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Everything posted by MostGloriousLeader

  1. [u][b]20XX Capitol Defense Enhancement Act[/b][/u] Congress has narrowly passed the 20XX Capitol Defense Enhancement Act in a 196-194 vote. The Capitol Defense Enhancement Act allocates extra funds for the military and civil security of Washington D.C. While defense legislation is normally passed fairly easily with the involvement of all parties, the 20XX CDEA has met heavy resistance from many moderate independents and Democrats. This is mostly due to a provision for the activation of a new semi-military unit to be called the Republican Guard, a reinforced battalion with the duty of protecting Congress and the Capitol. The provisions of the act exclude the Republican Guard from normal military control, instead it answers to the Speaker of the House of Representatives who is in charge of forming and commanding the unit. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have formally issued protests against the establishment of a paramilitary force that encroaches on the military's responsibility for the defense of the Capitol and is not part of or answerable to the military's command structure with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Alexander Morgan saying that this is a "dangerous, unnecessary and concerning event". Supporters of the act claim that it provides enhanced security for the capitol with a force that was loyal to Congress and not to the executive branch. While signed by the President, he indicated a large measure of unwillingness saying that it was approved only because the act also includes necessary upgrades for the military's capitol defense forces as well as the fact that Republicans have threatened several key pieces of legislation currently on the line if the CDEA wasn't passed.
  2. [u][b]Project Oppenheimer[/b][/u] The mountains and hills of the Virginia/West Virginia border are pockmarked with mines, primarily with the goal of extracting the abundant amount of coal in the area. One of these mineshafts had run out a long time ago and had been abandoned since, until a month ago. Located in the middle of nowhere in the the mountains, the nearest town over 30 miles away, it was the ideal site for the military's goals here. The project and this facility were created with the utmost secrecy, nobody knew about this except for the staff on site and the highest levels of the Commonwealth government. As far as the public knew, this place didn't exist and its location would ensure the secrecy of the site. Satellite optical blinders and jamming equipment was on hand to prevent prying eyes from orbit from seeing what was occurring if needed. The project itself operated under the cover that its purpose was to study the development of new nuclear reactors for civilian usage. The site itself had a population numbering 300 people along with the necessary support facilities, mostly using leftover mining quarters and support buildings. These people consisted of security personnel, scientists, technicians and other crucial personnel. Preparation was required for this project and the mineshaft went down over 2000 feet into the earth. Sensors and data collecting equipment were installed to measure the upcoming tests. On the day of the scheduled test, the bomb was delivered on site escorted by Commonwealth special forces personnel. The weapon was sent to the bottom of the shaft, all personnel cleared the danger zone and the entrance was blocked off with large heavy lead blocks and then filled with cement. Calculations made projected little to no adverse effects from the testing. A countdown began and when it hit zero the mountain rumbled and partially collapsed upon itself with the detonation of a 1 kiloton nuclear device but nothing more beyond that. Sensors confirmed that no fallout had escaped the mine and that there was no danger of it ever doing so. The American Commonwealth had just detonated its first nuclear weapon.
  3. After some light probing the reconaissance units were ordered to dismount and begin a more aggressive push along the front line in order to expose enemy forward positions with the goal of eliminating the enemy's recon screen. Standing orders were to disengage from any heavy action that would likely cause high casualties. This time the probes would be supported by RAH-66 Comanches flying extremely low to detection by enemy air defenses. Armed with a combination of Hellfire ATGMs and stinger missiles they would move as needed to eliminate resistance found by the recon squadrons. In addition to this UAVs would be dispatched to seek out the OPFOR's artillery and C2 units with network support and artillery fire finder units working in support of these efforts as well. Meanwhile the special operations units moving into Suan were proceeding, although care was taken to disperse the units over multiple boats so not to loose too many men at once if they were discovered. Doing their best to keep un-noticed, they made an adhoc command post in one of the buildings in town and had small teams of scouts push outward into the surrounding area, doing their best not to be noticed by enemy scouts. While the the new recon push was occurring progress on the pontoon bridges were going well with two almost completed. In the meantime the division's armored brigade was ready to move across the bridges as soon as they were completed. The division's other combat units were ordered to move to their dispersed jump off points and maintain a low presence until their orders were changed. Support units like air defense and artillery, were set up at their predesignated positions to provide coverage over most of the battlefield. In the air One E-3 Sentry was aloft with a squadron of F-22 Raptors to provide immediate air defense. EMCON was in place and the E-3 was the only aircraft with an active radar while the Raptors silently patrolled the skies. One of the other Raptor squadrons had another mission while the third remained at base on ready alert with half the squadron able to be in the air in less than ten minutes. At sea, the Commonwealth naval task force was cruising off the coast in anticipation of both naval combat and providing naval support for the fighting on land. Strict EMCOM was enforced, with only the E-2 Hawkeyes going active to provide AWACS capabilities. The two corvettes were positioned further away from the main force, but near the coast, to provide alternative picket duties if necessary. A combat air patrol of Super Tomcat 21s was kept up with more fighters on the catapaults and more on ready five status. Several S-3 Viking's modified with an upgraded AESA surface search radar were actively scouting for the enemy fleet.
  4. General Quentin Badcock was overseeing the exercise from the BLUEFOR command post just southeast of the town of Sabanalarga where he was coordinating with his subordinates and his Colombian allies. The 4th Infantry Division and the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, along with the Colombian 4th Armored Cavalry Regiment were in their initial starting positions and he had a rough estimate of the OPFOR's positions as well. His ultimate objective was to reach the city of Calamar to simulate a breakout of an amphibious beachhead. Last minute arrivals for the exercise had made it just in time, namely the ACNS Commonwealth and the ACNS Norfolk (an aircraft carrier and nuclear cruiser respectively). Naval and air support were available when needed as long as they stayed alive. Preparations were complete and Operation Condor Eagle was commencing. The Commonwealth's troops had brought along their MILES gear which was compatible with the Colombians gear which helped simplified things. Mounted on pretty much everything from the average foot soldier to a tank or helicopter, the MILES gear allowed for very realistic training. When fired, weapons would discharge a laser that simulated the characteristics of that weapon and would, if accurate, 'hit' its target's sensor receivers. Weapons used blanks and the availability of ammunition was required to operate the system. Hits on an individual soldier would either 'kill' him or make him a casualty based on where he was hit. Vehicles were also outfitted the same way and were equipped with 'Battle Damage Simulation Systems, which consisted of harmless smoke and flash charges that would simulate a hit in certain areas. The system also allowed for the realistic usage of artillery and air support in the exercises. The majority of the Commonwealth forces were at their marshaling points where they were dispersed and ordered to begin concealment and detection countermeasures while anti-aircraft units began setting up their equipment to provide wide area air-defense. While that was occurring the reconnaissance units of the BLUEFOR were active and hard at work. An observation post was created on the heights overlooking the city of Repelon which was the highest point on the exercise field and should provide good observation and spotting capabilities. Several recon companies were ordered to begin a broad probe along the length of the enemy lines but not to engage the enemy unless necessary, their objective was to see what was arrayed before them and report back. Another recon company moved across the Magdalena River using their vehicle's amphibious capabilities where they would move until they reached the OPFOR's positions on the east side of the river where they did their best to find positions to remain out sight and out of range of the enemy's and begin observation of their positions. Shortly after the departure of the scout units, a light mechanized company would cross the river and set up a defensive position south of the small town of Guaimaro while engineers began the construction of several pontoon bridges a little bit upriver. Meanwhile, an idea suggested by an enterprising intelligence officer was attempted. Cooperating with their Colombian allies, an effort was made to requisition medium to large local river craft along with their crews and some civilian volunteers which would transport some special forces units and a ranger battalion down river. Before the main force moved, a boat with a special forces team was sent downriver to scout out possible enemy defenses or interdiction efforts. Using a local ferry boat, the team hid itself from view while traveling, maintaining radio silence which would only be broken if they ran into trouble. The destination was the town of Suan where followup forces would arrive if nothing went wrong.
  5. [u][b]Aircraft Upgrades[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth Air Force has successfully concluded its Variable stability In-flight Simulator Test Aircraft (VISTA) program and its Advanced Control Technology for Integrated Vehicles (ACTIVE) program as part of its efforts to further research applications for thrust vectoring technologies. The results are the design and creation of two different kits with thrust vectoring nozzles and systems that are capable of being fitted to any GE F110 series or P&W F100 series turbofan engines. These upgrades are currently underway for the Commonwealth Air Force's F-16E/F Fighting Falcons and F-15E Strike Eagle fighters, providing them with supermanueverability and enhancing their combat capabilities. With the successful conclusion of the VISTA and ACTIVE programs, resources are being diverted into the development of the Silent Eagle upgrade for the F-15E Strike Eagle to provide it with stealth capabilities and enhance its survivability on the modern battlefield.
  6. "Ah yes I do remember that conversation" said the colonel. "In all honesty that request won't be very difficult at all since I'm pretty sure we have an excess of embassy space available. I'm going to assume that these are the diplomats you will be sending?" he said gesturing towards her companions. "I can submit an embassy request on your behalf" he said as he pulled out a stack of forms. "I'll help you fill this out and I'll need your signature in several places. Just basic things like a nation name, ambassador's name, special requests, that kind of stuff. I can also show you pictures and information on available embassy buildings and you can choose one to your liking. Any questions before we get started?".
  7. On hearing that Sabina wanted another meeting, Colonel Meyers invited her and/or other representatives to meet with him at the base again. When he thought about it he found it curious that a primarily diplomatic facility was more or less run by the military, although he doubted any of the bureaucrats in Washington had any desire to live so close to the south pole. Still though, he'd probably be getting a promotion after his tour here was done, whenever that would be anyway. When the delegates arrived they would be led through the facility to Colonel Meyers office where he awaited their arrival.
  8. [quote name='MostGloriousLeader' timestamp='1347883516' post='3031066'] Ford's gone inactive so I'm reclaiming the state of West Virginia and I assume the rest of the UCNA gets folded into the Mexican protectorate. [/quote] Hey Lynneth, you missed one.
