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Everything posted by MostGloriousLeader

  1. [u][b]Violence in Virginia[/b][/u] Several gunmen were killed after attempting to storm the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond today. While there has been no official confirmation that this was connected to the recently formed insurgency an anonymous source has stated that the probability was extremely high. Security at the Capitol had been increased due to recent threats and as a result the attack was thwarted by a heavy presence of law enforcement personnel. The governor of Virginia has announced that the national guard would increase its presence in the Capitol and other essential government facilities but refrained from announcing a state of emergency. [u][b]DERP[/b][/u] The Commonwealth military has announced the creation of the Defense Enhancement Research Program in an effort to improve military research efforts for all branches. DERP is an agency of the Department of Defense and will be setting up facilities in Arlington. It is responsible for important and more specific research projects versus general research and development. With a staff of 200 it is designed to be the premier research agency for the military and has received a as of yet classified budget. Operations are expected to begin within the next week.
  2. I don't really mind the current tech scale all too much but I've always felt that at the very least everyone should have access to what actually exists now regardless of tech and then keep some other techscale for more future tech (not too far future though). I remember when I first started out in CNRP there was Lavo and LeVent or whatever and they came out with some ridiculous stuff. Plus I'm pretty sure Martens had his AT-ATs and that guy who was in Finland had a tank that was the size of a damn apartment building or something. Fun times.
  3. I think the world is ok as is but I really don't care too much about how this plays out but if we make a new continent this is what I suggest: The dark lord Cthulhu rises from the ocean to bring darkness to the world. He decides that it's too much effort, craps out a new continent, then goes home.
  4. Honestly I feel that the world is fine as is but I don't really particularly care that much any way this goes.
  5. [u][b]Richmond Shootout[/b][/u] Twelve people are dead in Richmond today in the aftermath of a police raid on a terrorist hideout after it had received information about suspicious and dangerous activity in an apartment complex. One police officer was killed and four more wounded while seven terrorists and four bystanders were killed in a shootout that lasted nearly ten minutes. Two more terrorists were wounded and are now receiving medical attention under heavy guard. The Richmond Chief of Police defended his decision not to evacuate the apartment floor beforehand as "a necessary measure to avoid providing the terrorist cell with a warning as well as the requirement to end the operation as quickly as possible in order to avoid any possible massive collateral damage". The decision was reinforced with the discovery of bomb making equipment in the apartment along with a large stockpile of weapons and ammunition. It has not been confirmed whether or not this group is linked to the recent anthrax terror scare.
  6. The Hershey Corporation is offering it's services to the Procinctian government via Hershey's Security Solutions. We offer a vast array of capabilities that span security services, logistics and technical support as well as consultation and advising on a variety of subjects. With over 80,000 well trained and motivated employees in a wide variety of fields and with a good pool of land, sea and air vehicles we feel more than qualified to work on this humanitarian crisis. -Charles Basset President of Hershey's Security Solutions Division
  7. [u][b]The Pentagon[/b][/u] General Morgan was relaxing in his recliner behind his desk inside of his office. 'My office' he thought. Much better than the crappy renovated apartment complex at Fort Carlisle. As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs he pretty much had the best office available in the Pentagon. It was spacious, had a fully stocked minibar, a 60" HD TV that doubled as a video conference center and a great view. His office overlooked the Potomac and the view was quite spectacular. But these benefits were the privileges of rank and with that rank came duties. He took a sip of the 20 year old scotch in his glass and started going over what he needed to do. The size of the military was growing pretty rapidly along with it's defense budget. Given the craziness that went on in the world that was probably for the best. It also meant he had to go to Capitol hill to explain to Congress where and how every cent was being spent. He signed off on a funding request for the newly integrated Virginian military forces. Some were demobilized but most units were retained, although anyone who didn't wish to remain were discharged with the benefits they would have received from their service in the former Virginian military. Next there was the business of the peacekeeping forces currently deployed to the Carolinas and Georgia. Several brigades had been deployed after receiving more specialized peacekeeping training in order to interact with the local populace better. So far no serious incidents other than a couple minor traffic accidents and hopefully it would stay that way. Several more brigades would be heading there as well after they finished the joint training cycles with the former Virginian military units. The final document was a naval construction plan forwarded by Secretary of Defense and approved by Congress. His signature was the last needed. Being an infantryman he had gone through special forces training under the old Empire of Pravus Ingruo so he really knew nothing about ships let alone the navy. Nonetheless he knew the importance of having a good naval force and that his signature was really a formality in this matter. First in line to be built were a couple of corvettes and frigates followed by destroyers and cruisers. A second more ambitious plan was being made that included battleships and aircraft carriers! Being built from scratch it was probably going to be a while till any vessels were operational but planning ahead is always a good idea. With his work here done he exited his office which was guarded by two MPs who snapped off crisp salutes. Major Reynold, his aide, met him down the hall and proceeded to follow General Morgan to the garage where they entered a convoy to take them to the nearby heliport for the short trip to Andrews. From there they'd take a Air Force flight down to Virginia to assess the situation there. He'd been in his office for a whole of half an hour since he first stepped foot inside. Such were the duties of rank.
