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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf

  1. It would be cute to show the damage totals sans ghosts.



    329,805.01 Damage Taken

    428,114.77 Damage Inflicted





    King Isaac


    Doug Henning







    EDIT 2: Forgot to remove Black Sheep.

  2. so are you just trying to boast about you alliance gaining NS during all this why MI6 has lost NS? Because again, you have been taking ghosts onto your AA while MI6 hasn't. Which is probably why you only have the 4 stats that to the unknowing eye will make your alliance seem like it is doing well mere


    Historically the alliance page total NS stat has been used ... I included it because it's easier and will probably just update that in an extended war (don't have to go to each individual war for war details --gets tedious). 


    I included based on war details screen damage so that you would see that actual damage instead of just NS change based on ghosts. 



    It would be cute to show the damage totals sans ghosts.


    Given all of Kaskus' wars are massive down declares the damage disparity for round one should actually be fairly stark.


    On the link it's sorted damage by person if you want to add them up yourself. 


    EDIT: Eh I'll do it. Probably will be easier since I can just use excel functions, give me a couple mins

  3. Their tech is fine! They got that extra 40k tech remember?!


    You mean that one guy who attacked on his own accord? I mean he ok.





    Are you comparing 20k NS that wasn't asked for to 600k that was?



    Lol? You think we asked for ghosts? No man they just came for war... thats the last I have to say on this matter in this thread as this is an OOC section. 



  4. Or in reality;


    "Catch up on what has been said since I last bothered to look."

    "See you make a dumbass comment"

    "Post retort pointing out the flaw in your argument"

    "Watch you get butthurt and take it as an insult."



    Let's be honest..you are the most butthurt person out of this entire incident. MI6 included. 


    20:05 DeathAdder: I really hope so. Because I would love to tear US apart.
    20:05 DeathAdder: They need to pray MI6 doesn't activate Beer-o-Sphere.
    20:05 L_H: is FARK in that?
    20:06 DeathAdder: The entirety of the Dos Equis Sphere is in that.
    20:06 L_H: so what did unknown smurf say that pissed you off?
    20:06 DeathAdder: He declared on my allies without just cause.
    20:07 DeathAdder: After promising me he was working to resolve the LN situation diplomatically.
    20:07 DeathAdder: I have no use for liars.
    20:07 DeathAdder: They need purged from the game now in my book.
    20:08 L_H: meh
    20:08 L_H: worse things have happened on planet bob
    20:08 DeathAdder: I don't care. You don't [edit] with me or mine.
    20:09 DeathAdder: DoomHouse was brought to its knees for making the same mistake.
    20:09 DeathAdder: And believe me, Kaskus and NEW sphere can't be DH on DH's worse day.
    20:10 L_H: i think that side of the web is doing okay- as i believe the pink pact was to try to chill escalation
    20:10 L_H: not inflame it
    20:10 DeathAdder: You think I give a flying [edit] about that color pact?
    20:11 L_H: it's from my perspective- i have no actual evidence or involvement in the matters
    20:12 DeathAdder: It's as useless as NOIR was.
    20:12 DeathAdder: Even more useless.
    20:12 DeathAdder: At least NOIR actually managed to prevent conflicts.
    20:13 L_H: question for you
    20:14 L_H: activating beer o sphere pretty much triggers a ww?
    20:14 L_H: or will chains not tug that far?
    20:20 DeathAdder: Oh no, they'll tug very far.
    20:21 DeathAdder: And believe me, my boys are aching to use their new EMP's to eradicate an alliance's tech.
    20:22 L_H: those things are pretty sweet
    20:23 L_H: i peed a little when i saw them at use during the pax incident
    20:23 L_H: L_H poors another rum and sprite
    20:23 L_H: pours*
    20:37 L_H: where does cuba and company play into all of his?
    20:37 L_H: this*
    20:38 DeathAdder: Who cares. Too irrelevant to affect my sphere.
    20:38 L_H: but they have DS
    20:39 DeathAdder: I'm quivering in my boots from a Micro. >.>
    20:39 L_H: meh- hopefully things just stay low key
    20:39 DeathAdder: Unless DBDC wants to sell down to middle tier and enter the shark tank, they aren't relevant.
    20:40 L_H: as it stands- it looks like its just MI6 and Kaskus (with a couple of ghost) building up some casualties- never a bad thing on planet bob
    20:41 DeathAdder: You're wasting your time trying to justify it to me.