  9. [u][b]New Mortar Systems[/b][/u] The Commonwealth military has adopted the Advanced Mortar System (AMOS) as the new standard mortar system for it's mortar carriers and upgrades have begun to retrofit the system onto the existing M1064 mortar carriers, which are based on the M113 APC. The M1061A2 Mortar Carrier will have a turret installed mounting the twin 120mm mortars providing armor protection and a full 360 degree traverse. The AMOS is different than traditional mortar systems in use due to it being a breech loading design, usually uncommon for mortars. With a 10km range and a firing rate of up to 16 rounds per minute, its impressive capabilities are further enhanced with digital map targeting and a electronic fire control system which automatically aims, loads and fires the weapon allowing for enhanced fire mission capabilities. Designed with high mobility in mind, the M1061A2 will be able to move in 30 seconds after firing the first round of a 14 round salvo effectively negating counter battery fire from an enemy. New mortar ammunition has been designed specifically for the AMOS as, being a breech loading weapon, it cannot fire normal mortar ammunition. In addition to this a new anti-armor guided mortar round has also been designed for both standard and breech loading mortars. The Strix 120mm anti-armor mortar munition is fired like any other mortar but utilizes an infrared sensor and control fins to identify armored vehicles on the battlefield and defeats them by targeting the thinner top armor. [u][b]Appalachian Defense Line[/b][/u] Current construction of the Appalachian border fortifications was, in most places, ordered to cease in order to reorganize and re-prioritize its efforts and objectives due to the recent reunification of West Virginia and the American Commonwealth. Most of the main facilities deep in the Appalachian mountains have been completed as well as most of the primary defense line. Secondary lines and fortifications to provide more depth for the project have been halted and canceled. The Army has announced that it still intends to maintain and utilize the primary fortifications but will be canceling most of the rest of the project. A spokesman announced that unessential fortifications already built would be recycled and be used in a less ambitious, but still moderate, defense line project on the Commonwealth's northern border as well as the construction of light, but more in depth, fortifications on the West Virginia- Ohio/Kentucky border.
  10. "That would be an agreeable arrangement in my opinion. Do you have a draft for us to look over?" asked President Bronson.
  11. I know I said I don't really care about this and that still kind of holds but I do I feel that preplanning can be helpful if it is fixed to prevent abuse. If these issues are worked out I can support this. However, If no meaningful reform has happened by the time the next poll comes around I will probably vote against this rule.
  12. Navy The American Commonwealth Navy is the sea based branch of the American Commonwealth and is charged with protecting its shores, maritime interests and to support the other service branches when required. MISSION The American Commonwealth Navy serves as the naval based branch of the American Commonwealth Military and is charged with: Preserving the peace and security and providing for the defense of the American Commonwealth and all possessions and any areas occupied by the Commonwealth Supporting the national policies Implementing the national objectives Overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the Commonwealth LEADERSHIP Commander in Chief: President David Bronson Secretary of the Air Force: Harold Burns General of the Air Force: Admiral Jacob Ryan HISTORY The American Commonwealth Navy was formed on January 9th 20XX, two days after the formation of the American Commonwealth. Unlike the other branches of the military there wasn't a real naval national guard component and so the New York and New Jersey Naval Militias were formed into what would become the American Commonwealth Navy. Originally operating small gunboats and fast attack missile craft the navy has since grown into a blue water capable navy with dozens of ships. COMMAND STRUCTURE & ORGANIZATION The American Commonwealth Navy is an all volunteer force mainly composed of active duty personnel with some reserve personnel. The primary operating area for the navy would be the eastern seaboard and the Atlantic Ocean and the navy is organized according to its primary missions and capabilities. MAJOR COMMANDS The American Commonwealth Navy is organized into different major commands that are responsible for different duties and missions. The Fleet Forces Command tasked with training and providing the ships and personnel to individual operational fleets as needed. The Military Sea-lift Command is responsible for providing the majority of the navy's sea transport capability. The Naval Research and Development Command is responsible for most of the navy's research and development into new naval technologies. The Naval Special Warfare Command is responsible for the training and operation of the navy's special forces units. SHIPS: Bronson class Aircraft Carrier Type: Aircraft Carrier Displacement: 80,000 tons Length: 300 m Beam: 74 m Draft: 11 m Propulsion: 2 x A1H Nuclear Reactors Speed: 30+ knots Range: Unlimited Complement: 3,200 Sensors & Processing Systems: AN/SPY-3 AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73, AN/SPN-50 Air Traffic Control Radar, Electronic Warfare & Decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark, 35 SRBOC Armament: 24 cell Mk 41 VLS, 32 cell Mk 48 VLS, 4 x Phalanx CIWS, 3 x SeaRAM CIWS, 2 x RAM Launchers, 4 x 25mm Mk 38 gun Aircraft: Up to 60 combat aircraft plus support, usually 36 combat aircraft. The Bronson class aircraft carrier is the Commonwealth Navy's first aircraft carrier. The Bronson class is a larger aircraft carrier but was not developed into a super-carrier due to budget restrictions and a defensive oriented naval doctrine. One of the main features of the Bronson class is the addition of fairly heavy defensive armament not usually found on an aircraft carrier. Doctrine currently has the carriers operating with a small air group and the Bronson class was designed to be able to defend itself effectively. Nuclear power was chosen as the ships main propulsion system in order to allow for higher speeds and lessen logistics requirements. Typically the carried air group numbers about 36 combat aircraft but it is capable of handling up to 60 combat aircraft effectively along with support and miscellaneous aircraft. Survivability is important and the Bronson class is designed with this in mind and is capable of surviving under the keel and direct torpedo attacks and anti-ship missiles. Wasp class Amphibious Assault Ship Type: Amphibious Assault Ship Displacement: 45,000 tons Length: 253.2 m Beam: 31.8 m Draft: 8.1 m Propulsion: 4 x LM2500 Gas Turbine Engines Speed: 22 knots Range: 9,500 nmi Complement: 1,200 Troops: 1,900 Landing Craft carried: 3 x LCACs or 12 x LCMs Sensors & Processing Systems: AN/SPY-3 AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73, AN/SPN-50 Air Traffic Control Radar, Electronic Warfare & Decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark, 35 SRBOC Armament: 2 x RAM launchers, 2 x ESSM launchers, 3 x Phalanx CIWS, 4 x 25mm Mk 38 guns. Aircraft: Varies by mission. The Wasp class serves as the Commonwealth Navy's primary amphibious assault vessel, able to transport and support an entire marine expeditionary unit and its equipment for up to 30 days (15 for combat operations). The Wasp class AAS represents a large part of the power projection capability of the Commonwealth military. While its primary mission is amphibious assault the Wasp class can vary its air group to perform sea control missions with VTOL aircraft in the absence of an actual carrier. Pennsylvania class Battleship Type: Battleship Displacement: 70,000 tons Length: 280 m Beam: 36.8 m Draft: 11 m Propulsion: 4 x B4H Nuclear Reactors Speed: 30+ knots Range: Unlimited Complement: 1,200 Sensors & Processing Systems: AN/SPY-3 AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73 Electronic Warfare & Decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark, 35 SRBOC Armament: 9 x 16 inch/50 cal Mark 7 guns, 384 cell Mk 41 VLS, 4 x 5"/62 caliber guns, 7 x Mk 110 57mm cannons, 6 x SeaRAM CIWS, 3 x Phalanx CIWS, 6 x 25mm Mk 38 gun Aircraft: 2 x SH-60 Sea Hawks The Pennsylvania class Battleship is the pride of the American Commonwealth Navy and it's premier capital ship. While it seems like a battleship of WWII design it is in fact a modern design prepared for modern threats. Outfitted with the best available electronics it sports a new SPY-3 Aeigis AESA Radar/Combat system giving it outstanding tracking and targeting capabilities. The SPY-3 allows for the target tracking and guidance for up to 64 missiles at a time with a maximum search range of over one hundred nautical miles. It also has a modern electronics warfare suite and fleet communications equipment to act as a flagship. It posesses 384 VLS cells which can accomodate numerous types of missiles from RIM-162 ESSMs and SM-2s to the Tomahawk cruise missile. The ships is capable of ballistic missile defense with the use of the SPY-3 Radar and the use of SM-3 missiles. Designed with maximum firepower in mind it also has nine 16 inch guns to provide unparalleled fire support for amphibious operations as well as general naval bombardment missions. It's secondary battery of 5 inch automatic guns also adds to the ship's firepower. Close in defense is provided by SeaRAM and Phalanx CIWS systems in conjunction with 7 Mk110 57mm Cannons. The ship is powered by two Westinghouse A4W nuclear reactors to provide power and propulsion for the ship and this power allows the ship to reach sustained top speeds of over 30 knots. Every