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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='comrade nikonov' timestamp='1317170747' post='2809980'] (OCC: evidently college apps and school isn't as important as CN) [/quote] OOC: It's like you actually expect CNRPers to respect that people have actual lives...lol...
  2. "Rather than focusing our collective forces in a single area and moving progressively through South America," Haniya spoke at last, her voice slow and deliberating, as if placing thought into each word. "or instead fighting our battles entirely separate of one another, I believe it would be best to maintain a coordinated overall plan that allows each force flexibility to pursue its specific goals in a region while playing a part in the purposes of the collective aims of this group. A coordinated plan of battle, but rather than focus our forces into one theatre at a time, we should maintain our forces divided up into their respective areas of interest."
  3. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1317088805' post='2809306'] I like him a lot more than I like you. At least he joined the L5. [/quote] Pffft, as if I wanted to throw in with the Loser Five. I'll pass, thanks.
  4. [quote name='Baskan' timestamp='1317081248' post='2809208'] I may or may not be entering the fray. [/quote] no baskan go away
  5. [quote name='Motorhead' timestamp='1317016408' post='2808808'] I'm still aiming straight for [b]Brazil [/b]:v [/quote] [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1317016602' post='2808810'] Just give me a couple of months for that. I am planning to do a long drawn out anti insurgency campaign in the Amazons and favelas, [/quote] [quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1317030237' post='2808851'] I am likely to relocate part of my nation to SAmerica, namely north [b]Brazil[/b], Guyana and Venezuela. With me having 1.2 million boots on the ground, I think I have a weighty argument. [/quote] Figures that the one place I want control of is the one place everyone else is aiming for
  6. I'm still aiming straight for Brazil :v
  7. PRESIDENTDAVID. You are always welcome to RP internally in the Northern Federation
  8. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1316850065' post='2807263'] OOC: Just so you know you do have to contend with both mine and Lynneth's military which has surrounded South America. I hope claimants for the Eastern sides of South America, [b]especially Brazil[/b] dont mind waiting a while as I have some RPs planned out for there for a few months. [/quote] OOC: *aiming especially for Brasil* DAMN IT.
  9. The Northern Federation must question the motive of this action as Cochin influencing European politics when the UFE is currently pushing ultimatums on European nations to have its way.
  10. One of the first things Isabelle Haniya noticed upon entering the room was that it was largely-male dominated--only one another woman, and she too was guarded on either side by two men, clearly armed. The rest were men, though this was a rather inconsequential factoid that Isabelle saw no need to place any importance on. Some may have said that this was still a male-dominated 'industry'--and maybe it was, in the numbers. That didn't mean a woman couldn't be just as lethal a weapon--just as often, more so. At 5'10, Isabelle did not strike an imposing figure against the group that currently populated the room--nor was she dressed altogether luxuriously, wearing a durable pair of pants, boots, and a jacket of similarly tough materiel. Her faded black hair was trimmed to a relatively short cut, springing up slightly as it was wont to do; her features were indicative of her Mohawk heritage, with high, prominent cheekbones and dark, rough skin. Her eyes, keen, sharp, vaguely almond shaped, scanned around the room, taking into account all the details they took notice of. She had already made a note of the positions and patterns of the armed guards she had passed so far, stationed outside the room--this attention to detail, an immaculately calculating mind, was what had enabled Isabelle not only to survive in the business she worked in, but to succeed and dominate. Having seated herself as the talking began, Isabelle remained, for the moment, silent, hearing what was being said. OOC: Definitely gonna be aiming for [url="http://imageshack.us/f/5/mapfek.jpg/"]this[/url].
  11. OOC: Is this closed to people who are invited, and if not is it too late to become involved :v
  12. If any information concerning Shojitsu's whereabouts is found by Northern Federation authorities, it will be relayed to UFE.
  13. The Northern Federation recognises Sumatra and anticipates cordial diplomatic relations.
  14. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1315503189' post='2796901'] Some Asian vampire that sparkles [/quote] Yes. That is all. Yes.
  15. [quote name='Hamlet' timestamp='1315351944' post='2796001'] The Danes haven't been a threat to anyone for hundreds of years. [/quote] Not something most world powers brag about.