  5. Regarding ghosts, this is all I have spoken to MI6 about the situation:


    At no point will you see us agree to not have ghosts... we just agree that (should MI6 choose to, which they did) ghosts will be handled differently when peace talks commence.


    Session Start: Tue Sep 23 01:06:13 2014
    Session Ident: Chimaera
    [01:06] <UnknownSmurf> Yo
    [01:06] <Chimaera> Yeah
    [01:06] <UnknownSmurf> Ghosts from your allies will have to find seperate peace with NEW if ghosts from ours also have to deal with that. 
    [01:07] <Chimaera> We have no ghosts from our allies.
    [01:07] <Chimaera> Nor are we going to bother with them
    [01:07] <UnknownSmurf> Ok. 
    [01:07] <Chimaera> Oh, and with NEW?
    [01:08] <UnknownSmurf> If there is no ghosts on either side I see no issue
    [01:08] <Chimaera> There's already one on yours.
    [01:08] <UnknownSmurf> Can we make an exception for the guy that just joined us? I imagine he didn't know
    [01:08] <UnknownSmurf> If he chooses to leave I mean
    [01:08] <UnknownSmurf> Let him white peace out as he was unaware
    [01:08] <Chimaera> He joined 2 minutes before update and declared 2 wars as soon as he got on the AA.
    [01:08] <Chimaera> Don't give me that horse!@#$, Smurf.
    [01:08] <UnknownSmurf> ? I mean he was aware there was a war
    [01:09] <UnknownSmurf> I dont think he was aware that ghosts would be treatied differently
    [01:09] <UnknownSmurf> theres always ghosts in wars
    [01:09] <Chimaera> Standard operating procedure in wars.
    [01:10] <UnknownSmurf> mm ok. Just trying to have a fun one here -- insert obligatory Y SO SERIOUS
    [01:10] <Chimaera> Don't start a !@#$%^&* war with my alliance without ever so much as attempting to contact an executive-level leader of my alliance and then ask me why I'm taking it seriously.
    [01:11] <UnknownSmurf> I did make multiple attempts
    [01:11] <Chimaera> This isn't NSO, Smurf, you've bitten off a helluva lot more than you can chew this time.
    [01:11] <UnknownSmurf> Our embassy is a clear attempt
    [01:11] <UnknownSmurf> it seems as though you've removed my access to it 
    [01:11] <UnknownSmurf> or deleted it outright though
    [01:11] <Chimaera> We move embassies to an inactive area during wartime
    [01:12] <Chimaera> To be frank, I wasn't even aware this situation *existed* until someone texted me we were at war.
    [01:12] <UnknownSmurf> Oh ok. I mean considering we'd have to talk peace at some point I hope you reinstate it when you feel comfortable doing so. 
    [01:12] <UnknownSmurf> I've already screenshotted every post there
    [01:13] <UnknownSmurf> Anyways Chim, I've explained my position to many of your allies and I don't think I'm being completely unreasonable here, though I will admit I may be the victim of bad communication.
    [01:14] <UnknownSmurf> I still think MI6 isn't blameless for telling GOONS that they spoke to us when you only spoke to DoomSquad who isn't even allied to us
    [01:14] <Chimaera> Frankly, the only thing I know is that Abbas talked to *someone* in GOONS, but I haven't seen the logs of that conversation.
    [01:14] <Chimaera> So I have no idea what he said or didn't say.
