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Everything posted by MostGloriousLeader

  1. "It is nice to meet you Minister Nakamichi" said President Marston as they shook hands. "Please, come inside". The party would travel through the White House on a miniature tour after which they would settle themselves into a conference room where snacks and refreshments were offered. "So Mr. Nakamichi, what can I do for you today?".
  2. The American Commonwealth officially recognizes the nation of Legion as an independent nation. We would like to extend the offer of a diplomatic exchange to establish formal ties.
  3. BC Referendum Today the results of a special referendum held in the Commonwealth inherited portion of British Columbia were announced, with the territory voting to join the Calgarian Federation. Most of the local population generally feel that they would rather be part of a state that they can share a cultural and historical heritage with. Independent observers provided by the Commonwealth Electoral Commission and local community leaders have stated that the referendum was clean and valid. The federal government is currently working with the local populace and government of the Calgarian Federation to ensure a smooth transition. Mass Vicidalian Immigration Since the collapse of Faraway, Vicidalians have been unable to form a new nation state of their own and have migrated elsewhere. Currently many, if not most, are immigrating to the Commonwealth by the millions. Most have set the state of Acadia as their destination, being a former part of Faraway and having a small cultural base already established. The infusion of so many immigrants has initiated a local economic boom with housing and construction activities rebounding rapidly and the establishment of new local businesses by the massive amount of new arrivals.
  4. The American Commonwealth will support UNSC Resolution 1 in its amended form and votes aye on the measure. The American Commonwealth will also volunteer to lead the effort to dismantle the nuclear weapons of the former nation of Bolivia having experience in this regard dismantling the nuclear stockpiles of several nations that are no defunct.
  5. Drug Bust Topples Crime Syndicate ICE Agents conducting a raid at a warehouse in Portland, Oregon Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents and local law enforcement raided an local warehouse in Portland, Oregon this morning in a raid intended to seize a shipment of the dangerous drug known as krokodil. While the raid did seize the intended drugs it also uncovered something more. The warehouse was the central hub of an illegal "Male Order" human trafficking operation originating from Siberian Marscuria where hundreds of men were imprisoned. Young Marscurian men were lured in with the promises of a better life and the prospect of being with a woman who wasn't Marscurian, only to be sold into sexual slavery to middle aged upper class housewives who are neglected by their husbands. More important was the discovery of documents and intelligence that allowed law enforcement officials to arrest dozens of clients as well as the kingpin of the operation less than an hour later. Pittsburgh police raided a downtown penthouse and took the suspect into custody. The woman, who has only been identified by her first name Sarah, was also found with another woman, Eva, who was also arrested and is purported to be her Austrian lover and business partner A search of the premises led to the finding of a Marscurian in a storage space converted into a sex dungeon. The Marscurian, who simply called himself 'Melech', was life flighted to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition. "Man, I feel bad for the kid" said Pittsburgh Police Captain Aaron Lafferty. "They should compensate him with citizenship or something because from what it looks like he had it really rough. The stuff they did to the poor guy makes Buffalo Bill look like a pansy" he said as he supervised other officers walking out with a stream of feathery and laced boxes, one with a ball gag hanging off the side and what appeared to be electric cattle-prods and branding irons sticking out. Officials say that efforts are being made to contact the victim's families through all available channels and that they will be cared for in the meantime. They are currently receiving medical treatment through local hospitals at a temporary detainment center and have all been offered psychological counseling in the matter. Local charities and aid organizations have also offered various services to the victims and it has been confirmed that Sarah McLachland is attempting to raise awareness on the Marscurian sex slavery issue by making a public service announcement featuring very sad music and Melech, the Marscurian rescued in Pittsburgh as part of the "Marscurians are People Too" human rights campaign.
  6. The American Commonwealth casts votes for itself as well as the following regional representatives for the Security Council: Madagascar, Dai-Tohoku, Imperio Republica, and Prussia
  7. You know this has already been done right? Like, we actually started the RP until it kind of farted out of existence.
  8. Compared to most recent events this was probably the most stable transition of power so far in the Commonwealth's history. Military forces would mainly be used to just occupy former Californian military installations and weapons stockpiles, although they would be made available for civil stability operations if needed. Officials and agents from various government agencies would arrive and begin the integration process with the current governmental infrastructure in place as well as the process of holding elections to determine the new states' representation at the federal level.
