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Everything posted by Hyperion321

  1. at that level, you would be most unwise to buy the MP. 100 million could be spent better on 4-5k infra and some tech. What would you rather get? 25k NS and the ability to pay for your own wonders? or waste months of banking slots to get nukes that you don't even need.
  2. unless you are fighting more than one person, or they want to do maximum infra damage to your nation to get you into the "dead zone" right at the level of infra equivalent to a horrible infra jump. In the BB war, for instance, I was nuked every day. I don't personally nuke every day, but Idiots or not, people are out there that do do it every update.
  3. Actually if a war goes nuclear, you are probably going to get nuked every day, which means you will only get one less day of anarchy after the war is over. If you are back collecting right that one extra day of anarchy shouldn't matter because you wouldn't be forced to collect during nuclear anarchy. So all in all, paying that much money for something that gives you an effect you don't need and makes you take more damage in a war is just plain wasteful. If you have a war chest and actually intend to win the war you will be re buying troops.
  4. you'll still be weakened enough for them to score some easy hits on you if you aren't online at the time or aren't quick enough to buy everything back. 80% troops more often than not is not enough to keep you out of anarchy for two attacks straight unless you've got a serious tech advantage or a pentagon. Honestly, if I were fighting more than one enemy at a time, and I had a choice of using nukes on somebody with a Shelter, or somebody without one. I would nuke the guy with the shelter in a heartbeat.
  5. Actually the reason why it is so bad is because even after you are nuked, they can still do an extra 40-50 damage immediately after because you will still have troops left over. If you don't have the shelter, your troops will be reduced to zero, which prevents them from raiding you.
  6. The fallout Shelter actually can hurt you more than help you. It would benefit you more not to get it.
  7. get a national research lab instead of Great University. More bang for your buck.
  8. quick! somebody call syzygy! We have a challenge for him!
  9. Indeed, we lost alot of Spartan Royalty this week. I can only hope that their legends can be filled in by new talent soon.
  10. I couldn't agree more. If admin really was a god, you would be moses.
  11. meh...it still makes it easier to anarchy poeple
  12. Does the 20% boost to battle strength from a Pentagon apply to both defense and offense? or just offense.
  13. MCXA is gaining on NpO. They are only down by 2.23 now.
  14. VE is pretty much guaranteed a spot at their rate of growth.
  15. if you see any errors let me know. the coding took forever
  16. 1 New Pacific Order: 60.15 --> 60.25 (+0.10) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 49.27 --> 49.60 (+0.33) 3 New Polar Order: 36.01 --> 35.97 (+0.01) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 33.07 --> 33.46 (+0.39) 5 Sparta: 26.73--> 27.92 (+1.19) 6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 26.98 --> 27.17(+0.19) 7 Orange Defense Network: 26.34 --> 26.20 (-0.14) 8 The Phoenix Federation: 25.56 --> 25.78 (+0.22) 9 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 23.69 --> 23.80 (+0.11) The Order of the Paradox: 20.89 --> 20.90 (+0.01) 10 Fark: 19.94 --> 19.66 (-0.28) 11 Grand Global Alliance: 19.52 --> 19.56 (+0.04) 12 FOK: 19.26 --> 19.22 (-0.04) ---------- The Gramlins: 17.35 --> 17.44 (+0.09) Viridian Entente: 16.18 --> 16.56 (+0.38) The Order of Light: 16.14 --> 16.18 (+0.04) Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.53 --> 14.50 (-0.03) NATO: 14.11 --> 14.16 (+0.05) Mushroom Kingdom: 13.30 --> 13.56 (+0.26) Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.12 --> 13.17 (+0.05) Echelon: 12.62 --> 12.63 (+0.01) Random Insanity Alliance: 11.97 --> 12.00 (+0.03) Global United Nations: 12.30--> 11.97 (-0.33) LoSS: 11.59 --> 11.66 (+0.07) World Task Force: 11.30 --> 11.31 (+0.01) Green Protection Agency: 11.57 --> 11.28 (-0.29) North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 10.70 --> 10.75 (+0.05) [Invicta/i] 10.40 --> 10.44 (+0.04) The Legion: 10.06 --> 10.05 (-0.01) Biggest Gainer Sparta (+1.19) Biggest Loser Global United Nations: (-0.33) Passes of the Day Sparta passes Mostly Harmless Alliance North Atlantic Defense Coalition: passes Invicta Global United Nations falls under Random Insanity Alliance Green Protection Agency falls under LoSS Green Protection Agency falls under World Task Force Commentary Sparta makes a giant leap ahead today as their recruitment surge continues on. IRON and MXCA also get into the spotlight with excellent gains and VE continues their campaign for their santion today with another gain chalked full of roids. GUN and GPA take the only real losses today, falling below a few surrounding alliances like RIA, Invicta, WTF, and LoSS All in all, great day everyone.
  17. Thanks! Our banks and deans are definately working overtime lately. So many recruits...so little time.
  18. Sparta's was about the same size before we merged it into our AA to save our sanctioned status a while back. In other news, Sparta has gained it's 74th member in the last 3 days, and we are now officially over 500 members! And we gained almost a whole point since yesterday (27.89) We're coming for you MXCA!
  19. that's why MHA has dropped so much.
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