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Everything posted by Aggressivenutmeg

  1. "While we are pleased to see that France has made the decision to end it's isolationist policies, we must caution France against send troops into the former territories of Snowhaven. Upon the unfortunate collapse of that state, the Cisalpine Republic took the initiative and moved in to restore order and maintain stability. As such, the territory is now an official protectorate of the Cisalpine Republic and any French troops that cross the border will be fired upon by Italian forces." - Secretary General Achille Oberti
  2. "There have never been any Panamanian deaths as a result of Confederate actions. These are false rumors spread by communist agitators. We will not withdraw from the Canal Zone as we are protecting the property of the Confederate investors in the bankrupt Panama Canal Company." - President Norman Kelsey Several photos of happy, smiling Panamanians would be published in the confederate press, along with long-winded editorials decrying the Procinctians. [hr] Not suspecting an attack, the forces in the Canal Zone were complacent. When the initial air attack was spotted, the Marines rolled out their anti-aircraft guns. This was hardly a threat to the Procinctians, as the division only had 24 guns, that had to be spread along the entire stretch of the canal. The actual attack on the airfield would devastate it's structures and runway, but the battalion stationed there would quickly scatter into surrounding jungle and villages. Overall, the battalion would only suffer thirty-two casualties from the bombing, and one soldier who got lost and eaten by a jaguar. The troops stationed at Fort Kobbe would do all they could to repel the air attack, using the anti-aircraft guns and M2 machine guns when the seaplanes flew low enough. Ultimately, the long range 155mm artillery that was moved to the fort as makeshift shore guns would be destroyed or badly damaged by the bombing. A total of twelve soldiers would be killed and many more wounded. Ten of the twelve howitzers stationed at the fort would be destroyed. Fortunately for the Procinctian cruisers, they would only be hit if they strayed within fourteen miles of Fort Grant, where the other 155mm howitzers had been stationed. The cruisers wouldn't need long to destroy the positions on Fort Grant. The few stragglers would limp back to the mainland, abandoning the islands, assuming the causeway wasn't destroyed in the bombardment. The survivors of Forts Grant and Armador (about 1600 men) would move inland to escape the naval bombardment. When the landing force was spotted entering the mouth of the canal, a radio call for reinforcements from Fort Clayton (at the first lock) was sent out, bringing another battalion into the fray. As the Procinctian marines began landing, they would be met with artillery fire from Clayton, covering the battalions from Grant and Armador as they moved passed Balboa, towards the first lock. When word reached the Marines at Clayton (who were literally right next door to the first Miraflores lock) that enemy troops were attacking it, they would counter-attack in force and capture or kill the outnumbered and outgunned, Procinctian commandos. When news of the attack reached the Confederacy, a coded radio telegram was sent to the Gulf Fleet at Puerto Rico, ordering them to leave a single regiment of marines on the island and to head to Panama at one.
  3. "It is acceptable. However, we would expect the Communion to pay the typical tariffs for their military and cargo uses of the Canal."
  4. "We would be willing to sell a number of Browning machine guns, as well as the necessary blueprints. The total cost would depend on the number of units ordered. Each Browning M1919 will cost $142."
  5. "The Confederate States does not approve of the rise of communism in Latin America. Any attempt by the communists to take control of the Panama Canal Zone will be met with a harsh response by the Confederacy." - President Norman Kelsey
  6. [Classified] A coded, wireless telegram was sent out the rest of the Gulf Fleet ordering them to rendezous with the forces at Puerto Rico. The 2nd and 5th Marine Divisions were ordered to accompany the fleet. A second such telegram was sent to the Scouting Force ordering them to scatter in the Atlantic.
  7. Hey Cent, couple of things; the Panama Canal is in the wrong spot, there is a bit of Virginia that's marked as the Enclave, I'm annexing Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and I'd like a colour change to cadet grey. Please and thank you.