  9. Public Announcement The American Commonwealth State Department has issued a travel ban on the nations of Bolivia and Paraguay and also strongly urges Commonwealth citizens currently present to leave these nations due to the ongoing conflict and potential for its escalation. The State Department will charter aircraft to evacuate both Commonwealth citizens and any willing foreign nationals from the conflict zone and requests the cooperation of the governments of all nations involved in this matter. Classified Ballistic missile defense assets in the Caribbean and the Commonwealth proper were ordered to full alert with the potential for the conflict to escalate. While it was doubtful things would go that far no chances would be taken.
  10. The American Commonwealth supports the re-establishment of the United Nations as a major step towards better international relations and cooperation between nations on the global stage. The Commonwealth also requests the honor and responsibility of providing a delegate to represent North America, and hopefully down the road to fill the American seat on the Security Council. -Secretary of State McNutt
  11. Minister Nakamichi's aircraft was cleared to proceed through Commonwealth airspace and onto Washington DC, being provided an fighter escort for the journey. Both of the fighter pilots were bewildered as to the strange yet adorable decals on the plane, not really something a military pilot expects to see on a plane. The aircraft would be directed to land at Andrews where a motorcade would take the Japanese minister and his staff into the city, passing by many of the renowned DC landmarks, including the Washington Monument and World War II Memorial and Lincoln Memorial. The half hour drive ended at the White House where President Marston and other government officials awaited the minister's arrival along with a military band and color guard.
  12. The American Commonwealth would be more than happy to hold a meeting with your nation to discuss and establish diplomatic ties and trade relations. We thank the Commonwealth of Canada and would like to state that we would be open to establishing relations between our two nations. The American Commonwealth is always open to the establishment of good relations with other countries.
  13. After a 24 hour period voting has ended and the ballots have been tallied. Throughout the race both the democratic and republican candidates were neck in neck and the vote ended in a near tie between the two, both coming out with 42.68% of the vote. At the very end of the race Marston pulled ahead with a 6% lead. Boener conceded the race to Marston shortly afterwards. Bradley Marston is now the third president of the American Commonwealth. OOC: The top two were tied so I coin flipped to see who would win. Indiana Jones.. er... Marston won the coin flip. Edit: meh, there was one last second vote so I re did it :/ (Currently 7 Dem, 6 Rep, 2 Lib)
  14. The 4th American Commonwealth Presidential Election, as well as general elections for congress, are looming on the horizon along with a frenzy of political activity and campaigning. The retirement of President Bronson and the decision of President Nelson to not run for another term has led to the disintegration of an large or organized independent moderate presence in the Commonwealth's political scene. New politics have polarized voters to two mainstream parties. Now, amidst an economic crisis, the presidential candidates must navigate this new political environment. Bradley Marston Party: Democrat Vice President: Hillary Clifton Democratic party candidate Bradley Marston is the current Governor of the state of New York, launching his campaign as his current term as governor comes to an end. Marston has gained prominence as a star of the democratic party since the start of his governorship, in which he has been the first and only governor of New York since its induction into the Commonwealth, winning re-election handily several times. Marston's tenure as governor has established himself as a highly effective and efficient administrator that has grown New York into the state with the largest economy in the Commonwealth. Even in the waning days of his governorship, amidst the financial and economic crisis, Marston's leadership and economic initiatives have limited the damage to the state's economy and has even managed to spur a small recovery. As president, Marston has promised to enact government relief programs to slow and halt the economic decline and, eventually, to bring about a recovery. He has stated he would push for another round of stimulus spending while temporarily expanding social safety programs for the duration of the recession. Marston has said he plans to expand education programs and social security, reform healthcare as well as re-institute financial regulations that were removed by the republican controlled house several years ago which many have blamed as a cause of the economic crisis. If elected as president, Marston has also promised that he would do everything in his power to positively promote the Commonwealth on the international stage, seeking to expand greater economic and diplomatic ties with other nations in the world. Richard Boener Party: Republican Vice President: Tim Cruze Ohio Congressman and Speaker of the House Richard Boener is the prime candidate of the Republican Party for the upcoming election. Decades of successfully navigating internal party politics has raised Boener to the spotlight in his party. A professed moderate republican, Boener has claimed that while he lacks executive experience, his insight into the