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Everything posted by MostGloriousLeader

  1. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1342113602' post='3009227'] Can I still be the assistant DA? [/quote] Well thats kind of upper middle level so its cool. We need a good level of corruption at that level too so keep going.
  2. After being apprised of the situation the decision was made to attempt direct contact. Even though the man in contact wasn't really able to speak for his whole country a request was made to allow a Sea Stallion with a marine contingent and a representative along with a small escort to arrive and attempt to meet with someone in charge.
  3. The nuclear explosions were detected by Commonwealth satellites and it was something that caused great concern. While Georgia didn't share a border with the Commonwealth it was close enough to warrant a response. Normal communication channels were down and communications with the government of the Ascendancy so a naval task force centered on the battleship Pennsylvania was ordered off shore to establish contact. When they arrived the task force began transmission of messages in an attempt to ascertain the situation from the Ascendancy government. They also noticed activity by foreign forces and broadcasts were made to them in the hopes that they might be able to relay the messages to whatever government was left. [quote][u][b]Transmission[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth has detected a nuclear event in the Hellghan Ascendancy and we are attempting to contact the government of the Ascendancy in order to render assistance and humanitarian aid. If possible we would prefer direct contact due to the situation. If this message is received by any non Ascendancy forces we would like to inquire about the situation and hope you would be able to also put us through to the Hellghan Ascendancy government.[/quote]
  4. [u][b]Government Blocks Take Over[/b][/u] The Federal government has stopped the Hershey Corporation's attempt to acquire Lockheed Martin for over $300 million. The government filed for and received an injunction on the deal citing several anti-trust laws. The government claims that if Lockheed Martin were bought by Hershey then the Hershey corporation would be the only company in the Commonwealth active in the defense aviation industry. Faced with a legal battle and the rumors of possible contract cancellations the Hershey Corporation has decided to drop the acquisition for now, stressing that it was not and had no intention of breaking any of the Commonwealth's anti-trust laws.
  5. I was hoping to rp some of the higher forms of government in the city (mayor, police chief, federal officials, etc.) Hopefully nobody wanted to regularly rp these characters, if so let me know. Also, is there a general plot for this or is it just being made up as it goes?
  6. [u][b]Satellite and Missile Tests[/b][/u] The Commonwealth Navy will be deploying it's Stargazer class Space Tracking Ships and its Liberty class Technical Research Ships in order to provide supplementary information on the Space Program's newest satellite launches as well as the Air Force's upcoming ballistic missile tests. The ships are to be deployed in three groups, one to the Atlantic, another to the Pacific and the third to the Indian Ocean. Orders for each group are to stay well away from national boundaries and remain in international waters at all time. A new set of RORSAT, communications and Reconnaissance satellites are due to be launched soon. These will be monitored and research gathered would be another stepping stone toward the Space Program's goal of manned orbit. Likewise the Air Force is beginning testing of new ballistic missiles with the goal of enhancing it's offensive capabilities. The missile test range is set several hundred miles out in the open Atlantic and a warning will be issued to all marine traffic in the area.
  7. [quote]The American Commonwealth has still not made a decision on which nation it will recognize until further discussions with Greenland on this issue. However we urge both parties to slow down and attempt to find a peaceful resolution for this matter. The Commonwealth is willing to provide neutral ground for discussions to take place. -American Commonwealth Department of State[/quote]
  8. The thing is you need the permission of the people who control a protectorate to roll there and therefore it is more or less standard for people to ask for it ooc to clear up any hassles. Owned-you did ask first and I'm inclined to support him. At first I honestly thought that your post was his DOE until I payed better attention to the names. There is also the fact that your in game soi is barely able to encompass New York City let alone the whole state. I'm not trying to put you down or prevent you from getting a start here but this is just how I see this situation.
