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Everything posted by Kankou

  1. A very basic question: What is the deadline for this poll?
  2. I did read it, and I can basically apply the same thing to just about every people, but mostly against no other than Triyun, Malatose, you, and myself. All of us have achieved extreme militarization that exceeds anything the Soviet Union had to go through during the Cold War, to the point all of us should be in hyperinflation or have next to no social benefits for our citizens. All of us, but particularly Triyun and you, have conducted so many wars that we should be drowning in debt far above what RL US, EU, or USSR can withstand. How many new tanks have we built, far above the numbers of any construction during peacetime at the expense of our citizens? How much futuristic technology which would cost millions for each troop have we given out? How much money have we used in R&D, where there is quite a bit of waste and goes into the hundreds of billions with our scales? Simply put, we already exceed any scale of decent economy with our regular militaries. Is any of us in the position to use the notion of economy to argue that something should be restricted, especially in a culture where economy is ignored as being too complex to understand? The only person who comes close to doing things by their realistic economic limitations, in my belief, is TheShammySocialist.
  3. I'll just state simply: Stop putting in economy when convenient to booster one's argument when the general convention is "economy do not exist, so stop trying to put realism into CNRP". It would be nice if everyone RPs within common sense, but there is next to none in CNRP in the first place, which leads to the general hypermilitarization which only one nation in RL history, DPRK, has been able to top. When we start from that, are you sure you or anyone else have any right to go about economies?
  4. [quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1350267196' post='3041493']You should all be ashamed of yourselves.[/quote] You're mean, EM. I'm just a victim here
  5. Lynneth is successful: He managed to bore even me with his technobabble, which is difficult given I'm pretty immune to it due to others doing similar stuff without even bothering to defend the physics of it. But anyway, it's just what TheShammySocialist and I worry about: Along with making Space RPs canon, touching the time continuity will cause a lot of insanity and bickering to happen. If you're willing to go through that, fine, but don't expect to have it be some tea party.
  6. I wouldn't want to touch the retroactive application button because that'll basically affect half of CNRP, including but not limited to people like iamthey (100 years passing in a single post). Unless you're willing to go through every post and start weeding out the entire system. Mind you, I think Lynneth's population is absurd, and if Space RP becomes canon I will work to make it remotely realistic, but using the time scale method is basically undermining the entire CNRP system itself. Basically, what using retroactive application on time scale amounts to is to penalize the successful player for what he's done.
  7. About time scale: I ran some searches, and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=42831&st=4720#entry2463222"]the earliest reference I got about 1 RL month = 3 years happens to be from Lynneth about two years ago[/url]. No one seems to have challenged this (although it seems those that posted were not who now challenges the scale). But regardless of this, even suppose we do restrict the time scale to 1 RL month = 1 year, I find the notion of retroactive application to be absurd.
  8. I'm of the opinion that after this poll, we expand the ability to vote to those who are making the effort to join the community on the forums (people such as Horo). As for the original poll itself, I'll just wait and see the results.
  9. Yawoo asked for suggestions, I gave one. Simple as that.
  10. An idea I threw in IRC: Having more land than one is "allowed" to (be it based on SoI, Infrastructure, etc) will require a certain number of troops/garrison stationed in the land to keep it. The benefit will be that one can have a number equal to 10% of the stationed troops/garrison as additional troops to one's general stats. Basically, this should fit having both costs and benefits in expanding land. We can apply different standards to annexed territories, colonies/confederations, and protectorates. Please avoid any talks about "rendering successful players into second class citizens". Obviously we wouldn't be applying this to current territories, would we?
  11. Apparently Triyun believes any discussion for that is a deviating from the original topic, if I understand his thoughts correctly. Given this, why should we be discussing it? It'll only bring up the "everything is OOC-motivated" argument that some people love to use. On topic: I do not see any reason for the original proposal, since it is only a change in labels and does not solve the supposed "problem" of people not interacting.
  12. Yes, but how do you make more interaction short of outright annexing all protectorates? Relabelling protectorates as colonies is not going to change anything.
  13. No, Triyun is just a tsundere. He isn't bad
  14. Yeah yeah Triyun, everything I do is ultimately about you / sarcasm. Utimately, the proposal is strange in that it is nothing different from the status quo except a change in name. Exactly what is the purpose of the proposal in the first place?
  15. So far peacetime replenishing has not been reasonable, given it is instant as compared to wartime replenishing.
  16. Of course Triyun, only those with axes to grind in the first place would continuously complain about axes and also throw around accusations when there are none to be thrown around. One idea is being able to replenish faster, but we would need to make some standard of replenishing. Basically, having more land than one is "allowed" to (be it based on SoI, Infrastructre, etc) will given an additional boost to replenishing (sort of like how you can get foreign manpower in occupying/annexed territories in HoI). We will have to implement a set standard for replenishing before than, though.