battleship is well armored and the Pennsylvania class is no exception being a very survivable platform against anti-ship missiles as well as direct or under the keel torpedo attacks. This all combines to make the Pennsylvania class a formidable warship. Philadelphia class Guided Missile Cruiser Type: Guided Missile Cruiser Displacement: 12,000 tons Length: 200 m Beam: 18 m Draft: 10 m Propulsion: 1 x C1H Nuclear Reactor Speed: 30+ knots Range: Unlimited Complement: 450 Sensors & Processing Systems: AN/SPY-3 AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73, AN/SQS-54 Sonar System Electronic Warfare & Decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark, 35 SRBOC Armament: 384 cell Mk 41 VLS, 2 x 5"/62 caliber guns, 2 x Phalanx CIWS, 2 x SeaRAM CIWS, 2 x 25mm Mk 38 gun, 2 x triple torpedo tubes Aircraft: 2 x SH-60 Sea Hawks [/Spoiler] The Philadelphia class guided missile cruisers are the Commonwealth Navy's smallest naval combatants that are powered by nuclear reactors. That being said these ships are not small at all, being almost 30 meters longer than the Ticonderoga class cruisers. It also boasts an impressive armament of 384 VLS cells capable of operating a variety of missiles from ESSMs to Tomahawk missiles. The Philadelphia class is intended for wide area air defense and ballistic missile defense of battle-groups and task forces, a mission it can accomplish well thanks to its armament and advanced radar systems. While not a true stealth ship, the Philadelphia class was designed with a measure of stealth in mind and the use of advanced composites in its construction and the application of radar absorbent materials further enhances its stealth capabilities. Arleigh Burke class Guided Missile Destroyer Type: Guided Missile Destroyer Displacement: 10,000 tons Length: 160 m Beam: 20 m Draft: 9 m Propulsion: 4 x LM2500 Gas Turbine Engines Speed: 30+ knots Range: 4,400 nmi Complement: 320 Sensors & Processing Systems: AN/SPY-3 AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73, AN/SQS-54 Sonar System Electronic Warfare & Decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark, 35 SRBOC Armament: 128 cell Mk. 41 VLS, 2 x Mk 45 5"/62 cal guns, 2 x Phalanx CIWS, 2 x 25mm Mk 38 gun, 2 x triple torpedo tubes Aircraft: 2 x SH-60 Sea Hawks The Arleigh Burke class of guided missile destroyers are the only destroyers in service with the Commonwealth Navy and are highly capable warships. All ships have been upgraded to the AN-SPY-3 radar system and are capable of ballistic missile defense in addition to its air defense duties. While a replacement is under development the Burkes are to be kept in service for some time still with Flight III upgrades on the way. Sikorsky class Helicopter Destroyer Type: Guided Missile/Helicopter Destroyer Displacement: 14,000 tons Length: 175 m Beam: 20 m Draft: 9 m Propulsion: 4 x LM2500 Gas Turbine Engines Speed: 30+ knots Range: 4,400 nmi Complement: 320 Sensors & Processing Systems: AN/SPY-3 AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73, AN/SQS-54 Sonar System Electronic Warfare & Decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark, 35 SRBOC Armament: 96 cell Mk. 41 VLS, 2 x Mk 45 5"/62 cal guns, 2 x Phalanx CIWS, 2 x 25mm Mk 38 gun, 2 x triple torpedo tubes Aircraft: 2 x SH-60 Sea Hawks The Sikorsky class helicopter destroyer is a heavily modified redesign of the Arleigh Burke class destroyer. The most notable feature is the near complete absence of a superstructure for most of the ship except for the bridge which has been cleared to make room for a flight deck designed to accomodate helicopter landing and take off operations. Three elevators allow for quick deployment and recovery of any helicopters and it has adequate hanger space and aviation support facilities for up to eight helicopters but due to the design, it is unable to effectively accomodate VTOL aircraft. Primarily designed as an anti-submarine warfare vessel, it has an advanced anti-submarine warfare center that is intended to control ASW operations in a group or fleet. While designed as a helicopter carrier it still boasts an potent array of conventional weaponry, accomodating 96 VLS cells in a large forward and two smaller side batteries along with up to six separate mounts for CIWS or modular weaponry and a five inch gun at the rear of the vessel. The Sikorsky class also operates the AN/SPY-3 AESA Radar and the AEGIS Combat/BMD System. Philemon Dickinson class Frigate Type: Frigate Displacement: 5,700 tons Length: 160 m Beam: 18.6 m Draft: 4.75 m Propulsion: 1 x LM2500 Gas Turbine Engine, 2 x MTU V20 Diesel Engines Speed: 30+ knots Range: 4,500 nmi Complement: 250 Sensors & Processing Systems: AN/SPY-3F AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73, AN/SQS-54 Sonar System Electronic Warfare & Decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark, 35 SRBOC Armament: 64 cell Mk. 41 VLS, 1 x Mk 45 5"/62 cal guns, 2 x RAM launchers, 8 x RGM-89 Sea Hammer anti-ship missiles, 2 x triple torpedo tubes Aircraft: 1 x SH-60 Sea Hawk The Philemon Dickinson class frigate is one of the first major naval vessels of the Commonwealth Navy to incorporate stealth into the design from the start. Designed as a multi-role frigate it can conduct a variety of missions due to its array of sensors and versatile armament. Using the same AN/SPY-3 Radar mounted initially on the Anthony Wayne class frigate it is a capable air defense ship. It's stealth features are not limited to above the sea as it has been designed as one of the Commonwealth Navy's best ASW platforms incorporating advanced acoustic and magnetic signature reduction technologies. Anthony Wayne class Guided Missile Frigate Type: Guided Missile Frigate Displacement: 6,400 tons Length: 146.7 m Beam: 18.6 m Draft: 4.75 m Propulsion: 2 x LM2500 Gas Turbine Engines Speed: 30+ knots Range: 4,500 nmi Complement: 250 Sensors & Processing Systems: AN/SPY-3F AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73, AN/SQS-54 Sonar System Electronic Warfare & Decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark, 35 SRBOC Armament: 48 cell Mk. 41 VLS, 1 x Mk 45 5"/62 cal guns, 1 x Phalanx CIWS, 8 x RGM-89 Sea Hammer anti-ship missiles, 2 x triple torpedo tubes Aircraft: 1 x SH-60 Sea Hawk The Anthony Wayne class frigate is an area air defense frigate designed to provide escort for task forces at sea. Using a modified version of the AN/SPY-3 Radar its tracking and engagement capabilities match those of a guided missile cruiser or destroyer and allows Anthony Wayne class frigates to effectively participate in the air defense of a task force. While optimized for anti-air warfare it is still a capable all round combatant capable of fulfilling a multitude of missions. Virginia class Submarine Type: Nuclear Attack Submarine Displacement: 7,900 tons Length: 115 m Beam: 10 m Draft: 9.8 m Propulsion: S1H Nuclear Reactor, Diesel Generator Speed: 30+ knots Range: Unlimited Complement: 135 Sensors & Processing Systems: Active/Passive Sonar systems, towed sonar array. Armament: 4 x 533mm torpedo tubes, 12 x VLS Systems The Virginia class nuclear attack submarine provides the Commonwealth Navy with an excellent hunter-killer submarine for both littoral and open ocean operations. Representing the ultimate technology available in regards to stealth, it's pump jet propulsors and advanced hull construction provides excellent acoustics reduction and the demagnetized hull and an advanced elector-magnetic signature reduction system all adds to the Virginia classes stealth capabilities. New systems and computers also provide greater computing power and capabilities for the Virginia class along with its new advanced active and passive sensor systems. Devastator class Ballistic Missile Submarine Type: Ballistic Missile Submarine Displacement: 20,000 tons Length: 180 m Beam: 13 m Propulsion: S1H Nuclear Reactor, Diesel Generator Speed: 30+ knots Range: Unlimited Complement: 160 Sensors & Processing Systems: Active/Passive Sonar systems, towed sonar array. Armament: 4 x 533mm torpedo tubes, 24 x SLBM VLS Cells The Devastator class ballistic missile submarine is the Commonwealth's first such vessel of its type. Based on the Ohio class submarine, it was constructed using more modern materials, techniques and equipment giving it a much higher level of survivability and stealth. It has been slightly elongated so that it has two rear dispensers capable of laying mines or deploying countermeasures and also has a dedicated lockout chamber for use by divers and special forces in the rear of the submarine. It's 24 ballistic missile vertical launch tubes are of a modular design, capable of changing out its normal ICBMs for several cruise missiles or even UAVs. This design gives the Devastator class much more mission flexibility than previous designs. Barracuda class Submarine Type: Attack Submarine Displacement: 1,800 tons Length: 57.2 m Beam: 7 m Draft: 6 m Propulsion: 1 MTU 16V 396 diesel engine, 2 HMS PEM fuel cells (120 kW each) Speed: 20+ knots Range: 8,000 nmi Complement: 27 Sensors & Processing Systems: Active/Passive Sonar systems, towed sonar array. Armament: 6 x 533mm torpedo tubes The Barracuda attack submarine is the Commonwealth's most advanced diesel submarine design intended to operate on the Eastern Seaboard in a littoral environment. The X arrangement of the stern planes allows for a much more shallow draft than previous designs. The ship itself is made of non-ferrous materials nearly eliminating its magnetic signature and its smooth design provides a much more stealthy platform. The Barracuda class uses an Air Independent Propulsion system allowing it to remain underwater for a much longer period of time (up to three weeks) without surfacing. This makes the Barracuda class an extremely deadly submarine in any environment. Berks class Corvette Type: Corvette Displacement: 2,200 tons Length: 115 m Beam: 11 m Draft: 3.7 m Propulsion: 1 x LM2500 Gas Turbine Engine, 2 x