  9. [i]President David Bronson will gladly accept this invitation by the Southern United States of America.[/i]
  10. The American Commonwealth is withholding recognition of this government until confirmation of approval can be made by the government of Greenland. In the meantime we will oppose any attempt to attack New York for reasons as shallow as the name of a nation. [i]-American Commonwealth Department of State[/i]
  11. [u][b]Additional Naval Vessels[/b][/u] Today several new naval and auxiliary vessels were commissioned into service with the Commonwealth navy. These include three battleships, three amphibious assault ships, two cruisers, four frigates and three corvettes. Several supply, auxiliary and transportation vessels have also been completed to expand the navy's ability to conduct operations further from home. [b]Pennsylvania class Battleship[/b] ACNS Pennsylvania (BBGN-1) ACNS Virginia (BBGN-2) ACNS Maryland (BBGN -3) [b]Wasp class Amphibious Assault Ship[/b] ACNS Wasp (LHD-1) ACNS Essex (LHD-2) ACNS Boxer (LHD-3) [b]Ticonderoga class Cruiser[/b] ACNS Princeton (CG-3) ACNS Gettysburg (CG-4) [b]Anthony Wayne class Frigate[/b] ACNS Anthony Wayne (FFG-1) ACNS Walter Stewart (FFG-2) ACNS Thomas Forrest (FFG-3) ACNS James Wilkinson (FFG-4) [b]Cumberland class Corvettes[/b] ACNS Bradford (FS-4) ACNS Clinton (FS-5) ACNS Warren (FS-6) [b]Victory class Assault Transport Ship[/b] ACNS Victory (LTA-1) ACNS Triumph (LTA-2) ACNS Winning (LTA-3) [b]Sacramento class Fast Combat Support Ship[/b] ACNS Sacramento (AOE-1) ACNS Camden(AOE-2) ACNS Seattle (AOE-3) ACNS Detroit (AOE-3) [b]Stargazer class Space Tracking Ship[/b] ACNS Stargazer (T-AGM-1) ACNS Observer (T-AGM-2) ACNS Tracker (T-AGM-3) [b]Liberty class Technical Research Ship[/b] ACNS Liberty (AGTR-1) ACNS Georgetown (AGTR-2) ACNS Langley (AGTR-3)
  12. [img]http://i453.photobucket.com/albums/qq256/gunny251324/CNRP%20Maps/CNRP%20Militar%20Equipment/BB-3-1.png[/img] Removed the 5 inch guns from on top of the superstructure and replaced them with a Phalanx CIWS and a 57mm cannon. Replaced the 3inch guns with 5inch. Decided that I'm going to keep the chopper and otherwise I'm happy with the design.
  13. [u][b]MGM-166 LOSAT[/b][/u] The Commonwealth military has begun to field the MGM-166 LOSAT missile system as a supplement and possible replacement to existing anti-tank missiles in use by Commonwealth forces. Two variants are currently being produced, one mounted on a enhanced HMMWV chassis and another mounted on an M1 Abrams chassis in a similar fashion to the M901 TOW Vehicle. The LOSAT system provides increased lethality, longer range, and a shorter engagement time than the BGM-71 TOW missile. Research is being conducted to create a similar but smaller weapon able to be transported by infantry and aircraft.
  14. [u][b]American Commonwealth 20XX Elections[/b][/u] Election season is here and the politicians are hitting the streets in earnest to garner votes this year. This will also be the first election of both Congress and the Presidency since the creation of the American Commonwealth. The only confirmed presidential candidate is incumbent David Bronson but other parties are expected to put forth their own candidates as well very soon.
  15. The American Commonwealth officially recognizes the government of the Southern United States of America and wish it nothing but the best in its endeavors. If interested we are open to any form of diplomatic exchange between our two fine nations.
  16. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1341189998' post='3001438'] You need to lose the top two turrets in the center, you have no space for the magazine or loading mechanisms to run them. Put the rear sensor tower in their place and lose the excess space on the superstructure to make it shorter, this makes the superstructure less of a target. I would also lose the helicopter decks and replace with more VLS. Battleships dont need helicopters because they act within a fleet, and a fleets support ships and carriers all deploy helicopters. [/quote] Well my intention in the placement of the 5 inch guns on top of the superstructures was to be like the gun on the Perry class frigate. The magazine and loading system would be built into the superstructure and seeing as this ship is definitely bigger there should be room. I'd also like to keep the ship helicopter capable as it provides some flexibility in mission capabilities and pretty much every modern warship has one because of that. Even corvettes usually have a helicopter deck.