  8. "Good evening, you are listening to the SNBS Newscast. Tonight's lead story: Amid deep concerns about the future of the island nation of Cuba, the President has ordered the ships of the Gulf Fleet that had been dispatched to Panama and are now returning to their bases, to detour and secure the former United States territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Secretary of Defence has stated that the securing of Puerto Rico is an obligation the Confederacy has in taking care of the former United States territories. Also in the news, an Alabama man has been attacked by a pack of wild dogs in an abandoned pool..." [hr] [Classified] In Panama As the fleet left Panama for Puerto Rico, the Marines set about securing and renovating the abandoned US Army bases, including; Fort Sherman (renamed Fort Jackson), Fort Grant (renamed Fort Lee), Fort Armador, Fort Randolph (renamed Fort Beauregard), France Field, Fort De Lesseps, Fort Clayton, and Fort Kobbe. The initial return of foreign troops had not been something welcoming to the Panamanians, several riots had broken out in the temporarily occupied cities of Panama and Colon. The rioting had led to the deaths of several protesters after Marines fired on the crowed, dispersing it. In Oklahoma The 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles and the Rest of the 2nd Armored Division were the main occupying forces in Oklahoma. It was quite a frightful sight, at first, for the former Americans to be seeing Confederate tanks and troops riding in halftacks down the streets of Oklahoma City and Tulsa. The disruption to the daily life of Oklahomans would only be temporary, the military would assume governance of the state before elections could be organised and a civilian defence force properly reorganised. OOC: Panama Canal Zone: 1/5 Oklahoma: 1/5 Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands: 1/5
  9. "We did not fight the Spanish-Confederate War - a war to liberate Cuba and the Philippines from European tyranny - to see Europe expand in the Americas yet again. We fully support the Mexicans in their initiative to act against European expansionism and colonialism." - President Norman Kelsey
  10. Oklahoma and the Panama Canal Zone will be annexed.
  11. [Classified] Mr. President, As per the request of your office, we have completed for you an official audit of the Confederate States Armed Forces. Since we first achieved victory in the War of Succession 1860-66, the Confederate States Armed Forces have stood proudly as the defenders of our nations liberty. Since our victories over the Apache and Navajo Indians, our liberation of Cuba during the Spanish-Confederate War, the success of the Pancho Villa Expedition, and our involvement in bringing the First World War to an end, the Confederate States Armed Forces have proven themselves worthy of the honor of defending our great nation. However, I must voice my concern over the recent budget cuts we have faced since the onset of the recent economic crisis. It is imperative that now, with the collapse of the United States and many other nations, that our great nations armed forces receive the funds necessary to defend our nation and our overseas interests. Sincerely, General Johnathon E. Jackson [hr] Army of the Confederate States of America (ACSA) The Army of the Confederate States of America is comprised of four hundred and fifteen thousand soldiers organised into nine regular infantry divisions, twelve reserve infantry divisions, three cavalry divisions, and four armored divisions. Each of these divisions are comprised of three regiments of infantry or cavalry. In the case of the armored divisions, they feature two tank regiments and one mechanized infantry regiment. Each infantry divisions contains 14,253 soldiers, 280 machine guns, 138 mortars, 48 howitzers, 24 anti-aircraft guns, 109 anti-tank guns, and 2,653 trucks and jeeps. Cavalry divisions are organised much the same as infantry divisions, however they only make use of light artillery that can be drawn by horses and have no trucks or jeeps as they are all mounted. An armored divisions is comprised of 10,900 soldiers, 300 light tanks, 93 machine guns, 46 