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    The Bearkillers
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  1. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1322797973' post='2858889'] Actually, it kind of does. Had you read the thread rather then just reading what suits your desires, you would have seen that it has been discussed. Then again, if you've got doubts in TPF and the fashion in which we honor our treaties, perhaps thats a concern you should take up with your government, since our two alliances hold a treaty as well. [/quote] Well we could talk with one of your diplomats to our alliance but seeing how your alliance hasn't posted on our forums in almost two years that would be hard to do or maybe we could talk to one of your members in our public channel but again you would have to have one there for this to happen so please don't preach to me
  2. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1322793913' post='2858834'] [OOC]what a fine example of reading the first few posts of a thread and then commenting.[/ooc] Its been covered, and saying things like that go along ways to make you look like an idiot. If thats what you were aiming for, good job, well done. [/quote] Well I figured I would stop reading at the first sign of stupidity in this thread and your post was the first I got to However it doesn't make my point any less true
  3. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1322633057' post='2856621'] And before RIA et. al. wants to compare this to how it took TOP a week to get declarations to come in the TPF war, know that the two situations aren't even comparable (for obvious reasons, if you think about it, but you guys never do.) I don't know what you guys are working on or what you think you've got up your sleeves, but find your nuts and get on with it. [/quote] Says the guy not defending their allies in STA but hey why let being hypocritical get in the way of sucking up to people
  4. [quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1322785827' post='2858663'] It's funny the gay joke at WAPA (big pole) got nothing but if you so much as fart toward a rare breed on this place, the men in white horses soon ride in. [/quote] I know I would be a little nervous of men who want to be in a white horse
  5. Winter should have that checked out by a doctor And congrats on the treaty
  6. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1321068355' post='2843496'] Well I mean you make all kinds of different posts, but they're all terrible, which makes you objectively much worse than Supreme Ayatollah Porksaber. [/quote] Good one potsie but shouldn't you be ruining your alliance again
  7. [quote name='porksaber' timestamp='1321064515' post='2843461'] I am the supreme ayatollah and imam of the Union of Great Britain. [/quote] Don't you ever tire of being a one trick pony with the same post over and over and over and over
  8. Congrats to legion on the beat down you handed down and the victory very well earned
  9. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1320608319' post='2840376'] Yes, because usually the intelligence of random OWF denizens is better than that of the involved government(s). We're actually planning to pre-empt them. And by we, I mean with the full force of all 300k of our NS. Stay tuned for the announcement! [/quote] Hmm like a month ago you were just the guy with all the answers talking a lot of trash about how good your alliance was Now you seem like a beaten man, what happened to you? Oh wait nevermind
  10. [quote name='Ridin High' timestamp='1320604859' post='2840323'] You are cute to jump to conclusions, but I am unaware that my one of my allies is going to attack another one of my allies. If you are talking about MK, they are not my ally, I have no sway over them, and thus cannot tell them what to do. And that was who I was told was going to attack NSO. I mean sure I could go and beg them not to do so. But NSO hasn't asked me to talk to MK, so I have had no reason to. [/quote] So will tetris be counter declaring on MK when they hit your treaty partner?
  11. You all are ruining everyone's weekend with this crap you are trying to pull Guess I won't be able to enjoy Alabama vs LSU tomorrow
  12. Congrats to us and I hear the deputy minister of FA is a real jerk to work with gopher be careful of him
  13. [quote name='Sloane' timestamp='1320108594' post='2836079'] This is stupid, I hope you die. [/quote] You hope people die? Seriously what kind of zilch are you? /ooc this is a game there chief you may want to try decaf or get involved in outside activities when you start having to wish death on other people /ooc
  14. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1320083186' post='2835810'] Didn't know STA was still around. [/quote] Yes you did, so why do you feel the need to lie? Because if it was an attempt to be clever or witty you failed miserably
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