  17. [img]http://i453.photobucket.com/albums/qq256/gunny251324/CNRP%20Maps/CNRP%20Militar%20Equipment/BB-3.png[/img] Revised the Montana class drawing with the recommendations made. Just to make it clear, I'm not taking the hull of a Montana and modernizing it, I'm making a whole new class of battleship with present day advances in metallurgy, electronics and ship design, I'm just using the Montana class as a base for the drawing. This ship is basically a heavily armored arsenal ship with guns on it. I expect to to be able to take some punishment from normal anti-ship missiles but I don't know if there are any ships that can survive a ASBM missile. Also some revised stats. Type: Battleship Displacement: 60-70,000 tons Length: 920 ft 6 in (280.57 m) Beam: 121 ft 0 in (36.88 m) Draft: 36 ft 1 in (11.00 m) Installed power: 260,000 shp Propulsion: 2 x Westinghouse A4W Nuclear Reactors, 4 × steam turbines, 4 × shafts Speed: 34 knots Range: Unlimited Complement: 1,200 officers and men Sensors and processing systems: AN/SPY-2 AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73, Electronic warfare and decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark 36 SRBOC Armament: 9 × 16-inch / 50 cal. Mark 7 guns, 384 cell Mk41 VLS, 2 × 5"/62 cal Mk-45 guns , 4 x 76mm Oto Super Rapido Cannon, 6 x Mk 110 57 mm cannon, 7× Phanlanx/SeaRAM CIWS Aircraft carried: 2 x SH-60 Sea Hawks
  18. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1341011241' post='3000211'] It's a sitting duck in CNRP's ASBM environment, have you accounted for that issue? [/quote] Well that applies to pretty much every ship available. This ship allows me to have a very good anti-air/anti-surface weapons platform with the ability to upgrade with BMD capabilities when I reach the appropriate tech level. The best defense against anything is stealth but seeing as my screen ships aren't stealthy and the fact that naval detection is pretty much insta lol satellite detection there's no point until I can get to a tech level where my vessels can be stealthy. Would anyone be able to tell me when the SM-3 missile went into service? My tech level's 2005 and I couldn't really find a definitive date. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1341011529' post='3000213'] Design looks fine, the keel however really shouldnt be flat, neither should the deck. I would raise the prow a few meters simply because you REALLY dont want those FLS cells getting flooded when your sailing in bad weather. If the prow isnt big enough to break up the waves your gonna have problems. Personally, post this to shipbucket and get them to give you tips and critisism mate. Dont do it here. [/quote] Alright, I'll keep your suggestions in mind. Honestly I just used the ship as a base design since I lack the ability to create a good looking one from scratch plus I like how shipbucket has all of the weapons and different systems scaled already. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1341011901' post='3000217'] 1. That's 12 x 16-inch / 50 cal. Mark 7 guns, not 9. 2. Putting VLS cells in front of the turrets is a bad and fatal design. 3. Not sure if using a design from 1917, before the innovations which led to the Iowa, as the basis is a good idea. [/quote] 1) Oversight, I just copied and pasted the Iowa stats and I missed that 2) I'm not very familiar with ship design so what issues are there going to be? I assume issues with magazine damage or the effects of the guns firing on the missiles? 3) Well I'm not using the 1917 hull if that's what you meant. I just used it as a base for the drawing cause I lack the ability to create a detailed ship like that on my own.
  19. [img]http://i453.photobucket.com/albums/qq256/gunny251324/CNRP%20Maps/CNRP%20Militar%20Equipment/BB-2.png[/img] Fixed it and there it be. Is imgur any better than photobucket? I always have problems navigating the site and albums and stuff for whatever reason. Plus the pics I upload don't exactly seem to come out at the best quality. So what's the opinion on this thing? @TBM- The crew strength I used was based on the Iowas after their 1980s refit. I've honestly never heard of a battleship with an 800 man crew. Granted I could probably use some technology to cut down on crew numbers but battleships are big ships and they need big crews.
  20. Well with the nuclear propulsion system I'm able to get rid of the smokestacks and decrease the size of the superstructure clearing up more room plus I do have some fitted elsewhere on the deck. The helicopter pad is also somewhat built into the superstructure so that's less space taken up. I wish my photobucket wasn't being stupid then you could look at it and see what I mean.
  21. Got a question regarding a battleship I was thinking about making. I found a design on that shipbucket site and 'modernized' it more or less. It's a bit larger than the Iowa class and I put a nuclear reactor and modernized weapons and detection systems on the thing. These are the rough basic stats from what I put on the ship. All the tech is within my means so I feel this shouldn't be a problem but how does the design look. I'd put up the picture of the ship but photo bucket is not really working for me. Type: Battleship Displacement: 60-70,000 tons Length: 280 meters Beam: 36 meters Draft: 12 meters Installed power: 260,000 shp Propulsion: 2 x Westinghouse A4W Nuclear Reactors, 4 × steam turbines, 4 × shafts Speed: 34 knots Range: Unlimited Complement: 1,800 officers and men Sensors and processing systems: AESA Radar Electronic warfare and decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark 36 SRBOC Armament: 9 × 16-inch / 50 cal. Mark 7 guns, 432 cell Mk41 VLS, 16 × Tomahawk Missiles (ABL) ,9 × Phanlanx/SeaRAM CIWS Aircraft carried: 2 x SH-60 Sea Hawks
  22. [u][b]Air Force Procurement Assessment[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth Air Force has received it's first deliveries of the F-22A Raptor as a replacement for the F-15C/D Eagle currently used as it's primary air superiority fighter. A total of 312 F-22s have been ordered by the Air Force. All F-15C/D Eagles will be replaced on a one for one basis and 312 will be taken out of service. It is planned to keep at least 200 F-15s which are to be mothballed and kept in a serviceable condition as emergency reserve aircraft with the rest either to be sold off to other nations or for parts. The F-15E Strike Eagle variant will be kept in service as a tactical strike fighter.
