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Everything posted by MostGloriousLeader

  1. [u][b]Project Marlin[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth military recognizes the need for a more clandestine maritime surveillance system in the Atlantic. It has been decided to operate surveillance operations out of open Atlantic fishing boats. The Defense Intelligence Agency will provide a fishing company as a front for this operation to be based out of a fishery in Atlantic City. Current requirements are for about 20 vessels to provide constant coverage over the mid Atlantic. These vessels will engage in routine fishing operations to avoid suspicion while making their patrol routes. The boats themselves remain the same on the exterior but will be extensively renovated with ELINT equipment, passive sonar and a secure communications link. For enhanced security the boats will be outfitted with scuttling devices to prevent capture. Operations are estimated to be able to begin within two weeks.
  2. [quote] [u][b]Atlantic Defense Line[/b][/u] Progress on the Commonwealth's navy has been steady and the first several ships are due to be commissioned in the coming months. However, we do recognize that we do face a challenge in defending the eastern seaboard. Conventional patrol aircraft can provide coverage only for so long and the new over the horizon radar system can't be relied on for targeting data. As a result the Naval Research and Development Board has proposed the creation of outposts based on off-shore oil platforms on the edges of our exclusive economic zone to provide more accurate sea and air coverage. This will also have the additional effect of extending warning times on any hostile forces. The concept has been tried before with the Texas Towers deployed by the United States in the middle of the Cold War for similar purposes. The design will be revamped but fairly similar. These structures will be prefabricated on land and towed out to sea to be deployed. For the best stability the design will possess three legs and also be modular in construction for ease of maintenance and repair. Improved construction materials will allow for greater strength and a better ability to withstand damage from storms. Logistics is something that must be considered for these new outposts and all available options have been considered. Power shall be provided through solar and wave power along with diesel generators. A desalinization plant will provide a clean and drinkable water source for the facility. Other stores such as food, ammunition and spare parts can be brought in by helicopter or a cargo vessel dedicated to this task. It will be outfitted with air and sea search radars along with communications and fire control equipment. Data received by one of these stations can be sent via data-link to shore installations as well as compatible aircraft. While their primary mission is acting as a radar picket it has been decided to arm these stations for self defense. Primary air defense is provided by a Patriot missile battery with immediate point defense provided by three SeaRAM and three Phalanx systems. Harpoon anti-ship missile batteries will also be deployed to provide defense against surface vessels. Anti-frogman measures will also be implemented to prevent sabotage of the defense platforms. Extra space has been left as it is still under consideration whether or not to deploy an anti-submarine detection system in the Atlantic and if so the need might arise to install an anti-submarine warfare center in these facilities. All facilities have a helicopter landing pad along with a hanger to provide support for helicopters assigned to a platform. Funds and materials have been allocated for the construction of one Sea Defense Platform as a test trial to determine its success and whether or not to follow on with additional facilities. The primary contractor for the platforms will be the Newport News Shipbuilding company with electronics and weapons systems contracted to Hershey Defense Systems. [/quote]
  3. [quote] From: American Commonwealth Central Command To: NADU Members The American Commonwealth shall deploy a minimal amount of troops to both facilities due to the fact that we have the general capability to deploy troops fairly quickly around the continent and to minimize the logistical strain on both us and the host nation. We do wish to maintain some sort of presence, however, to highlight our support and commitment to the NADU. Therefore a single company shall be posted at the headquarters in Fort Riley and another company at Fort Bragg. We also would support the aerial exercises suggested by the West Virginian government. If there is a lack of interest in this proposal we invite the West Virginian military to participate in the current exercises being undertaken by Commonwealth forces. [/quote] OOC: I suggest renaming Fort Riley as the NADU Headquarters rather than the 'Main Midwest Military Base'. Sounds more official.
  4. I know that, using the web address in the thumbnail gives me lynneths photobucket account or something. I want to know where the maps originated from.
