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Everything posted by MostGloriousLeader

  1. Also remove manitoba since curri moved down south.
  2. OOC: Tidy, you know these are just notes being delivered to each other right?
  3. "Likewise Mr Nakamichi" Marston said as he shook his hand.
  4. "Excellent, everything seems good and proper to me here" said the President as he signed the treaty.
  5. The American Commonwealth supports Poland's bid to join the General Assembly with observer status. In regards to the South America conflict, despite the sudden loss of Paraguay we urge both Tianxia and Imperial Republica to settle this through dialogue in the interests of the future of the region. Any settlement reached unamicably will only serve to fuel further tension for the continent in the future. -Victor Fuller American Commonwealth Ambassador to the UN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ambassador Fuller was also perplexed by the presence of a UN ambassador from the state of Texas. Due to his need to be present for discussions he had his aide quietly deliver a message to the "ambassador".
  6. The American Commonwealth recognizes Poland and congratulate its people on forming their own government and nation. We wish them the best and would like to extend an open offer to establish diplomatic and economic ties in the future. -American Commonwealth State Department
  7. Detroit. The Motor City. A world renowned metropolis most famous for its symbolism and manufacturing base of much of the American automobile industry. A city that was now in crisis and at the edge of total failure. The city had been plagued with many problems over its history, some of which were similar to the current situation but somehow overcome. Unfortunately this was the worst condition Detroit had ever been in. The population of the city had dipped below half a million people and unemployment was at 30% and still rising. Urban decay was rampant as businesses shuttered their doors and those with the means to settle elsewhere did so. The drastic reduction in its population and tax base threw the city into an economic and financial crisis, to the point where the city government was seriously considering declaring total bankruptcy. William Daniel Culp was a Detroit native, born and raised. While he had traveled extensively throughout the country, continent and world, he had never forgotten his roots. At 25 years old he was a young but highly successful businessman. His own company, Culp Industries, had a net worth of close to $1 billion. But his wealth belied his personality. Growing up poor he understood the issues faced by those in poverty. Kindness and generosity were second nature to him. Many called him a naive fool but it was his own way of giving back to the community that had helped him achieve what he had as well as to do what he could to uplift others. Will had the means and wealth to escape the city. Instead he made the decision to stay and do what he could to save his hometown. Born 25 years ago during the period of time when the Midwest Republic was the reigning government he had experienced the whole history of the city from then to the present day. He witnessed the state of the city progressively worsen over time. Personally he viewed the period of time when Detroit was administered as part of the Mexican protectorate as one of the better portions of the city's timeline. Stability was consistent and the city got by. Then it all went wrong. Mexico collapsed and the stability and protection previously enjoyed by the city's inhabitants was gone. In the ensuing days Detroit found itself as part of a new country, but any hopes of maintaining the status quo was lost once the Faraway military marched into the city. A city that had practiced some form of representative government for as long as anyone could remember was now under the boot heel of an oppressive autocratic monarchy. Elected officials were swept away to make room for new officials appointed due to some arbitrary title they were born into without anyone else's consent. Free thought was not tolerated and dissent was severely oppressed. Will himself was stripped of much of his business assets, loosing most of his factories and holdings. This was the same for many of the businessmen who provided the city with the jobs desperately needed by the populace. Instead they were now given to "nobles" who's only real interest was squeezing every single penny of profit out of their holdings as possible. As the population was being forced into what could only be described as serfdom, the city worsened. Major industries and large companies were nationalized, broken apart and run into the ground. Ordinary workers who previously made a comfortable living edged closer and closer to the poverty line. Any dissent against the established order was suppressed. Will had numerous friends and even some family who participated in various peaceful efforts to oppose Faraway policies and bankrolled many such organizations himself with money and resources he had managed to hide. Will saw many of them disappear at the hands of the royal police, never to be seen again. It reached the point where non-violent means were considered insufficient but such attempts were just as futile, with many shot down in the streets