  8. [u][b]Terror Plot[/b][/u] Today members of the Virginia state legislature as well as the governor received letters containing fake anthrax and a warning from an unknown group. It appears that the senders are dissidents who opposed the entrance of Virginia into the American Commonwealth. Officials have released the contents of the letter to the public. [quote][b][i]The treason conducted by the elected representatives of Virginia is criminal and inexcusable. They have given up our sovereignty and independence in exchange for being a mere state of another nation. We urge all true Virginians to join us and oppose this illegal occupation of our precious homeland. If our elected representatives do not heed this warning and turn their backs on their people then we will have no choice but to take measures into our own hands to retrieve our freedoms. God help us during these trying times and help us to victory. -We the People[/i][/b][/quote] Virginia Governor Peter Grayson has said that these threats are alarming but should not be cause for public panic. "We assure the public that this will be dealt with in accordance with our laws. These terrorists will be apprehended as quickly as possible. I am issuing a statewide alert and law enforcement agencies will be coordinating with the federal government". President Bronson has stated that while military forces are present in Virginia, they will not be involved beyond providing technical and logistics support for local law enforcement in order to avoid giving the wrong impression of a military takeover.
  9. [u][b]Virginia Statehood![/b][/u] Today the polls for the referendum have closed and the results have been tallied. Virginia has now become the newest state of the American Commonwealth after a general popular vote on the issue was held with a vast majority (roughly 87%) of the populace in favor of joining the Commonwealth. Government functions will remain in place as quick intervention ensured that existing governmental infrastructure remained in place during the period after the dissolution of the former USVR government. The military has announced plans to integrate a fair amount of former Virginian military assets in order to provide a smoother transition and expand it's forces in order to adequately defend the larger size of the nation. President Bronson has announced that the Government Accountability Office will be making assessments of Virginian governmental institutions to determine what improvements or actions will be required, if any, to provide better governance. Statewide elections will begin soon to determine Virginia's 103 Congressmen.
  10. If you could include all of Virginia in the American Commonwealth in your next update it would be much appreciated.
  11. [u][b]Southern Neighbors[/b][/u] After talks between the governments of the American Commonwealth and Greater New England it has been agreed to allow the former nation of Virginia to petition for statehood into the American Commonwealth. Currently Commonwealth troops have begun to move into Virginia along with troops from New England to maintain order for the upcoming referendum through MASFOR. Independent observers will be present to ensure the polls are conducted fairly and correctly. The referendum will take place within a week and all current government institutions will remain in place for the time being in order to provide a smoother transition. The former Virginian military is in the process of being disarmed but has not been completely disbanded. Many independent analysts predict that the majority of Virginia will most likely approve of this move. President Bronson has also announced that Commonwealth troops would also be deployed further south to the Carolinas and Georgia as part of MASFOR in order to help safeguard those states as well. The military has been mobilizing and sending troops but details have not been officially released to the public yet.
  12. [quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1331490571' post='2936878'] [center][b][size="4"]Confederation of Greater New England Official Statement[/size][/b] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d8/Gadsden_flag.svg/200px-Gadsden_flag.svg.png[/IMG][/center] "It has come to the attention of the Confederation of Greater New England that diplomatic contact with East-American Union and the United Virginian Socialist Republic has been spotty over the last month, and diplomatic communications with their respective governments have ceased. Further news reports from official and unofficial sources report that the loss of governmental control in these of our two neighbors has now led to a erosion of formal law and order in these two respectable nations of Eastern North America. As such, the Confederation of Greater New England hereby declares a state of protection to be issued over these two former nations and their lands are to be remanded to the custody of the Confederation of Greater New England, is now assembling a task force that will land in these nations to re-establish basic law and order, basic services, and ensure that central government control is established. The Confederation pledges to make this a coalition effort, and hereby establishes Mid-Atlantic Stabilization Force [b](MASFOR)[/b], and will involve all Eastern North American Nations in this effort to ensure that these nations do not fall under the jurisdiction of any expansionist or colonial powers as per the Gibbs Doctrine." [i]Respectfully Edward Ouellette Secretary of State Greater New England Department of State Leading Foreign Representative of the Honorable Parliament of New England[/i] --- [b]Semi-Classified[/b] Although the Confederation was already engaged in stabilization efforts in Canada, particularly Quebec, the Armed Services of Greater New England could count on its Navy and Marine Corps, along with limited Army ground forces to answer the call in the fallen two Mid-Atlantic Countries. Elements of two carrier battle groups escorting amphibious strike groups would depart Quincy and Providence respectfully within a few hours of the announcement, assembling into a larger task force south of Nantucket, and barreled south towards the two collapsed American nations, carrying elements of the 1st & 3rd Marine Divisions, as well as elements of the 15th "Spearhead" Armored Division. Multiple National Guard and Reserve Military Police efforts, many having just returned from duty in New Brunswick were dragooned into the effort, and were readied for immediate deployment aboard strategic airlift aircraft. Elements of the 55th "Angels" Airborne Division were sent ahead with NEAF Support to establish logistical hubs at major airports and ports ahead of the arrival of