  16. [quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1315371423' post='2796172'] "and My German tutor Kilian." [/quote] OOC: i c wat u did thar
  17. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1315007211' post='2793243'] Vampire Killing has hereby been legalized in the United Federation of the East. Rules for identifying and defeating the undead menace have been issued to all citizens and visitors of the Federation: 1) Vampires can be identified by two well defined characteristics: Red Eyes and being !@#$%bags 2) If you encounter a vampire, make a visual assessment to determine whether your combat power exceeds theirs or not. If it does not, make a tactical withdrawal and request support from the People's Commissariat of Investigative Affairs Paranormal Division or the Imperial Guard. 3) If you can, avoid direct engagement, instead waiting till it is vulnerable and destroy its coffin. 4) Be sure to decapitate all vampiric opponents and drive a stake through their heart. 5) Be sure to verify red eyes before decapitation, it is often possible to mistake goths for vampires as both are in fact !@#$%bags. 6) Air and artillery support are not guaranteed. 7) Above all else remember Vampires are evil incarnate and hell spawn, and are not as Vampire revisionists like to say misunderstood. Therefore their elimination is amongst your highest priority as a citizen of humanity. [/quote] The Northern Federation has put a similar statute into effect. Known vampire hotspots such as Hot Topic, Evanescence concerts, and theatres currently playing the Twilight films are being searched extensively.
  18. [quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1315009406' post='2793259'] "I can see that." He nods during the brief, but solid handshake, making eye contact for a moment. Then his demeanor shifts back to his usual calm one, calm even around exploding bombs although in this context such a thing would never be suspected. "The pleasure is all mine. Isabelle from the North. I will have to read up on your country one of these days." [/quote] "Hopefully by the time you do so, we will have accomplished something worth reading about," et Violaine said with a small smile. "Germinal as our nation is, I don't imagine you will find much interesting for some time..." She paused as she glanced to the side and saw, with a raised eyebrow, what looked to be one of the Grand Papuan delegation, standing alone in the corner watching the two talking.
  19. [quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1314933132' post='2792744'] He takes off his cap and places it on the balcony's thick, safe railing, after having turned his face to spot a...stranger. He nods respectfully and offers a brief, enigmatic martens-style smile for a moment - an ambiguous but sincere smile. "Good country, good air." He paused, sipping. "Decent wine. How might you be doing?" [/quote] Isabelle nodded at the Kronprinz's words. "The evening finds me quite well, thank you." She reached out a hand to shake Martens'. "Isabelle et Violaine of the Northern Federation. A pleasure to meet you, Kronprinz Martens."
  20. [quote name='Domingo the Honored' timestamp='1314821263' post='2791743'] Sergei raised his half-full glass of Coca-Cola in the air, smiling and chuckling. "[i]To the success of the Northern Federation![/i]" he said, taking a drink. He put the glass back down on the table and turned towards King Geoffrey. [/quote] et Violaine in turn smiled as well. "And to the Chancellery of Cyrantia," she said, raising her own glass. As Aleksandrov turned away and nearby Eyvindsson was still speaking to one of the Cyrantian officers, Isabelle glanced to one of the open doorways that led out to one of the outside balconies, seeing someone standing alone and detached from the ball. Excusing herself politely, et Violaine made her way towards the as yet unidentified recluse, and as she approached, stepping out into the cool outside air, she recognised him vaguely as Dierik Martens, Kronprinz of Germany. "Good evening, Kronprinz Martens; you seem to be enjoying yourself here," she spoke as she stepped forth.
  21. [quote name='Domingo the Honored' timestamp='1314786611' post='2791549'] "[i]Well, I'm glad you've found time between getting your nation off the ground to attend this ball, Isabelle. The Chancellery has been hectic as well; conflict to the north has kept us busy, as well as a recent land acquisition.[/i]" [/quote] "Ah--yes, the situation between the USRS and the Magadan Oblast," et Violaine nodded. "Though my understanding of the full situation is rather vague. One can only hope it will be resolved quickly and peacefully for all involved." [I]It's been a while since we were in your situation, but I wish you luck,"[/I] Aleksandrov continued. [I]"I do remember the difficulties it can present to be new."[/I] "Thank you. It has proven a challenge to help in facilitating the rise of our nation, but we have all worked hard, the government and the people, to build a nation we can all take pride in."
