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Everything posted by Hyperion321

  1. It's just 1% to 5% in total, not per ship.
  2. To answer all of your questions about anarchy without a defeat alert, you can anarchy with less than 95% odds if you destroy over 50% of his defending army in one attack. Even if you have 40% or some other horrible odds like that, if you manage to kill more than half of his troops, that's instant anarchy.
  3. Polar's score goes back and forth more times than my preferance for ironchef's yummy caeks or bush's w00t pies.... decisions make me angry :angry:
  4. they are far from bleeding to death.
  5. wow...+.13 I didn't expect that. o/ Recruiting \o
  6. expect a loss from Sparta. We're loosing another big nation to inactivity today. L.I.P. Peter. We'll miss ya
  7. 12 or so days - you'll see....you'll all see....
  8. I think this may be one of the funniest paragraphs I have ever read on here. If I could sig it I would
  9. as long as it shows how far ahead of MHA we are I'm fine MHA
  10. I'm happy to see such a great Recovery from TPF TPF
  11. also still too much. Any benefit would have to be indirect and not put anyone in a distinct advantage over anyone else for no reason. The most you could do without hurting game play as a whole would be something involving the random events (because it's not just another "hey give me a bonus k thnx bai"). Even that is stretching it though. However, this is all a discussion for another thread. Let's get back to the race...
  12. Giving Sanctioned Alliances and their nations unexplained and unfair advantages over other players would be bad for gameplay in general. Plus, people would just ghost the santioned AA's to get the benefits anyway. Mass amounts of ghosts lead to mass amounts of problems.
  13. A horrible movie at that also, yes it would be nice to see TOP get a sanction after all this time.
  14. Yay! Were winning the MHA-Sparta race O' Awesomeness! Go Speed Sparta! Go Speed Sparta! Go Speed Sparta GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! [/end obscure cartoon references]
  15. neither of you will be getting 5 from us in a long, long time. EDIT:spellign
  16. This is what I like to see. EDIT: fixed quote tags.
  17. ah forgot to think of that. Yes most likely the NRL would give you more improvement slots to get you the +4/5 happiness anyway. Get the NRL.
  18. monument. it's cheap. it gives you cash. nuff' said.
  19. let the number crunching begin....
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