the two carrier battlegroups, which would be screened by a third that would depart Halifax and remain off Nantucket to patrol in place of the two that had already left port. The 55th would deploy in battalion strength on a number of objectives across the two nations. Most efforts would center around a series of three ports, and their corresponding airport facilities; Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; and Norfolk, Virginia would each see battalions of paratroopers deployed by parachute, or direct flights. Air superiority would be established to support the line of transports that would fly south, then west, with fighters flying both close and loose forward escort to the lumbering transport planes and support aircraft that established the massive air bridge south. Within eight hours of the announcements, the first boots would arrive on the ground at their various drop zones, provided there wasn't any interference... [/quote] [u][b]OFFICIAL ANNOUCNEMENT[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth will answer the call and contribute to the MASFOR with three divisions of troops in order to maintain stability and peace in the aforementioned areas. Several fighter squadrons will also be based at major Air Force facilities. [u][b]SECRET COMMUNICATION[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth respectfully requests the right to integrate the former state of Virginia into the Commonwealth if that plan is approved by the local population. If approved we will ensure that the Virginian people will be well governed and cared for in their new nation.
  13. [quote][size="5"][u][b]ARMY TRAINING DOCUMENT 251-2[/b][/u][/size] [i]This document outlines new training techniques and doctrine that will replace any other such training doctrine that existed before this document was published. ATD 251-2 has been approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of the Army and the Training and Doctrine Command. The American Commonwealth Army finds itself in a heavily militarized world with several major superpowers with immense combat capabilities. The Commonwealth itself has neither the manpower nor technology to compete head on with such military powers. This document addresses the issue of manpower quality improvement in the regular army. [/i] I) All soldier's, regardless of position or specialization, will be trained first and foremost as combat capable infantry. Changes will be made to training methods and existing infantry training facilities will be expanded to accommodate this change. II) All military personnel must be familiar with the operation of all ground vehicles and weapons systems in use by the Army. III) As such, every base and facility will create or have access to an infantry training facility in order to maintain their capabilities. IV) All commands will be required to maintain high levels of readiness consistent with the new changes in training doctrine. V) The only persons exempt from these rules are medical personnel, chaplains and civilian support staff.[/quote]
  14. [u][b]Chocolate Warfare[/b][/u] Today the Commonwealth military announced a $20 billion procurement program for the Hershey Corporation's newest military hardware. Acquisition of these vehicles is the first major defense contract the company has received since breaking into defense contracting. In an attempt to follow up on this success the company has announced the creation of Hershey's Security Solutions which is a separate division from it's defense manufacturing branch. It's stated purpose is to "provide personnel, security assistance and technical expertise and support to government, military and security forces at competitive rates". Critics have blasted the announcement as the creation of a mercenary force but company officials have maintained that while there are options for armed personnel the bulk of the new sub company is composed of support staff and non-combat specialists. News of the Hershey Corporation's success and it's subsequent expansion has led the company's stock value to increase by 30% last night.
  15. [u][b]First Steps[/b][/u] Today marked the first official launch of a an object into space by the National Space Agency. Hundreds appeared to witness the event firsthand even though security measures were heavy and cheered as the rocket ascended into the sky. Officials have announced that the launch was of a MRS-1 reconnaissance satellite into low earth orbit. While classified the military has stated that it's capabilities are an adequate first step towards increased national defense measures. Up to seven more MRS-1's are planned to be launched along with eight ocean surveillance satellites that would keep a constant watch of the Atlantic and six military communications satellites. The launch schedule is currently at one of each every other day as time is needed to inspect the launch site for safety issues. After this initial batch of satellites is sent civilian satellites will be able to be sent as well. [u][b]Raising the Standards[/b][/u] In an effort to increase the quality and effectiveness of the nation's educational institutions the Bronson administration has announced the start of sweeping education reforms. The Department of Technology and Education will be placing much higher emphasis on math and science education standards. The department will be allocating funds according to which schools require it the most to conform to the new standards while schools near or at the new standards will also receive funding but not as much. The new standards will also require civics classes be taught once a year on government and the role of citizens in government. Another target of reform is physical fitness as physical education and health classes are now mandated to take place during the whole school year. Students will also receive grades based upon their performance in quarterly physical fitness reviews.
  16. [u][b]INTO SPACE![/b][/u] The Federal government has announced that since no offers made on a public military [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=108249&view=findpost&p=2928255"]announcement[/url] that it would embark on its own satellite launch program. A $4 billion dollar initial budget will pay for the construction of a satellite launch facility on the New Jersey coast as well as the development of new satellites. While the launch of military satellites is a primary mission it was announced that the program will be civilian and not military and would also be willing to launch private satellites for companies that need them. The new American Commonwealth National Space Agency will be run jointly by the Department of Defense and the Department of Technology and Education.