  22. [I]"Indeed, this event is more lively and entertaining than I imagined it would be,"[/I] President Eyvindsson replied, glancing around the room briefly before motioning for et Violaine to follow him. [I]"Here, let me introduce you to some of my friends and other guests."[/I] Isabelle nodded and followed Eyvindsson, as the two premiers made their way towards a small entourage, which et Violaine recognised to be the leadership of the Chancellery of Cyrantia. She followed Eyvindsson's lead as he approached the Cyrantians, greeting the Chancellor at the helm of the group with a few words and a friendly hug before turning to introduce her to the Chancellor. [I]"Let me introduce you to Ms. et Violaine, Executive Director of the Northern Federation. Isabelle, this is Chancellor Aleksandrov of Cyrantia."[/I] Isabelle prepared to hold out her hand to shake the hand of Chancellor Aleksandrov, but she was instead taken slightly by surprise as Aleksandrov lightly kissed her hand. [I]"Hello, Miss et Voilane. It is a pleasure to meet you, and please, call me Sergei,"[/I] he said. [I]"How are you this evening, and how are things in the Northern Federation? I've heard your nation's birth has been very recent."[/I] "And a pleasure to meet you, Sergei. Feel free to call me Isabelle as well. And yes, the Northern Federation is very new to the international stage. The past few months have been quite hectic getting the new-born nation in order and on track. And yourself, Chancellor Aleksandrov? I hope all is well in the Chancellery?"
  23. [quote name='Californian' timestamp='1314721594' post='2791034'] [i]"Ms. et Violaine, it's a pleasure to meet you in person. Please, feel free to call me Kristjan."[/i] [/quote] et Violaine turned her head slightly at the sound of approaching footsteps, recognising President Kristjan Eyvindsson of the Greenland Republic as he addressed her. "The pleasure is entirely mine, Kristjan," she replied, standing to greet the President and holding out a hand to shake his. "And you in turn may feel free to call me Isabelle." [I]"I do hope that our nations as well as ourselves can soon call each other allies,"[/I] Eyvindsson continued. [I]"And I must say, the Greenland people are quite enthused to see your nascent nation already hosting elections and enjoying your sovereignty."[/I] "Indeed, I anticipate friendly relations between the Federation and Greenland in the near future," et Violaine replied with the merest of smiles pulling at the corners of her lips. "But shall we set aside politics today? I must confess that with all the work we have been doing to develop the Northern Federation into a full-fledged, developed nation, a day taking a break from that setting is most welcome." [I]"Please forgive my manners, do tell me how are you enjoying yourself so far this evening?"[/I] Eyvindsson inquired. "I am, quite enjoying myself. Budapest is a beautiful city, and this ball is a lovely affair. I hope the evening finds you well as well?"
  24. Et Violaine watched as the ball went on. The Empress had been practically stormed by a number of foreign dignitaries and leaders, eager to speak to her, while others mingled amongst one another; her attention was drawn briefly to a most unusual group of people, apparently the Grand Papuan entourage, a motley crew who, as Imperial Regent Jorhan Stahl pointed out, seemed more at home at a Halloween party than at a royal ball attracting the premiers of some of the world's most powerful nations. The majority of the attendees were indeed gathered around the group consisting of the Empress of Austria-Hungary and the UFE's Imperator, and their respective entourages, eliciting a minor chuckle, in spite of herself, from the Executive Director, who herself had intended to approach the Empress and introduce herself--if not for the apparent line queuing up to do just that. It didn't seem like the Empress was going to be getting any breathing room at her own ball today. And so the Executive Director of the Northern Federation remained in the background, content to watch as the people with the true influence--the leaders of the global powerhouses present--interacted with one another. There was not much to do in this setting for the premier of a fledgling nation in its first steps into the international stage except to observe.
  25. "I would like to propose a simple economic agreement--perhaps lowering tariffs in trade between our nations and joint commercial ventures between Cochin and Federal companies. We would also invite Cochin corporations and companies to explore Northern Federation markets and perhaps expand operations into the Northern Federation's growing economic scene. I would also like to invite the Kingdom to establish an embassy in the Federation to facilitate further economic and commercial cooperation."
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