  5. Question relating to the map. I've never really thought of it until now for whatever reason but was there ever a terrain overlay version of the official map? Edit: Also, what is the original source for this map?
  6. "The American Commonwealth has no objection with the proposed site for a headquarters".
  7. President Bronson printed off the second proposal and signed it then faxed it off to the other delegates. "Perhaps we should find a central location for this new organization to act as a headquarters or at least an agreed upon meeting place for delegates from all signatories. At least we should meet to sign this document in person. I personally feel that physical interaction is more reliable and meaningful rather than this videoconferencing". [quote][i]David Bronson[/i] [b]President of the American Commonwealth[/b][/quote] OOC: Remember this is a video conference, its gonna be a bit hard to pass around a paper.
  8. Cool, thanks. Just wanted to make sure.
  9. Quick question, what are the standards regarding nuclear power generation? Do we need the nuclear power wonder in game? I seem to remember that the benchmark for that wonder was for fusion technology but I could be totally off.
  10. "I must say I have similar concerns with the Mexican delegate. Most of our nations aren't really too familiar with each other. The treaty put forth will bind us to the defense of nations we have little to no positive ties with. However, we feel this is an opportunity for American nations to expand their relationships with each other and seems like a probable step in the right direction for a more unified America. We are much more inclined towards the revisions made by the representative from New Greenland which would allow a more flexible response in dealing with such issues. As such we would support this new version over the initial one".
  11. [u][b]Stormy Night (Phase I)[/b][/u] Major Jerry Paulson was just about to dig into breakfast at the base mess when the alert was issued. The wailing alarm klaxons jolted Dover AFB into a frenzy as aircraft participating in the exercise were being scrambled as quickly as possible. Major Bremen rushed to the ready room for a quick briefing and to suit up while ground crews were preparing the aircraft for takeoff. Captain Roberts, the wing intelligence officer, was waiting as the pilots of the 34th Fighter Wing shuffled in along with the command staff. In an emergency scramble the briefing would be given in flight but this was an exercise and safety was a concern. "Listen up!" yelled the captain in order to be heard over the three dozen pilots assembled. The pilots sat attentively at their desks while the captain gave the briefing. "You have the mission profile in the folders on your desks. Follow along with the main briefing. This is the first phase of exercise Stormy Night. The situation is as follows: The OPFOR is planning on conducting an air superiority sweep followed up by an amphibious invasion. Early Warning elements have detected the general location of the enemy fleet and the incoming air attack. The OPFOR air mission is composed of roughly 120 aircraft including strike aircraft, escort fighters and some other auxiliary aircraft. In addition to the fighter sweep they are probably targeting air bases, radar installations, air defenses and C3I networks with an initial strike. Your mission is to prevent enemy strike aircraft from reaching their targets and to minimize losses while inflicting as many casualties against OPFOR aircraft as possible. You will have AWACS and land based radar support but not much else. You have five minutes to study the mission further before taking off". As soon as the five minutes was up the pilots of the 29th Fighter Wing rushed to their aircraft already ready on the tarmac. Major Paulson was the commanding officer of the 88th Fighter Squadron and his F-15 was closest to the runway and already started up. He hopped in and ran through the takeoff procedures and was soon moving down the runway. It was another five minutes before the rest of his squadron was in the air where they were turned over to an AWACS controller who sent them east on an intercept course. In the meantime at NAS Oceana naval aviation assets were preparing for their part of the exercise. A half dozen P-3 Orions would be conducting search mission to locate the OPFOR 'fleet' in order to verify location for a naval strike by air force and navy assets. Separate from the massive air exercise about to be underway they didn't have to worry about being involved. The results of the search and follow up strike would be factored into the amount of OPFOR assets that were able to land.