  23. [quote][font="Courier New"][size="5"][u][b]Commonwealth Air Defense Enhancement Program[/b][/u][/size] Analysis of the West Virginia-Carolina war has shed light on some glaring deficiencies in the capabilities of the armed forces of the American Commonwealth, specifically the lack of assets able to engage aircraft at altitudes greater than 60,000 feet as. West Virginian aircraft demonstrated the capability of reaching altitudes of 80-90,000 feet which is barely withing the range envelope of the MIM-104 Patriot missile system. Immediate action must be taken to rectify this issue. [u][b]Early Warning and Tracking Systems[/b][/u] All current ground based radar systems are in the process of being converted over to AESA radars with multistatic detection capabilities. New air threats are now putting more emphasis on stealth and a detection system capable of spotting such aircraft is essential to maintain control of the Commonwealth's airspace in times of conflict. Fixed radar installations will be upgraded along with mobile ground based radar systems which will be able to complement each other and be able to relay their data to air defense forces. [u][b]MIM-110 Eagle Claw EMDS[/b][/u] A new SAM has been developed by the Hershey Aerospace Division for use in the heavy SAM role, the MIM-110 Eagle Claw Enhanced Missile Defense System. Combining the tracking and networking capabilities of the Patriot missile system and a new surface to air missile based on the S-300 we have created a air defense system that can more than handle threats posed by high flying/high supersonic aircraft. With a range of 250 km, an effective engagement ceiling of over 40 km and a top speed of Mach 6 it is capable of effective defense against threats from any altitude. It can also provide defense against cruise missiles and possesses some ABM capabilities against short and medium range ballistic missiles. The missile uses SARH guidance with a backup infra-red guidance option and even an anti-radiation capability. Variants are under development that also have active radar homing guidance. The MIM-110 was designed to be a modular and highly mobile system and most of its equipment is able to be mounted on a variety of platforms including trailers and purpose made variants of the M1 Abrams chassis. The radar and tracking system used is the new AN/MPQ-55 AESA Radar system which is an marked improvement over the PESA system used by the Patriot. Each system is capable of tracking 100 targets and can engage up to 24 at a time. [u][b]F-21 Rapier II[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth Air Force lacks aircraft capable of reaching anywhere above 65,000 feet and that is something that needs to change. The F-21 is an enhanced and modernized version of the XF-108 fighter creating an very capable high altitude fighter aircraft. Although a bit larger than the original Rapier design an improved and redesigned engine allows it to maintain it's high performance speed and altitude even with the small size increase. Equipped with an AESA radar system with an IRTS, a modernized electronic suite and enhanced flight systems it is more capable than its predecessor. It is slated to receive the new AIM-55 Phoenix II long range air to air missile and will be capable of using other missiles as well. Weapons are carried in an internal bay and is capable of accommodating up to four missiles or bombs. Current plans are to replace 10 F-15 squadrons with this aircraft which is being put into production immediately by Hershey Aerospace. [/quote] [/font]
  24. "I understand everyone's desire to place more emphasis on diplomacy than conflict but in the world we live in the only way to achieve any amount of success through a diplomatic approach first requires a decent military capability. Why would an invader engage you in diplomacy if they are crushing you with little effort? If we come together and that military capability is more than an opponent wants to deal with then we will have succeeded in avoiding conflict. Ours is a world where martial strength, more than not, determines what nations survive and what nations fall. I know this places larger nations in a position where they seem to have a larger share of responsibility than the others but that is merely a fact that comes with being a larger power and it is their choice to accept this burden or not. The American Commonwealth is not the smallest nation but we are not the largest out there as well. Most nations here lack the status and capabilities of a major world power but it is through coming together where our combined might can bring success against an individually larger nation. This way larger nations can also benefit from the combined forces of smaller nations. I would like to point out that North America is probably the most fractured and conflict ridden continent on the planet and it is time it has an organization tailored to address these problems."
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