MTU V20 Diesel Engines Speed: 30+ knots Range: 3,800 nmi Complement: 120 Sensors & Processing Systems: AN/SPY-3K AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73, AN/SQS-54 Sonar System Electronic Warfare & Decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark, 35 SRBOC Armament: 48 cell Mk. 41 VLS, 1 x 76mm gun, 1 x Phalanx CIWS, 8 x RGM-89 Sea Hammer anti-ship missiles, 4 x ASWRS, 2 x triple torpedo tubes Aircraft: 1 x SH-60 Sea Hawk The Berks class Corvette is the Commonwealth Navy's most advanced small combatant vessel that is capable of serving a variety of roles. A somewhat larger corvette than the Cumberland class that precedes it, it is, unlike the Cumberland class, capable of carrying large cruise missiles. This, coupled with a higher operational endurance, allows the Berks class to operate as a strike vessel. The Berks class is also a capable stealth vessel incorporating, radar, IR, acoustic and magnetic signature reduction technologies. Cumberland class Corvette Type: Corvette Displacement: 6,400 tons Length: 85.64 m Beam: 11.88 m Draft: 3.17 m Propulsion: 1 x LM2500 Gas Turbine Engine, 2 x MTU V20 Diesel Engines Speed: 30+ knots Range: 3,500 nmi Complement: 75 Sensors & Processing Systems: AN/SPY-3K AESA Radar, AN/SPS-73, AN/SQS-54 Sonar System Electronic Warfare & Decoys: AN/SLQ-32, AN/SLQ-25 Nixie, Mark, 35 SRBOC Armament: 24 cell Mk. 41 VLS, 1 x 76mm gun, 1 x SeaRAM CIWS, 8 x RGM-89 Sea Hammer anti-ship missiles, 8 x ASWRS, 2 x triple torpedo tubes Aircraft: 1 x SH-60 Sea Hawk The Cumberland class corvette is a multi-purpose naval vessel with a slight emphasis on anti-submarine warfare operations, although it is still a fairly capable air or surface combatant. It's 24 cell Mk. 41 VLS is the self defense variant preventing the use of some larger missiles (notably the tomahawk cruise missiles) although it can still utilize SM series SAMs, ESSMs and the new RGM-89 Sea Hammer anti-ship missile. Its propulsion systems and hull have been designed to greatly reduce its acoustic and magnetic signature. It is also unique as being the first Commonwealth Navy vessel to utilize the Anti-Submarine Warfare Rocket System, of which it mounts eight separate systems. The ASWRS is a multi-barrel rocket launcher system designed to fire a variety of ammunition but, primarily, unguided anti-submarine depth bombs out to a distance of 6,000 meters. It is also capable of utilizing smart munitions, countermeasures and even land attack munitions making it a very versatile system.The system can be aimed manually or controlled by the ship's fire control and direction equipment for more accurate targeting. SHIPS BY CLASS: Bronson class Aircraft Carrier ACNS Bronson (CVN-1) ACNS Commonwealth (CVN-2) ACNS Alexander Morgan (CVN-3) ACNS George Washington (CVN-4) Wasp class Amphibious Assault Ship ACNS ACNS Pennsylvania class Battleship ACNS Pennsylvania (BBGN-1) ACNS West Virginia (BBGN-2) ACNS Maryland (BBGN-2) Philadelphia class Guided Missile Cruiser ACNS Philadelphia (CGN-5) ACNS Norfolk (CGN-6) ACNS Baltimore (CGN-7) ACNS Richmond (CGN-8) ACNS PIttsburg (CGN-9) ACNS Harrisburg (CGN-10) ACNS Princeton (CGN-11) ACNS Newark (CGN-12) Arleigh Burke class Guided Missile Destroyer ACNS Arleigh Burke (DDG-1) ACNS Barry (DDG-2) ACNS John Paul Jones (DDG-3) ACNS Curtis WIlbur (DDG-4) ACNS Stout (DDG-5) ACNS John S McCain (DDG-6) ACNS Mitscher (DDG-7) ACNS Laboon (DDG-8) ACNS Russel (DDG-9) Sikorsky class Helicopter Destroyer ACNS Sikorsky (DDH-10) ACNS Charles Kaman (DDH-11) ACNS Arthur Young (DDH-12) Philemon Dickinson class Frigate ACNS Daniel Bray (FFG-7) ACNS Phillip Johnston (FFG-8) ACNS Mark Thomson (FFG-9) ACNS Richard Basset (FFG-10) ACNS William Peery (FFG-11) ACNS Caesar Rodney (FFG-12) Anthony Wayne class Guided Missile Frigate ACNS Anthony Wayne (FFG-1) ACNS Walter Stewart (FFG-2) ACNS Thomas Forrest (FFG-3) ACNS James Wilkinson (FFG-4) Virginia class Submarine ACNS Virginia (SSN-1) ACNS Darter (SSN-2) ACNS Mauler (SSN-3) ACNS Tang (SSN-4) ACNS Trigger (SSN-5) Barracuda class Submarine ACNS Barracuda (SS-1) ACNS Sturgeon (SS-2) ACNS Bass (SS-3) ACNS Bonita (SS-4) Devastator class Ballistic Missile Submarine ACNS Devastator (SSBN-1) ACNS Ravager (SSBN-2) ACNS Decimator (SSBN-3) Berks class Corvette ACNS Berks (K-7) ACNS Mercer (K-8) ACNS Cambria (K-9) ACNS Sussex (K-10) ACNS Warren (K-11) ACNS Burlington (K-12) ACNS Madison (K-13) ACNS Appomatox (K-14) ACNS Floyd (K-15) Cumberland class Corvette ACNS Cumberland (K-1) ACNS Erie (K-2) ACNS York (K-3) ACNS Bradford (K-4) ACNS Clinton (K-5) ACNS Warren (K-6) AIRCRAFT: F/A-18E/F Super Hornet [Spoiler] General characteristics Crew: F/A-18E: 1, F/A-18F: 2 Length: 60 ft 1¼ in (18.31 m) Wingspan: 44 ft 8½ in (13.62 m) Height: 16 ft (4.88 m) Wing area: 500 ft² (46.5 m²) Empty weight: 32,081 lb (14,552 kg) Loaded weight: 47,000 lb (21,320 kg) (in fighter configuration) Max. takeoff weight: 66,000 lb (29,937 kg) Powerplant: 2 × F414-GE-400 turbofans Dry thrust: 13,000 lbf (62.3 kN) each Thrust with afterburner: 22,000 lbf (97.9 kN) each Internal fuel capacity: F/A-18E: 14,400 lb (6,780 kg), F/A-18F: 13,550 lb (6,354 kg) External fuel capacity: 5 × 480 gal tanks, totaling 16,380 lb (7,381 kg) Performance Maximum speed: Mach 1.8+ (1,190 mph, 1,900 km/h) at 40,000 ft (12,190 m) Range: 1,275 nmi (2,346 km) clean plus two AIM-9s Combat Radius: 390 nmi (449 mi, 722 km) for interdiction mission Ferry Range: 1,800 nmi (2,070 mi, 3,330 km) Service Ceiling: 50,000+ ft (15,000+ m) Rate of climb: 44,882 ft/min (228 m/s) Wing loading: 94.0 lb/ft² (459 kg/m²) Thrust/weight: 0.93 Design load factor: 7.6 g Armament Guns: 1× 20mm M61 Vulcan Cannon Hardpoints: 11 total: 2× wingtips, 6× under-wing, and 3× under-fuselage with a capacity of 17,750 lb (8,050 kg) external fuel and ordnance Avionics APG-79 AESA Radar AN/ALE-165 self-protection jammer pod or AN/ALE-214 integrated defensive electronic countermeasures system AN/ALE-50 or AN/ALE-55 towed decoy AN/ALR-67(V)3 radar warning receiver MIDS LVT or MIDS JTRS datalink transceiver [/Spoiler] The F/A-18 Super Hornet is the primary multi-purpose fighter aircraft of the Commonwealth navy due to its outstanding performance and capabilities. It's ability to perform a variety of missions effectively makes the Super Hornet a desirable aircraft for carrier based operations. Upgraded avionics, radar and the addition of a thrust vectoring kit grants the Super Hornet suberb capabilities and maneuverability. F-14S Super Tomcat 21 [Spoiler] General characteristics Crew: 2 Length: 62 ft 9 in (19.1 m) Wingspan: Spread: 64 ft (19.55 m), Swept: 38 ft (11.58 m) Height: 16 ft (4.88 m) Wing area: 565 ft² (54.5 m²) Empty weight: 45,735 lb (19,838 kg) Loaded weight: 63,000 lb (27,700 kg) Max. takeoff weight: 76,000 lb (33,720 kg) Powerplant: 2 × F110-129 Thrust Vectoring Turbofan engines Thrust: 29,400 lbf (131 kN) each Internal fuel capacity: F/A-18E: 14,400 lb (6,780 kg), F/A-18F: 13,550 lb (6,354 kg) External fuel capacity: 18,000 lb internal Performance Maximum speed: Mach 1.3 + (Supercruise), Mach 2.3 + (Afterburner) Range: 1,275 nmi (2,346 km) clean plus two AIM-9s Combat Radius: 600 nmi Ferry Range: 1,800 nmi Service Ceiling: 50,000+ ft (15,000+ m) Rate of climb: 45,000 ft/min (229 m/s) Wing loading: 113.4 lb/ft² (553.9 kg/m²) Thrust/weight: 0.98 Armament Guns: 1× 20mm M61 Vulcan Cannon Hardpoints: 10 total: 6 x under-fuselage, 2 x under nacelles and 2 x on wing gloves with a capacity of 16,000 lb (6,600 kg) of ordnance and fuel tanks Avionics AN/APG-77 AESA Radar AN/ASQ-28 IFTS ALQ-165 electronic countermeasures system Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver upgrade [/Spoiler] The F-14S Super Tomcat 21 is a a complete overhaul and modernization of the F-14D Tomcat fighter. New features and systems have been added including a new AESA radar system, a redesigned body providing a more aerodynamic craft with extra fuel capacity, two new thrust vectoring F110-129 Turbofan Engines, an integrated FLIR targeting system, and improved control surfaces. All of these upgrades bring the Tomcat 21 into the 21st century battlefield where it is the Commonwealth Navy's prime carrier fighter/interceptor aircraft. The new engines give it the ability to super-cruise at mach 1.3 and the thrust vectoring provides enhanced maneuverability. It's new avionics and data-link systems provide excellent tracking and battlefield networking capabilities making the F-14 Super Tomcat 21 an outstanding carrier based fighter for the modern battlefield. UNITS: Fleet Task Force Ship Ship TO BE COMPLETED AT A LATER TIME
  13. Ford's gone inactive so I'm reclaiming the state of West Virginia and I assume the rest of the UCNA gets folded into the Mexican protectorate.
  14. [u][b]Public Broadcast[/b][/u] "The Government of the United Confederacy of North America has collapsed, leaving all of its states and their citizens without a proper functioning government. In light of this event the American Commonwealth will reclaim the state of West Virginia as was the official policy of the Commonwealth when West Virginia was allowed to join the then nation of West Virginia. Commonwealth troops will begin arriving to restore order and basic government services until civil governance can be reestablished. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mountain Divisions received orders to begin moving into West Virginia and secure it for follow up forces consisting of the 1st and 2nd Airborne Divisions. Military installations and depots were among the highest priority targets and were rapidly secured to ensure that the weapons on hand wouldn't be proliferated. Areas with rioting and looting were placed under martial law until civil order could be restored. Elections were announced to be upcoming in order for West Virginia to become a functional state of the Commonwealth once more. The Mexican government was alerted to these developments and a meeting was requested to discuss the future of the region.
