did no such thing. They came because they were [ooc]bored[/ooc]. 



    There comes a time and point where the idea that we owe Smurf a fair fight after his many blunders and clear provocations becomes laughable. Personally I would have called in all of our allies day one and ran Kaskus so far into the ground you wouldn't be able to tell them from dirt. I don't think that's weak, that's  called having treaty partners in case some ass clown decides to attack your alliance without cause.


    Instead we've done our best to minimize our allies involvement but we always reserve the right to use as much force as possible should we want to. In fact, reserving that ability in my opinion makes us better than Smurf and his clear attempt to cause provocation over nothing.


    Perception is a lie and people are free to say what they want about MI6, the amount of attention paid to us is disproportionate to their words about our relevance or lack there of.


    Frankly most of the people talking are proven chicken !@#$% anyway.



    I agree about the allies thing though. You have treaties for a reason might as well use them... but at the same time I think this is a special circumstance and I understand the logic in not bringing them in. 
    I don't envy the person that has to make that decision.
  6. There is no reason for non-allied gov to support MI6 because they didn't declare a war Smurf.


    That was the point I was trying to illustrate to DeathAdder... 


    EDIT: That is to say those uninvolved have little reason to post. 


    On MI6s side there are few who are posting that aren't allied to MI6.. and warrior soul who is ex-MI6 as of like 10 days ago. 


    The majority of those posters, from what I recall without going back through the entire op, would fall under "and the usual posters who get involved in pretty much every thread to get attention and spout nonsense." I do, however, remember a distinct lack of non-allied .gov supporting your CB. Can't possibly imagine why.  :rolleyes: 


    /me looks for non-allied .gov support of MI6. 


    Oh? What is this? Nothing but Rey? Good job.

  8. The only ones who are supporting Kaskus (or 'can see" in your words) are their allies, which is to be expected/10 of any half-way decent ally, and the usual posters who get involved in pretty much every thread to get attention and spout nonsense.


    Also, if you advocate activating an MD treaty without the approval of the people you're allied with, then that would make you an unreliable ally, to say the least.


    TIL we're allied to IRON, NG, NATO, etc.. 



    You never contacted any of us about it, and I don't know exactly how we were to defend paranoid implications that we would hit LN when GOONS is roughly 10x its size.


    Face it, no one's buying your war-mongering act and the only people who get hurt in this are the people you call your friends because of your actions.


    There was never a worry that you would declare war on LN.. but that you enabled GOONS to hit LN in the hopes that a curbstomp war against us/our sphere would come your way by us hitting GOONS in defense of LN. 


    So your answer to a speedy resolution was to escalate the conflict. (Never mind the past twenty pages of lying your ass off.)




    Speedy? GOONS hit our protectorate a month ago... gave MI6 72 hours to respond to the allegation from GOONS (between GOONS dropping MI6 name and our DoW)


    I'd also argue that diplomatic resolutions are courtesys, not requirements but this probably isn't the time/place for that. 

  10. What treaties are they hiding behind? It is currently just MI6 taking on Kaskus &ghosts. The only help MI6 is currently getting from allies is financial aid. Even if TOP and Umbrella did all the fighting for MI6 in this, MI6 STILL wouldn't be hiding behind treaties since Kaskus hit them in a largely unwarranted attack


    I believe he is saying that GOONS hit a Kaskus protectorate and subsequently avoided resolution because they have the treaties to get away with doing so. 

  11. You don't even know who all is in your micro?


    I do FA, not IA.



    Those are the same fellows that I accidentally ran over months ago and you used as an excuse to hit Old Guard. Don't cry about ghosts hitting you when you do it all the time.


    All I am saying on the matter cause I ain't listening your spin Smurfy.


    That said, enjoy your war - looks like fun.


    What? I'm pretty sure it was Bones that hit you guys.. can't remember though. Regardless yes, the same people who like war are ghosting again. Go figure. 

  12. Ooh, neat, he admitted Nashorn was a ghost even though we hadn't yet included him on our list.  Thanks, Smurf!




    I just removed ones with low seniority.. fixed. Honest mistake. 


    EDIT: With Nashorn added back in: 


    367,907.95 damage taken  


    464,759.48 damage inflicted.

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