    [01:14] <UnknownSmurf> I believe it was Stagger_Lee
    [01:15] <Chimaera> All Stag ever said was that it was none of our business either way and that we'd have GOONS' back if they got in !@#$.
    [01:15] <Chimaera> We give absolutely zero $%&@s about you or Methrage.
    [01:15] <Chimaera> We're a complete !@#$@#$ third party in all this, lol
    [01:15] <UnknownSmurf> =/ Did you read the logs between KenM and I?
    [01:15] <Chimaera> I read the forum PM Milton sent Stag and I about the start of the situation like 2 weeks ago and thought 'wow this is bloody retarded I'll just ignore it'
    [01:16] <Chimaera> I have *no idea* who KenM talked to, because I've not seen him for weeks and our primary GOONS contact is Milton
    [01:17] <Chimaera> This is clearly a breakdown in comms *somewhere*, but I still think it's bloody idiotic that MI6 was involved in the first place.
    [01:17] <UnknownSmurf> Well KenM said Milton talked to you guys. He just said that Milton told him that MI6 told Milton that Kaskus wouldn't defend LN. 
    [01:17] <UnknownSmurf> Which I agree is !@#$@#$ stupid
    [01:17] <UnknownSmurf> Why not just come straight to us?
    [01:17] <Chimaera> idk why you and GOONS never just had a damn conversation
    [01:17] <Chimaera> And how the hell would MI6 possibly know Kaskus would or wouldn't defend LN
    [01:17] <Chimaera> Who the $%&@ is LN
    [01:17] <UnknownSmurf> .. we did. 
    [01:17] <UnknownSmurf> GOONS and us I Mean
    [01:17] <Chimaera> Why am I involved in a war over micros that I didn't even know exist?
    [01:19] <Chimaera> Seriously, Methrage doesn't qualify as an alliance.
    [01:19] <Chimaera> He qualifies as a mentally handicapped individual.
    [01:21] <UnknownSmurf> Methrage hasn't posted in years until GOONS hit him
    [01:21] <Chimaera> You know
    [01:21] <UnknownSmurf> hes even been quiet the last month or so after being hit
    [01:21] <Chimaera> Seems to me that Stagger answered your question pretty well in that thread.
    [01:22] * UnknownSmurf goes to look
    [01:22] <UnknownSmurf> in the DOW?
    [01:22] <Chimaera> 'Seems to me that someone didn't know what they were talking about, and why would MI6 want to instigate something with an alliance known to buck conventions', essentially.
    [01:22] <Chimaera> No, your embassy.
    [01:23] <UnknownSmurf> oh
    [01:23] <UnknownSmurf> hold on let me share the converation between deathadder and I just now
    [01:23] <UnknownSmurf> I think it'll get you up to speed from my perspective atleast
    [01:24] <Chimaera> That's where your argument breaks down, Smurf.  There's no motive.  What the hell would MI6 possibly want from a war between you and GOONS and...some other micros I don't know exist?
    [01:24] <Chimaera> We may have screwed up a line of communication.  That happens, especially when one M (me) has been massively inactive due to RL commitments the past 3 weeks.
    [01:24] <Chimaera> But you quite literally started a war without ever sending Stag or I a query.
    [01:26] <UnknownSmurf> A war with us puts Umb/Aztec on your side on a greater war with doomsphere
    [01:26] <UnknownSmurf> or so people believe
    [01:26] <UnknownSmurf> http://pastebin.com/McZMrXpC