legislative process will allow him to make an effective president and to work across the aisle with democrats. Boener's views on how to solve the economic issues facing the Commonwealth differ somewhat from his democratic opposite. He claims that while he'd be in favor of a limited stimulus he was opposed to increasing government spending on expanding social safety programs or re-enacting regulations removed by his party, saying that the answer to the recession was further deregulation, smaller government, and lowering taxes on corporations and job creators. He has also announced that he would greatly increase military funding, even after budget cuts were restored to the military. On the other hand his plans for foreign affairs are very much similar to Marston's, as he intends to expand the Commonwealth's overseas relations and ties. Glenn Taylor Party: Libertarian Vice President: Remmy Paul Glenn Taylor is one of the most prominent politicians of the Libertarian party. Advocating vastly reduced government, candidate Taylor has claimed he plans to cut back the federal government and intends to reinvest the power in the various state governments. Taylor has claimed that ideally that in his vision for the federal government, many social programs would be cut or eliminated like social security and various welfare programs, and would be limited to defense and foreign affairs. In regards to the latter he has said that while his government wouldn't be opposed to pursuing trade and better relations with other nations, he was against establishing any permanent ties that bind the Commonwealth to a foreign power claiming that non-interference should be the foreign policy of the nation. All three candidates have said that they are open to questions from different parties. OOC: Only votes from players participating in cnrp will be counted.
  15. Weapons Development Projects Mark 62 HWT Weight: 4,200 lb Length: 7.2 m Diameter: 533mm Range: 60km (low speed), 40km (max speed) Warhead: 800lb Speed: Over 80 knots Maximum Depth: Over 1,000 m Guidance: Wire guidance, active/passive acoustic homing, wake homing The Mark 62 Heavyweight Torpedo is a newly designed and highly capable replacement for the Mark 48 ADCAP torpedo currently in service with the Commonwealth Navy. The Mark 62 represents a huge leap in overall capabilities. It is faster, more manueverable, and can dive deeper than the Mark 48. One of the most important improvements is the guidance system, which uses a variety of methods including fiber-optic wire guidance, wake homing, passive/active acoustic homing, or a combination of all three, to track and intercept targets. The seeker possesses advanced counter-countermeasure capabilities as well as being optimized for both open ocean and littoral operations. Mark 63 LWT Weight: 1,000 lb Length: 3 m Diameter: 324 mm Range: 30 km (low speed), 15 km (max speed) Warhead: 100lb Speed: Over 50 knots Maximum Depth: Over 1,000 m Guidance: Active/passive acoustic homing The Mark 63 LWT was created to replace the Mark 50 and Mark 54 as the Commonwealth Navy’s primary Lightweight Torpedo. One of the key improvements is the Mark 63’s extreme manueverability and speed which, coupled with its guidance systems, allow it to operate against a wide range of targets in both open ocean and littoral environments. It is able to detect and engage stationary bottomed out targets and, due to a wide range of possible settings, it can engage surface targets and is even capable of being used as a anti-torpedo defense system. While the base model is capable of engaging torpedoes, a specialized anti-torpedo version is more optimized for the role using a high explosive warhead rather than the shaped charge warhead but retains the same guidance and propulsion systems. The Mark 63 is able to be used aboard an extremely wide array platforms ranging from fixed wing and rotary aircraft to ships, subs and even missiles for standoff engagements. Mark 64 SCT Weight: 7,000 lb Length: 8.8 m Diameter: 533mm Range: 25km Warhead: 800lb Speed: Over 250 knots Maximum Depth: Over 1,000 m Guidance: Active/passive acoustic homing The Mark 64 Supercavitating Torpedo is an marked advance from the Mark 60 SCT that came before it. Quicker and more manueverable, it also has a better guidance system, which can be programmed for a variety of search patterns. Its 800lb warhead is guaranteed to cause massive damage, if not sink, any target it hits. Possible future upgrades being developed include adding wire guidance to the torpedo. Normally deployed on submarines, the Mark 64 is also able to be launched from surface craft with the appropriate launch systems or even fixed wing aircraft with some modifications. BUM-185 ASSW Weight: 7,000 lb Length: 6.5 m Diameter: 533mm Range: 80km Payload: Mark 63 LWT Speed: Mach 2 Guidance: Inertial, midcourse update The BUM-185 Anti-submarine standoff weapon was designed to provide both surface vessels and submarines a weapon capable of engaging hostile submarines at extended range. While able to use on-board sensors, the most is gained out of the BUM-185 when used in cooperation with longer ranged off-board sensors, like helicopters or fixed wing ASW aircraft, to allow the best use of the missile’s standoff capability. Once launched it can be provided with constant midcourse updates until it reaches the target, where upon it jettisons the Mark 63 LWT which decends via parachute and activiates as soon as it hits the water. The BUM-185 is able to be launched from a normal Mk 41 VLS cell but is also able to be launched by aircraft or even by submarine via a special enclosed waterproof capsule.