  17. [size="5"][b]HERSHEY GENERAL DEFENSE SYSTEMS INC. (LAND DIVISION)[/b][/size] The Hershey Corporation's defense manufacturing and development branch has proposed several new prototype vehicles based upon the M1 Abrams for consideration by the American Commonwealth military procurement and assessment board. [u][b]M1 Combat Engineering Vehicle (CEV)[/b][/u] With the full upgrade of Commonwealth military forces to the M1 series of Main Battle Tanks the former combat engineering vehicles based upon the M60 are unable to keep up with the mobility requirements of the new armored forces. As such we have deemed it necessary to create a new CEV based upon the capabilities of the M1 Chassis. The hull will be further strengthened against land mines and IEDs by further armoring the underside of the vehicle with a external v-hull. The hull will also be retrofitted to be able to quickly attach or detach a mine plow or bulldozer blade. It will also possess a powered winch and the ability to attach a crane for armored vehicle recovery missions. The turret will be redesigned to accommodate a 180mm short barreled demolition gun with a range of roughly 1200 yards. A separate prototype will test the feasibility and effectiveness of a 203mm gun as well. The vehicle will retain the Abram's standard co-axial and pintle mounted machine guns and will also possess a mine clearing line launching system. [u][b]M1 Infantry Combat Vehicle[/b][/u] Compared to MBTs, IFVs and APCs are usually relatively much less armored and more vulnerable while at the same time lacking equivalent firepower. As such an infantry fighting vehicle based upon a main battle tank would bring the armor and survivability of an MBT to the capabilities of an IFV. The M1 ICV is based upon the M1 Abrams MBT. A fairly extensive redesign has allowed this vehicle to transport up to ten troops and their equipment along with two crew members. The M1's engine has been relocated to the front of the vehicle both to free up space in the rear for a troop compartment and to add even further survivability for the vehicle's passengers if hit. The crew now consists of a driver and a vehicle commander towards the front of the passenger compartment. The turret has been removed and replaced with a remote operated system mounted 40mm auto-cannon with a 2 tube TOW missile system attached as well. The mount has a 360 degree all round traverse and is capable of aiming up to a 80 degree elevation as a measure for urban combat. The extra weight saved from the replacement of the turret has been redistributed towards the armoring of the vehicle which now has a v-shaped hull to protect the drive train and passenger compartments as well as additional armor protection to all sides. [u][b]M1 Air Defense Vehicle[/b][/u] Current mobile anti-aircraft vehicles lack the necessary capabilities or mobility to survive on the modern battlefield. As a result we have designed another M1 based vehicle for use in the anti-aircraft role. The base M1 hull remains the same but the turret has been extensively modified in order to fit the equipment necessary for this new role. It has been rearmed with two 35mm auto-cannons as well as 12 stinger infrared anti-aircraft missiles in two six missile pods on both sides of the turret. The radar systems mounted on the frontal face of the turret and the top rear provide a 360 degree field of coverage up to 16 miles away. The fire control and tracking systems give the vehicle an rapid engagement speed against low flying threats.
  18. Well I just wanted to launch things like satellites seeing as I have no lunar ambitions and I think Lynnett has that covered. I was under the impression that we didn't need a space program for smaller things like that. If so I'll finally be able to make Jersey useful Edit: also, I've been away for a while but when did the whole moon colonization thing happen cause I don't ever remember that. The space elevator was the most crowning space achievement I remembered.
  19. Hey, I was wondering, would it be possible to have my own space launch facility somewhere on the coast of Jersey? I mean I know that the US Space Program is located at Cape Canaveral because it's closer to the equator so I was wondering if it would be possible for one to be located in Jersey? Edit: Grammar is terrible.
  20. [size="5"][u][b]PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT[/b][/u][/size] The American Commonwealth Department of Defense wishes to put several open contracts out on the market. Choices will be made depending on price, effectiveness, availability and several other minor factors. [u][b]1) Satellite Launches[/b][/u] Currently the American Commonwealth lacks the ability to launch satellites into space and we are looking into a possible moderate term contract for the launch of military communications and reconnaissance satellites (along with additional commercial satellites). While several indigenous satellite models have been created and are sufficient for our needs we are also willing to pay extra for more advanced satellites. [u][b]2) Next Generation Fighter Aircraft[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth Air Force wishes to acquire next generation fighter aircraft to enhance it's combat abilities. While we are not above purchasing the aircraft and technical support we'd prefer licensed production rights to ensure a better availability of the aircraft. [u][b]3) Naval Upgrades[/b][/u] While the Commonwealth Navy lacks a blue water navy it does possess multiple fast attack missile craft. We are willing to contract out to equip these boats with advanced radar and fire control gear as well as more advanced anti-ship missiles and an improved electronics warfare suite. We are also willing to look at completely new more advanced fast attack craft as well. [u][b]4) Radar Systems[/b][/u] Currently used radar systems are somewhat adequate but the military would like to acquire newer more advanced models in order to improve air defense and detection capabilities. We require new systems for stationary facilities as well as AWACS aircraft and mobile systems for anti-aircraft units.