    [01:26] <UnknownSmurf> I think its utter !@#$%^&* but whatever
    [01:26] <Chimaera> How the hell would that work?  A war where you're the defended would inevitably chain AZTEC to your side.
    [01:27] <Chimaera> Unless I'm missing something.
    [01:27] <UnknownSmurf> I believed at the time MI6 was looking to start a war with a smaller AA less connected AA (like us) to show 
    [01:27] <UnknownSmurf> off.. or flex like many new AAs have done in the pat.
    [01:27] <UnknownSmurf> past*
    [01:27] <Chimaera> MI6 has done a grand total of nothing in the past six months that'd show even *remote* inclination to go hostile.
    [01:27] <Chimaera> There are multiple spheres out there who want to murder us, you think we want to give them the opportunity?
    [01:28] <UnknownSmurf> But Umb/DT and Umb/GLOF ties was the logic from what I've heard. I'm not connected enough to be in those conversations so I couldn't tell you
    [01:28] <UnknownSmurf> but some people are under the impression that your sphere is trying to instigate a war with a direct Umb ally so that you have Aztec on your side
    [01:29] <UnknownSmurf> But I dont think that is relevant at this juncture
    [01:29] <UnknownSmurf> as DeathAdder has convinced me that this is false.
    [01:29] <Chimaera> And some people are under the impression that yours is doing the exact same thing.
    [01:29] <Chimaera> Which, admittedly, you just did the direct opposite of.
    [01:29] <UnknownSmurf> Its really not
    [01:29] <Chimaera> So I don't think you have any intention of taking this global, either.
    [01:29] <UnknownSmurf> I'm not even allied to doomsphere directly -.-
    [01:30] <UnknownSmurf> which is why you talking to DoomSquad is !@#$@#$ stupid
    [01:30] <Chimaera> We're talking to DoomSquad?
    [01:30] <Chimaera> I don't even know who the $%&@ is in DoomSquad
    [01:30] <UnknownSmurf> ...
    [01:30] <UnknownSmurf> Well Stagger and Milton talked to DoomSquad
    [01:30] * Chimaera shrugs
    [01:30] <Chimaera> Like I said
    [01:30] <Chimaera> Inactive for 3 weeks
    [01:30] <UnknownSmurf> in order to secure LN as a free target for GOONS
    [01:30] <UnknownSmurf> yeah I know
    [01:30] <Chimaera> Think this entire situation is idiotic
    [01:30] <Chimaera> Pretty sure you're a big pack of retards and I should quit CN
    [01:30] <Chimaera> :P
    [01:31] <UnknownSmurf> I've been telling myself that for some time now
    [01:31] <UnknownSmurf> I think the only issue is that both of us have too big egos to let go of what we built.
    [01:31] <UnknownSmurf> Nor do we actually trust anyone enough to fill our shoes. 
    [01:36] <Chimaera> I think the issue is that you just sucker punched someone five times your size and fifteen times your activity and then realized that it wasn't a great life choice.
    [01:37] <UnknownSmurf> I don't see the issue. Only have 3 defensive slots
    [01:37] <UnknownSmurf> ^.^
    Session Close: Tue Sep 23 02:22:43 2014
  6. Nice, good job green! I wish I was still on the green sphere so I could be a part of something as magnificent as this. Oh wait..... By unity on the green sphere you mean alliances hand picked by VE, not all of the alliances on the green team. My mistake, carry on.


