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Everything posted by MostGloriousLeader

  1. With national elections looming on the horizon, President Charles Nelson has announced that despite being eligible for re-election due to the fact that he succeeded former President Bronson during his term as vice president, he will not be running for re-election and would be retiring after his term expires. The resulting lack of notable candidates in the national spotlight has sent nearly all parties scrambling to find a suitable presidential candidate before the campaign season begins. Political analysts have claimed that both the congressional and presidential elections will be much closer than past elections due to the recent expansion of the Commonwealth with many states traditionally held to be conservative. Most have claimed that it will probably be the most contentious election in the Commonwealth's history to date.
  2. To: Department of State From: American Commonwealth State Department Subject: RE: Diplomatic Relations The American Commonwealth would be open to establishing relations with Paraguay as a recognized nation. We are willing to reciprocate on the establishment of diplomatic missions for our countries and are open to either hosting formal talks or sending a representative to do so.
  3. With the American Commonwealth doubling in phyisical size as well as its increasing responsibilities within and without the continent, measures must be taken to ensure that the armed forces have the unfettered ability to project military forces wherever and whenever they're needed in the nation or the world. TRADOCCOM Currently the Commonwealth military's ground forces are nearly entirely split between light and heavy units due to the projected continental combat needs for the military up to recently. While light units are inherently valuable due to their rapid deployability and reduced logistical footprint, it is noted that these units are not capable of going head to head with heavy forces on open terrain. The military requires a more medium built force that is easily deployable but able to hold its own against a heavier opponent. It has been decided to reorganize two mechanized divisions and two armored divisions as a medium combat force composed of weapons and equipment that can be easily and readily transported by C-130 and/or C-17 transport aircraft. These new formations, to be designated Light Mechanized units, will be based on the Stryker armored fighting vehicle and the M5 Advanced Infantry Combat Vehicle and their variants, all of which are capable of being transported, and most even being able to be airdropped, by C-130s. Air Mobility Command As the fastest mode of transportation, the Air Force will upgrade and increase its air transportation capabilities to be able to support and sustain operations anywhere in the world using a wide range of transport aircraft. The Air Force's aircraft goal inventory will be as follows: 600 x C-130J-30 Super Hercules 360 x C-17D Globemasters 240 x C-18 Shadow Lifter 120 x C-5 Galaxies 60 x C-19 Globelifters 420 x KC-135 Stratotankers 60 x KC-10 Extenders Military Sealift Command While not as fast as air transport, naval transportation is nonetheless much more efficient, especially for heavy vehicles and equipment. It is also capable of transporting much more in a single trip than any aircraft can and will be required for any meaningful projection capabilities. The MSC will operate the following: 20 x Algol class Vehicle Cargo Ships 20 x Bob Hope class Vehicle Cargo Ships 60 x Modular Auxiliary Vessels
  4. Kennedy Space Center Shuttle Ascension lifting off Today at 11:30 am, the American Commonwealth National Space Agency successfully launched its first manned space mission into low earth orbit at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Crewed by astronauts Bob Anderson, Steve Bergin, Martin Aguilar and Amy Scriber; the shuttle Ascension will orbit the earth for three days before returning to earth. Marking the beginning of the Commonwealth's manned space program, it has been confirmed that plans are already underway to create a manned space station in orbit as well as a new and improved version of the shuttle to improve payload capabilities. Another high priority program that is currently underway is the launch of a manned lunar mission which is slated to be launched in the next several months.
  5. "Well I'm glad our business here has been successfully concluded" replied Bronson as he signed the document. "I look forward to future relations between our two nations".