mortars, 54 howitzers, 24 anti-aircraft guns, 27 anti-tank guns, and 501 halftracks. There are currently 34 State Militias regiments totaling 170,000 soldiers. According to the last census, there were 1,800,000 people available for conscription. Equipment and Combat Vehicles of the Army of the Confederate States of America Swords: 1897 Pattern Infantry Officer's Sword Pattern 1913 Cavalry Sabre M1917 Naval Cutlass Pistols: Colt New Service Colt M1911 Rifles: M1917 Enfield M1903 Springfield Shotguns: Winchester M1912 Submachine Guns: Thompson Submachine Gun Machine Guns: Lewis Gun M1919 Browning M2 Browning Tanks: M2A4 Light Tank Halftracks: M2 Halftack Howitzers: M1 75mm Howitzer 155mm Long Tom Mortars: M1 81mm Mortar M2 60mm Mortar Anti-Tank Guns: 37mm Gun M3 M37 Anti-Tank Rifle Anti-Aircraft Guns: Bofors 40mm Gun Navy of the Confederate States of America (NCSA) The NCSA is a large foration, with a heavy emphasis on battleships, cruisers, and destroyers. With over 218 ships, the NSCA is divided into three fleets; the Atlantic Fleet, the Gulf Fleet, and the Scouting Fleet. In recent years three aircraft carriers have been added to the NCSA to provide it with a greater ability to control the seas. The Confederate States Marine Corps is part of the navy and is currently 75,000 men strong. Atlantic Fleet 2 Bull Run Class Aircraft Carriers 4 Tennessee Class Battleships 8 Cherokee Class Battleships 16 Renown Class Battlecruisers 8 Richmond Class Heavy Cruisers 6 Savannah Class Light Cruisers 32 Gleaves Class Destroyers 40 Benson Class Destroyers 2 Curtiss Class Seaplane Tenders Gulf Fleet 1 Bull Run Class Aircraft Carrier 1 Cherokee Class Battleship 3 Tennessee Class Battleships 8 Renown Class Battlecruisers 5 Richmond Class Heavy Cruisers 7 Savannah Class Light Cruisers 18 Gleaves Class Destroyers 8 Benson Class Destroyers 1 Curtiss Class Seaplane Tender Scouting Force 8 Richmond Class Heavy Cruisers 10 Savannah Class Light Cruisers Naval Air Arm 180 F4F Wildcats 90 SBD Dauntless Confederate States Marine Corps 5 Marine Divisions organised on the same lines as an Army infantry division Confederate States Army Air Corps (CSAAC) The CSAAC is only a small force. It has sadly lagged behind the rest of the military and the civil aviation industry, as well as being the hardest hit by budget cuts. It's current forces are enough to provide for the defence of the continental Confederacy, yet lack any strategic offensive power. There are currently 2000 P-40 Kittyhawk fighters and 400 A-17 attack aircraft, as well as an assortment of transport and cargo aircraft. [hr] [spoiler] Tech: 1940 (150 points) Navy: 294 points - 3x Aircraft Carriers = 30 points - 16x Battleships = 80 points - 24x Battlecruisers = 72 points - 44x Cruisers = 44 points - 98x Destroyers = 49 points - 30x Submarines = 10 points - 3x Seaplane Tenders = 9 points Army: 282 points - 507,000 soldiers = 51 points - 6800 artillery peices = 23 points - 1200 light tanks = 12 points - 1,861,000 people available for conscription = 196 points Air Force: 24 points - 2400 Airfract(48 points) Industry: 50 points Total: 800 points [/spoiler]
  12. Is the points system 'use it or lose it'? I have 200 points that I don't know what to do with, can I keep these as a reserve to represent conscription or something?
  13. Oh yeah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, and the Panama Canal Zone are CSA protectorates.
  14. A secure telegram would be sent to the Egyptian consulate in Richmond: "We would be interested in arranging a meeting between our governments here in Virginia." ---------- "... And our final story for you tonight; The President has announced that the Army will be occupying the former Union territories of Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona in accordance with the Lee Plan, in order to bring stability and order to the former territories of the United States. He also stated that Navy and Marine Corps will be dispatched to take control of the Panama Canal Territory and the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, to ensure that the canal continues to remain functioning for merchant shipping. You have been listening to the SNBS Newscast..."