  15. [size="7"][u][b]Air Force[/b][/u][/size] The American Commonwealth Air Force was initially formed from the various state air national guard units serving as the state's defense forces after the withdrawal of the Empire of Pravus Ingruo. It is now a much larger force that is now responsible for the defense of the American Commonwealth's airspace and it's other interests. The ACAF has a current strength of 720 combat aircraft and 80,000 personnel. [size="5"][u][b]MISSION[/b][/u][/size] The American Commonwealth Army serves as the land-based branch of the American Commonwealth Military and is charged with: [list][*][i]Preserving the peace and security and providing for the defense of the American Commonwealth and all possessions and any areas occupied by the Commonwealth[/i][*][i]Supporting the national policies[/i][*][i]Implementing the national objectives[/i][*][i]Overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the Commonwealth[/i][/list] [size="5"][u][b]LEADERSHIP[/b][/u][/size] Commander in Chief: President David Bronson Secretary of the Air Force: Martin Tellers General of the Air Force: General Harper Brown [size="5"][u][b]HISTORY[/b][/u][/size] The American Commonwealth Air Force was formed on January 9th 20XX, two days after the formation of the American Commonwealth. When the Empire of Pravus Ingruo withdrew from most of it's American territories they left the local national guard units responsible for maintaining peace and stability and it was from the air national guard units of the states from where the Commonwealth Air Force was first formed. Since then it has grown into a larger, and much more capable, modern air force that is equipped with modern aircraft and capable of conducting the full range of missions required of any air force. [size="5"][u][b]COMMAND STRUCTURE & ORGANIZATION[/b][/u][/size] The American Commonwealth Air Force is an all volunteer force mainly composed of active duty personnel with some reserve personnel and equipment providing support. The primary operating area for the Air Force would be the Commonwealth proper and it has been organized to be able to protect the Commonwealth's airspace against any enemies. [u][b]MAJOR COMMANDS[/b][/u] The American Commonwealth Air Force is organized into different major commands that are responsible for different duties and missions. The [b]Air Combat Command[/b] is responsible for the administration and command of all of the air force's operational combat units including all fighters and other tactical combat aircraft. The [b]Air Training and Readiness Command[/b] is responsible for the training and education of all air force personnel from basic training to their more advanced fields. The [b]Air Force Strike Command[/b] is responsible for most of the Commonwealth's strategic weapons systems including ICBMs and strategic bomber aircraft. The [b]Air Mobility Command [/b]maintains and operates the Air Force's air transport and tanker aircraft. The [b]Air Force Space Command[/b] is responsible for the operation of the Commonwealth military's satellite system. The [b]Cyber-warfare Command[/b] is the Commonwealth military's primary cyber warfare and networking unit responsible for the maintenance and safety of military communications networks as well as offensive cyber operations. The[b] Air Force Special Operations Command[/b] encompasses all of the air forces special operations personnel from pararescue jumpers to specialized aircraft used to support special operations. The [b]Air Force Materials Command[/b] is responsible for a wide array of missions including logistics support, procurement and research projects. [b] [u]UNIT ORGANIZATION [/u][/b]The smallest operational and administrative unit is the squadron which usually consists of twelve aircraft for any given unit although some individual units may exceed or be smaller than this given size depending on the type of unit and mission. The next tier unit is the Group which is composed of two or more squadrons with numbers varying according to unit type, mission and other factors. A Wing is composed of two or more Groups and is the unit that provides the base logistical and administrative support for it's subordinate units. Numbered Air Forces are made up of several wings and are subordinate to the major commands of the air force. [size="5"][u][b]AIRCRAFT: [/b][/u][/size] [b]F-22 Raptor[/b] [img]http://cache.gizmodo.com/assets/images/12/2009/03/f22_Raptor_Crash-topshot.jpg[/img] [spoiler] [b]General characteristics[/b] [list][*][b]Crew:[/b] 1[*][b]Length:[/b] 62 ft 1 in (18.90 m)[*][b]Wingspan:[/b] 44 ft 6 in (13.56 m)[*][b]Height:[/b] 16 ft 8 in (5.08 m)[*][b]Wing area:[/b] 840 ft² (78.04 m²)[*][b]Empty Weight:[/b] 43,430 lb (19,700 kg)[*][b]Loaded weight:[/b] 64,460 lb (29,300 kg)[*][b]Max. takeoff weight:[/b] 83,500 lb (38,000 kg)[*][b]Powerplant:[/b] 2 × Pratt & Whitney F110-PW100 Pitch Thrust vectoring turbofans[list][*][b]Dry thrust:[/b] 23,500 lb (104 kN) each[*][b]Thrust with afterburner:[/b] 35,000+ lb (156+ kN) each[/list] [*][b]Fuel capacity:[/b] 18,000 lb (8,200 kg) internally, or 26,000 lb (11,900 kg) with two external fuel tanks[/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*][b]Maximum Speed:[/b][list][*][b]At altitude:[/b] Mach 2.25 (1,500 mph, 2,410 km/h)[*][b]Supercruise:[/b] Mach 1.82 (1,220 mph, 1,963 km/h)[/list] [*][b]Range:[/b] >1,600 nmi (1,840 mi, 2,960 km) with 2 external fuel tanks[*][b]Combat Radius:[/b] 410 nmi (with 100 nmi in supercruise) (471 mi, 759 km)[*][b]Ferry Range:[/b] 2,000 mi (1,738 nmi, 3,219 km)[*][b]Service Ceiling:[/b] 65,000 ft (Currently restricted to 44,000 ft, sans vests) (19,812 m)[*][b]Wing Loading:[/b] 77 lb/ft² (375 kg/m²)[*][b]Thrust/weight:[/b] 1.09 (1.26 with loaded weight & 50% fuel)[*][b]Maximum design [i]g[/i]-load:[/b] -3.0/+9.0 g[/list][b]Armament[/b] [list][*][b]Guns:[/b] 1× 20mm M61A2 Vulcan cannon in starboard wing root, 480 rounds[*][b]Air to air loadout:[/b][list][*]6× AIM-120 AMRAAM or,[*]4 x AIM-121 Falcon LRAAM[*]2× AIM-9 Sidewinder[/list] [*][b]Air to ground loadout:[/b][list][*]2× AIM-120 AMRAAM [i]and[/i][*]2×[i] AIM-9 Sidewinder, and one of the following:[/i][list][*]2× 1,000 lb (450 kg) JDAM [i]or[/i][*]8× 250 lb (110 kg) GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs[/list][/list] [*][b]Hardpoints:[/b] 4× under-wing pylon stations can be fitted to carry 600 U.S. gallon drop tanks [i]or[/i] weapons, each with a capacity of 5,000 lb (2,268 kg).[/list] [b]Avionics[/b] [list][*]AN/APG-77 AESA Radar[*]AN/ALR-94 RWR (Radar Warning Receiver)[b]:[/b] 250 nmi (463 km) or more[*]Chemring MJU-39/40 flares for protection against IR missiles.[/list][/spoiler] The F-22 Raptor is the Commonwealth Air Force's primary fighter and air superiority aircraft. It is a fifth generation, single seat air superiority fighter with advanced flight capabilities, avionics and stealth characteristics. Due to these characteristics it has been chosen as the most capable fighter aircraft available to the Commonwealth Air Force. Its advanced stealth capability enables it to approach its targets undetected by enemies allowing it to make the first move. If that fails its excellent flight capabilities and maneuverability ensures it will be a capable dog-fighter. The main downside is the Raptor's fairly lacking air to ground capability which can be partially remedied with the use of numerous SDBs and is offset overall by its superior capabilities and its primary air to air mission. [b]F-16E/F Fighting Falcon[/b] [img]http://media.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/AIR_F-16E_Tucson_Training_Squadron_lg.jpg[/img] [spoiler] [b]General characteristics[/b] [list][*][b]Crew:[/b] 1[*][b]Length:[/b] 49 ft 5 in (15.06 m)[*][b]Wingspan:[/b] 32 ft 8 in (9.96 m)[*][b]Height:[/b] 16 ft (4.88 m)[*][b]Wing area:[/b] 300 ft² (27.87 m²)[*][b]Empty Weight:[/b] 22,000 lb[*][b]Loaded weight:[/b] 29,000 lb[*][b]Max. takeoff weight:[/b] 46,000 lb[*][b]Powerplant:[/b] 1 × F110-GE-132 turbofan[list][*][b]Dry thrust:[/b] 19,000 lb[*][b]Thrust with afterburner:[/b] 32,500 lb(144 kN)[/list][/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*][b]Maximum Speed:[/b][list][*][b]At sea level:[/b] Mach 1.2 (915 mph, 1,470 km/h)[*][b]At altitude:[/b] Mach 2+ (1,500 mph, 2,410 km/h)[/list][*][b]Combat Radius:[/b] 340 mi (295 nmi, 550 km)[*][b]Ferry Range:[/b] 2,280 NM (2,620 mi, 4,220 km) with drop tanks[*][b]Service Ceiling:[/b] 50,000+ feet[*][b]Wing Loading:[/b] 88.3 lb/ft² (431 kg/m²)[*][b]Thrust/weight:[/b] 1.095[/list][b]Armament[/b] [list][*][b]Guns:[/b] 1× 20mm M61A2 Vulcan cannon[*][b]Hardpoints:[/b] 2× wing-tip Air-to-air missile launch rails, 6× under-wing & 3× under-fuselage pylon stations holding up to 17,000 lb (7,700 kg) of payload[/list] [b]Avionics[/b] [list][*]AN/APG-80 AESA Radar[*]AN/ASQ-28 IFTS[*]ALQ-165 electronic countermeasures system[/list][/spoiler] The F-16E/F fighting Falcon is one of the Commonwealth's main multirole tactical fighter aircraft. It is the newest F-16 variant and boasts highly advanced avionics and systems improvement that bring it up to par with other aircraft on the modern battlefield and is designed as a 4.5th Generation aircraft. It's new AN/AGP-80 AESA radar provides outstanding detection and tracking capabilities. It's upgraded avionics and data links allow it to perform its missions with much greater precision and effectiveness. [b]F-15E Strike Eagle[/b] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ec/F-15E_Strike_Eagle.jpg/800px-F-15E_Strike_Eagle.jpg[/img] [spoiler] [b]General characteristics[/b] [list][*][b]Crew:[/b] 2[*][b]Length:[/b] 63.8 ft (19.43 m)[*][b]Wingspan:[/b] 42.8 ft (13.05 m)[*][b]Height:[/b] 18.5 ft (5.63 m)[*][b]Wing area:[/b] 608 ft² (56.5 m²)[*][b]Empty Weight:[/b] 31,700 lb (14,300 kg)[*][b]Max. takeoff weight:[/b] 81,000 lb (36,700 kg)[*][b]Powerplant:[/b] 2 × Pratt & Whitney F100-229 turbofans[list][*][b]Thrust with afterburner:[/b] 29,000 lbf (129 kN) each[/list][/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*][b]Maximum Speed: [/b]Mach 2.5+ (1,650+ mph, 2,660+ km/h)[*][b]Combat Radius:[/b] 790 mi (1,150 mi)[*][b]Ferry Range:[/b] 2,400 mi (2,100 nmi, 3,900 km)[*][b]Service Ceiling:[/b] 60,000 ft (18,200 m)[*][b]Thrust/weight:[/b] 0.93[/list][b]Armament[/b] [list][*][b]Guns:[/b] 1× 20mm M61A2 Vulcan cannon[*][b]Hardpoints:[/b] 2 wing pylons, 6 fuselage pylons, bomb racks on CFTs with a capacity of 23,000 lb[/list] [b]Avionics[/b] [list][*]AN/APG-82 AESA Radar[*]AN/ASQ-28 IFTS[*]ALQ-165 electronic countermeasures system[/list][/spoiler] The F-15E Strike Eagle is the Commonwealth Air Force's primary long range tactical strike fighter. The Strike Eagle is based off of the F-15 Eagle Fighter but has been redesigned and optimized for ground attack missions, although it does retain a good air to air capability. The ACAF's F-15Es have all been upgraded with AESA radars, improved avionics and data links and also has a built in Infra-red tracking system. The Strike Eagle is designed and intended to perform close air support and long range interdiction missions on the modern battlefield. [b]F-21 Rapier II[/b] [img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs35/PRE/f/2008/300/f/f/XF_108_Rapier_by_bagera3005.png[/img] [spoiler] [b]General Characteristics[/b] [list][*][b]Crew:[/b] 2[*][b]Length:[/b] 93 ft[*][b]Wingspan:[/b] 60.2 ft[*][b]Height:[/b] 24.1 ft[*][b]Wing area:[/b] 1,865 ft² (173.4 m²)[*][b]Empty Weight:[/b] 53,907 lb (23,098 kg)[*][b]Max. Takeoff weight:[/b] 111,000 lb (46,508 kg)[*][b]Powerplant:[/b] 2 × YJ-120 after-burning turbojet[list][*][b]Dry thrust:[/b] 24,000 lbf each[*][b]Thrust with afterburner:[/b] 35,000 lbf