  12. "Well I'd be happy to help you there. By souvenir I'm going to assume you mean chocolate rather than their new weapons division. Honestly you can find the average Hershey bar pretty much anywhere that sells candy. But if you'd like I could set up a tour of their main operations center in Hershey Pennsylvania and arrange transportation if you're not too busy with anything else. They love having over dignitaries and other important people there."
  13. After receiving Georgette's signature Bronson proceeded to sign his. [quote] [i]David Bronson[/i] [b]President of the American Commonwealth[/b][/quote] "Well thanks for coming over to do this. Hopefully this will lead to even better relations in the future. Is there anything else you needed on our end?"
  14. "Well I believe the closest I can describe it in a business term is probably more of a contract passed on the sole authority of the CEO or something like that. Honestly I'm not a good businessman, that's why I became a politician" he said with a smile. "Well let me draw one up here real quick and see if its something we can agree to". Bronson got up and walked over to his computer where he began to type up a storm. Less than two minutes later he was done and printed it off the printer on his desk and walked over and handed it to Georgette. "Well what do you think of this?" [quote][size="5"][u][b]France-American Commonwealth Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Free Trade and Non-Agression[/b][/u][/size] In the interests of furthering Franco-American relations and economic growth both the nations of France and the American Commonwealth agree to begin the implementation of policies encouraging free trade between our two nations. We recognize that in the interests of prosperity both nations renounce the usage of arms against each other as a means of settling disputes in the interests of peace and goodwill. As such we recognize the executive powers held by the signatories of this document to fully represent their respective nations on this matter. [i]Signed[/i] [i]Signed[/i] [/quote] OOC: Sorry about the long wait on this.
  15. [quote] [size="5"][u][b]American Commonwealth-West Virginia Friendship, Military and Security Cooperation Agreement[/b][/u][/size] [i]The nations party to this Treaty, Reaffirming the desire to live in peace between their two nations, governments and peoples, Desiring to declare publicly and formally their sense of unity and their common determination to defend themselves against external armed attack that occurs without any reasonable cause. Desiring further to strengthen their present efforts for the collective defense for the preservation of peace and security of their respective nations. Have agreed as follows:[/i] [u][b]Article I[/b][/u] The Parties agree to undertake to settle any disputes between each other peacefully and renounce the usage of military force against each other as a means of settling any of the aforementioned disputes. [u][b]Article II[/b][/u] Both parties agree to the joint operation of their respective military forces and military facilities in their territories at levels agreed upon in subsequent agreements after this treaty. [u][b]Article III[/b][/u] The parties will consult together from time to time, as needed, regarding the implementation of this Treaty and whenever in the opinion of either of them the territorial integrity, political independence or security of either of the Parties is threatened by external or internal influence. [u][b]Article IV[/b][/u] In the event of an armed attack on the other party member each nation reserves the right to defend the other party as they see fit if they choose to do so. [u][b]Article V[/b][/u] For the purpose of Article IV, an armed attack on either of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack on the territory of either of the Parties, or on its armed forces, naval vessels or aircraft and civilian counterparts. [u][b]Article VI[/b][/u] This Treaty shall be ratified by the American Commonwealth and West Virginia in accordance with their respective constitutional processes and will come into force when instruments of ratification thereof have been exchanged by them. [u][b]Article VIII[/b][/u] This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely. However, recognizing that this treaty is not a term for West Virginian independence either Party may terminate it one year after notice has been given to the other Party. [/quote]
  16. [size="5"][u][b]GENERAL INFORMATION[/b][/u][/size] This is the official American Commonwealth diplomatic site run and administered by the American Commonwealth Department of State. Any diplomatic requests or issues made that require an open or secure channel may be sent through here and will be processed and responded to in a timely manner. We accept requests that include but are not limited to: embassy requests, treaty requests, diplomatic discussions, etc. We would also like to point out that we will, for your convenience, list all publicly available information regarding embassies of the American Commonwealth as well as official treaties and other arrangements. Thank you for your patience and have a nice day! [u][b]Hosted Embassies:[/b][/u] [u][b]Foreign Embassies[/b][/u] [u][b]Treaties & Agreements[/b][/u] [list] [*][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110835&view=findpost&p=2966316"]American Commonwealth-West Virginia Friendship, Military and Security Cooperation Agreement[/url] [/list]
  17. [u][b]West Virginia Independence[/b][/u] The federal government has announced the results of the new West Virginia referendums and that independence was the prevailing sentiment. With independent monitors confirming the accuracy of most of the votes West Virginia will be allowed to gain their independence with no ill will on either side. As the vote was done by county there were several along the border of Pennsylvania and Maryland that voted to remain in the Commonwealth and after some negotiation it was decided to allow them to remain. The Secretary of State announced that friendly ties will be pursued with the new nation. It has also been announced by the State Department that the American Commonwealth retains sole jurisdiction over West Virginian Territory in the event of collapse or other events that would incapacitate the ability of the West Virginian government to maintain law and order.