  16. Numerous referendums were held throughout the American Commonwealth administered protectorates to allow the people a chance for self determination and to choose their future. The results were varied throughout. Several canadian provinces opting to form their own independent nations while at the same time Acadia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia opted to join the Commonwealth as states, the organization of which remains to be determined. Referendums in Greenland and Cuba also so those regions join the Commonwealth, although the former has voted to remain a territory rather than a state for the time being. The majority of mexicans have voted to retain their protectorate status in the hopes of being able to form their own government down the road. The American Commonwealth has announced that it will maintain administration of protectorate zones until the local population has decided such actions are no longer needed and form their own governments.
  17. A secure message would also be sent offering assistance in the equipping of Manitoba's defense forces.
  18. The rest is to be folded into the Commonwealth as the Greenlandic Special Administration Territory
  19. "While I admit you're offer is strange but I believe it is acceptable on the part of my nation. We have an agreement".
  20. The American Commonwealth recognizes and congratulates the people of the Calgarian Federation on being able to form an effective government this quickly and wish them the best. Commonwealth troops will begin withdrawal from the area, to be shifted to other parts of the Canadian protectorate.
  21. Secretary McNutt would take in the sights along the way, noting with some marvel how different this was from downtown Washington D.C. It was quaint and the people seemed nice enough. McNutt went through the motions, greeting people, smiling, shaking hands, answering barrages of questions asked by princesses. Greeting the King, McNutt shook his hand and followed him into his office, sitting down and getting a glass of water. "King Nightfall" he began. "As you know, military action is the most serious of acts to be undertaken by a nation. President Nelson's term is coming to an end and he does not intend to run for another. Even so, he is concerned about the legacy and future he will provide for both his successor and our nation. As you've probably heard, due to recent events the American Commonwealth is the last major power left in North America. This is a responsibility that we bear, one that we will uphold. Greenland's strategic position in the North Atlantic serves as a buffer zone between Europe and North America. One we intend to maintain. Because of this the territorial control of Greenland is, unfortunately, not something we can offer. But this is a matter we do wish to resolve without bloodshed. We are willing to discuss alternative measures to ensure peace and stability in the North Atlantic region. Greenland is a pretty undeveloped area, one which holds a fair amount of natural resources. One which we ourselves will most likely be unable to tap into on our own. If the claim to Greenland is dropped and Icelandic troop are withdrawn, we shall allow the use of a large portion of Greenland's eastern exclusive economic zone by Icelandic fishing vessels, provided they follow our nations safety and fishing regulations while they are there. We are also willing to institute policies to make it easier for Icelandic citizens and companies to conduct business in Greenland".
  22. Half the deadline was gone and Commonwealth troops were prepared and ready to initiate operations once the deadline was up in another 24 hours. Despite the ultimatum, longstanding foreign policy of the Commonwealth was to avoid conflict where possible and President Nelson didn't like the idea of his Presidency on the note of blood shed as well as the detriment a war would be to the security of the North Atlantic region. Contact would be initiated with the Icelandic government for discussion over the matter. The deadline would remain in place but Secretary of State McNutt would be dispatched to Reykjavik on a fast jet to represent the Commonwealth.
  23. Should have asked to also label Mexico, outside the Tikal protectorate, as the Mexican Provisional Administration. Srry, plz and thnx.
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