  6. J Andres has passed 25 days inactivity. Could you please add it to the American Commonwealth (plus the previous above request regarding Mid-America). Please and thank you :D
  7. It had been some time since official contact had been held between the Commonwealth and the Republic of J Andres. Several attempts were made to get in touch with the J Andres and failed until a special envoy was dispatched to deal with the issue in person. Meeting J Andres government officials, it was revealed the nation was under enormous internal political and economic issues and was under he verge of collapse. At this point much of the public was openly advocating an attempt to integrate J Andres with the Commonwealth. After quick discussions the J Andres government agreed to turn over the country to Commonwealth peacekeeping forces and begin the process of holding a nationwide referendum immediately. In the meantime three light infantry divisions would be dispatched as an initial force to maintain law and order, provide security and ensure that local government and utilities functions continued unimpeded.
  8. TRADOCCOM In response to the doubling of the size of the Commonwealth, Congress has raised the military's combat personnel limit to over 780,000 troops corresponding to a 100,000 troop increase in number. In response the military has enacted several new units including two light infantry divisions, two mechanized infantry division, two armored divisions and a marine division. Additional support units have also been activated in order to facilitate the proper logistical and support requirements of the troop increase.
  9. Mark mid-america as part of the commonwealth
  10. Commonwealth military forces were mobilized and deployed within an hour of the notification of the Confederation's collapse with troops pouring across the borders seizing vital population centers, utlities, military facilities and expanding operations from there. Airborne units would be used to rapidly seize objectives further west. Lessons had been learned from the last time Commonwealth forces had embarked on a similar peacekeeping mission. The population would still be treated with respect and kindness but also firmness. Curfews would be enforced, trouble makers would be detained if their actions warranted it. Military units deployed with riot gear and non-lethal weapons along with their normal combat gear. Meanwhile the State Department would acknowledge the Faraway actions and greenlight their claims on the Cayman Islands.
  11. WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS RIM-116C RAM An improved version of the Rolling Airframe Missile used for point defense on nearly all Commonwealth warships, the C model is the newest and most capable variant to date. It possesses an new infrared seeker greatly improving its accuracy while improvements to the engine has doubled its speed and range to 20km at Mach 4. A new version of the SeaRAM has also been developed which utilizes the original full scale launcher rather than the miniaturized 11 cell launcher used by the original SeaRAM. RIM-162F ESSM The newest improvement to the ESSM line of missiles, the RIM-162F includes a number of upgrades allowing it to remain a highly effective ship point defense weapon. The new engine and rocket booster allows it to achieve speeds of up to Mach 5 and extends its range to 80km while the addition of thrust vectoring greatly enhances its maneuverability against targets. Multiple improvements have also been made to its control systems and radar guidance and data-links. Testing under has shown a consistent ability to engage sea skimming and high diving supersonic maneuvering threats. BGM-181B Typhon The Typhon is the Commonwealth Navy's primary anti-ship missile, replacing the harpoon on most naval vessels. Upgrades have been made to further improve the range of the missile to 600km while retaining its supersonic speed of Mach 3. The warhead and guidance systems have also been improved, increasing the primary warhead size to 800 lbs as well as adding a backup anti-radiation capability to the missile. MGM-179D Sea Lance The Sea Lance is the primary anti-ship ballistic missile used by the Commonwealth military. Improvements have been made to its targeting and mid-course data-links to allow for better accuracy and increasing its warhead size. BGM-184 Talos The BGM-184 Talos is the Commonwealth military's first hypersonic anti-ship missile. Utilizing a scram-jet engine, the Talos is capable of reaching sustained speeds of Mach 7 for over 400km. Possessing an 800lb warhead the Talos is capable of destroying or seriously damaging even large naval vessels like carriers. The Talos' design breaks away from normal naval missile designs that are normally created to fit inside standard Mk41/Mk60 VLS cells used on nearly every Commonwealth naval vessel. Due to its required capabilities the Talos is too big to fit inside even a Mk60 VLS cell, which is slightly larger than that of the Mk 41. Instead the Mk 62 Heavy VLS has been developed to accommodate larger missiles like the Talos and is slated to be installed on the next generation of naval vessels currently under development and construction.