at the hands of the Faraway Army. The final straw was the reconstruction of the city at the hands of Faraway. Nearly all vestiges of old Detroit were wiped out and remodeled in the image of the city's new owners. This heavy handed measure of social control broke the spirit of the city after rendering it unrecognizable. The populace reluctantly resigned themselves to what was occurring out of a mixture of fear and hopelessness. The day Faraway collapsed was probably one of the most joyous occasions the city had seen in recent history. Government instituted oppression was no longer enforced. The opportunity for vengeance presented itself as citizens took to the streets en masse both in celebration and vigilantism. Although many incidents occurred, violence was capped for the most part due to appeals by local community leaders for calm and a peaceful transition as well as the swift arrival of American Commonwealth troops, who were essentially greeted as liberators. Even though a temporary government under military control was first formed it still allowed for more freedoms than had been previously allowed. Soon military rule gave way to civil administrators, many of whom were locals. Not long after that the state was asked to hold a referendum, remain an independent entity in the hopes that a government could be formed by some other regional entity or to join the American Commonwealth. Being the primary power remaining in North America as well as having one of the continent's longest histories of stability the results were a no brainer, with the vast majority of the city, as well as the state, voting to join the Commonwealth, which was also something Will strongly campaigned for. For the first time residents of Detroit looked towards the future with hope. Despite the city now becoming part of the Commonwealth change came slowly. Unlike many other former American holdings of Faraway who enacted programs to erase all traces of that chapter of history in favor of local historical input, Detroit had neither the money nor resources to embark on such a program as much as its citizens would have liked to. Large amounts of federal aid had managed to stymie the decay of the city, even revive it a little but, but it wasn't enough for a large or rapid transformation. Then the recession hit, further devastating the city. What little progress that had been made was lost. Unemployment skyrocketed. The only thing preventing a majority of the city from plunging into poverty were assistance programs provided by the state and federal governments and what could only be described as herculean efforts by local community leaders and businessmen to encourage economic growth. William Culp was one of those community leaders and businessmen. In fact one could say that Will was the leading community leader/businessman of Detroit, his successful efforts to grow the city's economy and improve peoples living conditions having not gone unnoticed. Once Faraway was gone many old businesses no longer had any owners. The city had consolidated and taken possession of them in order to return them to previous owners, if at all possible, or to auction them off to private citizens and businesses. Will managed to get most of his factories back and had enough wealth to purchase several more. Most of them produced industrial and consumer goods, and overall Will was making a very healthy amount of money considering the economic climate. In turn he used the profits to expand his operations and hire new workers, up to the point where his company employed over 20% of the city's workforce, making him the largest single employer in the city. Not satisfied with the current rate of change, Will had doubled his own efforts to get things rolling. His wealth brought him power and influence, something he saw as his responsibility to use to effect positive change for his city. Now he was on his way to a private meeting at Justi's, one of his favorite local eateries. While he used to drive himself, Will had hired a bodyguard at the constant insistence of many of his closest friends and family, apparently a man with his position and profile was a potential target for kidnapping or even assassination. Thus he hired Franklin Conger, an ex DSS agent, who now served as his body guard, driver and personal secretary. A serious man, he was a consummate professional who clearly knew how to do his job. "We're here Mr. Culp" he said as they pulled up to the eatery. Franklin got out first to survey the area for potential threats before going to open Culp's door but, much to his annoyance, he was already out of the car, an unfortunately common occurence. "Thank you Frank" said Will as Franklin looked at him a bit irately before going to give the valet the car keys and following Will into the building carrying a briefcase. Justin Wells, the owner of the establishment, warmly greeted the pair at the door. He owed much to Will, including this business. it was Will who provided Justin with a no-interest loan when nobody else would when his business was in a rough spot. It was Will who helped provide him with prudent financial and business advice that allowed him to reverse his restaurant from a failing business into a successful four star restaurant. There was very little he wouldn't do for Will. "William!" he