each[/list][/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*][b]Maximum Speed:[/b] Mach 3+[*][b]Range:[/b] 1,300 mi combat[*][b]Ferry Range:[/b] 2,800 mi[*][b]Service Ceiling:[/b] 80,100 ft (24,400 m)[*][b]Wing Loading:[/b] 55.9 lb/ft² (183.4 kg/m²)[*][b]Thrust/weight:[/b] 0.56[/list] [b]Armament[/b] [list][*][b]Guns:[/b] 1× 20mm M61A2 Vulcan cannon[*][b]Missiles:[/b] 4 x AIM-121 LRAAM in internal bay[*][b]Bombs:[/b] 4,000 lbs[/list][b]Avionics[/b] [list][*]AN/APG-82 AESA Radar[*]AN/ASQ-28 IFTS[*]ALQ-165 electronic countermeasures system[/list][/spoiler] The F-21 Rapier II is one of the more unique combat aircraft in service with the Commonwealth Air Force. Designed and created in response to the UCNA's commissioning of the XF-108 and YF-12 fighters, the F-21 was created in response as at the time none of the ACAF's aircraft could reach the altitudes these aircraft did placing Commonwealth forces at a disadvantage. The F-21 takes the base XF-108 design and slightly enlarges it to allow for a larger internal weapons bay and two new YJ-120 after-burning turbojet engines providing excellent performance and fuel efficiency. Avionics were also heavily upgraded with the addition of the AN/APG-82 AESA radar and AN/ASQ-28 IFTS, providing excellent tracking capabilities for the Rapier and its new data-link equipment allow for excellent communications and interoperability with other aircraft. [b]A-10 Thunderbolt II[/b] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cf/A-10_Thunderbolt_II_In-flight-2.jpg/800px-A-10_Thunderbolt_II_In-flight-2.jpg[/img] [spoiler] [b]General characteristics[/b] [list][*][b]Crew:[/b] 1[*][b]Length:[/b] 53 ft 4 in (16.26 m)[*][b]Wingspan:[/b] 53 ft 4 in (16.26 m)[*][b]Height:[/b] 14 ft 8 in (4.47 m)[*][b]Wing area:[/b] 506 ft² (47.0 m²)[*][b]Empty Weight:[/b] 24,959 lb (11,321 kg)[*][b]Loaded weight:[/b] 30,384 lb (13,782 kg)[*][b]Max. takeoff weight:[/b] 50,000 lb (23,000 kg)[*][b]Powerplant:[/b] 2 × General Electric TF34-GE-100A turbofans, 9,065 lbf (40.32 kN) each[list][*][b]Thrust:[/b] 9,065 lbf (40.32 kN) each[/list][/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*][b]Maximum Speed: [/b]381 knots (439 mph, 706 km/h)[*][b]Range:[/b] >1,600 nmi (1,840 mi, 2,960 km) with 2 external fuel tanks[*][b]Combat Radius:[/b] 252 nmi (290 mi, 467 km)[*][b]Ferry Range:[/b] 2,240 nmi (2,580 mi, 4,150 km)[*][b]Service Ceiling:[/b] 45,000 ft (13,700 m)[*][b]Wing Loading:[/b] 99 lb/ft² (482 kg/m²)[*][b]Thrust/weight:[/b] 0.36[/list][b]Armament[/b] [list][*][b]Guns:[/b] 1× GAU-8 Avenger Gatling Cannon[*][b]Hardpoints:[/b] 11 (8× under-wing and 3× under-fuselage pylon stations) with a capacity of 16,000 lb (7,260 kg)[/list] [/spoiler] The A-10 Thunderbolt II, often known as the Warthog due to it's appearance, is the Commonwealth Air Force's primary close air support aircraft optimized entirely for air to ground operations. Prized for its ability to carry a large payload and numerous types of ordnance it is also an extremely durable aircraft adding to its ground attack capabilities. One of the most notable features of the A-10 is the 30mm GAU-8 Avenger Gatling Cannon which is capable of destroying tanks and other armored vehicles. Recent upgrades to the A-10 include new avionics and computer displays as well as new data-link and targeting equipment. [b]B-1R Lancer[/b] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/340/5/a/rockwell_b_1r_lancer_by_bagera3005-d34cmh8.png[/img] [spoiler] [size="2"][b]General characteristics[/b][/size] [list][*][b]Crew:[/b] 4 (aircraft commander, copilot, offensive systems officer and defensive systems officer)[*][b]Payload:[/b] 125,000 lb (56,700 kg) ; internal and external ordnance combined[*][b]Length:[/b] 146 ft (44.5 m)[*][b]Wingspan:[/b][list][*][b]Extended:[/b] 137 ft (41.8 m)[*][b]Swept:[/b] 79 ft (24.1 m)[/list] [*][b]Height:[/b] 34 ft (10.4 m)[*][b]Wing area:[/b] 1,950 ft² (181.2 m²)[*][b]Empty Weight:[/b] 192,000 lb (87,100 kg)[*][b]Loaded weight:[/b] 326,000 lb (148,000 kg)[*][b]Max. takeoff weight:[/b] 477,000 lb (216,400 kg)[*][b]Powerplant:[/b] 4 × Pratt & Whitney F110-PW100 Pitch Thrust vectoring turbofans[list][*][b]Dry thrust:[/b] 23,500 lb (104 kN) each[*][b]Thrust with afterburner:[/b] 35,000+ lb (156+ kN) each[/list][/list] [size="2"][b]Performance[/b][/size] [list][*][b]Maximum Speed:[/b][list][*][b]At altitude: Mach[/b] 2+[/list] [*][b]Range:[/b] 6,478 nmi (7,456 mi, 11,998 km)[*][b]Combat Radius:[/b] 3,000 nmi[*][b]Service Ceiling:[/b] 60,000 ft (18,000 m)[*][b]Wing Loading:[/b] 167 lb/ft² (816 kg/m²)[*][b]Thrust/weight:[/b] 0.38[/list] [size="2"][b]Armament[/b][/size] [list][*][b]Hardpoints:[/b] six external hardpoints for 50,000 lb (22,700 kg) of ordnance and three internal bomb bays for 75,000 lb (34,000 kg) of ordnance.[*][b]Munitions:[/b][list][*]84x AIM-120 AMRAAMs[*]84 x AIM-121 LRAAMs[*]84× Mk-82 500lb general purpose bombs[*]24× naval mine[sup]s[/sup][sup][/sup][*]30× CBU-87/89/CBU-97 Cluster Bomb Units (CBU)[sup][/sup][*]30× CBU-103/104/105 Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) CBUs[*]24× GBU-31 JDAM GPS guided bombs (Mk-84 GP or BLU-109 warhead)[sup][/sup][*]15× GBU-38 JDAM GPS guided bombs (Mk-82 GP warhead)[sup][/sup][*]48x GBU-38 JDAM (using rotary launcher mounted multiple ejector racks)[sup][/sup][*]48x GBU-54 LaserJDAM (using rotary launcher mounted multiple ejector racks)[sup][/sup][*]24× Mk-84 general purpose bombs[*]12× AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapons (JSOW)[*]96× or 144× GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs[*]24× AGM-158 Joint Air toSurface Standoff Munitions (JASSM)[/list][/list] [size="2"][b]Avionics[/b][/size] [list][*]1× AN/APG-77 AESA Radar[*]1× AN/ALQ-161 radar warning and defensive jamming equipment[*]1× AN/ASQ-184 defensive management system[*]1× Sniper XR targeting pod (optional)[sup][/sup][sup][/sup][/list][/spoiler] The B-1R Lancer is the Commonwealth Air Forces primary supersonic strategic bomber that is capable of filling a wide array of roles. Originally a strategic bomber the B-1R took the original design and redesigned it with stealth characteristics and a new emphasis on air to air missions. Upgraded with a highly modified version of the AN/APG-77 Radar the B-1R is capable of tracking and engaging over 84 targets at the same time. In its air to air configuration it can carry over 84 long range air to air missiles with target tracking coming from its own or from another aircraft with a data-link and tracking capability. The new design provides a measure of stealth along with a coating of radar absorbent materials (RAM). It's powerplant has been enhanced with four modified Pratt & Whitney F110-PW100 turbofan engines allowing for speeds over mach 2. In spite of the air to air emphasis the B-1R still retains all of its air to ground capabilities with the removal of the rotary launchers used for air to air missiles and the reintroduction of bombing equipment. Another variant, the B-1N, is a navalized variant designed for maritime strike and reconnaissance missions. The design is modular in nature allowing any B-1R to change into a B-1N in less than an hour with the addition of a wide area surface search radar and hard points to carry up to 24 long range supersonic anti-ship missiles. [b]B-2 Spirit[/b] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/B-2_Spirit_original.jpg/800px-B-2_Spirit_original.jpg[/img] [spoiler] [size="2"][b]General characteristics[/b][/size] [list][*][b]Crew:[/b] 2[*][b]Length:[/b] 69 ft (21.0 m)[*][b]Wingspan:[/b] 172 ft (52.4 m)[*][b]Height:[/b] 17 ft (5.18 m)[*][b]Wing area:[/b] 5,140 ft² (478 m²)[*][b]Empty Weight:[/b] 158,000 lb (71,700 kg)[*][b]Loaded weight:[/b] 336,500 lb (152,200 kg)[*][b]Max. takeoff weight:[/b] 376,000 lb (170,600 kg)[*][b]Powerplant:[/b] 4 × F118-GE-100 non-afterburning turbofans, 17,300 lbf (77 kN) each[*]Fuel Capacity: 167,000 pounds (75,750 kg)[/list] [size="2"][b]Performance[/b][/size] [list][*][b]Maximum Speed:[/b] Mach 0.95 (550 knots, 630 mph, 1,010 km/h)[sup][/sup][*][b]Cruise Speed:[/b] Mach 0.85 (487 knots, 560 mph, 900 km/h) at 40,000 ft altitude[*][b]Range:[/b] 6,000 nmi (11,100 km (6,900 mi))[*][b]Service Ceiling:[/b] 50,000 ft (15,200 m)[*][b]Wing Loading:[/b] 67.3 lb/ft² (329 kg/m²)[*][b]Thrust/weight:[/b] 0.205[/list] [size="2"][b]Armament[/b][/size] [list][*]2 internal bays for 50,000 lb (23,000 kg) of ordnance[*]80× 500 lb class bombs (Mk-82) mounted on Bomb Rack Assembly (BRA)[*]36× 750 lb CBU class bombs on BRA[*]16× 2000 lb class weapons (Mk-84, JDAM-84, JDAM-109) mounted on Rotary Launcher Assembly (RLA)[*]16× B61 or B83 nuclear weapons on RLA[/list][/spoiler] The B-2 Spirit is the American Commonwealth's stealth strategic bomber. The B-2 is one of the stealthiest aircraft designs available allowing for the B-2 to perform penetration attacks against even a well defended area. Primarily optimized for carrying bombs it can be modified to carry a wide variety of cruise missiles to further enhance its striking power and survivability. [size="5"][u][b]UNITS:[/b][/u][/size] [size="3"][u][b]1st Air Force[/b][/u][/size] [list][*][b]1st Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]1st Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]2nd Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]3rd Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]4th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[/list][*][b]6th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]20th Fighter Squadron (F-21)[*]21st Fighter Squadron (F-21)[*]22nd Fighter Squadron (F-21)[*]23rd Fighter Squadron (F-21)[/list][*][b]1st Bomb Wing[/b][list][*]1st Bomber Squadron (B-2)[*]2nd Bomber Squadron (B-2)[*]3rd Bomber Squadron (B-2)[*]4th Bomber Squadron (B-2)[/list][*][b]3rd Bomb Wing[/b][list][*]9th Bomber Squadron (B-1R)[*]10th Bomber Squadron (B-1R)[*]11th Bomber Squadron (B-1R)[*]12th Bomber Squadron (B-1R)[/list][/list][size="3"][u][b]2nd Air Force[/b][/u][/size] [list][*][b]2nd Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]5th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]6th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]7th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]8th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[/list][*][b]3rd Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]9th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]10th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]11th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]12th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[/list][*][b]7th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]24th Fighter Squadron (F-21)[*]25th Fighter Squadron (F-21)[*]26th Fighter Squadron (F-21)[*]27th Fighter Squadron (F-21)[/list][*][b]9th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]31st Fighter Squadron (F-16E/F)[*]32nd Fighter Squadron (F-16E/F)[*]33rd Fighter Squadron (F-16E/F)[/list][*][b]10th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]34th Fighter Squadron (F-15E)[*]35th Fighter Squadron (F-15E)[*]36th Fighter Squadron (F-15E)[/list][*][b]13th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]42nd Fighter Squadron (A-10)[*]43rd Fighter Squadron (A-10)[*]44th Fighter Squadron (A-10)[/list][/list][size="3"][u][b]3rd Air Force[/b][/u][/size] [list][*][b]4th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]13th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]14th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]15th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]16th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[/list][*][b]8th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]28th Fighter Squadron (F-16E/F)[*]29th Fighter Squadron (F-16E/F)[*]30th Fighter Squadron (F-16E/F)[/list][*][b]11th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]37th Fighter Squadron (F-15E)[*]38th Fighter Squadron (F-15E)[*]39th Fighter Squadron (F-15E)[/list][*][b]14th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]45th Fighter Squadron (A-10)[*]46th Fighter Squadron (A-10)[*]47th Fighter Squadron (A-10)[/list][/list][size="3"][u][b]4th Air Force[/b][/u][/size] [list][*][b]5th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]17th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]18th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]19th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[*]20th Fighter Squadron (F-22)[/list][*][b]12th Fighter Wing[/b][list][*]40th Fighter Squadron (F-21)[*]41st Fighter Squadron (F-21)[/list][*][b]2nd Bomb Wing[/b][list][*]5th Bomber Squadron (B-1R)[*]6th Bomber Squadron (B-1R)[*]7th Bomber Squadron (B-1R)[*]8th Bomber Squadron (B-1R)[/list][/list]