  21. Army (Overview) The American Commonwealth Army was initially formed from the various state national guard units. It is now a much larger force that is now responsible for the physical defense of the American Commonwealth's territory and it's interests. With a strength of 470,000 combat troops along with a couple hundred thousand support troops and civilian staff it has a total manpower of nearly 610,000. Current stocks of equipment include 4700 tanks, roughly 4000 APCs, over 3000 other armored vehicles, 860 artillery pieces, and over 50,000 support vehicles. MISSION The American Commonwealth Army serves as the land-based branch of the American Commonwealth Military and is charged with: Preserving the peace and security and providing for the defense of the American Commonwealth and all possessions and any areas occupied by the Commonwealth Supporting the national policies Implementing the national objectives Overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the Commonwealth LEADERSHIP Commander in Chief: President David Bronson Secretary of the Army: Henry Jacobs General of the Army: General Kyle Johnson HISTORY The American Commonwealth Army was formed on January 9th 20XX, two days after the formation of the American Commonwealth. When the Empire of Pravus Ingruo withdrew from most of it's American territories they left the local national guard units responsible for maintaining peace and stability and it was from these units that the army was first formed. Since then it has grown into a larger, and much more capable, modern army that is still constantly changing and improving its equipment and fighting methods. COMMAND STRUCTURE & ORGANIZATION The American Commonwealth Army is composed of an all volunteer force of mainly active duty units with a small amount of support reserve units. The primary operating area for the Army would be the Commonwealth proper and it's force organization reflects that with the creation of geographically oriented combat commands along with with other function service support commands. COMBAT COMMANDS The American Commonwealth is divided into six geographically based combat commands, each administered by and operationally responsible to a single Corps, with the exception of the Capitol Defense Command. I Corps is responsible for most of the area surrounding the Chesapeake Bay and its primary mission is to defend this central area of the Commonwealth as well as maintaining forces that can be used for contingencies for nearby commands and expeditionary forces. It is composed primarily of lighter forces than some of the other commands due to it's more central nature and the lack of a actual threat to prepare against. I Corps is composed of the 1st Infantry Division, 3rd Infantry Division, 1st Airborne Division, 2nd Airborne Division and the 7th Armored Division. II Corps is responsible for the defense of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey and is composed of mechanized infantry and some armor units. It is likely that II Corps will be able to provide additional forces for operations in western Pennsylvania if needed. II Corps is composed of the 4th Infantry Division, 52nd Infantry Division and the 6th Armored Division. III Corps is responsible for defending Western Pennsylvania and is composed of mainly mechanized and armor units due to the terrain and the probably highly mobile nature of any fighting that might take place there. III Corps is composed of the 2nd Infantry Division, 5th Infantry Division, 28th Infantry Division, 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Armored Division, 3rd Armored Division, 4th Armored Division, IV Corps is responsible for the defense of the Appalachian mountain range on the Western Commonwealth border. Due to this mission it is composed of specialized mountain and light infantry units. IV Corps is composed of the 1st Mountain Division, 2nd Mountain Division, 3rd Mountain Division, 60th Infantry Division and the 72nd Infantry Division. V Corps is responsible for the defense of most of Virginia and the southern border of the Commonwealth. Similar to III Corps, it is composed of mobile units due to the probability of a mobile fight. V Corps is composed of the 6th Infantry Division, 43rd Infantry Division, 2nd Cavalry Division, 2nd Armored Division and the 5th Armored Division. The Capitol Defense Command is responsible for protecting Washington D.C., the capitol of the American Commonwealth, from external and internal threats. Forces allocated to this command include the Capitol Defense Division and several other support units. TABLE OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT Infantry Brigade An infantry brigade consists of three maneuver battalions (infantry), a reconnaissance squadron, artillery battalion, a special troops battalion and a support battalion and an armor company. Each Brigade is capable of sustaining independent operations with it's organic logistics capabilities which but can be enhanced if supported by a divisional sustainment brigade. Each infantry battalion consists of 1000 men subdivided into four companies plus headquarters and includes organic weapons support (heavy weapons). While designated as plain infantry the infantry brigade is a general outline of any infantry based unit and is the standard composition of light and airborne brigades in service although some equipment may vary depending on unit. [spoiler] [/spoiler] Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) An mechanized infantry brigade is somewhat similar to a standard infantry brigade and consists of three maneuver battalions (infantry), a reconnaissance squadron, artillery battalion, a special troops battalion, a support battalion and an armor company. The main difference is the usage of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carrier to transport troops into battle and support them rather than relying on trucks and light wheeled vehicles for transportation. [spoiler] [/spoiler] Air Assault Brigade An Air Assault Brigade consists of three air assault battalions, an artillery battalion, a reinforced aviation assault battalion, a special troops battalion and a support troops battalion. An Air Assault Brigade is essentially an infantry brigade redesigned for air mobile and air assault operations with the addition of extra aviation assets to the brigade. It is capable of lifting a whole battalion in one wave with its own aviation assets and possesses equipment also used by paratroopers to lighten up its units as much as possible. [spoiler] [/spoiler] Armored Brigade An armored brigade is the heaviest brigades in the army available for the Commonwealth's military doctrine and proportionally one of the strongest. It consists of two armored battalions, a reconnaissance squadron, artillery battalion, a special troops battalion and a support battalion. Each armored battalion is composed of four armored and one mechanized infantry company giving it organic infantry support and negating the need for armor and infantry units to cross post sub-units, although this still occurs if necessary.. [spoiler] [/spoiler] Armored Cavalry Brigade The armored cavalry brigade consists of three cavalry squadrons, a recon squadron, an artillery battalion, special troops battalion and a support battalion. It is unique in that a very high amount of combat strength is imbedded into