  12. We are delighted that the South African government has seen fit to convey this level of trust with the American Commonwealth. We understand and will follow the stipulations and instructions that come with the purchase of these aircraft. Regarding maintenance we have no issues with either proposed options of civilian or military technicians. The order to be placed are for 60 aircraft each of the two models of fighters. The American Commonwealth government would also like to accept the invitation extended by the Union of South Africa to participate in a diplomatic meeting.
  13. MILITARY PROJECTS AH-64F Apache The next most comprehensive upgrade for the Commonwealth Army's fleet of Apache attack helicopters, the F model Apache significantly improves upon the previous E model. New engines and composite rotor blades increase performance across a wide number of areas while new lightweight composite armor plating increases its survivability. The most noticeable upgrades are to the Apache's avionics and electronics. Fully digitized for networked warfare, the Apache is capable of seamlessly patching into the battle-net. Its new AESA radar allows for a wide and accurate view of the battlefield as well as enhanced targetting accuracy. The FLIR and flight systems have also been upgraded while providing compatibility with a number of new weapons systems including the AIM-9X and The F model Apache is intended to be the last major upgrade until the new future attack helicopter comes into service. Warrior Enhancement Program Progress has been made for the next block of the Advanced Individual Warrior System which is intended to further augment the individual infantryman. First is the decision to switch from the Universal Camouflage Pattern to MultiCam as the standard camouflage pattern design for uniforms. Another improvement is the development of a lighter ceramic body armor insert that provides protection against high caliber rifle rounds at a much reduced weight improving the mobility of the individual warfighter while retaining excellent protection against battlefield threats. Also being issued is the micro-climate control vest, providing cooling or heating for soldiers on the battlefield. The integrated systems helmet will also be issued, providing for the attachment and usage of various optical and communications devices as well as providing the warfighter with a helmet visor display, improved head protection and a combat sensor suite that will provide expanded 360 degree combat situational awareness. Other technologies being implemented include the advanced individual gunshot locator and mobile jammers for IEDs. An improved lightweight power-pack system allows for the whole system to operate for 3 days under combat conditions without being replenished. Power replenishment is also now accomplished with ease with every troop transport vehicle retrofitted to be able to operate re-charging systems that soldiers can plug into while on the move. New Sidearm After lengthy and rigorous test trials for several pistols the Commonwealth military has decided to adopt the FN Five Seven handgun as the M57 Pistol. Utilizing the unique 5.7mm round, the M57 possesses inherent penetration advantages over the 9mm Beretta currently used by the Commonwealth armed forces, even against body armor. Current stocks of 9mm pistols and ammunition will still be retained for usage along with other pistols used by various other units and their ammunition.
  14. Classified Communication As part of a program to expand its capabilities, the Commonwealth military would like to acquire a number of 6th generation fighter aircraft from the Union of South Africa on licenced production. Our hope is to acquire at least 10 squadrons worth of aircraft (120 units). We look forward to receiving a response on this matter.
  15. American Commonwealth military forces deployed to South Africa would be ordered to begin withdrawal as the nation of Merina capitulated. The only forces to remain were the 904th Infantry Brigade, which was to continue the joint training program with the South Africans, and the presence of the Saratoga carrier battle-group which would continue to operate in the South Atlantic for the time being.
  16. The American Commonwealth recognizes the new Mexican nation and looks forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with the new nation and wish it the bet of luck.
  17. The 904th Infantry Brigade was ordered to fold into the command structure of the South African military for the time being. The Yorktown and Independence battle-groups had rounded the Cape of Good Hope and were proceeding to stations off the coast of Merina. The 1st Airborne Division was ordered to begin immediate deployments to South Africa along with the 49th and 81st Airlift Wings, the 4th and 32nd Fighter Wings and several E-3 AWACs. In the meantime the 4th Airborne Division was also alerted for possible deployment while the 1st Marine Division was being assembled at Little Creek and would be heading off within a day or so. The 75th Ranger Regiment was notably flown in as well along with the 160th Special Operations Air Regiment and the 63rd Special Forces Wing, operating a variety of aircraft ranging from electronic warfare aircraft to airborne gunships.