  17. Well I don't know, we already have people being against any sort of costs being added to expanding. How do you propose to get over such opposition?
  18. Well, about why what I am "throwing" around might be vague: It's because the initial ruling is in itself vague, where it adds nuclear damages received, whether nukes had been fired, and the concept of three month damages. In a way it is a highly narrow rule that needs to be expanded to cover most issues that might occur. This seems to have been achieved with TSS's proposal ("Those that use (but rerolled before retaliatory strikes) and/or are hit by nuclear weapons, are required to roleplay out those damages in a reroll nation."). I believe a poll on this proposal should be made, after which we can discuss related issues such as what constitutes damages. As for the concept of military restriction following nuclear attacks: I would say this is related to the problem of peacetime replenishing. Theoretically as things are right now, anyone can build up a city within one RL month with next to no consequences at all, and in the case of militaries, there IS no consequences with people basically doing instant replenishing when it would take years to build up the same level force given the highly advanced technology of CNRP's forces (among the methods are mothballed navies and fighter reserves, while infantry are magically replaced). If we consider that quite a few of the largest militaries are made almost completely of volunteers, this gets even more absurd. Basically, as long as the rebuilding process and replenishing are unrealistic to the extremes, we can either have forced replenishing rates (GM intervention if necessary) or have some sort of scale as TBM proposed. Neither would, I believe, be popular given how people are reluctant to pay any costs for post-war victories, but discussions could be made. However, I hope this is split from the establishing of the basic nuking rule.
  19. In what was basically smuggling, a stream of parts and scientists came from Quebec to Colombia. Armed with expertise, funding, and blueprints, they set on helping the Colombians get their first sun on earth. The type of fusion plant that Quebec was providing was a D-D Superconducting Tokamak. While the D-D fusion reactor by itself is less efficient based on a size to productivity when compared to other methods such as D-T, D-He3, and p-B11, and there is the cost of infrastructure which is much higher due to the various components needed for a tokamak as opposed to inertial (laser) containment, it still provides advantages. D-D has been chosen both for better control over the plasma and for being the reactor type which produces the least amount of neutrons. Given the potential disasters that a fusion reactor can cause (comparative to the worst case fission power plant disasters), safety was on the mind of the Quebecers, and this contributed to the choosing of the D-D process. In addition, the superconductors needed for a D-D plant meant that Colombia could dramatically increase the efficiency of the power grid, which is needed in a large and highly populated country such as Quebec. As the fusion plant was being built, the Quebec scientists would teach their Colombian counterparts all that was needed to replicate a reactor and also actions needed to take in case of trouble. The Quebecers would remain for at least five years in order to help their southern colleagues become fully independent. In the meantime, publicly everything would be announced as being of Colombian origins.
  20. "And in the spirit of a stable North America, would Mexico be interested in a Peace Intelligence Aid Treaty?"
  21. [quote]To: President Dominic, of Newfoundland& Labrador, and Harley, Minister of Foreign Affairs From: Shirakime, Conseiller en matière de sécurité nationale auprès du Président du République grand québécoise With the President being away on business, I shall be entertaining your Excellencies. Please arrive at any time, and the Greater Quebec Republic shall be prepared to receive you.[/quote]
  22. For one reason or another, the Ministry of Foreign and American Affairs of the Greater Quebec Republic did not have the manpower to actually get things done, and thus the cable arrived at the desk of Conseiller en matière de sécurité nationale auprès du Président, Shirakime. With a slight annoyance (if it weren't for her ethnicity, she would have become the Minister, whose seat was vacant), she typed out a response. [quote]To: Ephraim Halliwell, Minister of Foreign affairs of the Free Republic of Ontario From: Shirakime, Conseiller en matière de sécurité nationale auprès du Président du République grand québécoise If it is practical, please have the Ontario representative come to Montréal. Given circumstances, I shall be taking the role as acting Minister of Foreign and American Affairs of the Greater Quebec Republic.[/quote]
  23. Only direct blood relations are physical structures, and even then the social structure surrounding the blood relations can be easily broken (family breaking apart, etc).
  24. TheShammySocialist's proposal: "Those that use (but rerolled before retaliatory strikes) and/or are hit by nuclear weapons, are required to roleplay out those damages in a reroll nation." Basically, if you get nuked, you have to RP out the equivalent damages (be it natural disaster, civil war, etc) in your reroll nation. If you nuke but reroll before getting nuked, you have to RP as if you were nuked. Someone please make a poll, to write this proposal into stone .
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