it's three cavalry squadrons which possess infantry fighting vehicles, tanks and attack and observation helicopters. It's primary purpose is to be a heavy hitting mobile unit used for reconnaissance in force and the screening of friendly forces during military operations. While capable of acting independently armored cavalry brigades are often organized into divisions to provide coordinated ACAV capabilities for a larger area. [spoiler] [/spoiler] Combat Aviation Brigade An aviation brigade consists of two attack aviation battalions, an aviation reconnaissance battalion, an assault aviation battalion, a general aviation battalion and an aviation support battalion. While all brigades have a small organic general aviation company the Combat Aviation Brigade is attached at the divisional level and provides division commanders a wide range of aviation capabilities including heavy attack missions, transport, reconnaissance and general logistics capabilities. It is not unheard of to attach a couple of small fixed wing observation aircraft or UAVs to these units to further enhance their capabilities when needed. [spoiler] [/spoiler] Support Troops Brigade A support troops brigade is normally attached at the division level and contains the division headquarters as well as units that are necessary for additional support for a larger sized operations force. The support troops brigade consists of the divisional headquarters, an engineer battalion, divisional support battalion, two artillery battalions and two air defense battalions,. The Support Troops Brigade provides the underlying network for divisional command and control as well as providing support assets to enhance the maneuver capabilities of it's subordinate brigades as well as providing additional fire support and air defense capabilities. [spoiler] [/spoiler] Sustainment Brigade A Sustainment Brigade is an important part of the Commonwealth military's logistics support capability by providing a modular unit capable of supporting several brigades or divisions in field and combat operations indefinitely. Even though individual brigades have their own organic logistics units the support of a sustainment brigade provides a guaranteed availability of equipment, services and supplies for any range of operations. Sustainment brigades are also able to provide additional essential rear area facilities like hospitals, repair facilities and other support functions to supplement those found in individual brigades for multi-divisional operations. Special Forces Command The American Commonwealth Army Special Forces are the Army's primary special operations force. Able to provide a wide range of missions and capabilities, the Special Forces Command is the largest special operations unit in the Commonwealth military. The Army Special Forces Command is divided into ten groups each consisting of four special forces battalions and an HQ and Group Support battalion. Each special forces battalion contains a headquarters (12), support group (12) and three line companies of 132 men each. [spoiler] 18000 troops (total) 1740 troops (per group) [/spoiler] Commonwealth Army Rangers The Commonwealth Army Rangers are the military's premier light infantry, special operations unit. While organized as a normal infantry brigade, Ranger Regiments are much more capable units that can be called upon for virtually any mission. UNITS: Capitol Defense Division 3rd Infantry Brigade (Light) Stationed: Fort Myer, Washington D.C. 42nd Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington D.C. 210th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Ronald Reagan International Airport, Maryland 411th Capitol Support Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Washington, Maryland 215th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Detrick, Maryland 1st Infantry Division 109th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 110th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 115th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Dix , New Jersey 103rd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 150th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 24th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 2nd Infantry Division 111th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 112th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 175th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 115th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 162nd Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 73rd Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 3rd Infantry Division 58th Infantry Brigade (Light) Stationed: Fort Dix 190th Infantry Brigade (Light) Stationed: Fort Dix 32nd Infantry Brigade (Light) Stationed: Fort Dix 153rd Armored Brigade (Light Armored) Stationed: Fort Dix 162nd Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Dix 293rd Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Dix 4th Infantry Division 191st Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 92nd Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 593rd Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 182nd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 199th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 83rd Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 5th Infantry Division 276th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: New Cumberland Army Depot 917th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: New Cumberland Army Depot 81st Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: New Cumberland Army Depot 916th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: New Cumberland Army Depot 61st Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: New Cumberland Army Depot 451st Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: New Cumberland Army Depot 6th Infantry Division 38th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Lee 72nd Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Lee 830th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Lee 162nd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Lee 91st Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Lee 171st Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Lee 28th Infantry Division 46th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 812th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 604th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 53rd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 35th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 441st Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 43rd Infantry Division 446th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 412th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 609th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 543rd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 535th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 481st Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 52nd Infantry Division 77th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 59th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 49th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 53rd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 835th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 438th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 60th Infantry