  18. PRIVATE The announcement from the government of Merina was random and unexpected, especially considering the fact that deployments were never announced publicly not to mention the fact that it was doubtful Merinian intelligence assets would be able to observe Commonwealth naval movements, especially so far away. A quick internal security check confirmed that there were no leaks and that the Merinian's were shooting in the dark and just happened to get lucky. Due to these developments the Independence battlegroup was also ordered to head to the South Atlantic to support the Yorktown battlegroup along with another MAU. PUBLIC The American Commonwealth currently has no military forces deployed near Merina to warrant this strange and random threat. We also find it unfortunate that such a poorly feigned threat is the first form of contact between our nations. We will further state that the nation of Merina's input on the Commonwealth's foreign policy and actions on the global stage is of negligible to nonexistent value. Our nation has close ties with the people of South Africa and that will take precedence over the threats of a baby nation that was only allowed to exist with their blessing. We also advise the nation of Merina to look at themselves first and deal with their own regional issues which they have managed to cause before issuing unwarranted threats to nations halfway across the world. The Commonwealth will consult with the South African government on the matter of unprovoked aggression from Merina.
  19. With tensions rising in the region the Yorktown battlegroup was ordered to head for the Indian Ocean at full steam from its station in the Mid-Atlantic along with the 3rd Marine Amphibious Unit. The 904th Infantry Brigade, currently in South Africa due to the joint training programs between the South African and Commonwealth militaries, was alerted for possible deployment along with the 1st Airborne Division at Fort Bragg. An official notice was given to the South African government offering the Commonwealth's assistance in the matter.
  20. Reading the document Nelson nodded his head in approval as he sipped on his drink and smiled. "Seems good to me. May the friendship between our three nations continue to grow stronger" he said as he affixed his signature to the treaty.
  21. Federal Firearms Act of 20XX Today, in the wake of several high profile shootings that have taken place at schools and other public institutions in the last several weeks, Congress narrowly passed a new and comprehensive gun control statute to unify and replace the several existing federal statutes as well as state gun control laws as part of a outlined plan to increase public safety. The main provisions are the complete ban on automatic weapons and the institution of new and more rigorous prerequisite qualifications for gun ownership and concealed carry. Gun owners must now re-qualify for their weapons permits yearly, which includes safety course refreshers as well as an annual mental health examination. A background check will also be required before the purchase of weapons or ammunition as well as limiting the amount of weapons and ammunition able to be purchased by an individual person at any given time. Permit costs and a small sales tax levied on the sale of weapons and ammunition will be used to provide these services to the public. All weapons must also be registered to a national database operated by the federal government. Concealed carry is still permitted in most circumstances but ultimately has been left up to the states as part of a compromise to pass the bill, although a complete ban on concealed weapons was retained for government and public institutions and property as well as areas administered by the federal government. The Gun-owners Association of Youths and Students, an outspoken gun rights advocate group for students and young adults has partnered with the Firearms Association Against Gun-control, the nation's premier gun advocacy group, to bring a lawsuit against the federal government and the new law.
  22. PACFORCOM The American Commonwealth military has activated the Pacific Forces Command as an operational unified combat command and establishing its first permanent command in the Pacific. Headquartered on Guadalupe Island, it is responsible for the operations of all branches of the military in the Pacific area of operations. Accordingly, additional forces would be provided for the new command including doubling its air contingent to four fighter squadrons, the addition of a marine division and the permanent basing of an amphibious ready group on the island.
  23. The MidAmerican ships would be informed that unoccupied islands off the coast of the Latin American protectorate were also under the administration of the protectorate jointly operated by the American Commonwealth and the Hudson Bay Federation and that their attempts to land were unauthorized. In the meantime F-35s and MQ-4 Tritons would shadow the ships until they left the area.
  24. We thank our friends in South Africa for their offer of assistance. This is a positive sign of the growing friendship between our two nations. We hope to be able to repay your kindness and generosity. -American Commonwealth State Department
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