exclaimed as he hugged him. "It's good to see you again. Please come this way. I set aside the private dining area for you and your guests" he said with a bright smile as he led the way. "So what can I get you today?" he asked after he had seated the two at the table with the others. "I'll just get the ribs like always Justin" replied Will. After he left to place the order, Will turned his attention to the people he was meeting. Directly across from him was Andrew Oliver, the mayor of Detroit. Also seated at the table were Dorothy Ebner, the Congresswoman representing Detroit, Eric Rice, one of Michigan's Senators, and Michael Christensen, the chairman of the Detroit Industries Association. They all owed him favors. Significant portions of the politicians' election campaigns were bankrolled by him while Culp Industries was the founding and leading company of the Detroit Industries Association. "Hello everyone. I'm grateful that all of you are able to be present today" said Will. "I'll get straight to the point. We all know that Detroit is in trouble. The city is almost half a billion dollars in debt and every day the population and economy continues to shrink while the crime rates and debts soar. I have gathered you all here today to propose an last ditch effort to save the city and turn this around. I trust you have all reviewed the proposals I've sent you?" he asked them, to which they all nodded in the affirmative. "Good, then. And what are your responses?". "It is an ambitious, perhaps even desperate plan. But even if its a chance to turn this city around I'll support it" said Mayor Oliver. "We've talked about this and the congresswoman and I believe that its something we should try" said Senator Rice as Congresswoman Ebner nodded. "We should be able to wrangle up some federal funds for this plan. In the meantime we'll hit up our contacts in the state legislature to get state support for it as well". "Well I proposed the idea to the association but a lot of them are mixed on this one. I've managed to get most of the major companies on board with the idea but as a whole I'd say you'll probably get a little over half of the association. Sorry Will, it was the best I could do" apologized Michael. "Well I'll take what I can get and I feel that this should be enough" said Will. No plan really comes together 100% anyway he thought to himself. This was probably the best it was gonna get anyway. He had the necessary support needed to enact the plan. Discussion was interrupted by the arrival of their food, which they would all dig into before resuming the conversation afterwards.
  8. With the collapse of the government of the Manitoba Free State, Commonwealth forces would move in yet again to secure order. This time the transition was much easier though and the operation was carried out smoothly.
  9. Receiving the invitation, President Marston decided that this matter was important enough to merit his attending the conference in person. Once the preparations had been made Air Force One would take the president across the vast Pacific Ocean and onwards to the land of the rising sun.
  10. Fortress Greenland As an official territory of the American Commonwealth, Greenland is guaranteed, among other things, the full protection of the Commonwealth armed forces. This, combined with its strategic location, has necessitated that the Commonwealth military establish a larger and more permanent presence on the island. Currently a radar network is operational using mixed air defense units from garrison units and supplementary units. A new permanent radar system will be established along the coast line and interior using a mix of mobile and fixed radar units to provide full effective coverage of the whole island and up to 600km offshore along with the permanent garrisoning of air and coastal defense units throughout the island. Supplementing this will be a OTH radar network that will be able to expand radar coverage out to 3,000 km. Garrison units will be reorganized with the 6th Infantry Division (Light) being the primary ground component of the Greenland Defense Command which is to be bolstered by a marine brigade and a brigade from the 1st Mountain Division. Ground forces will be based at Thule AFB, Nuuk, NS Kangilinnguit, and several other cities and towns. Air units will operate from Thule AFB and a new airbase under construction near Nuuk. Permanent air forces will include two fighter squadrons, an airborne command and control Squadron, two patrol squadrons as well as several UAV squadrons with additional surge capability for other aircraft. The primary naval presence will be at NS Kangilinnguit which will be able to accommodate cruiser sized vessels and be able to act as a supply hub for larger battlegroups and plans remain for the future possibility of expanding the base to the point of being able to handle larger vessels.
  11. "I think that is a wonderful idea. I'd be happy to sign such a document. As for the conference we shall participate with that as well. Did you have any specific document prepared for the occasion that I can examine?".
  12. The American Commonwealth recognizes and offers its congratulations to Aquitaine as an independent nation and hope that our two nations may engage in some higher level of diplomacy shortly down the road.