  18. With the establishment of a self governing nation Commonwealth troops began to withdraw from New England and allow the new government to take over.
  19. At 8:30 President Bronson sat at his computer in the Oval Office and entered the video conference over his secure personal laptop. Hopefully something good would come out of it. "Hello everybody".
  20. [u][b]West Virginia[/b][/u] The state government of West Virginia has recently begun talking about about independence from the American Commonwealth. Stating that they were not properly represented during the referendum to integrate the USVR into the Commonwealth, much of the population has stated a desire to form their own independent nation. During the referendum the entire territory of the USVR was counted together and while a majority voted in favor of the union, the population of West Virginia was overshadowed by the more populous Virginia proper. Negotiations have been ongoing between the federal government and the state with indications that independence is a possible reality.
  21. [quote][u][b]Official Announcement[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth welcomes our new neighbor to the South. We are glad that something good has come out of the collapse of the Atlantic Confederacy and wish you good luck with your endeavors. If interested we would like to extend an invitation to your nation for diplomatic talks. -President David Bronson [/quote]
  22. [quote][u][b]RESPONSE[/b][/u] We will remain out of the regions of Georgia and Nova Scotia but we will need to go through New York with the initial movement of troops as well as to maintain a supply line to our forces in New England and Canada. That being said we will limit our presence in New York to those actions while we conduct peacekeeping operations in the Carolinas, Canada and New England.[/quote] American Commonwealth forces began moving both North and South with the southern forces establishing a presence in the area of operations while north bound forces sped through New York limiting themselves to the highway system while moving on to New England and Canada. Southbound forces would link up with Greenlandic units while the northern units secured airports and transportation infrastructure for the arrival of inbound Greenlandic troops.
  23. [u][b]PUBLIC STATEMENT[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth condemns the act of heinous violence that has occurred in the Atlantic Confederacy and is shocked by the effects of this dastardly attack. We commit ourselves to stabilizing the situation as well as doing what we can to investigate this matter. [u][b]SECRET DISPATCH TO NEW GREENLAND[/b][/u] Due to the proximity to the New England and Southern states our forces are able to move in quicker than yours will be able to and we deem that it must be done so to stabilize the situation. We would like to give this notice in order to avoid a potential conflict as well as to ask for a joint protectorate of the former Confederacy's territory. Again, this is not done out of a desire to take advantage of the situation but the fact that we can do the job quickly. We will not confront Greenlandic forces in a hostile fashion. Edit: Don't think New Greendland exists.
  24. So much hate. Why can't we all just get along?
  25. "Personally I don't feel that the non-aggression clause is really needed but we shall agree to it nonetheless. The American Commonwealth is committed to a peaceful existence with all nations that reciprocate those feelings. Since you don't feel like a treaty is necessary I do believe we should sign a memorandum of understanding on the matter. I still need to bring this before Congress and that document will allow this to proceed even if rejected, although that happening is very doubtful".
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