  16. [u][b]Naval Construction Program[/b][/u] Over a dozen new combat naval vessels have been completed and are due to be commissioned over the next few days, including the Commonwealth's first aircraft carriers and submarines, consisting of three new corvettes, two new cruisers, 2 frigates, six destroyers, four nuclear attack subs, two diesel subs and two aircraft carriers. Of these all are new classes of ships from those currently in service in order to introduce newer more advanced designs for the navy. Older classes will still be operated but the navy is currently conducting a study to evaluate whether replacement or upgrade of these older vessels would be more cost effective. [b]Berks[/b][b] class Corvette[/b] ACNS Berks (FS-7) ACNS Mercer (FS-8) ACNS Cambria (FS-9) [b]Philemon Dickinson class Frigate[/b] ACNS Philemon Dickinson (FFG-5) ACNS Oliver Spencer (FFG-6) [b]Philadelphia[/b][b] class Cruiser[/b] ACNS Philadelphia (CG-5) ACNS Norfolk (CG-6) [b]Arleigh Burke class Destroyer[/b] ACNS Arleigh Burke (DDG-1) ACNS Barry (DDG-2) ACNS John Paul Jones (DDG-3) ACNS Curtis WIlbur (DDG-4) ACNS Stout (DDG-5) ACNS John S McCain (DDG-6) [b]Bronson class Aircraft Carrier[/b] ACNS David A. Bronson (CVN-1) ACNS George Washington (CVN-2) [b]Virginia class Submarine[/b] ACNS Virginia (SSN-1) ACNS Darter (SSN-2) ACNS Mauler (SSN-3) [b]Barracuda class Submarine[/b] ACNS Barracuda (SS-1) ACNS Sturgeon (SS-2)
  17. [quote][u][b]Purchase Review[/b][/u] Items Purchased: M198 Howitzer - 125 units x $400,000 UH-1 Iroquois - 20 units x $5,000,000 ---------------------------------------------------- Total Cost: $150,000,000 [i][u]Comments:[/u][/i] The extra $5,000,000 is not necessary as all products have shipping costs integrated into the purchase price. All ordered products shall be transported to your designated location(s) of choice. Due to ordering primarily older products our support and warranty coverage is limited to one year. As an added token of our appreciation for your purchases we have included 10,000 bars of chocolate with the order. We thank you for choosing Hershey Defense Systems to provide for your national defense needs and we hope to hear from you again. [/quote]
  18. [quote][size="5"][b]HERSHEY DEFENSE SYSTEMS PRODUCT CATALOG[/b][/size] [u][i][b]LAND SYSTEMS[/b][/i][/u] [b]M16A4 Assault Rifle ($1,400)[/b] The M16A4 is an improved variant of the ubiquitous M16 weapons line providing an affordable, effective and reliable weapon for military use. Utilizing the widely available 5.56 x 45mm NATO round it can be used fired in single or 3 round burst shots. Integral upgrades for the A4 derivative include the standard addition of full length quad picatinny rails for mounting optics and other ancillary devices. [b]M249 SAW Light Machine Gun ($4,000)[/b] The M249 Squad Automatic Weapon is a light machine gun designed for use at the squad level providing infantry with much more firepower than the average assault rifle is capable of. Using the same ammunition as the M-16 allows for simplified logistics if using 5.56mm ammunition. If desired, addition of picatinny rails to allow the use of mounted equipment is available for an additional $100 per unit. [b]M240 GPMG ($6,600)[/b] The M240 General Purpose Machine Gun is a robust and reliable medium machine gun that can offer devastating, sustained and effective fire support to any fight. The M240 is a very versatile weapon and is capable of being carried or vehicle mounted on a variety of systems. Using the heavy 7.62 x 51mm cartridge, it packs a bigger punch than the SAW making it ideal for supplementing lighter weapons. [b]AT-4 ($1,500)[/b] The AT-4 is a disposable unguided light anti-tank rocket launcher. While it lacks the punch to defeat a main battle tank head on, like most shoulder launched weapons, it is still very effective against medium and light armored vehicles as well as providing excellent bunker busting capabilities. Light, cheap and deadly the AT-4 is an excellent support weapon for infantryman. [b]FGM-148 Javelin ATGM ($125,000-CLU/ $40,000-missile)[/b] The FGM-148 is a shoulder launched heavy anti-tank guided missile system that is capable of defeating most known battlefield threats, especially main battle tanks and armored vehicles. While somewhat heavy it's infrared imaging and tracking capabilities allow it to be a true fire and forget weapon allowing the operator to move quickly after launching the missile. The missile tube itself is disposable with the command launch unit detached from a fired tube and re-attached to another. It is capable of being used against point targets and helicopters in direct attack mode and is lethal against heavy armored vehicles when utilizing a top-down attack mode. A tandem charge warhead ensures its effectiveness against targets utilizing ERA systems. [b]M9 Berreta ($600)[/b] The M9 Berreta is a widely used and reliable 9mm pistol commonly used by both military and police forces as a sidearm. Reliable and effective it uses widely available 9mm ammunition allowing for lowered costs and simplified logistics requirements. [b]FIM-92E Stinger MANPADS ($40,000)[/b] The FIM-92E Stinger is a man portable surface to air infrared homing missile that is capable of defeating low flying aircraft and helicopters. Possessing a range of 8km, it is intended for short range point defense against low flying aircraft. While primarily a shoulder fired weapon it is also capable of being vehicle and helicopter mounted, making it a versatile weapons system. The E model provides an upgraded seeker and software system as well as improved counter measure upgrades and a longer range than the original missile. [b]M1 Abrams MBT ($6,500,000-$8,000,000)[/b] The M1 Abrams main battle tank is an extremely effective armored vehicle offering the best available combination of firepower, defense and mobility. We currently offer several models of the Abrams at varying prices. Major variants offered include the base M1 model, the M1A1, the M1A2 and the M1A2 VEP. The most modern version we offer, the M1A2 VEP, includes an improved L/55 120mm cannon, upgraded armor, new digital fire control and stabilization systems, new communications gear and an improved engine among other things. [b]M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle ($3,500,000)[/b] The M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle is a heavily armed infantry transport designed to provide effective supporting fire for it's transported infantry on the battlefield. Recent models designed by Hershey Defense Systems have been upgraded to improve all round capabilities with a new stabilizer, digital control systems and optics and a new engine model. While reliable and proven it has recently been replaced by newer vehicles in the American Commonwealth military's inventory and as such refurbished units are available for discounts of up to 30%. [b]M1 Infantry Combat Vehicle ($ 4,000,000)[/b] The M1 Infantry Combat Vehicle is an newly designed infantry fighting vehicle based on the M1 Abrams chassis providing excellent protection and mobility for up to ten mechanized infantrymen. The engine has been moved to the front of the vehicle with additional armor plating to provide better protection while the turret has been removed and the saved weight redistributed as even more armor around the vehicle. Armament can vary from simple mounts with heavy machine guns to a remote weapons station mounting a 40mm auto cannon. [b]M551B Sheridan Light Tank ($3,000,000)[/b] The M551B Sheridan tank is a new design based on the ubiquitous M551 Sheridan Light tank of the Cold War era. The M551B seeks to remedy the problems of the older vehicle through a number of design changes. The hull is no longer aluminum armor but made of lightweight high strength steel capable of withstanding most medium anti-tank and cannon fire on its frontal arc. The problematic 152mm gun/missile system has been replaced with the conventional but reliable M68 105mm gun which comes with advanced fire-control and stabilization equipment. The engine has been upgraded to provide more power and better efficiency and hydro pumps have been added to improve the tank's amphibious capabilities. While it's not a heavy main battle tank it it is still, nonetheless, a capable combat vehicle. [b]M113 Gavin Armored Personnel Carrier ($600,000-$350,000)[/b] The M113 Armored Personnel Carrier, designated the Gavin by the Commonwealth military, is one of the most versatile and cost effective armored vehicles available in the world today. It is able to mount a variety of weapons and fullfill a variety of roles and Hershey Defense offers the full range of variants. The most recent model, the A4, is a new design with a new aluminum-titanium alloy hull, improved engine and upgraded communications and optical gear. All variants are light, 13 tons, and are capable of traversing small rivers without external aid. The baseline model is meant as an infantry transport and comes equipped with a mounted heavy machine gun for the comander and two medium machine guns on the sides of the vehicle to be operated by one of the eleven infantryman in the vehicle. Other variants include a mortar carrier, medical vehicle, reconnaissance track, ATGM vehicle, fire support track with a 105 or 120mm gun, and numerous others. [b]M198 Howitzer ($400,000)[/b] The M198 Howitzer is an older, but still effective 155mm artillery piece, that has been retired from service in the Commonwealth military. Even so all units are in good working condition and can be offered at a lower price to provide a more less costly but still very effective option for the equipping of artillery units. [b]M777 155mm Howitzer ($900,000)[/b] The M777 Howitzer is a new lightweight 155mm artillery piece that has just recently been brought into production. A very effective fire support weapon, it comes with a digital fire control and communications equipment that allow for the use of accurate artillery support quicker than before. It also supports a variety of 155mm ammunition ranging from traditional HE to smart munitions. [b]M109 Paladin ($800,000-$1,200,000)[/b] The M109 Paladin is a self propelled 155mm howitzer which is an excellent mobile artillery piece for any situation. It's mobility allows it to keep pace with armored and mechanized units on the battlefield and it is much better protected than normal towed artillery pieces. The newest model, the M109A6, offers the latest improvements to fire control, digital communications and overall performance. [b]HMMWV ($65,000)[/b] The The High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle, or better known as the Humvee, is an excellent all round wheeled multi-purpose utility vehicle that can perform a myriad of tasks whether