  13. While the offer is appreciated the American Commonwealth has all the manpower it needs to deal with this unfortunate event, although we would not be opposed to a smaller sized force of no more than 200 volunteers from Japan to participate as a gesture of friendship and good faith.
  14. "The American Commonwealth has always been a nation of peace and development. Establishing trade ties is very often the best way to begin and further a relationship and so we would be more than happy to establish such ties to other nations of the Pacific now that we have access to this vital body of water".
  15. Receiving reports of what was happening in Texas the decision was made by President Marston to activate FEMA to coordinate the federal government's response with the state's efforts. While initial efforts were hampered somewhat by the conditions on the ground, federal emergency response teams were able to get through to analyze the situation, relaying the information to FEMA's regional command center in Denton which would disseminate the information to first responders and other response personnel. The 2nd Armored Division based at Fort Hood was ordered to assist operations and the 3rd Infantry Division was being airlifted into the region as quickly as possible while the 4th Marine Division was activated in Louisiana to begin moving into Texas. The Commonwealth Air Force would provide heavy lift capabilities in addition to providing normal cargo flights, ferrying in aid supplies like food, water and portable heaters as well as heavy equipment like generators and snow mobile vehicles. In the meantime the President also called for an emergency session of Congress to determine further response efforts.
  16. Rear Admiral Zhen Shen was in his private quarters working on paperwork when he received an urgent call to the bridge where he was given the orders received from Imperial Naval Headquarters. "It appears we are heading off to war yet again" he said to nobody in particular. "Send out the following orders" he told his aide. "Expeditionary Strike Group Three will head out immediately to investigate the communications blackout at Socotra and re-establish contact with the garrison stationed there. Once we leave I want strict emissions control on weapons and communications, the cruiser should be the only ship with an active radar. Use signal lamps to relay orders. The amphibs and cruiser will form the core of the group with the frigates and destroyer forming the escort. The Littoral Combat ships will be on picket duty 20 km out oriented on the threat axis. We will also deploy high altitude air ships further out on the threat axis. The Group's aviation combat element will also be on alert. I want two F-6s in the air at all times with two more on the deck ready to go and constant patrols by ASW aircraft. There's no telling what's out there so be ready for anything. Subs are the primary threat but remember they did start this off with ASBMs and ASMs. Hopefully we'll get some land based air cover when we get there but for now we're on our own". Expeditionary Strike Group 3 was underway within half an hour of receiving orders, moving north west at 25 knots. They'd arrive at their destination in two and a half days.
  17. Yes, it has been tried many times. Each time a clean slate, often with different rules. And they never really seem to take off and everyone falls back to the vanilla cnrp. Why would this reset make anything different?
  18. You know, I'll give this a try but I don't really care all too much over what I specifically do so I'll leave it to triyun to assign me a command.
  19. The 1st Airborne Division was deployed to Rhodesia along with two F-35 squadrons as part of the United Nations peacekeeping force after receiving clearance from the Athenian Federation. After setting up, operations were begun with the distribution of humanitarian supplies and the establishment of refugee camps as well as providing medical care and security in the Commonwealth area of operations. At the same time, assets were made available to Tianxian or Athenian forces conducting operations directly against the rebels in the North if needed.