Division 935th Infantry Brigade (Light) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 912th Infantry Brigade (Light) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 904th Infantry Brigade (Light) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 973rd Armored Brigade (Light Armored) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 985th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 441st Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania 72nd Infantry Division 787th Infantry Brigade (Light) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 858th Infantry Brigade (Light) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 549th Infantry Brigade (Light) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 533rd Armored Brigade (LightArmored) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 845th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 498th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 1st Airborne Division 82nd Infantry Brigade (Airborne) Stationed: Fort Dix 57th Infantry Brigade (Airborne) Stationed: Fort Dix 94th Infantry Brigade (Airborne) Stationed: Fort Dix 44th Armored Brigade (Light Armored) Stationed: Fort Dix 162nd Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Dix 223rd Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Dix 2nd Airborne Division 101st Infantry Brigade (Airborne) Stationed: Fort Eustis 917th Infantry Brigade (Airborne) Stationed: Fort Eustis 347th Infantry Brigade (Airborne) Stationed: Fort Eustis 158th Armored Brigade (Light Armored) Stationed: Fort Eustis 716th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Langley AFB 241st Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Eustis 1st Air Assault Division 141st Air Assault Brigade (Air Assault) Stationed: 227th Air Assault Brigade (Air Assault) Stationed: 337th Air Assault Brigade (Air Assault) Stationed: 746th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: 221st Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: 2nd Air Assault Division 41st Air Assault Brigade (Air Assault) Stationed: 47th Air Assault Brigade (Air Assault) Stationed: 78th Air Assault Brigade (Air Assault) Stationed: 56th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: 381st Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: 3rd Air Assault Division 681st Air Assault Brigade (Air Assault) Stationed: 977th Air Assault Brigade (Air Assault) Stationed: 978th Air Assault Brigade (Air Assault) Stationed: 556th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: 711th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: 1st Mountain Division 71st Infantry Brigade (Mountain) Stationed: Fort Covington, Virginia 98th Infantry Brigade (Mountain) Stationed: Fort Covington, Virginia 50th Infantry Brigade (Mountain) Stationed: Fort Covington, Virginia 162nd Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Covington, Virginia 223rd Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Covington, Virginia 2nd Mountain Division 75st Infantry Brigade (Mountain) Stationed: Fort Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 958th Infantry Brigade (Mountain) Stationed: Fort Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 535th Infantry Brigade (Mountain) Stationed: Fort Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 179th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 293rd Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 3rd Mountain Division 761st Infantry Brigade (Mountain) Stationed: Fort Blackmore, Virginia 451st Infantry Brigade (Mountain) Stationed: Fort Blackmore, Virginia 602nd Infantry Brigade (Mountain) Stationed: Fort Blackmore, Virginia 810th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Blackmore, Virginia 917th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Blackmore, Virginia 1st Cavalry Division 102nd Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACAV) Stationed: Fort Carlisle, Pennsylvania 104th Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACAV) Stationed: Fort Carlisle, Pennsylvania 158th Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACAV) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania 120th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania 132nd Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot,Pennsylvania 195th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania 2nd Cavalry Division 22nd Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACAV) Stationed: Fort Carlisle, Pennsylvania 143rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACAV) Stationed: Fort Carlisle, Pennsylvania 160th Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACAV) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania 130th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania 42nd Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot,Pennsylvania 196th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania 1st Armored Division 4th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Monmouth 10th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Monmouth 43rd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Monmouth 258th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Monmouth 172nd Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Monmouth 197th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Monmouth 2nd Armored Division 8th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Carlisle 17th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Carlisle 463rd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Carlisle 419th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot 22nd Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot 19th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot 3rd Armored Division 9th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Monmouth, Pennsylvania 20th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Monmouth, Pennsylvania 629th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Monmouth 518th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot 198th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Monmouth, Pennsylvania 19th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot 4th Armored Division 14th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Pickett, Virginia 110th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Pickett, Virginia 218th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Pickett, Virginia 112nd Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Pickett, Virginia 117th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Pickett, Virginia 5th Armored Division 54th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 170th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 184th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 491st Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 17th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 197th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Dix, New Jersey 6th Armored Division 52nd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Erie 101st Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Erie 47th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Erie 218th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Erie 181st Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Erie 437th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Erie 7th Armored Division 