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Everything posted by Margrave

  1. OOC: In real life you can't buy back your Wonder. IC: We're all micros now by the old standards.
  2. I think someone needs a prescription of scope and self awareness, stat.
  3. All of those people know precisely how I feel about them. What's unclear is to what level you intend to degrade yourself to in order to keep up this farcical "diplomatic" exchange.
  4. You want to stop with the inferred homophobia, or is that the level of diction we can expect from you Stonewall?
  5. I've never seen so many grown men fight over another man with such passion. We in Kashmir respect all forms of love between consenting parties, but ask that you folks get a room, as this public space is not the proper location for a "Love-In".
  6. I'm going to miss you folks. Kashmir is open to any with an interest, but best of luck finding whichever place calls to you.
  7. Does Oculus, the home of NPO and a world power, not posess sufficient diplomats to refute or reduce the bad optics they're getting from this war? Hell, how hard is it to get people on a "more in sorrow than in anger" message for TPF/STA, and then just assert with little evidence that MI6 is doing something bad? Instead, a bunch of forgettables are talking smack to the most universally respected ethical leader in CN, and talking shit about an ancient and loyal former NPO ally. That's unforgivably stupid from a bloc whose supoosed to be this great power.
  8. I know I won't forget IRON being a member of the Coalition of Cowards who abandoned NPO during her time of need in Karma. They keep repeating this old line of "we were punishing them", but they've hugged pixels before and since to the point that old saw can't carry any water with anyone who was there at the time.
  9. Which ones? I feel like GW3 was, but I might be mistaken.
  10. In a future where everyone has redefined success to be inherent regardless of outcomes, everyone's a winner. Go team everybody!
  11. You're not qualified to write apologies; you still haven't even written one for the Bubblegum War, or Crisis, or whatever it was.
  12. OOC:Let's summarise for the class. Sir Kindle says some stuff about physically abusing and molesting and/or killing people playing an online nation simulator because he didnt get his way. Your side remains silent on the subject but Sir Kindle is told to go away from the OWF, probably by Stonewall. I post the logs link and describe them to you, and you refuse to acknowledge their contents, even if only to dispute their veracity. In conclusion: Because you refuse to condemn those behaviors by Sir Kindle, and refuse to even acknowledge that he posted threats against the lives and well beings of other people because of what was said in an online nation simulator, you are tacitly consenting and approving of said behavior so as not to damage your in game relationship with Sir Kindle and Animalz. That's pretty friggin deplorable, but hey, I am just the guy you don't like because we are IC opponents in said game, so obviously I am not a real human like you, pointing out a behavior we should both be condemning as repugnant. Edit:forgot the part about causing harm to their families, but he did that too.
  13. OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/127966-the-animalz-are-loose/?p=3423732 It is funny that for all your talk of morals, you refuse to face facts when one of your friends does something wrong. So, when Sir Kindle threatened people's family members OOC, because he was denied permission to raid KoRT as a GOON, was that a behavior you are are okay with? OOC Edit: for clarity, what I meant was, when he threatened to kill, abuse, molest and humiliate GOON nation leaders families, in real life, for the ingame/IC reason of not being allowed to raid KoRT, are you going to tacitly endorse that behavior by being silent in condemning it?
  14. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/127966-the-animalz-are-loose/?p=3423732 Gonna repeat the question. Do you endorse the behavior these logs reveal?
  15. Was it or was it not okay for Sir Kindle to say those things? Do you endorse that kind of behavior? For reference, see link.below. Http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/127966-the-animalz-are-loose/?p=3423732
  16. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/127966-the-animalz-are-loose/?p=3423732 Sir Kindle, Methrage, I await your response to the link above that shows the sort of behavior Sir Kindle finds acceptable. Do you deny its veracity? Do you repent of the things you said about what you would do to other people's family members because you didnt get your way?
  17. Pretty sure no Sith has ever groveled at the feet of any alliance, much less us. But this is all just agitprop. And since it is, what is your statement concerning the logs GOONs posted showing Sir Kindle talking about doing terrible things to family members of GOON nation leaders because they didnt approve his hit on KoRT? Why is it that no credible alliance leader has signed on with you? If they have, why do they not defend you? These are important questions. I don't expect you to answer them, but I do enjoy that you cannot accomplish any of your long term goals because (1. You are too caught up in a very shallow form of your own ideology to ever have real longterm success) (2. You redefine victory and defeat constantly so you can never be beaten and you are always winning) and (3. The peoole you align yourself with are fundamentally unstable, and are poor tools for achieving your grand vision). You are trapped inside of your own madness, and the shouting of the entire diplomatic corps of every alliance cannot wake you. I pity you that, if only out of a sense of charity. Maybe one day you'll join the rest of us on Planet Bob instead of planet Methrage...Maybe.
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