  20. LAV/Stryker AD The Commonwealth Military has begun a program to revamp and upgrade low level air defense capabilities for its combat units through the adoption of elements of the Sky Guard SHORAD system to the Stryker ICV and LAV-25 vehicle systems. These platforms have been mated with a turret containing the Sky Guard's integrated AESA radar, IRTS and Electro-Optical targeting systems. Weapons consist of a total of eight MIM-179 Sky Dart Missiles in two four missile launchers, each capable of being interchanged with a 70mm rocket pod, and a GAU-13 30mm Gatling Gun. Currently Stryker units are equipped with the truck mounted Sky Guard SHORAD system for their air defense companies as are normal infantry units and the addition of the Stryker-AD variant will provide a air defense platform with superior mobility and protection. Existing marine LAV-ADs will be replaced with this new version which boasts superior firepower and sensors ensuring adequate air defense for marine expeditionary forces. MMEV After conducting field trials with former Faraway military stock the Commonwealth Military has announced that it will adopt the Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle to replace the M113 mounted ADATS in most combat units. Combining sensors and weaponry, the MMEV is capable of performing a multitude of battlefield roles ranging from air defense and anti-tank missions to direct fire support. It has eight weapon module hardpoints that can support a wide range of weapons including ADAT or Sky Dart missiles, rocket pods and two separate remote weapons stations able to mount medium and heavy machine guns. Hydra ARS The Hydra Advanced Rocket System is the designation for a new 70mm rocket derived from the CRV7. Tests using Faraway stocks have led to an adaptation and modification of the design and its eventual use by the military. An extremely powerful rocket design, it is even capable of defeating the armor of main battle tanks. A variety of warheads exist including high explosive, smoke, illumination, SAPHEI, depleted uranium kinetic penetrator, flechette, and even a cluster munitions dispenser. Its level of performance has even led to the strong possibility of eventually replacing all previous Hydra rocket stocks with this new design. The HARS is also a versatile design, not being limited to just aircraft. It has been successfully integrated with ships, and ground vehicles, including the MMEV, tactical trucks, HMMWVs and even ATVs. In addition to this, testing has been completed on the Precision Guided Rocket System, which takes a Hydra ARS and mates it with one of several guidance systems used by existing Hydra guided rockets to create a highly effective, low cost precision weapon using laser guidance, GPS, INS or infra-red tracking.
  21. The American Commonwealth votes aye on UNSC Resolution #2 and will provide humanitarian resources to aid the populace during the ongoing crisis. We will also ready and deploy military forces as part of our commitment to UN peacekeeping operations in the country.
  22. Arriving a bit late John Harper would represent the American Commonwealth at the World Trade Organization discussions. After arriving he took a seat and began to pore over logs of the discussion up to that point while simultaneously listening to ongoing discussion.
  23. Joint Chemical Defense Command The Commonwealth military's chemical weapons stockpile currently stands at 6,000 tons of VX and Sarin nerve agents spread across four primary storage sights across the nation and is broken down as follows: Aberdeen Proving Ground (200 tons) Blue Grass Army Depot (1800 tons) Anniston Army Depot (1000 tons) Pine Bluff Arsenal (3000 tons) The existence of these weapons are classified and every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure that. Even so, chemical weapons are of limited value on the modern battlefield and the original intention of developing chemical weapons as a deterrent has been superseded by the Commonwealth's nuclear arsenal. As a result the decision has been reached to eliminate the existing chemical weapons stockpile. Disposal facilities will be constructed at each of the four storage facilities so that the chemical weapons can be disposed of on site rather than risk transporting it across the country and through populated areas. As the chemical weapons are disposed of, the storage sites will be inspected to ensure decontamination and will then be used to store conventional munitions and equipment. Disposal efforts are projected to reach total completion within five years.
  24. Energy Reformation Act Passed Today Congress has passed the Energy Reformation Act, providing funding and directing the reorganization and expansion of electrical power production facilities throughout the Commonwealth, with the goal of cheap and clean electricity generation. Over $250 billion has been provided to fund the development and production of nuclear, clean, and renewable energy power production. One of the major expansions is in nuclear power. Currently forming 20% of the country's power production, the ERA intends to renovate and upgrade existing facilities as well as doubling the amount of nuclear power plants and up the threshold to 40% within the next three years and finally up to 50% of total power production in another two. Power generated from natural gas will be cut in half to 10% of power generation while petroleum power plants will be phased out completely. Coal power will be reduced to 20% of total capacity and will incorporate clean coal and carbon capture technologies. Many inactivated coal plants will be maintained to provide an electrical reserve surge capacity, up to 10% of power needs, in the event such an action is necessary. Hydroelectric and other renewable energy facilities (solar, wind, geothermal, etc.) will compose the remaining 20% of total electrical production, up from 10%. The Energy Reformation Act has been championed as the nation's first steps towards energy independence.
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