on the battlefield or in a support role. Primarily a troop transport and cargo vehicle, it can also serve in numerous other purposes like as an anti-tank vehicle, air defense vehicle, ambulance, and others due to a durable chassis and the ability to mount a variety of weapons. [b]M939 Truck ($80,000)[/b] The M939 5 ton truck is an excellent and proven logistics vehicle that will be able to meet the logistics needs of any nations fighting forces. It is able to carry a large load of supplies and equipment or personnel over long distances with a reasonable speed. Improved safety measures are included and a new engine provides greater power and fuel efficiency, further lessening the strain on a military's logistics network. [u][i][b]AEROSPACE[/b][/i][/u] [b]AH-64 Apache ($20,000,000-$38,000,000)[/b] The famous AH-64 Apache attack helicopter is a lethal and effective aerial platform designed to provide close air and anti-tank support for military forces. It's quick, durable and can mount an incredible array of weaponry, making the Apache a formidable piece of equipment. Different models have different capabilities but the AH-64D Longbow is the most capable model possessing a millimeter-wave fire control radar and upgraded avionics and engines to further enhance it's effectiveness on the battlefield. [b]UH-60 Black Hawk ($20,000,000)[/b] The UH-60 Black Hawk is a very flexible medium lift utility helicopter that is guaranteed to meet the transportation needs of any military service. The standard Black Hawk can transport 14 fully armed troops and has two mounts on the side to utilize a wide array of weapons for self defense. It can also be modified to be used as a guship, medevac, special operations and command and control. [b]UH-1 Iroquois ($5,000,000)[/b] Even the the UH-1 Iroquois is an older helicopter it is still being utilized by the Commonwealth military today and is a cheaper alternative to more advanced helicopters but maintaining its great utility. Whether its troop and cargo transportation or providing gunship support the UH-1 has been historically proven to be an excellent multi-purpose helicopter platform. [b]F-16 Fighting Falcon ($20,000,000)[/b] The F-16 Fighting Falcon is multi-role jet fighter that is capable of day/night operations for a wide variety of missions. Originally an air-superiority fighter, it has since evolved into an excellent multi-role aircraft capable of carrying a wide array of munitions and equipment for nearly any purpose. Cheap, effective and versatile, the F-16 is a good starter aircraft for any air force looking to perform a wide array of missions. [b]F-15 Eagle ($30,000,000)[/b] The F-15 Eagle is an high performance air-superiority fighter with excellent air to air combat capabilities. While somewhat pricey the F-15 offers excellent air defense capabilities to any air force. Just recently retired from the Commonwealth Air Force, many advanced model F-15s are on hand upgraded with digital avionics, AESA radars, and advanced communications and data processing equipment. While new orders may be placed we do recommend the purchase of the retired aircraft as they are still in excellent condition and are being offered at a 30% discount, guaranteed to operate. [u][i][b]ADDITIONAL INFORMATION[/b][/i][/u] [i]We at the Hershey Defense Systems Customer Support Center hope you find this catalog to be helpful and informative in your decision making. If not satisfied with this listing, or if you are looking for something else, we are capable of, and would be happy to take a custom order for a different model of equipment or even a whole new product! If you have any questions don't hesitate to email the customer service department ([b]hersheydefense/cservice@hershey.net[/b]) or call us toll free at [b]1-800-HERSHEY[/b] to speak with a customer service representative. [/i] [/quote]
  19. "Well Mr. Logan I am happy that you agree with me and I thank you for your kind words. I did not come here expecting a full blown alliance, I know and understand that foreign relations takes time to improve and my goals here are to lay the foundation for such a relationship. As for the future I would be more than happy to expand and improve upon the status of the relationship between our two nations when the time comes and our people grow closer. In the time being though, what is it that your government is looking to start with in these initial talks?" asked President Bronson.
  20. [quote][b]RESPONSE To: Office of the Chief of Defense Staff, C. JIMENEZ, GEN From: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General A. Morgan TOPIC: RE:MILITARY COOPERATION/EXERCISE[/b] General Jimenez we are glad that you are willing to participate in the joint military exercises put forth and would be happy to accept your invitation to host the exercises in your own nation, hopefully we can reciprocate this generous offer in the future. We find the troop limits on a reinforced division to be more than acceptable and we will begin selecting units for the exercises immediately. Participating units will arrive over the course of a week. We would like to take up your offer of joint operation of our forces in addition to the OPFOR in order to promote a larger sense of military cooperation between our nations. Likewise we will also take your offer and dispatch naval and air assets to participate in these military exercises with details coming soon.[/quote] Overseeing the American Commonwealth forces for the exercise was General Quentin Badcock who arrived ahead of time with his staff to smooth out the details of the exercise and begin planning with their Colombian counterparts. The list of units and arriving equipment would be given to the Colombian military and transportation arrangements made to get them to Colombia. Army units selected for the exercise were the 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) and the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Vehicles and equipment were loaded onto high capacity Ro/Ro cargo ships to be transported down to Colombia with the troops arriving by plane a little bit before the ships arrived. The process went more smoothly than anticipated and most units had their equipment and were operational within three days. The air-force's contribution would be three F-22 squadrons, two F-16 squadrons and one F-15 squadron and two E-3G Sentry AWACS, all with the proper support personnel and equipment. The Navy contribution was a task force centered around the battleship ACNS Pennsylvania and included the Wasp class amphibious assault ship ACNS Boxer which had been converted to sea control configuration with a complement of 20 fighters, two destroyers, two frigates, two corvettes and a underway replenishment vessel.
  21. [quote][img]http://i453.photobucket.com/albums/qq256/gunny251324/CNRP/HersheysGeneralDefenseSystems.png[/img] Hershey's General Defense Systems, a subsidiary of the Hershey Corporation, is committed to delivering highly capable, relevant and affordable military products, equipment and services to our customers. As with the creation of any new nation, the government of J Andres probably lacks a great deal of military equipment to outfit its armed forces and that is a niche that Hershey's General Defense Systems would like to fill if given the opportunity. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the latest and most affordable military products ranging from small arms and ammunition to armored vehicles and fighter aircraft. If interested please contact us for a product catalog. Whatever you choose to do, we wish you the best from the folks at Hershey General Defense.[/quote]
  23. [u][b]Another Day in Congress[/b][/u] The Republican Party narrowly shot down a proposed healthcare coverage reform bill seeking to extend national health insurance coverage and availability in a 199-191 vote. Republicans officially rejected the bill stating that it was "an anti-American, big government social policy program that was being pushed by the socialist agenda of the Bronson administration". Allegations that the Healthcare Bill would increase the cost of healthcare, lead to a huge budget deficit, and allow massive government control over healthcare were refuted by the Congressional Budget Office as "completely untrue allegations that have no basis in fact". The Bill itself would have extended private insurance coverage to any willing citizen while preventing pre-existing medical conditions from being a reason for insurance rejection or higher costs. Costs for lower income families would be subsidized by providing tax credits for those families as well as well as providing a health insurance exchanges allowing people to compare and contrast prices for different insurance companies. The National Board of Healthcare Services published several reports showing cost savings over the long run with the amount of money initially spent equalizing over the next give years compared to current costs. Party Majority Leader John Boehner stated that "this bill was an anti-business measure and an attempt to vastly expand the size of government to uncomfortable levels. It is the official policy of the Republican Party to protect the constitutional rights of all Commonwealth citizens and to minimize the size and scope of the federal government". On the same day the Republican proposed Defense of Marriage Act was narrowly passed 196-194 and was promptly vetoed by President Bronson less than half an hour later and the Republican Party was unable to come up with a 2/3 vote to override the veto, actually losing several votes since its passage. The Bill would have nationally defined marriage as between a man and a woman, and mandated governmental non-recognition of same sex marriages making them ineligible for things such as insurance benefits, Social Security survivors benefits, military benefits and the filing of joint tax returns among other things. Republicans have decried Bronson and his actions as a "socialist extremist who seeks to subvert and destroy the very fabric of the family and moral foundations of our nation". President Bronson responded saying "I do not believe it is the government's responsibility to legislate and govern issues of personal morality beyond the base necessities of what is required to maintain law and order. Currently same sex marriages are legal and there haven't been any notable problems with that. The proposal of this bill highlights a disturbing hypocrisy in the Republican Party that I don't understand. Why is the party that advocates small government and non-government interference advocating the legislation and government implementation of morality?". Most legal experts asked about the bill concluded that almost all of the bills provisions were unconstitutional and would not have been held up by the court system.
  24. [quote][u][b]OPERATIONAL READINESS REPORT[/b][/u] FROM: TRADOCCOM TO: NMC TOPIC: TROOP STRENGTH The American Commonwealth military is nearing its approved troop strength level of 470,000 combat personnel across all service branches. While we were in a shortfall several months ago this has been rectified with the activation of two infantry and two armored divisions that are now fully trained, equipped and operational. The size of the special forces has also been expanded in order to increase our non-conventional missions capabilities. Defense outline reviews suggest that an additional size increase authorization would be preferable and strategically required but until Congress authorizes additional increases the current limits, combat personnel numbers will hover around 470,000. [/quote]
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