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Everything posted by Schecterville

  1. o/ Karma I've been waiting for something like this for a long time.
  2. Congrats to both alliances! I respect you both.
  3. There's some meat to chew on. Good stuff.
  4. I look forward to seeing some more NSO sexiness around TGR. Hail TGR! Hail NSO!
  5. I'm back. Don't try to recruit me, I have my alliance options in mind already. I haven't looked at anything that's happened since I left, so I have no idea whats going on in CN right now. I'm completely clueless. I'll be taking my time to do my research, trust me. It's good to be back, though. I look forward to working with you all again. And I bet 60% of you won't even remember who I am. Ah well, if you don't remember me or even know me, feel free to meet me! I'd like to speak with a lot of you who I haven't talked to in awhile. Thanks!
  6. I would like to come back to Cyber Nations, but it seems I can't make a nation. When I try to register an account, it says that it appears that I already have an account, so I tried logging in as Schecterville, and there is no account under that name. I tried having my password sent, and it still appeared that there was no account under that name. So, should I just give up on any desire to come back to Cyber Nations, or is there something that can be done about this issue? Thanks for any help in advance.
  7. Yeah. It could be a picture of your mom in the shower.
  8. Good evening Paragon thread. Have a good morning bump.
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