    Ken you can still join, but just they have to agree to let you in and get brownie points for looking benevolent. 

  7. Well that's something.  Uh, also not surprising.  We could all do with a little chaos here and there and it wouldn't be a bad thing, but this also sounds a little bit like being upset you did something that turned out to be a bad decision.


    I think this is a wise decision.


    Also, first first.


    Oh don't worry I'll completely support my 'final' actions. I stand by them and will defend them vehemently as a Kaskus MoFA. 


    I'm just saying afterwards is afterwards.

  8. nu8puv7.png


    When was the last time you were unsure what was going to happen next in CN? When was the last time 

    you were caught off guard by a DoW? 


    Pretty soon you will (if it has not come out by the time I make this post) you will hear me speak in an about-game interview regarding CN in what appears to be an OOC perspective. And going into the recording I intended to do that, I intended to speak about how I actually thought about CN alliances, treaties and spheres.. everything OOC.


    But I realized during the 'interview' (after getting over the shock at how lame I was for doing an interview, no offense GeniusInc  :P  ) that this isn't truly me OOC. I don't know how I care about any alliance in CN from a purely OOC perspective. I don't know any of you, I don't hang out with you and have any OOC perspectives on any of you. In real life I make my decision on how I feel about a person based on how they treat others when they reap no benefit (waiter/maid/random person walking behind you into a public building) or when you're hammered drunk..-- how do you act when all the cards are all on the table (or when you're emotional if you're female)?* 


    But in CN, all the cards are never on the table. All I know is who you are on IRC or Skype or whatever... I know what you want me to know -- and I don't mean physical information, but I mean mannerisms and stuff like that. Things that appear to be subconscious... are you going to message me as soon as I get online because you have no other friends or want me to think I'm you're good friend or are you going to play it cool? ...Or are you just afk and I overthinking everything? :v: 


    But I digress... the point is that CN is a game. You should have fun with it. Your friends will still be your friends even if you go to war with them. It might be fun to just have one group of friends go to one corner of the globe and the other friends go to another corner of the globe and see who can build a stronger alliance to roll the other. If you have a RL friend like a roommate join CN you can plan on warring with each other 'x' days down the line and use all the clout you've built in CN over your years to kick his ass ).  


    Just go to your friend or enemy and say: "Hey frienemy, 'X' days from now we will go to war with each other. Lets see who wins. Either party can use treaties or join unaware AAs or just recruit individuals to an AA they start in the meantime." Nothing beyond that, all is fair in love and war. Maybe make a pact to give the other a CB against the alliance they choose to join.. maybe.


    Anyways I have convinced two of my RL friends to join CN. I am going to guide both of them without actually joining either side... I will answer their questions about nation building/make suggestions on how to achieve their goals but I will not actually give them goals (other than to beat the other guy) so I will see if they try to win politically or via nation building. Call it a social experiment if you will. I think they might recruit some other RL friends of ours into it and make us all pick sides and I think it'll be fun... maybe we will make a drinking game out of it... Therefore I am announcing Unknown Smurfs retirement from the political aspect of CN at the conclusion of this war.



    Start your own dam wars.


    Introduce a little anarchy into the established order. 


    * = Or if you're enraged by that aka being a feminazi. 



    That turned out to be false.... as you've seen since posting it.



    What is false? The log? No it is not. 


    But I'm still struggling how that sentence would justify hitting MI6 because we said you would stay out of some random micro drama you knew very well we had never been involved with to begin with.


    Your CB doesn't make sense in basically every way you look at it.   :mellow:



    That sentence justifies hitting MI6 because (if we take it to be true) it means that Mi6 is giving GOONS the greenlight to hit a Kaskus protectorate. 


    Note you were told by GOONS prior to this thread that this was incorrect.


    What was incorrect? The log? It was not incorrect. You are a moron. GOONS said that KenM was incorrect because he was misguided by something he was told by Milton. That is irrelevant to the point though.

  10. I'm Kaskus Hall of Fame, even fought during the Sith skirmish that arose due to your membership. Course I wouldn't expect an ego-maniac such as yourself to take note of the contributions and sacrifices of others. Hence why we're at this crossroads.


    I knew you came for a war couldn't remember if it was the NSO or GOONS one.  


    Anyways if you were actually there you would know I offered myself up for ZI to Rayvon in exchange for no war with Kaskus..


    I was in peace mode and then returned to Kaskus (as I was a member there eons before you even knew who we were), and was unaware I was on a ZI list. Ray informed Kaskus of this when I found out I offered myself for ZI. Ray said whatever its fine and then kaskus put me in govt and Ray thought it was a slap in the face but we honestly weren't even thinking of NSO and then they decided to attack me.


    Ancient history though and I'm not going to go down this rabbit hole so this will be my last post on the subject.


    The simple fact is you had no facts, so, yes you made the best decision with the facts you had!


    I had one fact. 


    <KenM> we were told [by MI6] kaskus knew we going in and would stay out of it
    Note KenM is GOONS copilot and Sard has been inactive.. so defacto leader of GOONS. I took this to be GOONS' word. 
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