122nd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Erie 311th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Erie 63rd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: Fort Erie 713th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: Fort Erie 147th Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: Fort Erie 431st Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Erie 8th Armored Division 124th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: 111th Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: 423rd Armored Brigade (Armored) Stationed: 299th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) Stationed: 282nd Aviation Brigade (Aviation) Stationed: 217th Support Troops Brigade (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Commonwealth Special Forces 1st Special Forces Group Stationed: Fort Carlisle 2nd Special Forces Group Stationed: Fort Carlisle 3rd Special Forces Group Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot 4th Special Forces Group Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot 5th Special Forces Group Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot Special Forces Support Group Stationed: Tobyhanna Army Depot 75th Ranger Regiment 1st Battalion (Ranger) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 2nd Battalion (Ranger) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania 3rd Battalion (Ranger) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania Special Troops Battalion (Support and Logistics) Stationed: Fort Plum, Pennsylvania
  23. General Morgan had just arrived at the White House for the daily morning situation briefing. He had recently been very busy with inspecting the newly created units and hadn't had much rest in the last couple days. Nonetheless he had made sure to make himself look presentable for the briefings and his uniform looked crisp and proper. After this he'd be heading out to inspect a newly constituted armored brigade that had just come off the training cycle. He navigated himself through the White House along with his aide and entered the situation room and gave a friendly nod to the other officers already there. As the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Morgan would be briefing the president as to any military developments that might be deemed important for the president to know. They all stood at attention when the president entered the room and sat down after he had done so. "So General Morgan" said the president "What do we have to go over today?". The general quickly glanced at the briefing sheet to get started. "Well Mr. President first off Project EARTHWORM is now finally complete and fully operational. Current stocks of equipment exist for two infantry brigades and an armored battalion although that can always be changed at a later date depending on need. Ummm, secondly the chemical weapons development program has just delivered its 20th ton of Sarin nerve agent and production is currently on schedule for the mandated 200 tons. And third, almost all personnel of the newly formed army units have received basic training and a majority are already halfway through advanced training. We estimate maybe another couple weeks or so for full baseline readiness from these units". The general shifted through his briefing paper to make sure he was still on track. "Also, we have the great situation of two major wars breaking out within the last 24 hours. The invasion of Grand Papua by Germany is probably not something that really concerns our nation but the second conflict may. Yesterday evening Canada was invaded by forces of the Northern Imperium and Mascuria. Evidently they had used a massive training exercise near the border to mask the mobilization of an invasion force. If the Mascurians are involved we can deduce that Tianxia and the whole horde organization they control will be moving as well. Indications are that the Athenians might also intervene as they are very close to Tianxia". "If they do triumph in this war the worst case scenario is a drastic expansion of Tianxian and foreign influence in our hemisphere. This is a scenario that has no good implications for the continent, let alone our nation. The Joint Chiefs and I have discussed this and feel that offering some sort of assistance to the Canadians should be considered. Obviously full scale war is not something we advocate in this situation as we don't have the capability to wage such a war against these opponents. Conveniently enough our special forces unit has just come off a mountain warfare training cycle at our facilities in the Appalachians. We feel this may be the most appropriate use of resources given our options" concluded the general. President Bronson let out a noticeable sigh. "I feared that it might come to this. I find myself reluctant to send our young men onto the battlefield, especially for a nation that we haven't had any noticeable relationships with. Nonetheless I feel the implications of a Canadian loss are potentially severe. I'll have to think about this a bit gentlemen. In the mean time I'd like a prepared outline for a potential operation. Thank you for your time, that will be all". With that the president exited while and Joint Chiefs remained to discuss the matter further.
  24. [quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1330059350' post='2927289'] To: The American Commonwealth Classified: The Australian Government is currently curious if any stock in the Hershey Corporation would be available on the International Market. Australia's government would be interested in purchasing a stakeholding in the corporation, so as to increase the amount wealth and chocolate flowing into Australia. OOC: I want State controlled Commie chocolate Hershey's Corporation [/quote] Unfortunately the Hershey Corporation is a family owned private company and the controlling stock is owned by the Hershey family. While we do appreciate your interest there are no plans for public sale of our company's stock any time soon. We do note that our products in the Asian/Pacific region are under represented and since you seem to have an interest in our company we would like to propose the construction of a small factory and corporate office in your nation in an effort to expand into the market. -Hershey Corporation Public Relations Office
  25. [u][b]Chocolate Wars[/b][/u] Today the Hershey Chocolate Corporation announced the creation of the Hershey General Defense Systems Inc as a subsidiary division of the company. This decision was reached by the CEO and board of directors after the company Black Spire Defense Industries was acquired after it had been liquidated due to bankruptcy. The acquisition of this company, along with recent military expansions causing demand for military equipment to outpace manufacturing capabilities was the primary factor behind the decision. When asked about the decision the CEO of Hershey said that [i]"This was a business decision that was supported by all members of the board. I do want to emphasize and assure our loyal customers and stockholders that this company is first and foremost a chocolate and candy company. We've been at it for over a hundred years and we're not stopping now. We are currently attempting to help fulfill the demand for military equipment by the military of our great nation".[/i]
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