  15. Maybe increase the number of trucks/half-tracks per point?
  16. Whatever tragedy had befallen the United States in the wake of the great depression had left the Confederacy untouched. Slavery had been ended in the South in 1896 after two large scale slave rebellions and a concerted campaign from upper class moralists and liberals. Despite the abolition of slavery, wages for black workers were minimal and a harsh regime of racial segregation had been imposed. When the depression hit and the cotton price began to fall large plantations were forced to lay off their workers in droves and many small farmers were forces to abandon their lands and leave for the cities. The dispossessed and destitute flocked into large slums established on the outskirts of the main economic centers like Atlanta, Montgomery, and New Orleans. These slums soon became a hotbed of organised crime, prostitution, and gambling. "... And that gentlemen, is why we, the elected representatives of the people of our great nation, have today taken action to remedy the desperate situation that - despite the economic recovery - many of our brothers and sisters find themselves in at this very moment. This bill will ensure that our countrymen are cared for in these dark times." Congressman Daniel Hayes ended his speech to a mixture of applause and jeers. With that, the President would step out to the microphones and cameras that awaited him in the congressional press room and would carry his message via wireless and in print across the country and the world beyond. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'll keep it brief. Today the congress has approved the National Relief Act. This will ensure that food and shelter can be supplied to the unemployed and their families. It is a shame that the congress has previously resisted such a measure but I am glad that news of the global recovery has eased their minds. This bill also approves a great deal of money to be pumped into businesses so that they may be restarted and can begin hiring new staff to restart the economy. The South has weathered the storm and we are still here. Thank you and my god bless the Confederate States of America."
  17. "No, I don't believe there is. This is all very much acceptable." Alloti said after reading through the document, before taking out his pen and signing his name. /s/ Otho Alloti, Ambassador to Romania
  18. What about submarines? Both the current system and Eva's leaves them out. They should probably be 1 point for 1 IMO. Forget it, I'm an idiot.
  19. JED cant have virginia it was a southern state.
  20. [Classified] The military has begun preparing themselves for permanent occupation of Transalpine Gaul. One near Contes in the mountains above Nice and Monaco, one at Les Saisies in Savoy and one near Guillestre in the Alps-Haute department. The two bases further north would be small, each only harboring a battalion of mountain infantry and their support units, with an artillery unit also stationed in Savoy. The base at Contes would be far more extensive hosting two motorised infantry battalions, an artillery battalion, and a host of other support forces. It would serve as the command centre for the forces on the far side of the alps. To better enhance the detection and defence capabilities of the Cisalpine Air Force, a squadron of fighters would be based in a yet-to-be-built airbase in the hills above Cannes. A programme to construct over the horison radar stations along the far slop of the alps is set to be drafted and implemented within the coming months. This system to radars will ring Cisalpina and extend from the Mediterranean coast to the Alvonian border. The scene in Helvetica would be quite different. Having taken over the positions erected by Saxon troops, Cisalpine forces would set about enforcing law and order in the region and distributing supplies where needed. In Ticino and the Italian and Lombard speaking areas of Grisons, the military and officials of the Cisalpine state would play a much greater role in community affairs, and ensure that everything was going as smoothly as possible. On one hand this was due to the language barrier faced by the soldiers in the German and Francophone regions, and on the other it was to lay the groundwork for the inevitable offer of annexation to be given to the Italian regions of Helvetica. OOC: Alps-Maritimes 2/7 Italian Switzerland 1/7
  21. Dreadnoughts, biplanes, and telegraphs? Yes please. I'll be the CSA.
  22. "Well, I am sure I can ease the Senates concerns with this information." Alloti said, putting the cap back on his pen. He had been taking notes during the ministers explanation. "All things considered, I am very confident my government will see fit to ratify any we come too. Do you have a draft treaty prepared, or should we adjourn until one can be drawn up?"
  23. The Directory members would quickly mutter amongst themselves for a few minutes curiously discussing the Chancellors proposal. A friendly state up north would definitely give France and Alvonia pause if they ever decided to retake Switzerland and Provence. Soon Oberti would turn back to the Saxon. "What kind of agreements do you have in mind?" he asked with a smirk.
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