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Everything posted by emmabuddie

  1. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1302219572' post='2686401'] Welp, Hooligans, we just killed your chances of getting a treaty with that side of the web. Congratulations! [/quote] anythings possible...
  2. [quote name='KahlanRahl' timestamp='1302195468' post='2686208'] I herd u guyz liek mudkipz. [/quote] hahaha yeah mudkipz is great, you should google it sometime
  3. We have a new FA minister for less than 20 days and he gets us an MDoAP. thankyou for your support guys
  4. [quote]hmmm strange I had this website in my favourites account before I read this announcement. prather being too cheap to get a new one? [/quote] he re payed for the licence for the old TUF forums.... hence the "united" [quote][ooc]If phpbb couldn't do what you needed, its probably because you didn't know what you were doing.[/ooc] Congrats on the new forums, I suppose. Hopefully you get it all figured out and mastered quickly. [/quote] next time we have a problem ill give you a ring
  5. haha good stuff hooligans, best alliance ive seen so far
  6. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1297403317' post='2629000'] Booo! Athens sucks and should have been forcefully disbanded. You went too light on them term wise FAR. [/quote] im going to go out on a limb and say lies and blasphomy
  7. [quote name='Gingivitis Khan' timestamp='1297379259' post='2628412'] Nice job guys Go Azelie! [/quote] i 2nd this
  8. good stuff guys, nice to see our allys doing what they do best
  9. good stuff CnG also i wouldnt wanna mess with Londo.... i hear hes so hot it burns to look at him.
  10. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1296616552' post='2615458'] That was a bad thing in TUF? Hell, I would pin a medal on a guy for that. [/quote] we did.... the exile vagrant badge
  11. haha thanks for keeping our announcments right up the top, its good to let people read our topics and whats going on in the hooligans. threat threat threat, boast boast boast. waa waa waa... we will see how things are looking in good time
  12. the peace offers are not because we want you to quit, its so you know that theres a way out if you need one. simply change your AA to Hooligans PoW then send peace and we will return the favour. its just for those who have a soft spot in there heart for there nations, and they dont wanna see too much damage
  13. [quote name='Dre4mwe4ver' timestamp='1295923861' post='2597717'] o7 Hooligans Have fun, guys! [/quote] This topic has just be blessed, all hooligan ground forces rose strength by 20%
  14. [quote name='Master-Debater' timestamp='1295856315' post='2596251'] We dont try to pretend that we like everyone. Either we like you, we dont, or we have no idea who you are. Not much in between and we arent afraid to tell people what group they fall into. Also: war gud! Good luck to our enemies. This should be a good fight between us. I look forward to talking with you in the coming weeks. [/quote] err hmm ( clears throat) im curious, if you dont know them, can you please describe to us all how they "suck"? Can you please elaborate? Or maybe put it into a sentance. Are you referring to it as a noun or a verb? Also im looking foward to it too. just beware of the wolves
  15. [quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1295854689' post='2596216'] Good Luck BTA [/quote] im gonna make an assumption a "stab in the dark." you are wishing them luck as for they are gonna need it?
  16. i love it i love it! i really do. this is just gonna go down a charm
  17. [quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1295776051' post='2593728'] HEYYYYYYYYYYY I WANNA KNOW THE PUN!! SHARE WITH ME PWWEEEZZEE. Can't find anyone to fight? [/quote] with great power comes great enemies, to you are yet to become great and powerful. would you like for me to wait so you can catch up a little?
  18. [quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1295774435' post='2593706'] 22 too many for you. Were welcoming every single one of them. [/quote] you can nuke me if you want... but then again you would have to grow up wouldnt you awww yeah, emma hi fives prather for the pun
  19. isnt this just grand, let me grab my coat and wellies.
  20. [quote name='Fyfe XIV' timestamp='1295761322' post='2593064'] I guess you'll just have to wait and see if we cancel as soon as the war is over or if we actually think about who we ally and have a non-political motive (e.g. Friendship. I know, I know, blasphemy) [/quote] i got a cancellation written up right here, once the war is over ill put it on your desk
  21. gibby is my "mr slave" he het pleasure outta pain
  22. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1295658623' post='2589997'] Congrats to two great alliances. I love you both. [/quote] the announcment was officially blessed by a saint
  23. only the best [quote]Posted Image Excellent [/quote]
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